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1、Pienemanns Multidimensional Model,This model has been regarded as a representative of the interactionist approach to SLA . Interactionist approach: language learning is through both innate and environmental factors.,The Strength of this Model: Language acquisition is assumed to proceed along two dim

2、entsions: developmental and variational. It is one of the few comprehensive theoretical models of SLA. Most of its constructs are empirically testable. The predictive power makes it very valuable to the development of new teaching methodologies and to teaching practice in general.,The general claims

3、: In the process of acquiring the grammatical structures of an L2, learners manifest 1) developmental sequences; 2) individual variation between learners.,Multidimensional Model is based on a research project conducted by a group of German researchers know as ZISA at the University of Hamburg in the

4、 late 1970s. Pienemann was one of the members of this group and he has introduced this model to the English-speaking world and applied it to the research on the learning of English as a second language (ESL).,The ZISA project consisted of a cross-sectional study of 45 adults, and two-year longitudin

5、al study of 12 adults of the naturalistic acquisition of German as an second language (GSL) by speakers of Spanish and Italian. Word order was specifically targeted by the researchers.,Research findings 1: The learners followed the five-stage developmental sequence: Stage 1 (Stage X): Canonical orde

6、r (SVO) You are student? I no like banana. Bill hit the ball.,Stage 2 (Stage X+1): Adverb pre-posing (ADV): Today I eat rice. or In morning, I eat bread. (adverb pre-posing) Do you like this book? (do fronting) No eat banana. (negative marking placed before the verb) Why you no eat banana? (Wh-word

7、fronting),Stage 3 (Stage X+2): Verb separation (SEP) Have you job? Or Can we eat? (yes/no questions.) We hang the banner up. (particle separation) I like to play basketball playground. (complementizer insertion),Stage 4 (Stage X+3): Inversion (INV) Where are you going to play basketball? (Wh-questio

8、n inversion) I dont know. (internal negative marking) I washed the shirt myself. (reflexive pronoun use),Stage Five (Stage X+4): Verb-end (V-END) She asked me to come in. (verb complements) I have never been to Beijing. (adverb inside a verb phrase) You dont like him, do you? (question tags),Researc

9、h findings 2: Another noteworthy finding was that the five stages constituted an implicational scale as following: SVO ADV SEP INV V-END According to this formula, learners can use the rules of SVO and ADV, but not the rules of INV or V-END If they are at the stage of SEP.,Variational sequence: Ther

10、e was considerable variation among learners within the five-stage developmental IL sequences. Individual learners follow different paths in SLA. Thus, there is variation dimension in addition to developmental dimension implied in the title of “multidimensional” model.,Teachability Hypothesis,Accordi

11、ng to this theory, teaching can only be effective if learners have successfully passed through the preceding stages on the development route. When a learner shows signs of having reached a developmental stages, teaching can then speed up the acquisition process.,Summary,Different theoretical models

12、seem to capture different aspects of language acquisition. behaviorism It regarded learning as habit formation through practice and reinforcement. Learning an L2 was like any kind of learning which consists of chains of stimulus-response links which could be controlled and shaped by reinforcement. I

13、n this approach there is very little room for any internal processing and input is regarded as central for processing of acquisition.,mentalism Children are equipped with an independent innate language faculty (UG+LAD) which allows them acquire the complex systems of natural languages relatively qui

14、ckly and easily. In this approach the role of the input is minimal and it is only the trigger that activates the innate language faculty.,Monitor Theory has focused on the importance of appropriate input and the affective factors which can block its utilization. Pidginization Hypothesis and Acculturation Model emphasizes the social and psychological factors which can inhibit successful acquisition. Multidimensional Model places priority on inte


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