1、Crystal Healing level 1水晶治疗1级31、别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。(名言网)32、我不想听失意者的哭泣,抱怨者的牢骚,这是羊群中的瘟疫,我不能被它传染。我要尽量避免绝望,辛勤耕耘,忍受苦楚。我一试再试,争取每天的成功,避免以失败收常在别人停滞不前时,我继续拼搏。33、如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命就永远只能是死水一潭。34、当你眼泪忍不住要流出来的时候,睁大眼睛,千万别眨眼!你会看到世界由清晰变模糊的全过程,心会在你泪水落下的那一刻变得清澈明晰。盐。注定要融化的,也许是用眼泪的方式。35、不要以为自己成功一次就可以了,也不要以为过去的光荣可以被永远肯定。Crysta
2、l Healing level 1水晶治疗1级Crystal Healing level 1水晶治疗1级31、别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。(名言网)32、我不想听失意者的哭泣,抱怨者的牢骚,这是羊群中的瘟疫,我不能被它传染。我要尽量避免绝望,辛勤耕耘,忍受苦楚。我一试再试,争取每天的成功,避免以失败收常在别人停滞不前时,我继续拼搏。33、如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命就永远只能是死水一潭。34、当你眼泪忍不住要流出来的时候,睁大眼睛,千万别眨眼!你会看到世界由清晰变模糊的全过程,心会在你泪水落下的那一刻变得清澈明晰。盐。注定要融化的,也许是用眼泪的方式。35、不要以为自己成功一次就可以了,也
3、不要以为过去的光荣可以被永远肯定。Crystal Healing level 1By T.Rajavardhan 9247121954Contents of the program Crystals and their role in CreationComprehensive overview of major healing crystalsUnderstanding energetic of crystal formationsAttuning, Programming and Activating CrystalsAccessing Crystalline wisdoms for he
4、aling self & othersCommuning with Higher BeingsCrystal Devas & Master Crystal EnergysAngels InvocationCrystal HealingHouse , Self and OthersRelationshipsFertilityUsing Crystal GridsCrystal MeditationCrystal Grids formationsCrystal Grids processCrystal Healing level 1水晶治疗1级3Crystal Healing level 1By
5、T.Rajavardhan 9247121954Crystal Healing level 1By Contents of the program Crystals and their role in CreationComprehensive overview of major healing crystalsUnderstanding energetic of crystal formationsAttuning, Programming and Activating CrystalsAccessing Crystalline wisdoms for healing self & othe
6、rsCommuning with Higher BeingsCrystal Devas & Master Crystal EnergysAngels InvocationCrystal HealingHouse , Self and OthersRelationshipsFertilityUsing Crystal GridsCrystal MeditationCrystal Grids formationsCrystal Grids processContents of the program Crysta Crystals and their Role in NatureCrystal-H
7、ealing-level-1水晶治疗1级共58张课件 Comprehensive Overview Of Major Healing CrystalsCrystal-Healing-level-1水晶治疗1级共58张课件Angel stones The Angel Stones:Amethyst heightens spiritual awareness; aids one in reaching higher states of consciousness; opens intuition; cleanses and protects the auraAngelite increases p
8、sychic and spiritual awareness; aids astral travel and spirit journeying Apophyllite brings a conscious connection between the physical and spiritual realms; intensifies clairvoyance and intuition; powerful energy transmitter; increases the energies of other stonesCelestite encourages spiritual deve
9、lopment and enlightenment; aids dream recall, especially when related to spirit or angelic guidance; aids astral journeying; promotes clairvoyance Moldavite elevates ones consciousness to the highest spiritual dimensions; enhances the effects of other crystals by taking them to their highest vibrati
10、ons; enables communication with the Higher Self; promotes altered states of consciousness; opens, clears, energizes and aligns all chakras Orange Elestial brings inner strength, and can assist in relieving emotional burdens. This stone harmonizes body with spirit and assists in communication with th
11、e Angelic realms. Prehnite increases ones ability to receive angelic communications, the guidance of spirit beings, or the wisdom of ones own Higher Self; encourages deep meditative states; encourages the will to carry out the desires of the heart; helps one to recognize their personal power Angel s
12、tones The Angel Stones:Petalite raises the conscious mind to a higher vibration; protects during astral travel, shamanic ceremonies, vision quests, and anytime a connection is being made with an angel or other spiritual guide Selenite aids in attaining higher states of consciousness by calming and f
13、ocusing the mind; sharpens spiritual contact; enhances the energy of other crystals; transmits ones intent towards the spiritual realmSeraphinite raises the conscious mind to a higher vibration; aids in finding ones higher purpose and the will to align with it; aids meditation; increases spiritual a
14、wareness; opens psychic abilities; clears the chakras; stimulates and opens the crown chakra; protects the physical body during metaphysical workSodalite raises the vibration of the conscious mind to that of the Higher Self, thus opening spiritual perception; aids meditation by stimulating the third
15、 eye Tanzanite promotes altered states of consciousness and deep meditative states; aids in raising consciousness; facilitates inner and outer journeyingOther angel stones include: Ajoite, Angel Aura Quartz, Angel Wing Calcite, Aragonite star clusters, Blue Hemimorphite, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Topaz,
16、 Bolder Opal, Danburite, Goethite, Goshenite, Herkimer Diamond, Iolite, Larimar, Lemurian Crystals, Lepidocrosite, Mangano Calcite, Morganite, Muscovite, Phenacite, Purpurite, Rainbow Fluorite, Smithsonite, Ulexite, Yellow Labradorite Petalite raises the conscious AMBER Amber is what is termed a sol
17、ar stone. and almost always feels warm. Pieces are carved intolovely amber wandsfor use by alchemical healers. as it is a powerful stone to use for healing.Amber gem stone is a powerful healer and cleanser. and is reputed to cleanse the blood. as well as helping to move energy around the body.Try pu
18、tting a piece of natural crystal in your pocket close to the problem area, or buy a piece of jewelry to wear on your body. It is favorable to wear it during and after illness, to bring relief from many different afflictions.AMBER It supports clearing of problems associated with thesacral chakra, and
19、 draws physical illness out of the spleen, liver and other organs in this area.It links the everyday self to the spiritual self, and is highly protective against any type of negativity, especially from psychic sources. It is known to be one of the better natural crystals forpsychic protection.These
20、stones give youways to relieve stressand may help to clear depression. They aid the emotions and creates a more positive outlook on life. Their role within the sacral chakra means that it this a strong stone to aid withenhancing creativity.Amber connects you to your inner wisdom. via the sacral chak
21、ra and enhancesclairsentience. When combined with other golden toned crystals, it is a powerful stone tomanifest money.Amber gem stone is a stone that aids manifestation. and is effective at aiding you to use your innate talents and abilities, to bringabundance and prosperityinto your life.Amber gem
22、 stone is a one of the major stones for both thesolar plexus chakraand thesacral chakra. and also works to aid other areas of the body. It heals the glandular system and stimulates the healing of problems within the DNA. as well as relieving karmic related illness.It supports clearing of probleANGEL
23、ITE STONE Angelite is a lovely blue stone with a peaceful energy that is calming and soothing. and a vibration that is very helpful to aid contact with beings in the higher realms and in particular with members of the angelic kingdom.As this stones energy is soothing to the emotions, keep a piece of
24、 this stone on you, especially if you are feeling emotionally troubled or out of sorts, as using it is one of theways to relieve stress.its action is balancing to the physical body, and it is lovely to hold in your hands to aid healing. Place a piece under your pillow or close by, to aid your sleep
25、to be more peaceful. and to help you to remember and interpret your dreams.ANGELITE STONE Other ways that this stone may aid your healing includes its action to support healing of health problems related to the bones. such as osteoporosis and arthritis. It is said to help to dissolve calcification w
26、ithin the joints and to give you a greater range of motion in the joints.As well it is known to be helpful when applied to the feet, as it may unblock meridians where required for healing. Within the throat chakra this stones energy may aid healing of throat inflammation and of problems in the thyro
27、id glands. It can be helpful to aid weight loss as it is said to act as a diuretic.Other ways that this stone may.resonate strongly with a vibration that is powerful to aid communication and psychic gifts. These lovely stones have a very high and quite intense energy, that activates all of the chakr
28、as.This crystals energy is particularly strong within the higher chakras, and this vibration has a powerful action to aid your communication abilities. They are excellent stones to aid you to speak more easily and more truthfully with those with whom you may have relationships. The lovely blue color
29、 of Aqua Aura Quartz is a clue to their strong capacity to aid your emotions and help you to feel calmer and more at peace emotionally.resonate strongly with a vibrThe vibration of these bright blue crystals is particularly active at thethroat chakra. and it is also quite potent within thethymus cha
30、kraandheart chakra. aiding heartfelt communication with others. They are known to aid you to let go of perceived limitations you may feel, and be able to speak the truth without fear.Their high vibration relates to the alchemical method used to bond the gold onto the quartz. This energy resonates wi
31、thin all of the higher chakras to aid you to connect with spirit and understand their communication with you more clearly.Their energy in this area may also stimulate the gift of psychic hearing, also known asclairaudience. They are strong stones to aid you to developautomatic writingand channeling
32、abilities. They are a very beautiful stone and would be powerful to wear. although maybe only for short periods at first as they have such an intense energy.The vibration of these bright The Amethyst is a crystal with a vibration that is highly useful to assist meditation, as it will calm the emotio
33、ns.These powerful stones vibrate within the third eye chakra, as well as thecrown chakra,thesoul star chakraand the etheric chakras right up to the fourteenth chakra.Forcrystal meditationit is one of the premier stones to use. as it will aid your mind to relax.It supports you to strengthen and bring
34、 through increased spiritual gifts. Using this stone in meditation may also help you to develop yourpsychic communicationabilities.The amazing energy that is embodied within these purple stones will open the third eye.This may aid the awakening ofpsychic visionsand your clairvoyant abilities that ar
35、e related to thethird eye chakra. Stones made intocrystal skullsattract the presence ofpowerful spiritual energy, so this is another wonderful way of using its lovely energy.The Amethyst is a crystal with Understanding Energetic Of Crystal FormationsCrystal-Healing-level-1水晶治疗1级共58张课件Use healing cry
36、stals of the specific chakra colors. These colors are as follows:ChakraChakra ColorSoul Star ChakraWhiteCrown ChakraViolet and WhiteThird Eye ChakraPurpleThroat ChakraBlueThymus or Higher Heart ChakraPink and TurquoiseHeart ChakraGreen and PinkSolar Plexus ChakraYellowNavel or Sacral ChakraOrangeRoo
37、t or Base ChakraRed and BlackEarth Star or Earth ChakraBlack and Brown Use healing crystals of the spSACRED GEOMETRY SYMBOLSSacred Geometry SetThis sacred geometry set includes a case to store the crystal shapes of theFive Platonic Solids.Plato called these geometric shapes the building blocks of cr
38、eation, asserting that their structural harmony brought order to chaos.SACRED GEOMETRY SYMBOLSCrystal-Healing-level-1水晶治疗1级共58张课件ShapeShapeElementZodiacFunctionTetrahedronfour equilateral triangles, giving it 4 faces and 6 edgesFireAries, Leo and Sagittarius.willpower, courage, passion & self defini
39、tion balance & stability between Physical & Spiritual Chakra : Solar PlexusHexahedron (Cube)six-sided created from 6 equal squares, 8 vertices and 12 edgesEarthCapricorn, Taurus and Virgostability, power and physical action. grounding energy, maintaining focus, removing tension and easing physical s
40、tresses. Chakra : RootDodecahedron12 faces with 30 edgesSpiritAllDivine connection, the universe, completion and wholenessShapeShapeElementZodiacFunctioShapeShapeElementZodiacFunctionOctahedron8 equilateral triangles, and thus has eight faces, 6 Vertices and 12 edgesAirLibra, Aquarious and Geminiint
41、ellect, inspiration, new beginnings and mental activity. creates cosmically committed energies, Magical Movement into the Astral Plane, Eternity. access our healing and nurturing aspects. find acceptance &forgiveness. higher vibration of reflection, compassion and healing. attune to the more spiritu
42、al nature our self and begin to understand our true natureChakra : HeartIcosahedron12 faces created by 20 equil. triangles with 30 edges, 20 verticesWaterCancer, Scorpio and Piscesemotions, dreams and intuition, movement, flow, and change. enhancing the creative thought process. removing any emotion
43、al blockages that are disrupting creative energies. allowing freedom of expression, creativity and positive change to flow effortlessly through usChakra : SexShapeShapeElementZodiacFunctioShapeShapeElementZodiacFunctionDodecahedron12 faces with 30 edges/ 20 faces, 12 vertices and 30 edges- PentagonE
44、therAllDivine connection, the universe, completion and wholeness. use in meditation as the energy held within this sacred shape can raise your vibration up to facilitate connection to your Higher Self and the Source. is an expression of life and consciousness, allowing us to go beyond the vibrations
45、 of the physical body and to reconnect with the higher vibration of our true natureChakra : Throat, Ajyna, Sahasra and aboveShapeShapeElementZodiacFunctioCrystal-Healing-level-1水晶治疗1级共58张课件 Attuning, Programming and Activating Of CrystalsCrystal-Healing-level-1水晶治疗1级共58张课件CHARGING CRYSTALS WITH ANGE
46、LIC ENERGY Charging: Hold Crystal in your right handCleansing: Hold Crystal in your left handPlace crystal in center of the palm.Physically face Presiding Angel Direction/U feel the Angel is.With Clear Intention Say Invocation loudly and directly to crystal placed palm of your hand.Invocation : I wi
47、sh to charge these crystals with healing light and love. Thanks be to Archangel (Raphael) for your assistance and eternal guidance. Blessings. (also on candles and incense/ Reiki draw symbols after charging)CHARGING CRYSTALS WITH ANGELIC Communing with Higher Beings - Crystal Devas & Master Crystal
48、EnergysCrystal-Healing-level-1水晶治疗1级共58张课件What is Devic Temple? It is house of Angel for permanent residence of Angel in the house Choose your highest vibration and clearest crystal Put in an alter and attend to it regularly. What is Devic Temple?Crystal-Healing-level-1水晶治疗1级共58张课件 Communing with Hi
49、gher Beings - Angels InvocationCrystal-Healing-level-1水晶治疗1级共58张课件Archangel MichaelMeans : “He who is like God”.Archangel of : Protection, guidance and strength. Helps with: Protection, direction, self-esteem, motivation, courage, commitment, faith, energy, vitality, lifes purpose, and releasing fea
50、r. Color Vibration: Brilliant Blue Gemstone: Lapis Lazuli Invocation: I invoke the blue light of Archangel Michael to surround me and protect me from any negative energy or entities seen or unseen. I ask that I be a channel of divine love and healing to everyone I cross paths with. I ask for courage
51、, strength and faith so that I may walk this earth with an open heart and an open mind. Thank you for the true and perfect guidance that surrounds me each and every moment and so it is! Visualization: As I invoke Archangel Michael, I visualize a sapphire blue bubble like an energy field completely s
52、urrounding me.I imagine myself completely embraced by this beautiful brilliant energy, and as I do, I know that I am completely surrounded and protected from any negative energy. Archangel MichaelMeans : “He Archangel JophielMeans : “Beauty of God”.Archangel of : creativity, beauty and art.Helps wit
53、h: Manifesting more beauty in our lives through our thoughts, supports artists and artistic projects, release prejudice and ignorance, interior design and decorating, awakening, self-awareness, inspiration, hope and joy. Helps those who feel spiritually lost, depressed, or in despair. Color Vibratio
54、n: Golden Yellow Gemstone: Citrine Invocation: I invoke the golden yellow light of Archangel Jophiel. Help me to manifest beauty within and around me.Jophiel, I know that I am a creative being and I ask that you help me to use that creative power in every aspect of my life. Please help me to remembe
55、r that whatever I focus on is manifested through the vibration of my own thoughts. Help me to align my thoughts with who I really am and to see the beauty in all that crosses my path. I will remain open-minded and be guided by the light within. With your help and creative power, I can and will manif
56、est the beautiful life of my dreams and so it is! Visualization: As I invoke Archangel Jophiel, I visualize a golden yellow light entering the top of my head and moving down my entire body. This vibrating light encases me in a safe and comfortable energy field.I see, hear, feel and know that the ene
57、rgy of creativity and manifestation surrounds me and dwells within me, at all times. Archangel JophielMeans : “BeauArchangel ChamuelMeans : “He who sees or seeks God”.Archangel of : unconditional love and adoration.Helps with: Career, life purpose, finding lost items, building and strengthening rela
58、tionships, world peace, and seeking soul mates. Color Vibration: Pink Gemstone: Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Pink Rhodonite Invocation: I invoke the unconditional love and light of Archangel Chamuel. Please heal any and all emotional wounds or pain that holds me back from truly loving myself as the d
59、ivine Spirit that I am. Archangel Chamuel, please help me to open my heart to the beauty within me as well as around me. Allow me to see myself through your angelic vibration and feel love as I release any and all resentments, fears and pain.I ask to experience forgiveness, self acceptance and uncon
60、ditional self love. Thank you for helping me attract positive, kind, gentle, and non-judgmental love into myself and my life . . . and so it is! Visualization: As I invoke Archangel Chamuel, I imagine a vibrant pink energy surrounding my entire physical being. As I breathe in, I see that pink energy
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