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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1_ is willing to volunteer in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is welcome to join

2、 us.AWhatever BWhoeverCWhenever DWherever2The number of stay-at-home fathers reached a record high last year, new figures show, _ families saw a rise in female breadwinners.Aif BasCbecause Dthough3Ken, _, but your radio is going too loud.Oh, Im sorry. Ill turn it down right now.AI hate to say itBIt

3、doesnt hurt to askCI m really tired of itDIm crazy about it4The document film _ next week aims at introducing local cultures to the world.AreleasedBbeing releasedCto be releasedDhaving been released5_ many Chinese holidays are directed towards services remembering ancestors, the Ching Ming Festival

4、is beyond doubt the largest.AUnlessBSinceCOnceDWhile6The main issue at the APEC meeting was a climate-change plan _ by Australias Howard and backed by Bush.Aput outBput offCput awayDput forward7The International Monetary Fund has received both criticism and for its efforts to promote financial stabi

5、lity, prevent crises, facilitate trade, and reduce poverty.AworshipBcreditCargumentDprivilege8Wu Lei is the only Chinese player has made it onto the latest World Soccer 500 list.AwhoBwhichCwhoseDwhom9With Mothers Day around the corner,I have taken some money out of the bank_ presents for my mother.A

6、buyBto buyCbuyingDhaving bought10No student _ go out of school to have lunch without permission of the headteacher.AmightBmustCshallDcould11I _ tell you with certainty that he wont be able to finish it before the deadline. Awill Bmust Ccan Dmay12During the 2008 financial crisis,the French president

7、Nicolas Sarkozy agreed to provide millions of emergency fund aid to help unemploymentAreleaseBresembleCrelieveDrecommend13The party last month really gave me a lot of fun. So can we have this month,Mr.James?AanyBoneCanotherDthe other14-It is really fun to hike and I often go hiking in the forest.-Bu

8、t hiking alone in the forest _ be very dangerous.AcanBmustCshallDwill15It really matters _ he treated the latest failure, for the examination is around the corner.AifBthatCwhyDhow16I ve heard that preparations_for the coming festival. Lets give them a hand.Aare being madeBhave been madeCare makingDh

9、ave made17Though the story of Li Yunlong in the TV drama “Bright Sword” is a fiction, much of _happened is historically true.AthatBwhatCwhichDit18-I cannot _ what I have done to annoy Jessica.-No worries. She is kind of sensitive.Aturn outBmake outCput outDleave out19Mike, its really impossible for

10、us to get to the railway station in time!How I wish I could stop the train _ it.Acatch Bto catch Ccatching Dcaught20As a(n) _ and effective method, expressway noise barrier is a primary measure used to reduce traffic noise.AcorrectionalBflexibleCeconomicalDinvestigative第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A

11、、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分)During World War I the Red Cross set up a program for people to send letters to soldiers in Europe so they would never be lonely. During the course of this program a soldier received a letter from a woman he didnt know and had never met. She asked him the typical things and

12、he wrote a return letter with the typical answers.As their letters became more frequent they realized that they had much in common and a friendship was formed. Though the ever0increasing letters they came to know each other more and be looked forward to them as he moved ever forward into combat and

13、danger. Over time their friendship began to blossom into love, but they never exchanged photos.Eventually the war ended. He told her he was coming home and they made a plan to meet at Grand Central Station. He would look like countless other soldiers so he told her he would hold a bouquet of carnati

14、ons(康乃馨)and she said she would be carrying a particular book. If their love was real they could meet.At the station he was eagerly searching for the book in the hands of every woman he met. Shortly after, a short, plain and overweight woman appeared carrying a book. He knew it was her. His excitemen

15、t for meeting the love of his life dashed away. But he put a big smile on his face and called her name. She smiled and came over to him. He bent to kiss her cheek, but she pushed him off. Instead she handed him the book and walked off. Confused, he suddenly turned around and a beautiful woman was st

16、anding and smiling before him.“I had to be sure, “she said to him, “if you were the man of personality I dreamed about. And you are.” And she came into his arms and they kissed for the first time under the big clock in the center of Grand Central Station.1、What does the underlined word “them” in Par

17、agraph 2 refer to?ASoldiers BLettersCThe typical answers DThe typical things2、Why did the soldier decide to fold a bouquet of carnations?ATo check if their love was trueBTo fulfill the promise he made years agoCTo distinguish himself from other soldiers.DTo present a welcome gift to the woman.3、How

18、did the man feel at the first sight of the woman with a book?AEager BCautionsCEmbarrassed DDisappointed4、Whats the key topic of the passage?AWar and peace BDream and reality.CCheat and trust DFriendship and love22(8分)My dream of working in a flower shop had its roots in my grandmothers garden, alway

19、s in bloom, where I made bunches with whatever I could get my hands on. However, I wasnt prepared for the people. Their stories impressed me long after I locked up for the night.I always enjoyed reading the messages that went along with each bunch. Most were what you would expect, plenty of “I Love

20、You” and “Get Well Soon.” We got “Happy Birthday, ” “Happy Anniversary” and “Thinking of You” requests that phone messages were written in shorthand: H.B, H.A, T.O.Y.I would laugh at messages that seemed too sugary or boring, and it disheartened me when customers asked what their sympathy card shoul

21、d say. But I also understood that finding the right words can be a monumental task and that sometimes those words just happen to be the same ones everyone else is using.I have sold flowers to single men and women; to color-blind fathers shopping with their precocious daughters, to new parents, grand

22、parents, aunts and uncles, to engaged 20-somethings and couples celebrating 50 years. Ive given flowers to homeless men who have in turn given them to pretty girls in summer dresses. People buy flowers when theyre in love, in trouble, drunk, devastated, excited and sometimes for no obvious reason.I

23、took photos of card messages and told my favorite shop stories to co-workers, family and friends, but still so much has gotten away. Precious moments made all the more precious by the fact that they have already come and gone. Now I gauge months by whats in season: sunflowers in July, dahlias (大丽花)i

24、n August, roses and maple in October, pine in December, hyacinth(风信子) in March.A favorite of mine is tulip magnolia(紫玉兰), the way the buds(花蕾) break into flowers and the flowers into many colors on lawns, all in a matter of weeks while its snowing cherry blossoms. How surprisingly beautiful the life

25、 of flowers can be.1、Why did the author like reading the messages going with the bunches?AThey conveyed friendship, love and best wishes.BThey reminded the author of his past.CThey were sugary and the author found them funny.DThey helped to attract customers to buy flowers.2、What can we infer from P

26、aragraph 3?AThe messages were boring because of repetitions.BThe author likes tulip magnolia because of its growing place.CThe author found it depressing to talk about sympathy cards.DThe author learned a lot in her grandmothers garden.3、What does the underlined word gauge probably mean in Paragraph

27、 5?ASpend. BForget.CArrange. DMeasure.4、What does the author learn from the flower shop?AShe understands that everyone has a favorite flower.BShe learns that life is more beautiful with flowers.CShe realizes that flowers sell well with message cards.DShe finds out that message cards are worth cheris

28、hing.23(8分) The dangers of drowsy(昏昏欲睡) driving have been widely known. Now several companies have developed face-tracking technology that can tell when drivers become dangerously sleepy.Here is how it might work. A camera in your car monitors your facial expression, compares it to a database of exp

29、ressions and determines if you are likely sleepy or distracted. The car then alerts you to pay attention or pull over.Affectiva has developed emotion recognition technology that aims to detect when people are just starting to get tired. The idea is to catch the warning signs before drowsiness really

30、 strikes. “Actually, when someone is drowsy, that is too late.” Gabi, vice president of Affectiva said. “What if you can see trends in someones face about five minutes before they become sleepy?” Affectivas program can recognize seven different emotions and 15 facial expressions. Its standards were

31、developed by sifting (筛选) through a database of 4 million faces from 75 countries, said Zijderveld. She suggested that carmakers could coordinate (协调)the programs facial recognition data with oral reminders, such as sound warnings, or (nonverbal)alerts, like a change of temperature and vibrations (c

32、ontinuous slight shaking movements).Eyeris is another company working in facial analytics. Modar Alaoui, the companys CEO, said that its software detects “eye openness” in addition to other facial indicators. The software can also read head position, which may indicate when someone begins to nod off

33、.These technologies arent the first attempt to fight drowsiness behind the wheel. Inventors came up with the similar device “sleeper beeper” to prevent sleep in cars back in 1983. The sleeper beeper was attached to a drivers ear and would issue a noisy warning when the drivers head nodded past a cer

34、tain point. But the latest software would intervene (干涉) earlier and more effectively.1、The camera in the car can determine if a driver is _.Acold-bloodedBnear-sightedCbad-temperedDabsent-minded2、When will drivers be reminded to pay attention or pull over by the face-tracking technology?AWhen they a

35、re just beginning to get tired.BFive minutes after they become sleepy.CWhen they are really tired.DWhen they are drowsy.3、It is most likely that the “sleeper beeper” would send out a warning by _.Ashaking slightlyBmaking noiseCflashing brilliantlyDchanging temperature4、What is the main idea of the t

36、ext?AThe dangers of drowsy driving have been widely known.BInventors have tried out the similar device “sleeper beeper”.CSeveral companies have found some ways to fight drowisness behind the wheel.DFace-tracking technology for drowsy driving has been developed by several companies.24(8分)My daughter

37、went to see The Wild One recently and she commented that Marlon Brando was wearing jeans so long ago. Of course he helped set the trend, so that got me thinking about the link between films and trends in fashion. Fashion and films have gone hand in hand for long. The Wild One is a good example: it a

38、ppeared in 1954, starring Brando. Dressed in a black leather motorcycle jacket, leather cap and jeans, he created a look which is still considered “cool” today. Everyone from Madonna to middle-aged men is seen wearing the classic leather motorcycle jacket.Another strong influence on fashion trends w

39、as Breakfast at Tiffanys, starring Audrey Hepburn. She made famous the simple black dress that looks perfect at either a cocktail party or just standing around an expensive department store like Tiffanys with a pastry and coffee in your hand, as Audrey Hepburn does in the film. She looks so elegant,

40、 wearing simple but beautiful dresses, big dark glasses and a string of pearls around her neck. Audrey Hepburn still influences womens fashion with her “Tiffanys look”.In more modern times, the film star Uma Thurman created a major fashion trend when she appeared in the film Pulp Fiction, made in 19

41、94. Her style was very simple. Her black trousers, crisp white shirt and hair style was copied by women in the world.Influencing fashion trends can often be about timing. The movie Memoirs of a Geisha came just in time to start a trend in Japanese fashion. It started the Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi,

42、who wore beautiful silk kimonos(和服), and it won an Oscar for Costume Design. Many travel companies picked up on the trend and ran “geisha trips” to Japan. The film has also led to a regained interest in kimonos. It is now quite common to see young Japanese women wearing kimonos not just on tradition

43、al occasions, but at various social events. The fashion is also beginning to spread to western countries.1、What made the author think about the relationship between movies and fashion trends?AThe Wild One show.BInfluence of the film Breakfast at Tiffanys.CMarlon Brando setting the trend.DHis daughte

44、rs words.2、Who will people associate Madonna wearing the leather motorcycle jacket with?AMarlon Brando. BAudrey Hepburn,CUma Thurman. DZhang Ziyi.3、What is implied in the film Breakfast in Tiffanys according to the passage?AOne can be active by wearing black.BOne can be stylish by eating at Tiffanys

45、.COne can be famous by looking perfect.DOne can be elegant by wearing simply.4、What does the film Memoirs of a Geisha lead to?AThe recovery of interest in kimonos.BThe worldwide reading of Geisha stories.CThe popularity of the Chinese actress.DThe “geisha trips” to social events.25(10分)I was travell

46、ing by the West Coast Express to Mangalore two years ago. Berth(铺位)No. 55, not far from me, was occupied by a middle-aged gentleman. When the train reached Palakkad Junction around 9:00 p.m., a large group of tourists entered with much noise. Just then another middle-aged man from the group declared

47、 that he owned Berth 55. He even had a paper given by his travel agent to support himself.The ticket examiner arrived and told the second man that it was not his berth. “No,” said the second man. “Its mine.” A policeman from the Railway Protection tried to get the second man leave. But he wouldnt gi

48、ve in- and he had the support of his companions.Fierce argument continued, even long after the train left Palakkad. Then someone even pulled the emergency chain(应急链) as we were leaving Tirur station, four stops after Palakkad. Nobody could sleep and it was getting late.Suddenly, around midnight, I w

49、atched a teenager, a student I am sure, climbed down from an upper berth close to me. “Please take my berth,” he told the second man, who accepted it after a bit of hesitation.To my great surprise, the student then spread a newspaper on the floor and was soon lost in deep and peaceful sleep. By now

50、everyone was quiet, as if nothing had happened!Im a 58-year-old biology teacher who has handled two recent generations of students. I was convinced once again that, contray to popular opinions, young people can often be far, far nobler than many older ones. And thats the hope of our nation.1、Where d

51、id the author spend the night when the arguments happened?AAt home. BIn a hotel.COn a train. DIn a restaurant.2、Who was really wrong in the accident?AThe railway station. BThe travel agent.CThe middle-aged gentleman. DThe second man.3、Faced with the two mens arguments, the passengers were .Acourious

52、 BexcitedCangry Dpuzzled4、Why was everyone quiet after the arguments?AThey were too sleepy in fact.BThey were afraid to speak anything.CThey were tired from hard work.DThey reached their destination.5、Reading the passage gives readers a sense of .Aencouragement BresponsibilityCdisappointment Dexcite

53、ment第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分) I went to the 50th reunion of my high school on a Saturday evening. 1 us dance again on the floor was amazing. We might as well have been 18. I must say, they looked good and were still slim! People seemed to co

54、me 2 , comfortable to be themselves, 3 and wiser. We were 4 to gather again for a few moments. It was a gift to 5 some former classmates right awayand to be recognized. 6 , we had name tags and our original photos on our clothing to help 7 us.The most 8 and moving experience of the night was provide

55、d by a schoolmate and neighbor with whom I was once close. 9 , we had a falling out in high school. I never saw her after 10 , but this time, I saw her name on a place setting. At first, I was concerned about 11 her. But my better self 12 , and I started to seek her out. I kept looking until I got a

56、 13 on my shoulder. There she was, smiling. We hugged as if nothing had ever happened and 14 warm words. Then she took my picture with her iPhone. All the 15 memories and buried hatred 16 in thin air. I felt her sincerity which 17 with mine. Our encounter left me with joy.Sometimes you have to walk

57、back into the past, just for the 18 , just for the closure (了结), because time, the right attitude and lifes experiences do heal 19 wounds. Were not the same people. We are better people. What better way than to 20 for a few hours to find that out?1、AFeelingBSeeingCHelpingDMaking2、AgenuinelyBunhappil


59、ntly10、ArestrictionBcompetitionCinvitationDgraduation11、Athinking ofBlooking forCrunning intoDpicking up12、AfailedBtrustedCpausedDwon13、AtapBsqueezeChitDmark14、AreservedBexchangedCrefusedDbalanced15、AhappyBvisualCbadDlasting16、AcompromisedBmeltedCrecoveredDgrew17、AdecoratedBrepresentedCmatchedDcompa

60、red18、AexhibitionBroutineCserviceDrecord19、AsevereBpreviousCmentalDfresh20、AweighBboycottCsearchDreunite第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27(15分)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with


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