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1、Can you Guess Who Are They,宋承宪,Angelina Jolie,安吉丽娜朱莉(Angelina Jolie,1975年6月4日),著名好莱坞影星、社会活动家。毕业于美国纽约大学电影学系。安吉丽娜朱莉2005年当选世界百大性感女星排行榜第1位。 代表作品古墓丽影、斯密斯夫妇、贝奥武夫、黑客等。,身高:175cm 体重:50kg 发色:深棕色 眼睛颜色:绿色,父亲:乔恩沃伊特,好莱坞著名演员,他曾获得1978年第31届戛纳电影节和1979年第36届金球奖、第51届奥斯卡三项最佳男主角的桂冠。 哥哥:詹姆斯海文沃伊特(James Haven Voight),出生于1973

2、年。导演,他曾导演过由安吉出演的5部学生期间的电影。 第三任丈夫(现任伴侣):Brad Pitt 布拉德皮特 拥有六个孩子:三个儿子和三个女儿,What do those stars fear of ?,Fans, newspaper men,Lesson 74 Out of the limelight 舞台之外,limelight,n. 舞台灯光,fond of the limelight喜欢引人注目, 爱出风头 in the limelight成为引人注目的中心; 处于显要地 Out of the limelight 舞台之外 steal the limelight 把人们的注意力从别处吸

3、引过来,出尽风头;抢镜头 She is fond of the limelight.,precaution,caution n. 小心 pre-(之前) cautious adj. 小心的 Take precautions against fire 谨防火灾! Pre-是个前缀,意思是“在前,前面”,相当于“before” prefix前缀/preface序文,前言/prehistory史前/preview预习/ predict预言/预知,fan,1)n. 狂热者,迷 他是个狂热的球迷。 Hes a big fan of basketball. 2)v.扇,吹,激起 He fanned him

4、self with an electric fan.,shade,Lets sit in the shade and keep cool.,shade n. 树荫,阴凉处 I lie in the shade of a tree in summer. shady adj. 遮荫的 We sat on the shady grass for our picnic. We went to find somewhere cool and shady to have a drink.,sheriff,n. (美国) 司法长官,notice n. 告示 I saw a notice in the pap

5、er announcing their marriage. notice v. 注意,通知 我注意到了你的错误 I noticed your mistake.,notice,sneer,sneer n. / v. 冷笑,嘲笑 sneer at 我嘲讽他的努力 I sneer at his effort/endeavor. 你嘲讽他们的晚会是不对的 It is wrong of you to sneer at their party.,laugh, smile, grin, chuckle, sneer,1. laugh 哈哈大笑 We laughed to tears at the funny

6、 picture.,2. smile 微笑,3. grin咧着嘴笑 He grinned from ear to ear.,4. chuckle 咯咯的笑 5. sneer 冷笑,limelight 的原义为舞台照明用的“石灰光”,其引申意义为“众人注目的中心”,这里的 limelight 是指舞台。 She has been in the limelight since she became an actress. Although he is a government official, he tries to keep out of the limelight.,Out of the l

7、imelight,stop by 停在.旁边 river bed 指河床 a party of=a group of 一群 party表示“一行,一伙,一群”等, a party of tourists/boys(一群旅游者/男孩)等。 get off 下车,An ancient bus stopped by a dry river bed and a party of famous actors and actresses got off.,Dressed in dark glasses and old clothes, they had taken special precautions

8、so that no one should recognize them.But as they soon discovered, disguises can sometimes be too perfect. dressed in 穿着 take precaution 采取措施 disguise 化妆、伪装,再好不过了。 另表示同意:I couldnt agree more.,It couldnt be better.,get out of here 从这里走开,滚出去,滚开,Now you get out of here, all of you! he shouted.,1)in case

9、 +从句 :相当于unless, 假使,万一的话,免得,以防万一 Im taking a raincoat with me in case I need it.,Im sheriff here. Do you see that notice? It says No Camping - in case you cant read!,be hard on表“对(过分)严厉”。Dont be too hard on me. He is always hard on his employees.,“dont be too hard on us,”,notice,No littering,No eati

10、ng or drinking,No parking,Do not touch,Keep off the grass,请排队上车,please + v. / v. + please / please + do not 动词,请在此排队,请绕行,请走人行横道,请看管好孩子,请使用旋转门,Please Queue Up for Bus,Please Queue Here,Detour Please,Use the Zebra-crossing Please,Dont Leave Your Children Unattended Please,Use the Revolving Door Please

11、,请勿攀折花木,Please Dont Pick the Flowers,请勿拍照,请勿张贴广告,请保持肃静,请走此路,n. + please,SILENCE PLEASE,This Way Please,No Photography Please,No Advertising Material Please,此门停用 请走旁门,Out of use Please use other doors,No + n.,不收小费,禁用食物或饮料,小贩禁入,不准张贴,禁止钓鱼,禁止狗在此便溺,禁止喂鸟,禁止游泳,禁止装货作业,No + doing,No + n. + doing,No tips,No f

12、ood or beverage,No vendors,No bills,No fishing,No swimming,No loading,No dog peeing,No bird feeding,get out (使)出去/出来(反义词为get into) Why dont you get the dog out? The door is locked. I cant get out. 走开,滚开(常用于祈使句) Now you get out of here fast! get into 进来 Ive lost my key. I cant get into the house.,get

13、 on 前进,进展(与get along同义) He is getting on quite well in his new job. 继续干;相处融洽(常与 with连用) Tom talked with his brother for a while, and then got on with his homework. Hes so difficult. I cant get on with him. 他这个人这么别扭,我无法和他相处。,getoff 脱下,除去/取下 Please help me to get the box off the boat. get off 没受重伤/重罚而逃脱(常与with连用) Tom was punished, but Jim go off lightly. I can hardly believe that the thief got off with just a warning.,get over 恢复过来,痊愈 Has your mother got over her illnes


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