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1、,Differences in the Western and China life 中西方的生活差异,1,我们大概可以从衣食住行了解中西方生活的差异,We can learn about several aspects from the basic necessities of life differences between Chinese and Western culture: Clothing, food, shelter,Traffic,2,The comparison between Chinese and western food首先是中西方食物的比较,3,Tablewares

2、餐具,Chinese : chopsticks and bowls 筷子和碗,Occidental : forks and knives 刀叉,4,Food食物,China : cold dishes ,main courses ,hot meat and vegetable dishes, soup 凉拌菜,主菜,热肉类及蔬菜,汤,Western : bread with butter , milk , hamburger , sandwich , hotdog 面包,黄油,牛奶,汉堡包,三明治,热狗,5,Food after meal 甜点,Western : Coffee , Ice c

3、ream 咖啡 ,冰激凌 China : Fruit, pastries, nuts 水果,糕点,坚果,6,Comparison of Chinese and Western dress中西方服饰的比较,7,China and Western clothing in the choice of patterns show a wide variety of potential,中西服饰在对图案的选择上呈现五花八门之势,8,Patterns like the use of Chinese clothing that wishes good luck中式服装喜好运用图案表示吉祥的祝愿,9,West

4、ern clothing with the history of the changing patterns of change西方服装的变化格局随历史不断变化,Setting out the ancient and more popular flowers 古代多流行花草放样 Modern design patternshave affected the prevalence of the Duffy Fauvism patterns, the use of thread as the principles of geometric design patterns, Op. etc. 近代有

5、影响的流行图案花样有野兽派的杜飞花样,利用几何绪视原理设计的欧普图案等。,10,Western dress is also very different in appearance,中西服饰在外形上也大不相同,11,The shape of traditional Chinese costumes feeling emphasized verticalVertical decorative techniques to make the body look slender,中国传统服装的外形强调纵向感觉纵向的装饰手法使着装人体显得修长,12,西洋古典服装的外形强调横向感觉,使服装线条产生夸张和向

6、外放射的效果,Emphasize the shape of Western classical garment is transverse feeling, so clothing lines have exaggerated the effects of radiation and outward,13,By the traditional clothing of yin and yang of color, with green, red, black, white, yellow colored of the said传统服装色彩受阴阳五行影响,有青、红、黑、白、黄五色之说,14,Fin

7、ally, in Western clothes in the choice of color is different,最后,中西方服饰在色彩的选择上也不同,15,Comparison of Chinese and Western architectural culture 中西方建筑文化的比较,16,In the West, in Roman times, the most popular color is white and purple, white represents purity, integrity, a symbol of noble purple 而在西方,在罗马时代最流行

8、的色彩是白色和紫色,白色代表纯洁、正直,紫色象征高贵,17,(1) the different building materials,(1)建筑材料的不同,18,Chinas classical architecture is the main framework of wood to do housing, are wooden structural system, thus known as wood of the history books. 我国古典建筑是以木材来做房屋的主要构架,属于木结构系统,因而被誉为“木头的史书”。,19,Are basically the West as th

9、e main construction material to create a brick house, belonging to masonry structural system. 西方基本上都是以砖石为主要建筑材料来营造房屋的,属于砖石结构系统。,20,Chinese architecture is the spatial pattern of closed groups, spread flat on the ground, from the residence to the palace, almost always a pattern, similar to the courty

10、ardmode, so the beauty of Chinese architecture is a collective of the United States. 中国建筑是封闭的群体的空间格局,在地面平面铺开,从住宅到宫殿,几乎都是一个格局,类似于“四合院”模式,所以,中国建筑的美又是一种“集体”的美。,21,(2) the layout of different architectural space (2)建筑空间的布局不同,22,(3) the different architectural value (3)建筑价值的不同,23,Western architecture is

11、open and the spatial pattern of the monomer is to high-altitude development, expansion and vertical stacking up by the huge and varied body, forming towering stands, magnificent whole.西方建筑是开放的单体的空间格局,是向高空发展,向上扩展和垂直叠加的,由巨大而富于变化的形体,形成巍然耸立、雄伟壮观的整体。,24,Western architectural focus on the physical, for, s

12、trong, beautiful, the three elements of classical architecture point of view, be regarded as a model 西方的建筑着眼于实物,“适用、坚固、美观”这一经典性的建筑三要素观点,被奉为圭臬,25,Focus on information architecture in China, was seeking harmony with the earth and all things in order to avoid danger, Lucky fortune, in the borrowed land

13、scape of the forces, the mountain village by building blocks, in the face plain. This heaven, look down geographyis a culture unique to China.中国的建筑着眼于信息,为求得与天地和自然万物和谐,以趋吉避凶,招财纳福,在借山水之势力,聚落建筑座靠大山,面对平川。这种“仰观天文,俯察地理”是中国特有的一种文化。,26,Finally, we come from a comparison of traffic between Western culture最后,

14、我们从交通上来比较中西方文化差异,27,Transportation 交通工具 Bicycle great country of China is known that before the reform and opening up, our Chinese travel mainly by bike and bus, the reform and opening up, as national income increased, scooters, electric cars, motorcycles, cars. . getting into the homes of ordinary

15、people, the city public transport buses from getting to a single taxi, light rail, subway, maglev . so diversified, with more and more Chinese people travel In mechanization, high technology. The West, their personal and public transport had on the development of the earlier than China, faster than

16、China, but no car day, public transport on the rise, opening up the road in the city dedicated bike lanes they travel . The use of tools is closer to the green.中国素有自行车大国之称,在改革开放之前,咱中国人出行主要靠自行车和公共汽车,改革开放以后,随着国民收入提高,助动车,电动车,摩托车,小轿车.渐渐进入了寻常百姓家,城市公共交通也从单一的公共汽车渐渐向出租车,轻轨,地铁,磁悬浮.等多元化发展,中国人民的出行越来越借助于机械化,高科技

17、。而西方,其个人和公共交通本来就发展的比中国早,比中国快,但,无车日,公共交通日的兴起,在城市道路上开辟专门的自行车道.他们在出行工具的使用上却在向环保靠拢。,28,29,Travel: developing countries in general is the right of passage, the West, especially Britain, on the left交通习惯:一般发展中国家都是右侧通行,西方,尤其是英国,是左侧通行,30,Transport facilities 交通设施,the construction of highways, to the end of 2004, the total mileage of highways in China 184 million kilometers, ranking second in the world, of which 45% in the last 15 (1990-2004) years subject to the pass, b


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