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1、Walt Whitman (1819-1892),一班 第二组,Life,Born: 31 May 1819 Birthplace: Long Island, New York. Died:26 March 1892,2,Born in a working-class family, son of a carpenter At four, family moved to Brooklyn, New York Attended public school Apprenticed to a printer Returned to Long Island in 1835 and taught in

2、country schools Edited a newspaper, the Long-Islander, in Huntington Back to New York City to work as a printer and journalist Experienced various jobs Began writing a new kind of poetry,3,Whitmans democratic ideals& individualism,Americas first “poet of democracy” Whitmans democratic ideas govern h

3、is poetry-writing. In his famous poetry, openness, freedom, and above all, individualism (the belief that the rights and freedom of individual people are most important) are all that concerned him. Whitman brings the hard-working farmers and laborers into American literature ,attack the slavery syst

4、em and racial discrimination.,4,The themes in Whitmans poetry,filled with optimistic expectation and enthusiasm about new things and new epoch. The whole hard-working people The life of cities. The fast growth of industry and wealth in cities 2. Individual value Pursuit of love and happiness Sexual

5、love The individual person and his desires must be respected.,5,Americas first “poet of democracy” Walt Whitman was an American poet, essayist, journalist, and humanist. Proclaimed the greatest of all American poets by many foreign observers a mere four years after his death. His Leaves of Grass has

6、 always been considered a monumental work. It commands great attention because of its uniquely poetic embodiment of American democratic ideals. He is the poet of the common people and the prophet and singer of democracy.,Influence,6,Influences the 20th century world literature: His works is part of

7、western culture / many poets in France, Italy, England, and Latin America are in his debt. His poetry also influences modern American poets such as Pound, Hart Crane, Carl Sandburg.,7,Important Features in Whitmans Poems,The first person narrator: “I” the subject in the poem, “you” the reader Invite

8、s us to participate in the process of sympathetic identification. Style: free verse,A looser and open-ended syntactical structure The habit of using snapshots(快照) Use of conversational image Strong tendency to use oral English Vocabulary- powerful, colorful, rarely-used words of foreign origin, wron

9、g words Sentences- different lengths, separate,8,works,Leaves of Grass草叶集 Songs of Myself 自我之歌 O Captain!My Captain!船长!我的船长! I hear America sining我听见美洲在歌唱 Beat! Beat! Drums!敲吧 战鼓!,9,Leaves of Grass,Whitmans originality first in his use of the poetic form free verse (i.e. poetry without a fixed beat

10、or regular rhyme scheme) The first version of his masterpiece, Leaves of Grass, appeared in 1855. Emerson praised Whitmans poetry as “the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that America has yet to contribute.”,10,Leaves of Grass,Walt Whitman has devoted all his life to the creation of the “s

11、ingle” poem, Leaves of Grass .The work has nine editions. In this giant work, openness, freedom, and individualism are all that concerned him. His purpose is to express some new poetical feelings and to initiate a poetic tradition in which difference should be recognized. He wanted to behave as a su

12、preme individualist.,11,Song of Myself,Song of Myself was originally published in the 1855 edition of Leaves of Grass in which it was the first of twelve poems. At the time this poem was untitled, in 1881 Whitman gave the poem its final name: Song of Myself. In Song of Myself, Whitman believed that

13、two people could be “twain yet one”, their paths could be different, and yet they could achieve a kind of transcendent contact. Song of Myself is a history of the poets movement from loafing individual to active spirit.,12,Translation,SONG OF MYSELF我自己的歌,20 我在一切人身上看到我自己,不多也不差毫厘, 我对我自己的褒贬对他们也同样合适。 我知

14、道我是庄严的, 我不想耗费精神去为自己申辩或求得人们的理解, 我懂得根本的法则从来不为自己辩解, (我认为我的行为毕竟也并不比我在建造房屋时所用的水平仪更加高贵。) 我就按照我自己的现状生存,这已经够了, 即使世界上再没有人意识到这一点,我仍满足地坐着, 即使世上所有的人都意识到,我也满足地坐着。 有个世界是意识到了的,而且对我说来是最大的世界, 那便是我自己, 无论今天我能得到,或者要在千百万年之后我才能得到我应得的一切, 我现在就愉快的接受,或同样愉快的等待。 我的立足点是同花岗岩连着的, 我嘲笑你们所谓的消亡, 我深知时间是多么宽广。,31 我相信一片草叶的意义不亚于星星每日的工程, 一

15、只蝼蚁、一粒沙,一个鹪鹩蛋,都是同样地完美, 雨蛙也是造物者的一件精心杰作, 四处蔓延的黑毒可以装饰天堂里的华屋。 而我手上一个极小的关节可以藐视一切机器! 低头吃草的母牛能胜过任何一座雕像, 一个小鼠便是奇迹,足以使千千万个异教徒震惊不已。,46 我走着一个永恒的旅程,(都来听听吧!) 我的标志是一件雨衣、一双好鞋,和从树林中砍来的一根手杖。 我的朋友谁也不在我的椅子上休想, 我没有椅子,没有教堂,没有哲学, 我不把任何人领到餐桌边,图书馆或交易所去, 我只是领着你们每一个男人和每一个女人领到一座小山丘上, 我左手搂着你的腰部, 我的右手指着各个大陆的风景和那条大路。 我不能,别的任何人也不

16、能替代你走过那条路, 你必须自己去走。 它并不遥远,它可以到达。 也许你一出生就已在那条路上了,只是你自己不知道, 或者它原在水上陆上处处都有。,亲爱的孩子哟!背负着你的衣包,我也背负着我自己的,让我们赶快前行, 我们一路上将观赏美妙的城市和自由的国土。 假使你疲倦了,将两个行囊都给我吧, 将你的手扶在我的身上休息一会, 适当的时候,你也将对我尽同样的义务, 因为我们一出发就再不也能躺下休息了。 今天田亮前我登上一座小山,望着拥挤的天空。 我对我的精神说:当我们拥有这些这些星球以及它们身上一切事物的欢乐和知识时,我们就充实和满足了么? 我的精神说不,我们仅仅达到了那个高度,还要越过它继续攀登。

17、 你也在向我提出问题,我听见了, 我回答说我不能答复,你必须自己去寻找。,我听见美国在歌唱 瓦尔特惠特曼 我听见美国在歌唱,我听见各种各样的歌, 那些机械工人的歌,每个人都唱着他那理所当然地快乐而又雄伟的歌, 木匠一面衡量着他的木板或房梁,一面唱着他的歌, 泥水匠在准备开始工作或离开工作的时候唱着他的歌, 船夫在他的船上唱着属于他的歌,舱面水手在汽船甲板上唱歌, 鞋匠坐在他的凳子上唱歌,做帽子的人站着唱歌, 伐木者的砍,牵引耕畜的孩子在早晨、午休或日落时走在路上唱的歌, 母亲或年轻的妻子在工作时,或者姑娘在缝纫或洗衣裳时甜美地唱着的歌, 每个人都唱着属于他或她而不属于任何其他人的歌, 白天唱着

18、属于白天的歌晚上这一群体格健壮、友好相处的年轻小伙子, 就放开嗓子唱起他们那雄伟而又悦耳的歌。,我听见人们指责我 我听见人们指责我说我企图破坏社会制度, 但是我实际既不赞成也不反对社会制度, (我怎么会和它们有什么共同点呢?破坏它们又怎么样呢?) 我只想在曼纳哈塔和这个国家的每座城市,无论在内地或海边, 在田野间和树林里,在每一条压低水面的大小龙骨之上, 不必求助于大建筑物,规章,董事,或任何论据, 建立起一个伙伴之间亲密友爱的制度。,在路易斯安那我看见一株四季常青的橡树在成长着 在路易斯安那我看见一株四季常青的橡树在成长着, 它孤单单独自站立着,苔藓从树枝上挂下来, 它没有任何同伴却生长在那里倾吐着欢乐的、深绿色的叶子, 它的相貌粗鲁、挺拔、健壮,使我想到我自己, 但是我诧异它怎么能独自站在那里倾吐着欢乐的叶子,却没有它的朋友在身边,因为我知道我就办不到, 我折下了小小一枝,上面有几瓣叶子,又给绕上一点苔藓, 我把它带走,把它放在我屋里容易看见的地方, 我不需要它使我重新想起我自己那些亲爱的朋友, (因为我认为我最近除了他们之外没怎么想念过别的,) 但是它仍是一件奇异的纪念物,它使我想到男子之间的友爱; 虽则如此,而且虽然那四季常青的橡树孤独地


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