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1、Unit 4 Then and now,Part A Let s learn,You can read books in it. What is it?,Its a _ .,library,There are teachers in it. They often work there. And you often hank in (上交) your homework there. What is it?,Its a _.,teachers office,You often sing songs in it.,Its a _.,music room,You often draws picture

2、s in it.,Its an _.,art room,(T : Whats this? Whose school? Whats the school like?),Where is it ?,grass,playground,What can we do on the grass ?,play football(run/jump),Where is it ?,gym,What can we do in the gym ?,play basketball,play ping-pang,play tennis,Where is it ?,dining hall,What can we do in

3、 the dining hall ?,have lunch,Where is it ?,m,otel,汽车旅馆,h,The difference between hotel and motel,Motels parking space(停车位) and room are linked together(相连). The garage(车库) is on the first floor, the room is on the second floor. 汽车旅馆与一般旅馆最大的不同点,在于汽车旅馆提供的停车位与房间相连,一楼当作车库,二楼为房间。,gym,I played ping-pong i

4、n the gym three days ago.,三天前 three days ago,一天前,one day ago,五天前,five days ago,两年前,two years ago,四个月前,four months ago,一年前,one year ago,还有哪些表示过去的时间?,last weekend,last night,yesterday,the day before yesterday,last year 去年,last month 上个月,one year ago,two years ago,three days ago,gym,grass,dining hall,f

5、our months ago,motel,单词竞赛(2分钟速记),one month ago,last year,last month,golden eyes,last month,three months ago,two years ago,gym,grass,dining hall,one day ago,motel,What are the differences?,twenty years ago,now,Was there a gym in the school?,No, it wasn t.,Is there a gym in the school?,Yes, it is.,Wha

6、t are the differences ?,There was no gym in the school twenty years ago.,Now there is a new one in the school.,Attention: 注意使用there be句型,Now,10 minutes ago,There is only one horse on the grass now.,There were many horses on the grass 10 minutes ago.,Now,1 hour ago,There is no people in the gym now.,

7、There were many people in the gym 1 hour ago.,Now,3 days ago,There is a TV in the dining hall now.,There was no TV in the dining hall 3 days ago.,Summary (现在地方有) There is _(+可数名词单数或不可数)_ now. are _(+可数名词复数)_ (过去地方有) There was _ (+可数名词单数或不可数) _ ago. were _ (+可数名词复数) _,For example:,There was/were no _

8、 in the school twenty years ago.,Now there is/are _ in the school.,Attention: 注意使用there be句型,twenty years ago,now,Lets say,Find the mistakes,there were no gyms,people didnt go by bus,people couldnt use the Internet,mistakes,buildings(建筑) gym dining hall post office coffee shop motel cinema traffic light(红绿灯) street light(路灯),traffic(交通) go by bus go by bike,activities(活动) watch TV use the phone use the Internet,At that time,there were no gyms. People didnt go by bus. People couldnt use the Internet.,Pair work,Discuss with


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