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1、南昌航空大学外语学院,Pre-Reading Activities,1 Discussion 2 Education in UK 3 Warm-up Questions,Unit 3,Before-reading,Global reading,Detailed reading,After reading,南昌航空大学外语学院,Before Reading_1.1,Discussion,Look at the pictures of various jobs. Answer the following questions with a partner.,南昌航空大学外语学院,Discussion

2、,1. How are these people similar? How are they different? 2. Would you like to be a teacher? Why or why not? 3. If you have no other choice but to be a teacher, what kind of teacher do you want to be? Why? 4. Can you tell us something about the best teacher of yours in your life?,南昌航空大学外语学院,Before R

3、eading_3.1,A Brief Introduction of Education in U. K.,1. British state schools,Old system “eleven plus” examination Under the old system, children took an examination called the “eleven plus” at the age of eleven. If they passed this examination, they went to a grammar school (high school) and if th

4、ey failed, they went to a secondary modern school.,南昌航空大学外语学院,Before Reading_3.2,New system “streamed” others are “unstreamed”. In a streamed school, pupils are placed into classes according to their ability. Children of high ability are in the “A” stream, those of lesser ability in the “B” stream a

5、nd so on. In an unstreamed school, children of mixed ability are placed together in the classes.,南昌航空大学外语学院,Before Reading_3.3,2. Some famous universities in Britain,Oxford University The United Kingdoms oldest institution of higher learning, Oxford University, is a federation of 35 colleges, each w

6、ith its own structure and activities. Many prominent people have attended All Souls College, shown here.,Cambridge University Founded in the 13th century, Cambridge University is one of the oldest educational institutions in Europe and one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Among its

7、 many distinguished graduates are Charles Darwin, John Maynard Keynes, Oliver Cromwell and John Milton.,南昌航空大学外语学院,Warm-up questions,What jobs do you think are the best ones nowadays? Why? Where would you like to find a job after you graduate from school, in a big city or in a small town? Why? Have

8、you tried to make some money before entering university?,南昌航空大学外语学院,Reading questions,1 What was his impression of the school? 2 Did the author think games were a vital part of a boys education? Did the headmaster agree with him? What are your views on the role games play in childrens education? 3 D

9、id the author accept the job offered by the headmaster? Give evidence from the text to support your view.,南昌航空大学外语学院,Globe Reading2.,Rearrange the Order of the Pictures,3,_,2,_,5,_,1,_,4,_,南昌航空大学外语学院,Globe Reading3.1,True or False,The young man got some information about a job in a London newspaper.

10、,The story doesnt tell us.,F,( ),1.,The young man was a college student wanting to find a part-time job.,2.,In Britain, a degree and working experience are very important in job hunting.,3.,T,( ),He was waiting to enter university.,F,( ),4.,When the young man applied for the job, he didnt feel confi

11、dent.,T,( ),南昌航空大学外语学院,Globe Reading3.2,Complete the Missing Information of the Story,1. Three days later, the young man was . 2. The journey to the school . 3. The young man was so worn out that he . 4. The young man was supposed to teach twenty-four boys 5 For such demanding work, the young mans s

12、alary was . . .,asked to show up for an interview,_,proved to be long and awkward,_,didnt even feel nervous,_,in turn at three different levels,only 12 a week,_,南昌航空大学外语学院,Globe Reading.1,Part Division of the Text,Main Ideas,Paragraph,Parts,1,1,2,2 5,3,6 9,the reason why the young man wanted to find

13、 a job,his disappointing experience to find the job.,the most important reason why he refused the job.,南昌航空大学外语学院,I saw advertised in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived(Line 1, Para1),My First Job Robert Best,Article1_S1,1. What is

14、the object of “saw”?,The object of “saw” is “a teaching post”.,2. Why does the author write in this way?,Because the object has a lengthy modifier, it needs to be postponed in order that the whole sentence has “end weight”.,More example:,We heard from his own lips the story of how he had been caught

15、 in a trap for days without food.,南昌航空大学外语学院,I mumbled something about not attaching too much importance to them(Line24, Para 5),Article3_S1,1. What does the last word “them” refers to?,It refer to “games”.,2. Translate this sentence into Chinese.,我含含糊糊地说了一些不必太重视游戏之类的话。,南昌航空大学外语学院,two subjects at wh

16、ich I had been completely incompetent at school( Line 34,para 7),Article4_S2,Why does the author use “at” before “which-clause”?,It has something to do with the word “incompetent”. Usually we use “be (in)competent at / in sth.”.,More example:,The problem about which I consulted you has now been solv

17、ed.,He is clever and quick at his work, for which he is honored with the title of a model worker.,南昌航空大学外语学院,Worse perhaps was the idea of Saturday afternoon cricket; most of my friends would be enjoying leisure at that time.( Line35, Para7),Article4_S3,Paraphrase this sentence.,The idea of Saturday

18、 afternoon cricket was perhaps worse for at that time most of my friends would be free.,南昌航空大学外语学院,Before I could protest, he got to his feet(Line39, para8),Article5_S1,Translate this sentence into Chinese.,还没等我提出异议,他已经站了起来。,南昌航空大学外语学院,This was the last straw( Line 41, Para 9),Article5_S2,Before Rea

19、ding,Global Reading,After Reading,1. Paraphrase this sentence.,This was really the worse coming to the worst and too much to put up with.,More example:,Then when he asked me for money, which was the last straw, I told him to get out.,2. What can we learn from this sentence?,It shows that the young m

20、an had not been satisfied with what the headmaster told him before he learned that headmasters wife was his boss. By the way, the phrase “the last straw” comes from a proverb: It is the last straw that breaks the camels back. (最后添加的一根稻草压断了骆驼的脊背。),南昌航空大学外语学院,南昌航空大学外语学院,Article1_W_post1,post (Line 2),

21、My First Job Robert Best,1) job or position,He was offered the post of ambassador to Indian.,Your letter must have got lost in the post.,2) the official system for carrying letters, parcels, etc. from one place to another,她受聘在新政府中任职.,She was offered a post in the new government.,南昌航空大学外语学院,Article1_

22、W_be short of,(be) short of (Line 3),I was short of money, so George lent me $20.,not having enough of, in want of,看起来这个年轻人缺乏教学经验。,It seems that the young man is short of teaching experience.,南昌航空大学外语学院,depress: vt.(Line9),Article1_W_depress1,I was depressed after reading so much depressing news.,他很

23、沮丧,因为他没有通过考试。,He was depressed because he had not passed his examinations.,1) make sad; discourage,2) press, push or pull down,If you depress the button there, a robot will come out to serve tea.,3) make lower,The OPEC countries depressed their oil output a month ago.,南昌航空大学外语学院,depress, discourage

24、shes doing her best Sadden:意为“使沮丧”、“忧愁”, 较为常用。例如: He saddened at the memory of her death,南昌航空大学外语学院,undo: vt.,Article3_W_undo,Let me help you undo the buttons on that jacket.,1) unfasten (what is tied or wrapped); untie,2) cancel; bring back the state of affairs,The new President undid many rules se

25、t up by the former President.,南昌航空大学外语学院,Article3_W_smell of,There is a smell of fried chicken in this room.,空气中充满了鲜花的香味。,The air was filled with the smell of flowers.,smell of: give out the smell or scent of,南昌航空大学外语学院,Article3_W_vital,These measures are vital to national security.,Water is of vita

26、l necessity in the desert.,1) of the greatest importance,2) full of life or energy,Young girls easily fall in love with the vital and handsome film star.,vital: adj.,南昌航空大学外语学院,Article4_W_in turn,in turn: one after another, in succession, in order,I will talk to you all in turn.,理论的基础是实践,又转过来为实践服务。,

27、Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.,南昌航空大学外语学院,Article4_W_competent1,competent: adj. good enough at doing sth., skillful,She is competent for her work.,Is he competent as an accountant?,competent的反义词是incompetent, 意为“无能力的,不能胜任的”。例如:,be competent for sth.(doing sth.); be competent

28、 + to v.; be competent as sth.; be competent at / in sth.,He is an incompetent candidate.,他是一个不合格的候选人。,南昌航空大学外语学院,Article5_W_ultimate,ultimate: adj. greatest; utmost; last or final,The sun is the ultimate source of power.,成为总统是他最终的目标。,Becoming president is his ultimate goal.,ultimate,较正式用词,强调已到了极限。,

29、CF:,ultimate, final things done by halves are never done right. R. H. Stoddard, American poet,8.,Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance. Samuel Johnson, British writer and critic,做一切事都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行。 - 美国诗人 R. H. 斯托达德,完成伟大的事业不在于体力, 而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。 - 英国作家和评论家 S. 约翰逊,Before Reading

30、,Global Reading,After Reading,Detailed Reading,南昌航空大学外语学院,After Reading_8.3,10.,It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. Winston Churchill, British prime minister,不能爱哪行才干哪行, 要干哪行爱哪行。 英国首相 温斯顿邱吉尔,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,9.,Man errs so long as he strives. Johann Wolfgang Goethe, German poet and dramatist,人只要奋斗就会犯错误。 德国诗人、剧作家 J. W. 歌德,Detailed Reading,南昌航空大学外语学院,The big problem of comprehension of the English text and the big


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