中考英语话题Way of Life以及练习题_第1页
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中考英语话题Way of Life以及练习题_第5页




1、My experiences in EnglandI went to England last year. I enjoyed my stay, and I noticed something interesting with the English way of life.For example, you must say Mr. or Mrs. when you meet someone for the first time. When you get to know each other better or when they ask you to, you can just use t

2、heir first names.One day, we visited some friends and had afternoon tea together. Afternoon tea is not just a drink but a light meal at around 4 pm. We ate sandwiches and a large fruit cake. In England, you usually drink tea with milk. So I tried to drink tea with milk, too.Fish and chips is traditi

3、onal food in England. You can buy it and eat it in special fish and chip shops on the high street, or you can take it away and eat it with your fingers! It is delicious!At the bus stop, you must not push your way onto the bus. You need to stand in a line and wait your turn. Sometimes people are slow

4、 to get on the bus. Once I noticed a gentleman touch a young man on the shoulder, smile politely and say, Excuse me! Are you waiting for this bus?” He was really polite.New words and expressions:notice something interesting get to know not.but take it away push stand in a line get on L Multiple Choi

5、ce()1. You wait till (直至ll) the traffic lights are green.A. mayB. canC. must( )2. Sandy didnt tell her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a .A. giftB. callC. surprise()3. - Excuse me, can I smoke here?No, .A. you mustB. you!d better notC. you can()4. Sandy feels unhappy

6、because nobody seems to her progress.A. noticeB. lookC. watch()5. - Mary got a skating ticket for free last week.-She is so .A. luckB. luckyC. unlucky()6. Zhang Dan gave me some money, but I didn!t it.A. acceptB. receiveC. get()7. - Mother, can I go to the movies tonight?-Sure, but you come back hom

7、e before ten oclock.A. canB. mustC. may()8. - Lets go fishing this weekend.-Sorry, I . I have to go to visit my grandparents.A. mustntB. needntC. cant()9. Shanghai Nanjing in many ways.A, is the same fromB. is different fromC. is the same for .A, is the same fromB. is different fromC. is the same fo

8、r .( )10. It doesnt how long we live, but how we live.A. troubleB. sadC. matterA. troubleB. sadC. matterIL根据语境从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。experience someone stay sandwich onto gentleman. - Cindy, is waiting for you.Oh? Whos it?.Do you know that under the tree?一 Yeah! Hes Jills father.Look! Your cat jumps

9、 the table.Would you like some for lunch?- Last Sunday Helen had an unusual .-Yeah! I know. An accident happened to her.-1 enjoyed my in Canada.-Really? What did you do when you were in that country?III.根据句意从方框中选出恰当的介词填空。in with for at of on around 5:00 pm, Tom arrived at my home.You cant eat the fo

10、od your fingers.Dont touch the girl her shoulder.All the people should stand a line.What should I do when Im invited afternoon tea?1 really want to know the English way life.Sentence Practice.你第一次和他见面是什么时候?When did you meet him?.首先你们应该相互了解一下。First you should each other.下午茶不仅仅是喝茶,而且是一顿便餐,对吗?Afternoon

11、 tea is just a drink a light meal, right?.你为什么不按顺序等候?Why dorft you?ClozeNowadays, many people drive their cars to work. There are a lot of cars in the street and the 1 is very busy. So sometimes 2 is not easy for people to get to work on time. When you are going to be late, you only dream of taking

12、a plane there. Can your dream 3 ?Yes! You can take a plane only in months!Four engineers in Germany are 4 in making planes. They are making a new plane-Lilium jet. It doesnt look like a plane 5 an egg. Many people think it looks funny and interesting. The great “egg” can take two people to the sky a

13、nd _ 6 three hundred kilometers in one hour. Thats really great.Some people call Lilium jet a flying car. Why? Firstly, its not difficult for people to learn to drive it. People can drive it just like driving a car. But it can go 7 and farther than a car. Secondly, Lilium jet is not very big, only a

14、 quarter of a plane.So it doesnt need an airport. Only a small place is OK. It can stop 8 . In the future, the flying car will come into peoples life and 9 our ways of trip.Lilium jet will come on the market soon. 10 you want to make your trip easy and funny, why not buy one? Tm sure you will have a

15、 good time on it.( )1. A. traffic()2. A. this( )3. A. come on()4. A. bored()5. A. but()6. A. walk( )1. A. traffic()2. A. this( )3. A. come on()4. A. bored()5. A. but()6. A. walk()7. A. slower()8. A. where()9. A. change()10. A. UnlessVI. Readingpupil bad faceB. skyB. thatB. come backB. interestedB. a

16、ndswimB. fasterB. nowhereB. findB.Ifuntil hand quicktrainC. itC. come trueC. disappointedC. soC. flyC. earlierC. everywhereC.loseC. Whetherchild before stopIt was a fine day in autumn. Some girls and boys were out with their teacher.They 1.to a museum. On their way to the museum, they suddenly heard

17、 a loud shout behind them. The teacher told her pupils 2. Then she turned and listened. When she heard the cry Mad dog!” she knew what was happening.3.she could do anything, she saw a dog running to them. 4.!” said the teacherKeep close to each other. Dont move or cry. Then she stood before the children so that the dog would meet her first. The dog came 5. At this moment the teacher saw a man. He ran up with a gun (枪)in his 6. “The children must be kept safe 7.the man comes/5 thought the lady. The teacher ran to the dog, 8.it brave


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