



1、人教版新课标高一英语必修四第四单元阅读课教学设计编制仅供参考审核批准生效日期地址: 电话:传真: 邮编:人教版新课标高中英语必修四Unit 4 Body Language 阅读课漳浦龙湖中学 授课班级:高二理科(1)班 授课老师:陈亚妹教材分析教学内容分析本节课是这个单元的第三课时,为精读课。课文是以作者去机场迎接外国学生为场景,讲述了几个不同国家的学生由于文化背景的差异,初次见面时互相问候的方式迥然不同所导致的误会。形象地表明了身势语与文化背景的密切关系,以及身势语不同的文化内涵和在跨文化交际中的重要作用。学生情况分析经过高一一学年的英语学习,一部分学生已经掌握了略读、跳读等一定的阅读技巧及

2、阅读策略。但还有一部分的学生基础不扎实,主动学习的积极性不高,因此,激发学生学习英语的兴趣至关重要。高中英语的教学重点是使学生掌握基础的语言知识和语言技能,因而在教学过程中,考虑学生的实际情况,要因材施教,设置学生感兴趣的教学活动,将传统的教学方法与现代化多媒体技术相结合,才能调动学生的英语学习热情。教学目标分析知识与能力目标 通过对课文的阅读,能够掌握本课的单词和短语并利用他们完成各项阅读任务。 通过设计不同层次的阅读任务,帮助学生巩固、强化和提高略读、细读、理解大意、理解重点细节和猜测词义等阅读策略。情感态度目标通过对文章的理解及学生小组场景表演,让学生懂得交流与沟通不仅仅局限于语言,还可

3、以借助肢体语言形象表达出自己的情感,不同的文化背景的人们对身势语有不同的理解。3. 学习策略目标通过对文章的阅读,利用不同的阅读任务,帮助学生完成快速阅读、精读等练习来提高学生的阅读能力。4. 教学方法及教学手段 采用任务型教学方法,启发式教学,激发学生学习积极性,完成教学任务。 运用现代化多媒体进行教学,丰富课堂内容,调动学生课堂气氛。教学重点、难点教学重点使学生了解不同的文化背景的人,他们的身势语是不同的,尤其是打招呼的方式。另外,在阅读的基础上,重视学生阅读方法和阅读技巧的引导,完成阅读能力的培养。教学难点 如何利用略读、细读等阅读技巧完成所给的阅读任务,通过这样的阅读手段形成阅读策略。

4、 课堂教学中,在提高学生阅读理解能力的基础上,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。教学过程Step The teacher greets students as usual.Step II. Lead-inT: Do you know what the body language is The body language is one form of communication without speaking, such as gestures, facial expressions and postures.(通过幻灯片展示的图片,形象生动地让学生了解什么是肢体语言,调动学生的学习热情,同时

5、引出我们本节课的阅读主题。)Revisive the words in the passage. 通过复习课文的有关词汇,帮助学生在阅读过程中能准确理解整体课文。Step III. While-readingFast-reading: Listen to the recording, read and answer the following questions.How many international students are there in the country?Six.Who are they and where they come from?Tony GarciaColumbi

6、aJulia SmithBritainAkira NagataJapanGeorge CookCanadaAhmed AzizJordanDarlene CoulonFrance通过听音阅读,旨在培养学生快速、准确查找目的信息的能力。Scanning: Match the main idea for each part.Part 1 People from different countries have different body language.(Para1)Part 2 Summary of body language.(Para2-4)Part 3 I went to the Ai

7、rport to meet the international students.(Para5)培养整体快速阅读能力,学会关注语篇的内容和结构,抓住文章的主体大意。Careful-reading:1. Ask students to find out the two mistakes that the author noticed.The first cultural mistake:Tony Garcia: He approached Julia, touched _and _her on the _.Julia Smith: She _ appearing _ and put up her

8、 hands as if _. The second cultural mistake:George Cook: He _ his hand _ to the Japanese.Akira Nagata: He _ to George but his nose _ Georges _ hand.2. Choose the best answer to each question.The author in the passage is _. A. a female B. a male C. a representative of the Chinese government D. the bo

9、ss of a big company.Why are the international students visiting China?A. Because they like the friendly people and the delicious food of China.B. Because they have received invitations from the government.C. Because they are interested in developing business in China.D. Because China is becoming mor

10、e and more powerful now.What parts of the world are not represented by the visitors?A. Africa, Australia and Central AmericaB. Europe and Asia.C. The Middle Eastern, Africa and America.D. Only Australia. Which of the following statements is NOT true A. Body language is important because it helps avo

11、id misunderstanding.B. Some of the languages are good while others are bad and rude.A man from the Middle Eastern tends to greet men and women in different ways.French people will often kiss people they know on both cheeks.通过对文章的细读,培养学生用英语进行思维的良好习惯,也是加强学生在细节理解的基础上强化学生进行推理判断的能力培养。Step IV. Post-readin

12、g 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the text. If you have a chance to observe several foreign visitors from different countries getting together, youll surely experience some _ that will happen among them in body language due to the difference of their _. For example, when at the first

13、meeting, Colombians like to _ others,_ their shoulders and kiss them on the cheek, while the British will keep a certain distance from others; Canadians will _ hands, while Japanese will _.From the above examples, we know that all cultures dont _ each other the same way. In short, as well as _ langu

14、age, our body language can also express our _ through physical distance, actions or posture. But remember that _ of the actions or posture is good or bad, and they are just the ways of communicating with people. Different cultures result in different body language.2. Role play.Ask some students work

15、 in groups and try to act out the story in the text. Different students represent different parts of the world, and use body language to greet each other. 通过对前面几个环节的环环相扣,这部分可以使学生在文章的理解之后的语言综合运用能力得到锻炼。最后这一任务,利用学生的表演侧重出本节课的阅读主题,让学生进一步认识到肢体语言在跨国文化交际中的重要性,从而达到培养学生的情感目标。Step V. Homework1. Learn the words and expressions in the passage by heart.2. Retell t


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