高中英语 Unit 3 单元复习与巩固导学案 新人教版必修1_第1页
高中英语 Unit 3 单元复习与巩固导学案 新人教版必修1_第2页
高中英语 Unit 3 单元复习与巩固导学案 新人教版必修1_第3页




1、河北省唐山市开滦第二中学高中英语 Unit 3 单元复习与巩固导学案 新人教版必修1 第一部分、基础练习I词汇1. Jan travels worldwide a lot with his parents. Now he becomes greatly interested in writing j_.2. When I was a child, I d_ of becoming a scientist.3. She tried to p_ him to give up smoking, but he wouldnt listen.4. She wont do what I ask - she

2、s very s_.5. Although we were very tired, we all i_ that we not rest until we finished the work.6. I am d_ to do better in English this term.7. Its his home, so he is f_ with the street.8. The songs were r_ by the radio company.9. You havent done the job p_ youll have to do it again.10. Give me all

3、the d_ of the accident tell me what happened in detail.II. 词组识记1. take a great bike trip 11. 山地车2. give me a determined look 12. 关心,在于3. change ones mind 13.下决心做某事4. give in 14. 为某人所熟悉5. in western Yunnan Province 15. 在海拔5000多米处6. have an idea 16. 沿着湄公河从源头骑车至终点7. field trip 17. 梦想做某事8. as usual 18.

4、说服某人做某事9. stay awake 19. 很有乐趣10. travel journal 20. 一则是再则是第一部分基础练习答案I词汇a. journals, dreamed/dreamt, to persuade, stubborn, insisted, determined, familiar, recorded, properly, detailsb. 1. 作一次了不起的自行车旅行 11. mountain bike2. 给我一个坚定的眼神 12. care about3. 改变主意 13.make up ones mind to do4. 投降,屈服,让步 14. be fa

5、miliar to sb5. 在云南省西部 15. at an altitude of over 5,000 meters6. 想出一个主意办法 16. cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends7. (学生)实地考察旅行 17. dream of/ about doing8. 像平常一样 18. persuade sb to do/ into doing9. 醒着 19. great fun10. 旅游日记/志 20. for one thing,for another/ also第二部分 强化训练一

6、单项选择1 I have two tickets to Beijing. I_ my father.A am taking B have taken C take D will have taken2 Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology_ so rapidly. A has changed B is changing C will have changed D will changed3 He _ of how he can do more for the people.A w

7、ill always think B is always thinking C has always been thinking D does think always4 I want to know when he _ for New York.A has left B had left C is leaving D would leave5 _ That famous fish _ because of pollution._ Yes, we have to do something to save it.A has died B had died C is dead D is dying

8、6 All day today, Jane and her sister _ very hard at home.A are work B are worked C are working D have working7 When I see Jean in the street, she always _at me.A smiled B has smiled C was smiling D smiles8 Janet_ one dress already, and now she _ another.A made, is been making B had made, is makingC

9、has made, is making D would have made, is being made9 Do you know when Mr. Brown_? When he _, please let me know.A is coming, will come B comes, is comingC will come , comes D comes, will come10 While_, she cut himself.A shaved B shaving C was shaving D was shaved11 As she_ the newspaper, Granny_ as

10、leep.A read, was falling B was reading, fellC was reading, was falling D read, fell12 I dont think Jim saw me, he _ into space.A just stared B has just stared C was just staring D had just stared13 _Come on, Peter. I want to show you something . _ Oh, how nice of you. I _ you _ bring me a gift.A nev

11、er think, are going B never thought, were goingC didnt think, were going D hadnt thought, were going14 dont really work here, I _ until the new secretary arrives.A just help out B have just helped outC am just helping out D will just help out 15 According to the timetable, the plane for London_ at s

12、even. A leaves B has left C left D will leave二 用括号中所给词的正确时态填空。 ( 每空一词) 1 I _ _ _ _(buy) a house when we save enough money 2 What _ you _ _ _ ( be) when you grow up? 3 This coming weekend, my friend Jack and I _ _ (take) a trip. 4 The play _ _ _ _ _ (produce) next month. 5 We _ _ (leave) as soon as m

13、y husband gets off work Friday afternoon. 6 The committee _ _ _ _ ( have) several meetings to discuss these problems.7 My sister _ _ _ _ ( have) a baby.8 What are your plans for this evening?I _ _ (stay) at home. How about you?I _ _ (go) to a cybercafe to send some e-mails. Then I am going to the English Coversation Club. I _ _ ( meet) Anna there.第二部分强化训练 答案 一 !5 ABBCD 6-10 CDCCB 111


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