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1、shoppingforclothes教学设计董茜3、以clothes 这一话题的知识与结构主动进行总结梳理、shoppingforclothes教学设计董茜3、以clothes 这一话题的知识与结构主动进行总结梳理、教案观山湖区 20_-20_学年度第二学期小学英语六年级复习研讨课shopping for clothes观山湖区外国语实验小学教学目标:1、梳理、归纳服装类词汇与服装话题相关的颜色、款式、价格等功能句型;2、能熟练运用英语与他人交流服装的颜色、款式、价格等相关信息;“clothes ”这一话题为主线,通过巧妙设计问题情境,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,引导学生在复习过程中对重新建构,

2、通过听、说、读、写等各项技能训练活动,使已学知识网络化、系统化,提高学生综合语言运用能力。资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途4、感觉到语言与生活的密切联系,体会到用语言做事情的乐趣与意义;懂得购物时应有计划,应合理消费。教学重点:服装类词汇及购买服装时会用的的功能结构。教学难点:名词单复数及复数名词在实际交际中的正确运用。(通过对比问答给学生一种归类的意识,并结合板书重点说明,进而在听说读写活动中不断强化。教学过程:一、师生交流,导入话题活动一:通过交流爱好,沟通师生感情,引出老师爱好买衣服的问题。二、头脑风暴,复习词汇第 1 页 共 7 页进一步归纳梳理所学过的资料个人收集整板活动二:猜测老师都

3、买了哪些新衣服,激活服装类词汇。进一步归纳梳理所学过的资料个人收集整板活动三:通过阅读老师的 clothes shopping list 服装类词汇,明确单复数。资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途三、质疑提问,复习句型活动四:就老师的新衣服自主发问,获取有关颜色、款式、价格等信息,导出与服装相关的句型。活动五:师生、生生之间运用句型交流真实信息。四、情景对话、综合运用活动六:听对话,获取信息,并完成听力任务单。活动七:创编对话,综合运用与购买服装相关的句型。五、话题阅读,获取信息活动八:听读衔接,读前预测,激起阅读兴趣。活动九:阅读短文,获取信息,完成选择题。六、仿写活动、提升能力活动十:仿照短文

4、,口头作文。七、布置作业,巩固反馈活动十一:依据范文,完成仿写任务单。Teaching procedure: Step 1.Leading in 1.Free talk T: Boys and rls, I want to know something about you.理,勿做商业用途Whats your hobby?S: .2.Lead in the T: Whats my hobby? Can you guess?Ss: . 播放,显示本课主题。T: Look! My hobby is shopping .Especially shopping for clothes.书:clothe

5、s 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途第 2 页 共 7 页资料个人s clothes shopping list.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途师播放资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途s new clothes? 资料个人收资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途资料个人收集资料个人s clothes shopping list.资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途师播放资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途s new clothes? 资料个人收资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途资料个人收集clothes.T: On the weekend ,I bought many new clothes for my mother,

6、for my father and for myself.What clothes did I buy? Can you guess?收集整理,勿做商业用途S1: Did you buy a dress? T: You think I bought a dress? How about others? S2: Did you buy a pair of trousers? S3: Did you buy ?2.Read an d check the teacher整理,勿做商业用途T: You guessed so many clothes.Now look, this is my cloth

7、es shopping list.Read and check whh clothes you missed.Step3: Review the structures about clothes.1.Brainstorm the structures about clothes.T: Wow, I bought so many clothes.Am I crazy? But there are only three ones for myself.Look, what are they?What do you want to know about Miss Dong集整理,勿做商业用途S1:

8、What color is your dress? S2: What size are your shoes? S3: How much is your skirt? S4:.2.T: Now you have known lots of my new clothes.How about you?资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途S1: I have a new dress.T: Do you have any new clothes? What clothes do you have?S2: What color is your new dress? S3: How much is your n

9、ew dress? 第 3 页 共 7 页资料个人收集整出示图片,了解语境,明确听音任s blue and s cool.I like it.How much is it?s too e_pensive.资料个人收集整理,s color.It资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途s blue and white.Blue is my favorite 资料个人收集整出示图片,了解语境,明确听音任s blue and s cool.I like it.How much is it?s too e_pensive.资料个人收集整理,s color.It资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途s blue and w

10、hite.Blue is my favorite buy it? Who bought it for you? Do you like your new dress?理,勿做商业用途Step4: Dialogue 1.Listen and plete the dialogue.(1) 务。Q1: Who can you see? Q2: Where is Ken? Q3: What are they talking about? (2) 听两遍对话并完成听力练习。Read and check A: Hi! Can I help you ? B: Yes, do you have any T-s

11、hirts? A: Yes, we do.What color do you like? B: Blue is my favorite color.A: How about this one? Itblack.B: ItA: It s 49 dollars.B: ItA: How about 40 dollars? B: OK.I ll buy it.2.Read the dialogue in pairs.3.Make a dialuge.T: Suppose you are in the clothes store, try to make a dialogue in pairs.One

12、is the shop assistant, one is the customer.勿做商业用途Step 4: Reading This Sunday is Sue s birthday.I will go to her birthday party.So I bought a T-shirt for this party.I like my new T-shirt a lot.Do you know why?资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途First, I like itcolor.And I think blue and white is cool.第 4 页 共 7 页价格)is rea

13、sonable.Forty dollars for a T-shirt is 资料个人收集s birthday 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途资料个资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途s Kens favorite color?资料个人收集¥40 C: $40 “reasonable ”价格)is reasonable.Forty dollars for a T-shirt is 资料个人收集s birthday 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途资料个资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途s Kens favorite color?资料个人收集¥40 C: $40 “reasonable ” mean?资料个

14、人收集整not too cheap, but for a good T-shirt is not too e_pensive.整理,勿做商业用途At last, I think wearing T-shirts with jeans is cool.So I will wear my new T-shirt with my blue jeans, brown shoes to go to Sueparty this Sunday.Will I be cool?1.Pre-reading Why did Ken buy a new T-shirt? 读前预测:T: Ken bought a ne

15、w T-shirt.Why did Ken bought a new T-shirt?人收集整理,勿做商业用途What is Ken going to do? Can you guess? 2.While-reading 1) 明确问题2)Read and choose.( ) 1.Why did Ken bought a new T-shirt? Because .A.he will go to a party.B.this Sunday is his birthday.C.spring is ing.( ) 2.WhatA: Blue B: white C: Brown ( ) 3.How

16、 much does the T-shirt cost? It costs .整理,勿做商业用途A.$49 B: 5.What does the word A.不合理的 B. 合理的 C. 超贵的( ) 6.What clothes will Ken wear this Sunday? A.T-shit B.jeans C.brown shoes D.All of them理,勿做商业用途第 5 页 共 7 页s birthday.I will go to 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途s blue and white.Blue is my favorite 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途价格

17、)is reasonable.Forty dollars for a T-shirt is 资料个人收集s birthday 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途完成选择的活动训练学生提取信“My T-shirt ”资料个人收集整s birthday.I will go to 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途s blue and white.Blue is my favorite 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途价格)is reasonable.Forty dollars for a T-shirt is 资料个人收集s birthday 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途完成选择的活动训练学生提取信“My

18、 T-shirt ”资料个人收集整s blue and white.Blue is my favorite 资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途s cheap.$40 for a good T-shirt is not e_pensive.her birthday party.So I bought a T-shirt for this party.I like my new T-shirt a lot.Do you know why?First, I like its color.Itcolor.And I think blue and white is cool.Second, the pre

19、(not too cheap, but for a good T-shirt is not too e_pensive.整理,勿做商业用途At last, I think wearing T-shirts with jeans is cool.So I will wear my new T-shirt with my blue jeans, brown shoes to go to Sueparty this Sunday.Will I be cool?设计意图: 通过勾画【关键词】: p 息、根据上下文猜词等阅读技能;通过对阅读内容的理解提高学生对服装的审美情趣以及在购买服装时合理消费的意识

20、。资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途3.Post-reading 为文章添加标题T: Ken didn t ve the title.Can you help him?设计意图: 培养学生归纳总结的能力;引出写作主题。Step5.Writing.T: I want to ve the title, T: Would you like to write about your clothes? 口头作文,分享交流。My T- shirt I have a T-shirt.I like it very much.Do you know why?理,勿做商业用途First, I like its color.Itcolor.And I think blue and white is cool.Second, I think i


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