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1、A Technological Revolution in Education,UNIT 1 .,SECTION A,Read Read,owadays, computers play an important role in our daily life. Computer technology develops so fast that a lot of people cannot keep up with the trend. Students and teachers now have to adapt to the new technology, otherwise, they wi

2、ll lag behind. In traditional schools, students depend on text books, go to classrooms and stay on campus. People have been quite used to the traditional way of education. Even now, some teachers and students are still ignorant of the Internet and basic knowledge of computer. Its a great loss for th

3、ose people to miss so much information available on the World Wide Web. People might be spending their precious time doing the same research. But if they just spend a little time on the Internet, they may avoid wasting their time.,N,Warm-up Activity,Read the story and discuss: .,HOME,Discuss and sha

4、re,What do you think about your school, traditional or not traditional? Do you think traditional teaching is good for students?,Warm-up Activity,Now discuss the following questions with other students in your group: .,How do your teachers use computers in class? Do you think it is really rewarding t

5、o use computers in class?,What do you think schools and students should do to adapt to the Information Age?,?,?,?,HOME,Discuss and share,What do you think about your school, traditional or not traditional? Do you think traditional teaching is good for students?,Warm-up Activity,?,teacher-oriented; s

6、tudent-centered exam-oriented; formal/conventional exams (highly) interactive; passive appraisal system; term paper; open book multi-media interdisciplinary subjects on-line courses etc.,Discuss and share,Warm-up Activity,How do your teachers use computers in class? Do you think it is really rewardi

7、ng to use computers in class?,click and play throughout the class text/movies only feedback limited/extensive materials (not) essential to language acquisition process etc.,?,Discuss and share,Warm-up Activity,What do you think schools and students should do to adapt to the Information Age?,update h

8、ardware and software enhance teachers and students computer consciousness establish database reinforce communications with universities both at home and abroad cooperation in terms of computer technology and information processing etc.,?,Listen to a passage and fill in the missing words.,Compound Di

9、ctation,Questions we will be able to simply ask a question out loud and the computer will print out or speak the answer. Thus people will achieve instant “cultural literacy”.,Translation,Para. 8 Less happily, the Internet has no means of quality control; “anyone can play”. Information and disinforma

10、tion mingle comfortably and, as of yet, there are no reliable ways to distinguish sense from the distorted facts and downright nonsense common on the Net. Identifying the true, the beautiful, and the goodand which of these truths, beauties, or goods are worth knowing constitutes a formidable challen

11、ge.,Translation,Para. 9 It might be said, in response, that the world has always been filled with misinformation. True enough, but in the past educational authorities could at least choose their favorite texts. Todays situation, with everyone having instantaneous access to millions of sources, is wi

12、thout precedent.,Translation,Para. 10 Customizing Education Para. 11 In a change from previous trends, the acquisition of a diploma from certified institutions may become less important. Individuals will be able to educate themselves and exhibit their competence in a simulated setting. Why pay $120,

13、000 to go to law school, if one can “read law” as in earlier times and then demonstrate ones repertoire of legal skills via a computer-simulated practical examination? Or learn to fly a plane or conduct surgery by similar means, for that matter?,Translation,Para. 12 Much of education in the past was

14、 essentially vocational: designed to make sure that individuals could carry out a single job, reliably, throughout their productive adult years. Nowadays, this assumption is flawed. Few people will remain in the same occupation for their whole lives; many will move frequently from one position, comp

15、any, and sector of the economy to another.,Translation,Para. 13 The explosion of new and rapidly changing roles in the economy makes education much more complicated. Most adult teachers and parents will not have experiences on which they can draw to prepare youngsters for a world in which they can e

16、xpect to change jobs regularly. In the absence of precedent, adolescents will have to prepare themselves for rapidly changing “career paths” and life situations.,Translation,Para. 14 The Further Effects of Technology Para. 15 While computer-based teaching figures to be the dominant technological inf

17、luence on education, other innovations will have impacts as well. Medical technologies will permit study of students brain activity and blood flow as they engage in various kinds of problem-solving or creative activities.,Translation,Para. 16 (a) Enhanced understanding of the genetic basis of learni

18、ng is also likely to invade the classroom. It may be possible to determine which youngsters are likely to advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to “difficult” school experiences. Some authorities will insist that these findings be applied in specific cases, while others will vigorously object t

19、o any decisions made on the basis of genetic information.,Translation,Para. 16 (b) Drugs that claim to improve learning, memory, or enthusiasm will become readily available. Teachers and parents may face moral dilemmas that would in earlier times have been restricted to science fiction.,Translation,

20、Para. 17 Finally, recent breakthroughs in biology and medicine may change education in the most radical ways. If individuals seek to “design” offspring through genetic engineering, or to alter the genetic structure of an already existing person, or if it becomes possible to clone humans, then our de

21、finitions of what it means to be a human being, and to be a part of a human society, will be changed forever.,Translation,Para. 18 Conservatism Is Not Necessarily Evil Para. 19 (a) I have noted that education is conservative, and that this conservative tendency is not necessarily an evil. Indeed, wi

22、th respect to the transmission of values and the teaching of certain subjects, a conservative approach may well be called for.,Translation,Para. 19 (b) Yet the explosion of knowledge calls for close and fresh attention to the curriculum. New and imaginative approaches will have to be developed if yo

23、ung people are to be prepared for the rapidly changing roles they can expect to assume. The End,Translation,ext appreciation,Arguing is a fundamental and exciting activity. A good argument may get the adrenaline (肾上腺素) flowing and the brain cells clicking. And the process of developing an argument i

24、s argumentation. Many ways can be used to develop an argument, and using specific facts to support the general point counts among them, which is also the major writing technique the author employs in this passage.,Using specific facts to support the general point .,1/4,ext appreciation,First, by con

25、trasting the continuity of whats going on in todays classroom with childrens changed experiences outside the school walls, the author sets forth the argument that there is a need for a technological revolution in education. Then the author supports his argument with the following 3 facts: computers

26、already permeate many aspects of our lives, including education; under the impact brought about by computer technology, education is going through great changes; other innovations will also have impacts on education.,Using specific facts to support the general point .,2/4,ext appreciation,Finally, b

27、ased on the facts mentioned above, the author draws the conclusion that conservatism is not necessarily evil, yet the explosion of knowledge calls for new and imaginative approaches. This technique of using specific facts to support the general idea is also used in developing the ideas of parts and

28、paragraphs. Take Part 4 for example, to support the idea that other innovations will also have impacts on education, the author mentions the fact that recent breakthroughs in biology and medicine have greatly influenced and changed education.,Using specific facts to support the general point .,3/4,e

29、xt appreciation,And in Paragraph 11, the idea that getting a qualification from certified institutions may become less important is supported by the following facts: individuals will be able to educate themselves and exhibit their competence in a simulated setting; one can “read law” by himself and

30、then pass a computer-simulated practical examination on law; one can also learn to fly a plane or conduct surgery by similar means.,Using specific facts to support the general point .,4/4,What is the text mainly about?,How is the text organized?,Think and Answer,Show the structure,In this reading pa

31、ssage the author argues that although schools are inherently conservative institutions, in todays world there is a need for a technological revolution in education.,The passage is made up of 5 parts, as is clearly indicated by the subtitles. The first part is made up of the first three paragraphs. T

32、he second part is from Paragraph 4 to Paragraph 9, altogether 6 paragraphs. The third part consists of four paragraphs, from Paragraph 10 to Paragraph 13. In this part, the author analyzes the changes education is going through. The fourth part is made up of Paragraphs 14, 15, 16 and 17. The last pa

33、rt is Paragraphs 18 and 19, which echoes the argument presented in the first part.,The computers impact on education.,Presenting the main argument.,The changes education is going through.,Further effects of technology on education.,A conclusion.,Structure,ain dea,M, people will mostly be self-traine

34、d; education does not remain vocational.,Young people will have to prepare themselves for rapidly changing “career paths” and life situations.,A Technological Revolution in Education,?What is this part about?,Structure,ain dea,M, apart from 除外,除之外,亲爱的,除了你的坏脾气,你完美得就像个天使!,You are as perfect as an ange

35、l, my darling, with the exception of your bad temper.,with the exception of (L. 3-4),BACK to TEXT A, have the right to approach, enter, exit, or make use of 有接近(或使用)的机会,借助因特网,我们可以免费获取最新影视音乐资讯。,We have free access to the latest news of movies and music with the help of the Internet.,have access to (L

36、. 7),BACK to TEXT A, to a large degree; mostly 在很大程度上,多半 in great/large/somemeasure: 在极大的/很大的/某种程度上,正如张老师常说的,命运在很大程度上是自己选择的,我们应该选择更好的生活。,Just as Mr. Zhang often says, life is in large measure what one chooses, so we should choose a better life.,in large measure (L. 10-11),BACK to TEXT A, make, alter

37、, or adapt for a particular end or purpose 使适应特定需要,这个协会的活动是根据学生需要而举办的,因此协会成员众多。,Activities held by this association are tailored to students needs. Thats why it has a large membership.,tailor sth. to one needs (L. 27),BACK to TEXT A, seek out; search for (and find) 找寻,搜寻直至找到,警方声称一个月内追捕到凶手, 但那只是空头支票罢

38、了。,The police claimed to hunt down the murderer within a month but that was only an empty promise.,hunt down (L. 31),BACK to TEXT A, mixwith(so as to be an undivided whole or to be indistinguishable) 混合,与混在一起,站在雨中,她哭得心都要碎了,泪水夹杂着雨水顺着她苍白的脸颊往下流。,Standing in the rain, she almost cried her heart out, tea

39、rs mingled with rainwater running down her pale cheeks.,mingle (L. 36),BACK to TEXT A, earlier similar case 先例,自从实行改革开放政策以来,我们的祖国正在以前所未有的速度发展。,Since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening up, our motherland has been developing at a speed without precedent in history.,precedent (L. 43

40、),BACK to TEXT A, extract or take from experiences for ones own use 凭借,动用(尤其指钱);利用,依赖(经历等),这位作家基于自己二战中的悲惨生活经历,创作了他的杰作残暴之战,并藉此人气飙升。,The writer drew on his wretched life experience in World War II to compose his masterwork War of Inhumanity and gained an upsurge of popularity.,draw on/upon sth. (L. 57

41、-58),BACK to TEXT A, lacking; for the want of 缺乏,没有,没有女人,世界未必没有战争;没有男人,世界也未必就会和平。,The world is not necessarily warless in the absence of women, and in the absence of men, the world is unnecessarily peaceful.,in the absence of (L. 59),BACK to TEXT A, in relation to; in terms of; concerning 关于,就而言,在方面

42、,在你看来她很完美,那是因为她从不提及她的过去。要是你知道了,你会完全改变看法的。,She looks perfect to you because she has never told you anything with respect to her past, which may totally change your opinion of her.,with respect to (L. 80),BACK to TEXT A, demand; require 需要,值得,要求,你升职了?这可值得好好庆祝一番!那今晚你可得请客。,Youve got a promotion? This ca

43、lls for a celebration! Itll be your treat tonight.,call for (L. 81),BACK to TEXT A,cause to unavoidably experience or suffer sth. unpleasant 使遭厄运,注定,判决,你像哈姆雷特一样多愁善感,注定会在这样激烈而又不公平的竞争中失败。,You are as sentimental as Hamlet and you are doomed to fail in such fierce and unjust competition.,doom (L. 68),BA

44、CK to TEXT A, give a false account of; twist out of a natural, usual, original shape or condition 曲解;歪曲;使变形,弄歪,查理曲解了教授的话,叫我重写期末论文。,Charlie distorted the professors words and told me to rewrite the whole term paper.,distort (L. 37),BACK to TEXT A, a difficult choice to be made between two courses of

45、action 困境,两难境地,进退维谷,杰克进退两难,不知道该娶罗斯(Rose)还是莉斯(Liz)。因为罗斯深爱着他而且能做个好妻子,而他却深爱着莉斯,尽管莉斯脾气很坏。,Jack is in a dilemma as to whether to marry Rose or Liz, because the former deeply loves him and can make a good wife but he deeply loves the latter in spite of her bad temper.,dilemma (L. 72),BACK to TEXT A,HOME,W

46、hat contrasts most between the situation in classrooms over the last century and the experience of todays students outside the school walls?,Relatively unchanging teaching styles versus childrens access to a range of media.,II. Answer the following questions. .,1,How will the computer reshape educat

47、ion in the future?,Education will be organized largely around the computer. Computers will permit a degree of individual instruction. All students may receive a curriculum tailored to their needs, learning style, pace and record of success with earlier materials and lessons.,2,According to the text,

48、 why is computer technology both a blessing and a curse?,It is a blessing because it makes delivery of information instantaneous; it is a curse on the other hand, because there are no reliable ways to distinguish sense from the distorted facts and downright nonsense common on the Net.,3,How is techn

49、ology changing the nature of education?,New technology enables education to be more individualized. Also, the pace of technological change means that the old vocational education model of preparing people for a single lifetime job is no longer adequate.,4,Why may the acquisition of a diploma from a

50、certified institution become less important?,Because individuals will be able to educate themselves and exhibit their competence in a simulated setting.,5,In addition to computer technology, what other innovations will have impacts on education?,Medical technologies, biological technologies among ot

51、hers.,6,How will medical technologies influence education?,They will permit study of students brain activity and blood flow as they engage in various kinds of problem-solving or creative activities.,7,Why does the author say that recent breakthroughs in biology and medicine may change education in t

52、he most radical ways?,Because they may change our definitions of what it means to be a human being, and to be a part of human society.,8,What are the authorities attitudes towards the application of genetic findings to education?,Their opinions vary. Some authorities will insist that these findings

53、be applied in specific cases, while others will vigorously object to any decisions made on the basis of genetic information.,9,What is the authors attitude towards conservatism in education?,He believes that the explosion of knowledge calls for a revolution in education, but conservatism is not nece

54、ssarily evil. With respect to the transmission of values and the teaching of certain subjects, a conservative approach may well be called for.,They felt that the aggressive behavior and attention-seeking which are more_ among males should not be reinforced by teacher responses. The ideology of enter

55、prise culture has finally _the remaining institutions of British cultural life.,prevalent,permeated,3. He warned that authorities would not hesitate to take _ action against any groups or individuals that contemplated a disturbance of the peace. 4. Truly, there is no such thing as a “free lunch”; ev

56、ery decision has its own _ problems.,decisive,inherent,5. It was in the middle of the busiest city in Europe, with noise, exhaust fumes and _ thousands of bodies all within yards. 6. Having children so early in their marriage was a mixed _ .,literally,blessing,7. Politically they tend to be unstable

57、, with very high birth rates but poor education and very low levels of _ . 8. Two contrasting colors such as blue and yellow can look effective when freely _ , each intensifying the impact of the other.,literacy,mingled,9. The period of the flood and directly afterwards had become completely _ in he

58、r mind. 10. Colleagues and pupils thought of him as _; a few found him frightening; a few found him affable.,distorted,formidable,11. The scheme is being widely debated on television because it sets a _ for other companies. 12. From July, all organically produced food must be _ under EC regulations.

59、,precedent,certified,IV. Replace the underlined words or expressions in the following sentences with words or expressions from the text that best keep the original meaning.,1. The police are trying their very best to search for the escaped convict.,hunt down,2. These immigrants have already been assimilated into the social mainstream.


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