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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here ?Section B 3aSelf Check (写作课)Teaching and Learning Goals:In this lesson , the students will learn how to give directions on the street and how to write them .Teaching and learning steps:Step1 PreviewLook at P47, first ask the Ss to put them into English orally

2、, then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks.我家在图书馆的对过._2.我经常在我家附近的超市买东西._超市在邮局和图书馆之间._我最喜欢的地方是公园._为了达到那里,沿着大桥路走,在北街向左转,它在右边._Step2.Pre-writing activities 1.Review and lead in: 1 ) BrainstromTry to think of words about places in our neighborhood as many as possible and talk ab

3、out their positions.Examples: There is a bank in our neighborhood. On the left of it is a post office.Some places: school, supermarket, mall, park, zoo, airport, bridge, etc.(设计意图:通过让学生对地理位置的回顾,为下一环节的写作做好知识储备。) 2) Talk about directions3 ) Talk about routes.(1) Show the picture of our school. Please

4、describe how to get to the places around it.(2) Fill in the blanks according to the map above.This is our school, its _ Tower Street .Its next _ the Jinghe River,there is a Longquan Square _ the south ,There _ many people playing on the square . The famous Longquan Tower is here , if you want to go

5、to Tengdong Middle School, just go straight _ Tower Street. Turn right, you can2. We talked about the position of our school just now, now lets look at the Cindys neighborhood answer the questionsWhere does Cindy live ?S1:If she wants to go shopping ,how does she gets there?S2:3. Look at the map abo

6、ve ,can you complete the passage?My house is across from a _ on Long Street.I usually go shopping at a _ near my house. It is between a _ and the _. On weekends, I like to play in the _. To get there, I go along Long Street and turn left on North Street. It is on the right, next to a hotel.Where Pla

7、ces she likesWhyHow to get there4.Read 3a again and fill in the chart.(设计意图:分析3a文章,注意信息和脉络结构,对学生进行写作策略指导,为下一步自主写作做好铺垫)5.Look at my neighborhood,can you put the following disordered sentences right according to the map?My house is on the side of Jinghe River There is a Longquan Square on the other si

8、de of Jinghe My favorite place is Longquan Square because I can dance with many people in the mirning and evening. To get to there ,I walk out of my neighborhood and turn right,go along Jiefang Street. Cross Maoyuan I live in a noise neighborhood.(设计意图:通过排列句子让学生了解本课的重点句型结构,引导学生积累写作素材为文章的布局做好准备,为下一步的

9、写作做好铺垫。)Step 3. While-writing activitiesWrite an outlineHow to get thereFavorite placesWhere you liveHow to get thereFavorite placesWhere you liveGive the directionsWhyPositionGive the directionsWhyPositionT:Look at the outline,can you match a passage orally according to the outline details?(设计意图:通过

10、教师对3b示范提问,引导学生自己能够阅读并获取表格中的有效信息,利用目标语言进行交流,为写作积累语言素材。教师在学生练习时,要仔细聆听,并对学困生进行指导。)Give 3-4 minutes.then ask someone to read it to the class.Sample:Dear friend,welcome to my neighborhood. My house is.It is .There is/are.in my neighborhood. I like. .I enjoy.there.Dear friend,welcome to my neighborhood. M

11、y house is.It is .There is/are.in my neighborhood. I like. .I enjoy.there.To get there,just .and.It is . You can get there easily.(设计意图:对学生进行写作指导,提示应注意的几点要求及可能使用的句型。)Step4. Post-writing activitiesShow students an evaluation scale (评价标准) Let students learn these scales.Did you use the information of

12、the chart above?Did someone understand you?Are there any grammatical or spelling mistakes?T: Please modify the passage each other in groups according to the evaluation sales and check out mistakes(设计意图:以小组为单位根据评价标准进行批改,共同学习,共同提高,取长补短,省时省力,效果更好)2.Choose one passage in each group and ask five students

13、 to evaluate the passage item by item in the evaluation scale.2)Students exchange their articles each other and check them according to valuation scales3) Ask ss to make comments on their writings of the clsssmates .Finally they will give a grade to each other.A 2) B 3)C4) Read the best to the class

14、 in class.(设计意图:把小组评选的一篇上交,投到大屏幕上,组长是评委先评价,评出A ,B, C三个等级,教师总结,评出班级最好的作范文,这不仅善于发现学生的闪光点,激发学生的热情,更提高了学生的积极性) Which neighborhoodFavorite placewhereWhat activities to doGroup1Group2Group3Group4Step5 After-writing Look at the chart and make a survey.(设计意图:通过口头表达,既巩固了写作技能又促进了口语表达,进一步巩固本单元的语言项目.)Teachers w

15、ords: How to give directions on the street is important.Step6 Homework:1) 必做题: Self-check 1. Self-check2.2)选做题: Kate is a student in Tengnan Middle School,she wants to come Tengdong Middle School. Please tell her how to get there.本课亮点:1.遵照英语写作课的模式进行写作学习.写前:导入-看图说话-短文填空-结构分析-展示标准-实际谈论;写中:拟定提纲-试写文稿-修改

16、文稿;写后:组内互评-组长互评-师生共评调查采访-布置作业,环环相扣.不仅培养了学生的写作习惯,树立了学生的写作自信,从而让学生愿意写,乐于写.2.利用学生熟悉的地点进行预设情景,为学生的口语输出制造机会.3.实行多元化的评价机制,有意识地发现学生的闪光点,极大地鼓励了学生参与积极性和热情,让他们有成就感.本课不足:本课内容较多,课堂上只能展示个别同学的作文。建议:1.应加强单词的记忆,提高学生的写作意识,进一步提高学生的英文读写水平。2.学生的写作完成后,学生互相批阅后,再上交至老师,由老师批阅。习题答案 Step1:previewMy house is across from the li

17、brary.I often go shopping at the supermarket near my house.The supermarket is between the library and the post office.My favorite place is the park.To get there,go along Bridge Street and turn left on North Street.It is on the right.Step21.on, to, on, are, along3.3a :library , supermarket , police s

18、tation , library , park , hotel Step3:学生范文:4. I live in a noisy neighborhood. My house is between a library and a post office. There is a bank across from my house. My favorite place is the park because I can play sports and learn English there. To get there, I have to go along the Center Street, then turn left at the first crossing, then walk along North Street. The park is just on the r


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