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1、2023年江西省中考英语试卷二、单项填空8分请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑每题1分,共8分28Some old people need a _ because they feel lonelyAgift Bstick Cpet Dwatch 【考点】名词的词义辨析【分析】一些老人需要一个宠物因为他们感到孤独【解答】答案:C根据选项的意思A、礼物;B、拐杖;C、宠物;D、手表,结合句子的意思是由于老人感觉孤单,因此推知需要有宠物陪伴应选C【点评】此题考查名词词义辨析做题时,找准关键句判断所缺意思,再分析各选项含义,筛选

2、出答案29Last night,the shop was closed _she didnt buy any chocolateAso Bif Cor Dwhen 【考点】并列连词【分析】昨天晚上,那个商店关门了,因此她没买到巧克力【解答】答案:A根据前后文的含义得知因为商店关门,所以她没买到巧克力,前后是因果关系,if表示条件,when表示时间,or表示选择,so表示所以、因此,应选A【点评】做这种题时,首先要根据语境及上下文确定考察范围-连词;其次根据句意确定连词;再次根据选项中的连词意思即可确定答案30The water _dark and dirtyIts no longer safe

3、 to drinkAbecame Bhas become Cwill become Dwas becoming 【考点】现在完成时【分析】这里水变得又脏又黑已经不能继续平安饮用了【解答】答案:B结合句意是说水不能饮用了,也就是水变脏的动作发生在过去,对现在造成一定的影响,用现在完成时have/has+过去分词,主语the water不可数名词,故has,become 的过去分词become,故答案是B【点评】现在完成时指的是过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态31I didnt do very well in this examUnlucki

4、ly,he did it Aworse Bbadly Cbetter Dworst 【考点】副词的比较级和最高级【分析】我考试没考好,不幸的是,他考的更糟【解答】答案:A结合句意可知我没考好,unluckily表示不幸的,也就是他考的比我差,用比较级,这里用well的比较级worse来修饰动词did,故答案是A【点评】比较级Comparative Degree就是将二者进行比较产生的词形,是由形容词原级转化而来的,一般是在原级后面加er,也有一些不规那么的转化,比方good-better,bad-worse,有很多相对二者的比较,还有三者及以上的比较,这时就产生了最高级32-May I spe

5、ak to MrsBlack? -Sorry,mum cant come to the phone nowShe a showerAhas Bhad Cis having Dwas having 【考点】现在进行时【分析】-我可以和Black夫人通话吗?-抱歉,妈妈现在不能来接 她在冲凉【解答】答案:C根据Sorry,mum cant come to the phone now说明了妈妈不能来接 因为她在冲凉,now此刻,现在,一般用于现在进行时当中,因此该句用现在进行时,现在进行时的构成:主语+is/am/are+动词的ing+,主语是she,故答案为:is having,应选C【点评】此题

6、旨在考查现在进行时,now是判断时态的关键词,类似的常见特征词还有:Look,Listen,Its seven oclock now现在进行时的构成:主语+is/am/are+动词的ing+33You _take me to the stationMy brothers taking meAcant Bmustnt Cshouldnt Ddont have to 【考点】情态动词【分析】你没必要带我去车站我哥哥会来接我【解答】答案:D后面是说我哥哥会来接我,故也就是没有必要带我去,cant不能,mustnt禁止,shouldnt不应该,dont have to 没必要,故答案是D【点评】情态动

7、词有can could,may might,must,have to,shall should,will would,dare dared,need needed,ought to等 情态动词无人称和数的变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语34He won in the story competition and his parents were very Asmart Bproud Csorry Dupset 【考点】形容词词义辨析【分析】他在故事比赛中获胜了,所以父母非常骄傲自豪【解答】答案:B结合关键句He won in the story competition 是说他获胜

8、了,故他的父母应很自豪骄傲,用形容词和were构成系表结构,smart聪明的,proud自豪的,sorry遗憾的,upset不安的,故答案是B【点评】此题是考查形容词的辨析,理解句意,再辨析形容词35I plan to build an unusual houseIt _out of old thingsAis built Bhas built Cwas built Dwill be built 【考点】一般将来时的被动语态【分析】我方案建一座与众不同的房子建造的时候会推陈出新【解答】【答案】D 结合句子的意思可知我方案建一座与众不同的房子,所以时态应为一般将来时态,即主语+will+动词原形

9、又知it指代的是house房子,它是动词build建造的承受者,二者是被动关系,应用被动语态,即be+过去分词综上所述,此处应用一般将来时的被动语态,即will+be+过去分词,所以此处应用will be bulit,应选D【点评】此题考查一般将来时的被动语态,做题时,先根据汉语意思,判断时态,再根据主语与谓语动词的关系,判断出被动语态,最终选出符合题意和用法的答案三、完形填空27分A请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑每题15分,共15分36Things like Hula hoops呼啦圈used

10、 to be very popularDid you ever own any of these?If you didnt,dont feel too badThey were all fadsA fad is something that becomes very36 _among a large number of people,but only for a short time37 _can become a fad very quickly,but can stop being popular just as quickly38 _it is no longercool,a fad g

11、oes awayAnything can become an 39 _-fashion,food,music,technology,even languageIn the late 1970s,Erno Rubik,a professor was looking for a 40 _way to teach his students about 3D objectsHe 41 _a six-color plastic object that would be called the Rubiks Cube魔方The goal was to get each side of the cube a

12、42 _colorIt was very challengingIt took a few years for the toy to become popular,but then 43 _,in 1982,it seemed everyone had onePeople bought over a hundred million of the 44 _There were 50books available that year offering solutions解决方法Then,just as suddenly as the craze 风气 started,it 45 _By 1983,

13、people were not interested in the Rubiks Cube anymore,perhaps because so many people46 _had one in their homeIn 2023,a South Korean musician named Psy released a song calledGangnam 江南 StyleThe music video shows Psy pretending 假装 to horse-ride while he is dancingIn six months,it became the first Yout

14、ube 一视频网站 video ever to reach a billion views 观看Six months after that,47 _went on to reach two billion viewsThe song and video started a worldwide 48 _crazeGangnam Stylehad a huge influence on world popular cultureUSPresident Barack Obama and UKPrime Minister David Cameron even 49 _the danceGangnam

15、Stylebecame less and less popular,50 _theKorean Waveof culture remains popular all over the world36Auseful Bpopular Cvaluable Drelaxing 37ABoth BSomeone CSomething DNone 38AAlthough BWhether CBefore DWhen 39Ainvention Bfad Cgoal Ddream 40Acreative Bdifficult Ctraditional Dcommon 41Afound Bbought Cin

16、vented Dborrowed 42Astrange Bdark Cbright Ddifferent 43Asuddenly Bslowly Cexactly Dseriously 44Avideos Btoys Cclothes Dbooks 45Aspread Bappeared Cended Dfailed 46Aalready Bhardly Cespecially Donly 47Ahe Bthey Cwe Dit 48Afood Bdance Clanguage Dsport 49Adepended on Btried out Cgave up Dput off 50Athen

17、 Band Cbut Dso 【考点】记叙文【分析】本篇文章介绍了几个流行的事物,说明事物流行得快,消失得也快所举的几个事物包括-呼啦圈、魔方、骑马舞最后说明虽然骑马舞渐渐不流行,但东方文化始终流行于世界【解答】36-40 BCDBA 41-45 CDABA 46-50 ADBBC36B 文章开头在讲过去呼啦圈很流行,结合上下文可知fad是一时流行的狂热,故答案选B最适宜37C 句子的意思是什么东西很快变得很流行起来,但是只能盛极一时把所给的几个不定代词放进句子里,只有something可以讲通,应选择C38、D 从句子的意思当这些东西不再酷的时候,所有的狂热都将消失殆尽可以判断只有D是符合的

18、39、B 通过破折号可以判断填的词和fashion的意思是比较接近的,应选B40、A 我们依旧使用把选项带入句子里来判断是否正确,困难的方法、传统的解决方式和一般的解决方法均不符合句意,只有不同寻常的方式和后面的3D objects能对应起来,故 选A41、C 从句意可以判断Rubiks Cube这个东西是他创造的,所以选C42、D 从一般的常识就可以判断正确答案是D,因为一般的魔方每一面的颜色都是不一样的43、A 通过but这个词可以判断这里是一个比较大的转折,BCD放进句子里表达不出这种感觉,只有突然可以很好的表达这样一个意思,应选A44、B 通过前面It took a few years

19、 for the toy tobecome popular可以判断这里人们购置的东西是玩具故答案选B45、A 通过前半句一下子变成一种风气开始流行,后半句比前半句的意思要更进一步,应选择A蔓延46、A 通过句意很容易就能判断因为人们家里已经购置了很多类似的东西,所以不会对Rubik的魔方感兴趣,所以答案选A47、D 通过上一句可以判断这句话是说骑马舞的点击量迅速超过20亿次,所以答案选D48、B 根据上文Psy跳骑马舞可以判断这里选B最符合上下文的意思49、B 通过句意可以判断这里用尝试最适宜50、C 通过句意骑马舞越来越不流行,而汉语文化却一直活泼在世界各地可以判断这里是一个比较大的转折,所

20、以用but【点评】考生在作答完型题需先通读全文,根据关键字和关键句推知文章大意,再具体结合上下文语意以及语法知识,推测出正确的选项B请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,并写在答题卡的相应位置每个词限用一次无需变形的为6小题,每题12分;需要变形的为4小题,每题1.5分共12分51real noisy clean after work be area traffic also live Many people have cars in the cityBut pollution is a problem because of the 51 _Nowadays som

21、e downtown 市中心 areas around the world dont have carsThese car-free zones 无车区 are 52 _for people,bicycles,and public transportation onlyEight million people 53 _in the center of London and another two million people go to work there every dayThe downtown area is very54 _with hundreds of cars,buses,an

22、d taxis,but there are 55 _a lot of beautiful parks with free music concertAt lunchtime,many people go there for a rest 56 _they get off workParts of Tokyo are always crowded with hundreds of people-but no cars!These modern car-free zones are 57 _popular and people like shopping thereIn the past,Bogo

23、ta was polluted because there 58 _lots of cars and trafficNow the downtown area is car-free zone and the air is 59 _!Many people dont have a car and half a million people take the bus 60 _There are lots of storesIts not expensive【考点】议论文【分析】城市里很多人有车但是因为交通,污染就成了一个问题现在世界上有一些市中心没有汽车这些无车区是仅供人、自行车和公共交通的区域

24、八百万人住在伦敦市中心,另外两百万人每天去那工作市中心因为数以百计的汽车、公交车和出租车而很吵闹,但是那里仍然有大量的美丽的有免费音乐会的公园午饭时间,很多人在结束工作后去那休息东京的一些地方也总是很拥挤,但是没有车!这些现代的无车区是很受欢迎的并且人们喜欢去那购物在过去,波哥大因为有大量的车和交通,而被污染现在市中心是无车区并且空气是干净的很多人没有车并且50万人乘公交车去工作那里有很多的商店东西不很贵【解答】51traffic 考查名词根据前文提到很多人都有车Many people have cars,污染也因此而生pollution is a problem,可知此空所需要的词和车、污染

25、有关这里和车相近的名词是traffic故答案为traffic52areas 考查名词根据其后的for people,bicycles,and public transportation only可知此句是用来解释说明无车区的,故此处需要名词area,并且这里的areas来代指前文中的these car free zones,故用复数故答案为areas53live 考查动词根据其后的in the center of London可知八百万的人生活在伦敦中心解答这道题需要掌握live in这个短语的意思根据其后的and可知前后两句在时态上要保持一致,后面的动词为go为一般现在时故此处的live也要

26、用一般现在时,并且主语为复数,故动词应该用原形形式故答案为live54noisy 考查形容词根据其后的伴随状语with hundreds of cars,buses,and taxis,可知此处的含义应为噪音,吵闹此空位于be之后,且可以用副词very修饰,可知此处需要形容词故答案为noisy55also 考查副词根据but,可知前后的句子是转折意义表示有大量噪音,但是同时又有公园表示也位于句子中间用also,故答案为also56after 考查介词根据句子意思和一般的生活常识,此处是说在午饭时间,人们下班后会到公园里休息一下可以判断使用after在之后故答案为after57really 考查

27、副词首先根据句子意思无车区真的流行了起来锁定使用real这个词,后面的popular是形容词,前面修饰时一般要使用副词,因此答案是really58were 考查be动词根据there,可知此处需要there be句型根据主句Bogota was polluted一般过去时,可知从句中的There Be句型也用一般过去时,根据其后的lots of可知be动词用复数故答案为were59clean 考查形容词根据Now the downtown area is car-free zone,可知现在市中心是无车区,可判断空气是干净的故此处需要形容词clean故答案为clean60to work 考查不

28、定式根据句子意思许多人没有车还有50万人乘坐公交可以判断,这里使用work最适宜,动词使用的是take,take something to do something使用什么干什么所以这里使用to work表示目的故答案为to work【点评】此题为选择正确的单词,用适当形式完成短文做题时,需要先将所给词分析一遍,包括单词的词性,含义和固定用法做题时,可以根据句子中缺少的成分,句意等来判断正确答案如果选择的是动词,还要判断时态问题四、阅读理解40分A请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑每题6分,共30分61Skurfing Les

29、sonsWould you become a skurfer if you could?Well,now you can!Lessons in skurfing,an exciting sport,are available on the beachCost:30 per person for a half-hour lessonFirst lesson half priceTime:Monday-Friday,8 am-6 pmWebsite:wwwjxyyjxcomArt Attack GalleyDo you want to spend summer being creative?Com

30、e to Art Attack Gallerys afternoon classesAge:12-18Cost:FreeTime:One afternoon a week for ten weeksE-mail:aag269yahoocomcnState Theater Performing Arts CampSummer camp in Hedley villageThe State Theater offers performing arts classes including music,dance,dramaCourse dates:14th-23rd July; 24th July-

31、2nd August;4th-13th August; 14th-23rd AugustAge:13-19 Cost:250 including all meals Tel:657 877761How much should we pay for the first skurfing lesson? _A15 B30 C45 D6062Where can we learn music according to the ads above? _AAt Long BeachBAt Skurfing LessonsCAt Art Attack GalleryDAt State Theater Per

32、forming Arts Camp63When does the State Theater offer performing arts classes? _A.4th-13th JulyB.4th-23rd AugustC.24th July-2nd AugustD.14th July-23rd August【考点】广告布告类阅读【分析】冲浪课程如果可以的话,你想成为一名冲浪运发动吗?现在你就可以冲浪课程,一项海边常见的、令人兴奋的运动费用:每人30美元半小时课程,第一次课半价时间:周一至周五 上午8:00至下午6:00 wwwjxyyjxcom 艺术创想展览馆你想度过一个有创造性的暑假吗?

33、来艺术创想展览馆的下午课年龄:12-18费用:免费时间:十个周,每周一个下午电子邮箱:aag269yahoocomcn 国家剧院表演艺术营位于Hedley村庄的夏令营国家剧院提供表演艺术课程包括音乐、舞蹈和戏剧课程日期:7月14日至23日;7月24日至8月2日;8月4日至13日;8月14至23日年龄:13-19 费用:250 美元包括三餐 :657 8777【解答】答案:61、A 细节理解题 根据第一个广告Cost:30 per person for a half-hour lessonFirst lesson half price可知每人30美元半小时课程,第一次课半价,故判断第一次课的价钱

34、是15美元,应选A62、D 细节理解题 根据第三个广告The State Theater offers performing arts classes including music,dance,drama国家剧院提供表演艺术课程包括音乐、舞蹈和戏剧可知根据以上广告,我们可以在国家剧院表演艺术营学习音乐,应选D63、C 细节理解题 根据第三个广告可知国家剧院表演艺术课程的日期:7月14日至23日;7月24日至8月2日;8月4日至13日;8月14至23日,结合选项可知只有C项的时间符合,应选C【点评】对看似比较简单的广告类阅读,首先理解原文字面意思的根底上,通过对语篇逻辑关系的分析和细节的暗示,

35、做出正确的选择64Carlton Joseph is a fashion designer服装设计师,but not just any fashion designerHe appears on television,he writes books,and he owns his fashion houseBorn in 1980,Carlton started designing clothes when he was elevenHis father owned a clothes store,and Carlton used to work there at the weekendThe

36、n he did a design course at collegeWhen he was 21,someone suggested doing a TV programHe made his first showCarltons Clothesin 2004,and he wrote his first book in the same yearSince then he has written four moreCarlton got married to TV producer Susan Mills in 2005Three months ago,Carlton started hi

37、s new companyHe called itDesign CarltonAt work Carlton always wears black trousers and a blank coat,but at home,or when he goes out,he wears clothes with bright colors red,blue and yellowHe is especially crazy about new glasses,he buys a new pair every few weeksI like to look different every day,he

38、saysCarlton started wearing glasses when he was twelveHe dyed给染色 his hair red when he was 18It is still red,and this year,for the first time,he has grown a beardMy wife likes it,thats whyis his explanationBut his beard is black64How old was Carlton when he wrote his first book? _A.11 B.21 C.24 D.256

39、5What does the underlined worditrefer to? _ACarltons hair BCarltons beardCCarltons coat DCarltons company66What is the main idea of paragraph 5? _ACarlton likes to look differentBCarlton is a hardworking personCCarlton is crazy about new glassesDCarlton loves wearing colorful clothes67Which of the f

40、ollowing if true according to the passage? _ACarlton is just a common fashion designerBCarlton started his new fashion company in 2005CCarlton made his first show after he got married to SusanDCarlton got some design experience before going to college【考点】人物故事类阅读;判断推理;文中细节【分析】卡尔顿约瑟是一个时装设计师,但不只是一个时装设计

41、师,他还出现在电视上,他写书,他拥有自己的时装屋然后介绍了他的一些主要事情出生于1980,卡尔顿在十一岁时开始设计衣服当他21岁的时候,有人建议做一个电视节目三个月前,卡尔顿创办了他的新公司,他称之为设计卡尔顿在工作中,卡尔顿总是穿黑色的裤子和一个空白的外套,但在家里,或当他外出时,他穿的衣服有鲜艳的颜色他喜欢每天看起来不一样卡尔顿十二岁时开始戴眼镜,18岁时他把头发染成了红色【解答】64【答案】C 计算题 根据文章第三段中He made his first showCarltons Clothesin 2004,and he wrote his first book in the same

42、year可知2004年2004年写了他的第一本书通过前文Born in 1980,他出生于1980年通过计算可以得知是24岁时写了他的第一本书应选:C65【答案】B 推理判断题 根据文章最后一段中he has grown a beardMy wife likes it,thats why通过上文他也有胡子了,可以判断后面他妻子喜欢的是他的胡子it指的是他的胡子应选:B 66【答案】A 段落大意归纳题 根据文章第五段,可知Carlton上班的时候穿黑裤子蓝外套,在家或者出去的时候喜欢穿亮颜色的衣服like to look different every day可以归纳出这一段主要是讲Carlto

43、n喜欢每天看起来不一样应选:A67【答案】D 推理判断题 通过文章开头but not just any fashion designer可以判断出A错误;通过文中他2005年结婚,而开公司是三个月之前,由于文中没有给出他结婚的具体日期,所以这里无法判断他开公司是在2004年还是2005年,所以排除B;通过文中他的第一场秀是在2004年,而结婚是2005年,所以是之后,因此排除C;正确答案是D,通过第二段他11岁就开始设计服装,可以看出他在上大学之前已经有了一些设计服装方面的经验,所以D正确应选:D【点评】对于阅读理解题,一定要记得首先通读全文,了解文章大意,然后再根据文章关键词,关键句,掌握细

44、节问题,并进行推理判断,去答复具体的问题68Have you ever wanted to see the Great Wall of China,or win an Oscar for Best Director,or swim with dolphins海豚?If so,you are not aloneWe all have things we want to do or achieveThese are part of ourbucket listsA bucket is a list of things that someone wants to experience in his

45、or her lifetimesThese things can be big or smallHave you ever thought about what is on your bucket list?Lindsay,15,created her bucket list when she was 14She has given her list serious thoughtIve always wanted to travel into space,she saysI dont really want to be an astronautBut I do want to go to s

46、pace as a touristI want to see the Earth from aboveOther things on her list include being on TV,seeing her favorite band in concert,learning how to speak Portuguese葡萄牙语,and living in a foreign countryIve always wanted to live in BrazilAs part of my bucket list,I want to attend Carnival狂欢节in the capi

47、tal of Brazil,she saysJose,16,recently created a list of things he wants to achieveIt changes sometimes he adds and takes away things because he wants to keep the number of the things at sevenOne thing has stayed at number one,though:he wants to visit a movie set影视基地He would like to see the Harry Po

48、tter of The Hobbit movie setsOther things on the list include being on TV,meeting his favorite sports star,living in a foreign country,skateboarding down a mountain,attending the World Cup,and backpacking across EuropeHe would like to spend two months visiting Eastern Europe with his best friend Ada

49、mMaybe after I graduate from college,says JoseCarrie,14,also has a bucket listShe first created it when she was 12She would like to live in a foreign country for at least two yearsShe also wants to learn as many foreign languages as possibleBut the number one thing on her list is to see her favorite

50、 band in concertShe also wants to go on a trip and to visit a movie setHer favorite movies are the Hunger Games and Star WarsCarrie is confident she will do most or all of the things on her bucket listIm only 14,she says,I have my whole life ahead of me!68What is No.1at Lindsays bucket list? _AVisit

51、ing a movie satBLiving in BrazilCTraveling to spaceDSeeing her favorite band69Who is probably the most interested in sports according to his or her bucket list? _ALindsay BJoseCAdam DCarrie70What can we learn from the passage? _ALindsay and Carrie both love musicBJose and Carrie are both space fansC

52、All the three teens wants to visit movie setsDJose and Adam hope to live in a foreign country71Whats the main idea of the passage? _AWe should keep changing our bucket lists to meet our needsBWe must think about our bucket lists before they are createdCOur bucket lists can help us work towards achie

53、ving our goalsDBeing confident is a key to our achievement on our bucket lists【考点】教育文化类阅读;内容归纳;文中细节【分析】文章大意:你曾经想看中国的长城,或赢得奥斯卡最正确导演,或与海豚一起游泳吗?如果是这样,你不孤单我们都有我们想做或实现的事情这些都是我们的人生目标清单的一局部人生目标清单是指某人想在他或她的一生想体验的事情的清单这些事情可大可小你有没有想过在你的人生目标清单上会有什么?Lindsay,15岁在她14岁时,建立了她的人生目标清单她表达了她的重要思想我一直想去太空旅行,她说,我真的不想成为一个宇

54、航员但我真的想去太空旅游我想从上面看地球她名单上的其他事情,包括上电视,在演唱会上看到她最喜欢的乐队,学习如何讲葡萄牙语,并在国外居住,等等Jose,16岁,最近建立了一个他想实现的东西的清单有一件事一直停留在第一,但他要参观一个影视基地他想看看霍比特人的电影集哈利波特名单上的其他事情,包括上电视,见他最喜欢的体育明星,在国外生活,滑滑板下山,参加世界杯,等等Carrie,14岁,她也有一个人生目标清单她最初建立人生目标清单,在12岁的时候她想在国外生活至少两年她还想学尽可能多的外语但在清单上排第一位的是,她想在音乐会上看到她最喜欢的乐队,等等【解答】68【答案】C 细节理解题 根据文章第二段

55、中She has given her list serious thoughtIve always wanted to travel into space,she saysI dont really want to be an astronautBut I do want to go to space as a touristI want to see the Earth from above她表达了她的重要想法我一直想去太空旅行,她说,我真的不想成为一个宇航员但我真的想去太空旅游我想从上面看地球可知排在她清单中第一位的应该是太空旅行,应选:C69【答案】B 细节理解题 根据文章第三段中mee

56、ting his favorite sports star,skateboarding down a mountain,attending the World Cup,Jose要去见最喜欢的体育明星,滑滑板下山,参加世界杯可知Jose对体育最感兴趣应选:B70【答案】A 推理判断题 通过第二段seeing her favorite band in concert,Lindsay在演唱会上看到她最喜欢的乐队和最后一段to see her favorite band in concertCarrie她想在音乐会上看到她最喜欢的乐队可以看出他们的共同爱好都是音乐应选:A71【答案】C 归纳主旨大意题

57、 这篇文章的主要观点是什么?通读全文,可知本文主要讲述人生目标清单的事情我们的人生目标清单可以帮助我们实现我们的目标应选:C【点评】阅读这类文章,要抓住文章的核心,即文章整体和各段主要在说什么,也要注意段落之间的逻辑关系首先通读全文,了解大意,联系上下文根据实际情况,可用不同的方法对于一些直接信息类题目,先读问题后读短文,带着问题去读文章,目的明确,容易抓住文中与问题相关的信息点72In many countries,tattoos are in fashion 时尚On TV you can often see a famous actor or musician with a tattoo

58、 on his arm or footMany sports players have them,tooIn the US,tattoos are very popularForty percent of Americans aged between 26and 40have a tattoo,and 60percent of customers in US tattoo parlors are womenThese people are often professional people like doctor,teachers and lawyersHowever,tattoos are

59、not modernIn fact,they are very old in human historyFor example,archaeologists 考古学家 found a human in ice from 5,000years agoHe had 57tattoos on his back,ankles,legs,knees and feetTattoos were used for many different reasonsIn ancient Egypt,people got tattoos because they werebeautifulBut in ancient

60、Rome,tattoos were negative 负面的 and put on criminals and prisonersIn India,tattoos were religious 宗教的In the 16th and 17th century,European sailors 船员 arrived on the islands of PolynesiaThey saw tattoos for the first timeThe people on the islands had tattoos on their shoulders,chests,backs and legsOft


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