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1、New Horizon English Course Book 1,英语精品课程设计,Unit 5,(新 视 野 英 语 教 程),Unit Five,Unit Five,Leading in and Exploring the Topic Section A: Yao Ming Rockets to Stardom! Section B: Michael Jordan and Me Section C: Practical Writing Address Format,Leading in and Exploring the Topic,I Love This Game!,Topic Dis

2、cussion,1.Why do you play basketball? 2.What sports games do you like? 3.How do you get information about sports?,Section A,Yao Ming Rockets to Stardom!,Background Information,1.Ming Yao Profile:Postion: CenterNickname: Ming Dynasty (USA) Little Giant (09/12/1980 Origin China)Born: China Status: Act

3、iveHeight: 7-5/2,26m Weight:296lbs./134,3kg. Schools: Shanghai Sports College, Shanghai Physical U the quality or degree of being strong or powerful 力量;实力e.g. I havent the strength to lift this table. 我没有力气抬起这张桌子。2) C something providing force or power 优势e.g. The great strength of my plan is that it

4、s so cheap compared to the others. 我这计划的最大长处就是耗资比其他计划要少。 6. aware: adj. having knowledge or understanding 知道的;明白的e.g. be aware of the problems 意识到问题 I was not aware of its seriousness. 我没有意识到它的严重性。 7. loss: n. C; U the act or an example of losing or failing to keep something 遗失;损失e.g. The loss of my

5、 watch meant that I had to buy a new one. 我的手表丢了就意味着得买新的。e.g. She moved to another job; its a great loss to our company. 她已另谋他职,这对我们公司是个巨大的损失。 e.g. The losses are computed at $1,000. 亏损估计为1,000美元。,8. look forward to: expect with pleasure (喜滋滋的)期望;等待 e.g. They are looking forward to graduation. 他们期待着

6、毕业。 Im really looking forward to your party. 我一心期待着你将举办的聚会。 9. in brief: in as few words as possible 简而言之;简单地说 e.g. the news in brief 新闻摘要 In brief, he says “No”. 他简短地说了一个“不”字。 10. work on:give ones attention to doing or trying to do something; work at 致力于(做某事) e.g. I am working on my homework now.

7、我正忙着做作业。We have only one researcher to work on India. 我们只有一位研究者致力于研究印度问题。 11. in the long/short term: over a long/short period of time 从长远/短期看 e.g. In the long term, the Chinese car industry has a brighter outlook. 长远看来,中国的汽车有很好的前景。 In the short term, we have no hope of making profit. 短期来说,我们没有希望盈利。

8、,Using the Right Word,Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences. 1. My father _ me by saying that I could win in the speech contest, so I took part in it.A) discouraged B) encouraged C) courage D) asked 2. The country is experiencing fast _ in science and technology.A) develop

9、 B) speed C) development D) making 3. I decided to join the Dancing _ of our school.A) Association B) College C) Party D) Floor 4. She was so eager to know the result that she _ for it.A) needed B) wanted C) pressed D) prepared 5. The boy said he was quite _ of the mistake he had made.A) known B) aw

10、are C) knowing D) understanding 6. When the car suddenly stopped, many passengers were pushed _.A) around B) back C) aside D) forward 7. His new book _ to the top as the bestseller (畅销书).A) rocketed B) raised C) stayed D) reached 8. She doesnt have the _ to move that suitcase alone. A) strong B) str

11、ength C) pressure D) attitude,B,C,A,C,B,D,A,B,Basic Writing Skills,Study these rules for sentence completeness 跟汉语不同,英语的两个句子不能简单地用逗号连起来,有三种处理方式可以选用:(a) 分成两个独立的句子;(b) 用分号连起来;(c) 加合适的连词。例如:Mr. Smith was greatly surprised, he went on in spite of his obvious mistake.()可改成:Mr. Smith was greatly surprised

12、. He went on in spite of his obvious mistake. Mr. Smith was greatly surprised; he went on in spite of his obvious mistake. Mr. Smith was greatly surprised, but he went on in spite of his obvious mistake.,None of the following sentences are complete. Add a word to each sentence to make it complete. M

13、ake other changes if necessary. 1. I dont think you need a new bike, the old one is OK. 2. Some people think women should keep their family names, others think they shouldnt. 3. My parents wanted me to be successful in life, they gave me a strong name.4. We listened to the report, we had a discussio

14、n on it.5. You know the rules of grammar, youll be able to write correctly.6. It must have rained last night, the ground is wet. 7. He works as hard as others, he is in poor health. 8. Girls play in small groups or in pairs, the center of a girls life is her best friend.,Translating,A. Translate the

15、 following into English. 1. 人们期望看到有更多的优秀球员到国外去打篮球。(look forward to)2. 球迷们都围着他要他的签名。(surround)3. 她没有足够的力气来推开这扇门。(strength)4. 你应该意识到担心是无济于事的,你该做点什么才行。(aware),In the long term, his going will also advance the development of basketball in China. 2. Funnily enough, the Chinese were so excited about the W

16、orld Cup that they hardly picked up the news about Yao on Thursday. 3. He was surrounded by reporters and looked a little shy before all the cameras. 4. Yao Ming got up to watch the live draft with his family.,B. Translate the following into Chinese.,Section B Michael Jordan and Me,Background Inform

17、ation,1. Michael Jordan: (1963 ) American basketball player, who got the nickname Air Jordan for his powerful slam-dunk. He was the NBAs Most Valuable Player (MVP) six times. For more information, please visit the following website ,2. NBA season: the conventional games held every year with the 29 N

18、BA teams. The season also includes the NBA playoffs and NBA finals. If you want to get more information about the NBA season, you may visit the following website .,Getting the Message,Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 1.The text is written by _.A. a basketball player B. a ba

19、sketball coachC. a basketball fan D. a sports news reporter 2. What is true about Michael Jordan? A. He cant jump high. B. He cant run fast.C. He can shoot well. D. He can take a day off. 3. What does Playing outstanding defense didnt come straight to him in Sentence 6, Paragraph 2 mean? A. He was n

20、ot outstanding at playing defense at the very beginning.B. He was outstanding at playing defense from the very beginning.C. Playing outstanding defense was important to him.D. Playing outstanding defense was not important to him.,B,C,A,4. Michael Jordan was all the following, except_.A. respecting o

21、ther players on the court B. giving a hand to an opponent who falls down C. having competitive spiritD. building himself up by tearing others down 5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The coach regarded Michael Jordan as a friend.B. Many children with serious diseases can get a chance to meet Mi

22、chael Jordan.C. Michael Jordan has influenced many other basketball players through his love for the game.D. Michael Jordan doesnt think talent is everything a person needs for success in playing basketball.,D,C,D,Words and Expressions,1. truth: n. 1) C a fact or principle accepted as true or for wh

23、ich proof exists 真理;事实 e.g. the truths of science 科学的真理, Gods truths 绝对的真理 2) U that which is true; the true facts 真实(情况);真相;真实性 e.g. The teacher wanted the little boy to tell the truth. 老师想让这个小男孩说真话。 I doubt the truth of what you said. 我怀疑你的话的真实性。 2. outstanding: adj. much better than most others;

24、very good 优秀的;显著的 e.g. an outstanding pupil 出色的学生, an outstanding writer 杰出的作家 3. quality: n. 1) C something typical of a person or thing 特性;品性 e.g. qualities of leadership 领导才能Honesty is his best quality. 诚实是他最大的特点。 2) U the degree to which something is excellent; standard of goodness 质;质量 e.g. A g

25、ood quality watch can cost you a lot of money. 一块品质好的手表可能花去你很多钱。 4.available: adj. able to be obtained, used, seen, etc. 可获得的;可用的 e.g. a sheet available in three colors 现在有3种颜色的床单 The lawyer is not available now. 律师现在没空。,5.disease:n. C; U (an) illness or unhealthy condition caused by infection, a di

26、sorder, etc. but not by an accident 疾病;病 e.g. a family disease 遗传病 Government cant cope with all the diseases of society . 政府无法解决所有的社会弊 端。 6. ease: n. 1) U the state of being comfortable and without worries or problems 舒适;安逸 e.g. Give her a drink to put her at ease. 给她一杯酒,好让她松弛下来。2) U the ability to

27、 do something without difficulty 容易;不费劲 e.g. She passed the examination with ease. 她轻松地通过了考试。3) v. make or become less severe 减轻;舒缓 e.g. a drug to ease the pain 减轻疼痛的药 The pain never eased. 疼痛从未减轻过。 7. retire: v. 1) (cause to) stop working at ones job, profession, etc. usually because of age(使)退休 e.

28、g. He retired from the business when he was 60. 他60岁时从公司退休了。 2) go to bed 就寝 e.g. retire for the night 就寝;上床去睡,8. influence: 1)vt. have an effect on (a person or their behavior); affect 影响对 起作用 e.g. My teacher influenced my decision to study science. 我的老师影响了我学理科的决定。The weather influences crops. 天气影响

29、农作物。2)n. C; U (the power to have) an effect on someone or something without the use of direct force or command 影响(力);作用 e.g. He relaxed under the influence of the music. 他在音乐的作用下放松下来。She is a woman of some influence in government circles. 她是一位在政府内有一定影响力的女子。 9. wonder at: be surprised and want to kno

30、w (why) 对 感到惊奇;想知道 e.g. I wonder at the fact that nobody likes her. 我很奇怪为什么没人喜欢她。I wonder at your nerve in asking him directly. 直接问他话你这么紧张,我觉得奇怪。 10. take (a day/two days) off: have a holiday from work on (the stated day) or for (the stated period) 休假一/两天 e.g. take a day off 放一天假 Im taking Thursday

31、off. 我周四休假。,11. take.for granted: consider as true or already settled; accept as a matter of course 想当然;认为当然 e.g. The father often told his children not to take things for granted. 这位父亲总是告诫他的孩子们不要任何事情都想当然。He took (it) for granted that the invitation included his wife. 他想当然地认为他太太也受到了邀请。 12. practice

32、doing something: perform repeatedly in order to acquire a skill 练习做某事 e.g. The famous singer still practices singing every morning. 这位著名的歌手每天早晨仍练习唱歌。 If you practice playing the violin in this way, you will lose the competition. 如果你以这种方式练习拉小提琴你比赛就会输。 13. try hard to do something: make great efforts

33、to do something 努力做某事 e.g. She tried hard to pass the exam. 她努力要通过考试。 We should try hard to realize our dreams. 我们应该努力去实现我们的梦想。 14. give a hand: give help 帮忙;援助 e.g. Let me give you a hand. 让我来帮你。 Give me a hand, please. 请帮帮忙。,15. build up:1) praise so as to influence the opinion of others 吹捧 e.g. T

34、he singer has been built up into a great success. 这位歌星已经被捧红了。 The company built up the product with a massive ad campaign. 这家公司用大量的广告来宣传这产品。2) become greater in amount or number; increase or develop 增加 e.g. The traffic starts to build up at this time of day. 每天到了这个时候,来往车辆就多起来。 Youll need to build up

35、 your strength again slowly after the operation. 手术后你需要慢慢恢复体力。 16.tear down: say something untrue and bad about someone; pull down, especially violently 诋毁;推倒 e.g. You shouldnt tear down your classmates like this. 你不应该像这样诋毁你的同班同学。This old building will be torn down this year. 这座老建筑今年将被拆除。 17.(be/fee

36、l) at (ones) ease: be/feel comfortable, relaxed, etc. 感到舒适、自在等 e.g. He felt completely at ease. 他感到非常放松。 Her mind was at ease after knowing that the children were very safe. 听说孩子们都很安全后,她才放心。,Using the Right Word,Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary. Fill in eac

37、h blank with one word only. truth retire quality outstanding wonder definite available influence disease ease 1. Could you tell me the _about it? 2. Can I borrow some childrens books from the library? Sorry. I am afraid they are not _now. 3. The store-owner was fined (罚) $500 for selling goods of lo

38、w _. 4. Can you give me a(n) _answer to this question?,truth,available,quality,definite,5. Workers in that company would _with a good pension (养老金). 6. No one _him as much as his father did in forming his personality (个性). 7. He was sent to a hospital because of a serious_ . 8. Albert Einstein (爱因斯坦) is one of the most _ scientists of the 20th century.,retire,influenced,disease,outstanding,Working with Expressions,Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable p


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