高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing 基础词汇导学案 新人教版选修7_第1页
高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing 基础词汇导学案 新人教版选修7_第2页
高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing 基础词汇导学案 新人教版选修7_第3页
高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing 基础词汇导学案 新人教版选修7_第4页




1、 陕西省榆林育才中学高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing 基础词汇导学案 新人教版选修7一、学习目标:1. 通过练习,读会本单元的重点词汇。2. 记住本单元重点词汇和短语的意思。二、学法指导:单词和词组是学习英语的基础。大家可以按照一定的规律:音标词义拼写-词性-用法,来吃透每个单词,这样才可以游刃有余的使用。词组和一些固定搭配是目前高考考试的重点,而且很多都是无规律而言,需要同学们大量的记忆。Step 根据所给音标大声朗读或者跟读本单元的词汇。emel f:tnat md tekstbk knsept bkt wi:kl bbl relvnt rmt rd rektgl rektjl(r)

2、 dst pltf:m snf p:tspet nt:prt(r) leftv(r) i:vl waiz prvld pepw:k rendmnt strn:t ktlg vlntr nv:sr vksnen splmnt pla trkt(r) i:knmk dstrbju:t dstrbju:n fannl skjrt pret klnk Step 2 根据汉语提示写出本单元的词汇。1. 两星期 _2.观念,概念_3.有关的,切题的 _4. 遥远的,偏僻的_5.参与,参加_6.否则, 不然 _7.特权, 特别优待_8.接到的信_9.极想,渴望 _10.不久前的一天_11.偶遇_ 12.说实

3、话,说实在的_13.领去某地_14.完全变干,干透_15.(河流、井)干涸_16.在困难中,在危急中_17 肯定如此,毫无疑问 _18. 有意义,起作用_ 19. 渐渐开始,逐渐干 _20伸出, 显得突出_21.调整,适应_Step 3 大声朗读下列单词和短语relevant doorway adjust platform soft grill privilege arrangement toast comb astronaut catalogue purchase anniversary seed seedling sew ox trunk tailor income skill parti

4、cipate political distribution finance security operate remote otherwise donare clinicwork as take photos of be dying to do / for sth. adapte to for sure the other day come across jump out make a difference hear fromget to know shake hands with sb. stick out get through in the centre of upside down d

5、ry out / up in need sewing machine trunk libraryStep 4 精美句子背诵。(同学们试着将句子的意思写出来)1. I know youre dying to hear all about my life here. 2. Ive included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about. 3. When I reach the school grounds there are lots of “good mornings” for me from the bo

6、ys, many of whom have walked a long way, sometimes up to two hours, to get to the school. 4. Im still trying to adapt to these conditions but, one thing is for sure, Ive become a lot more imaginative in my teaching. 5. The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment - before I knew it, t

7、he mixture was bubbling over every where. 6. Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to the kids, most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8. 7. But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I did visit a village that was the home of one of the boys, Tombe. 8. We walked for two and a half hours to get there - first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep slope to the valley below. 9. When we arrived at the village, Tombes mother, Kiak, who had been working in her garden, started crying “ieee ieee”. 10. To


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