1、语言学知识点第1页I 语言学导论 II 语言学主要分支学科 III 语言学流派和理论 第2页I 语言学导论 1. design feature of language(语言定义特征) 2. Language Families (世界语言分类) 3. important distinctions in linguistics (语言学研究中几对主要概念) 4. scope of linguistics (语言学研究范围)第3页1. design feature of language(语言定义特征) defining properties of human language that disti
2、nguish it from any animal system of communication 第4页1. design feature of language语言定义特征1)Arbitrariness(任意性)2)Duality(二层性)3)Creativity/Productivity(创造性)4)Displacement(移位性)5)Cultural Transmission(文化传递性) 第5页1)Arbitrariness(任意性): 定义:the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their me
3、aning. 举例:书, book, livre喜欢,like,aimer第6页2)Duality(二层性): 定义:the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level.举例: Sounds syllables words phrases clauses sentences texts/discourses第7页3) Creativity/Productivity(创造性): 定义
4、:Language can be used to create new meanings because of its duality 举例1:/k/ ,/a:/, /p/- carp or park举例2:England, defeated, FranceEngland defeated France.France defeated England.第8页4)Displacement(替换性): 定义:Human languages enable their users to symbolize something which are not present at the moment of
5、 communication. 第9页5) Cultural Transmission(文化传递性): 定义:language is passed on from generation to generation through teaching and learning rather than instinct. 反例:印度狼孩第10页3. Design feature 定义特征1)Arbitrariness(任意性)2)Duality(二层性)3)Creativity/Productivity(创造性)4)Displacement(移位性)5)Cultural Transmission(文
6、化传递性) 怎样记忆: 五性,创意遗传第11页4. Important Distinctions in Linguistics (语言学研究中几对主要概念)1) descriptive & prescriptive 2) synchronic & diachronic3) langue & parole4) competence & performance第12页1) Descriptive (描述性) vs. Prescriptive (要求性) Descriptive: describing how things are.prescriptive: prescribing how thin
7、gs ought to be第13页Important Distinctions in Linguistics举例:Dont say X.People dont say X.The first is a prescriptive command, while the second is a descriptive statement.第14页2). Synchronic(共时性) vs. Diachronic (历时性)synchronic: takes a fixed instant as its point of observation. diachronic: the study of
8、a language through the course of its history. 第15页举例:研究18英语发音 Synchronic studies (共时性研究)研究1800-1900法语语法改变Diachronic studies (历时研究)第16页2. 世界语言分类Language family 语系language group 语族Language branch 语支印欧语系,汉藏语系,南岛语系,阿尔泰语系,南亚语系印欧语系下的日耳曼语族,罗曼语族,凯尔特语族, 斯拉夫语族,伊朗印度语族日耳曼语族下分东日耳曼语支,西日耳曼支,北日耳曼语支第17页2. 世界语言分类Lang
9、uage family 语系language group 语族Language branch 语支印欧语系,汉藏语系,南岛语系,阿尔泰语系,南亚语系印欧语系下的日耳曼语族,罗曼语族,凯尔特语族, 斯拉夫语族,伊朗印度语族日耳曼语族下分西日耳曼支,东日耳曼语支,北日耳曼语支第18页Indo-European language family印欧语系Germanic group 日耳曼语族West Branch西日耳曼语支英语,德语North Branch瑞典语,丹麦语-Celtic group凯尔特语族North Celtic group北凯尔特语支爱尔兰语,盖尔语South Celtic gro
10、up南凯尔特语支威尔士语Roman group罗曼语族West Roman Group西罗曼语支法语,西班牙语等东支罗马尼亚语Slavic group斯拉夫语族West Slavic group斯拉夫语西支波兰语,捷克语东支俄语第19页 Important Distinctions in Linguistics 3). langue(语言) & parole (言语)Theorist:Saussure(索绪尔), father of modern linguistics langue: abstract linguistic systemparole: actual realization o
11、f langue第20页Important Distinctions in Linguistics举例:汉语系统langue每个中国人在不一样详细场景中说出详细话语parole第21页Important Distinctions in Linguistics4) Competence(语言能力) and performance (语言利用)theorist: Chomsky(乔姆斯基) competence: users knowledge of rules about the linguistic system.performance: the actual realization of t
12、his knowledge in concrete situations.第22页5. Scope of Linguistics (语言学研究范围)1)按研究内容来分2)按研究导向来分第23页语言学分类-按研究内容分LinguisticsMicro-linguistics语言内部问题Macro-linguistics语言与外部世界关系问题第24页语言学分类-按研究内容分Micro- LinguisticssoundPhonetics(语音学)Phonology(音系学)wordMorphology(形态学)sentenceSyntax(句法学)meaningSemantics(语义学)Prag
13、matics(语用学)第25页Macro-linguisticsLanguage & SocietySociolinguistics社会语言学Language & MindPsycholinguistics心理语言学Language & Cultureanthropological linguistics人类语言学Language & ComputerComputational Linguistics计算机语言学第26页语言学分类-按研究导向分Linguistics TheoreticalLinguisticsLinguistic nature, universal rulesApplied
14、Linguisticslanguage acquisition, teaching, assessment第27页语言学分类-按研究内容分Micro- LinguisticssoundPhonetics(语音学)Phonology(音系学)wordMorphology(形态学)sentenceSyntax(句法学)meaningSemantics(语义学)Pragmatics(语用学)第28页语言学分类-按研究内容分Micro- LinguisticssoundPhonetics(语音学)Phonology(音系学)wordMorphology(形态学)sentenceSyntax(句法学)m
15、eaningSemantics(语义学)Pragmatics(语用学)第29页考点: 1.语音学(phonetics)和音系学(phonology)定义和区分2.语音学主要概念: 清音和浊音3.音系学主要概念: 音子,音位, 超音段特征 第30页Phonetics studies all speech sounds in human languages: how they are produced, transmitted and how they are received. Phonology: aims to discover how speech sounds in a language
16、 form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. 区分: meaning(是否研究和表示意义相关语音)第31页举例:too 和 tea 中 /t/发too中/t/时, 舌位更靠近口腔前部发tea中/t/时,舌位更靠近口腔后部语音学要研究这种/t/发音不一样之处, 音系学不研究第32页Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived. 第33页语音学分类arti
17、culatory phonetics(发音语音学): speakers production acoustic phonetics(声学语音学): transmissions mediumauditory phonetics(听觉语音学): receivers reception 第34页怎样记忆phonetics和phonolgy区分:联想: mathematics, physics, mechanics phonetics 语言学,-ics科学性更强 geology, sociology, astrology phonology 音系学,-ology人文性更强第35页 How speech
18、 sounds are made Speech organs第36页第37页Position of the vocal folds(声带): voicing(浊音) and voiceless (清音)第38页Voiceless(清音):vocal cords are drawn wide apart, letting the air stream go through without causing obstruction 清音举例:p,s,tVoicing/Voiced(浊音):vocal cords held together, letting the air stream vibrat
19、es 浊音: b,z,d第39页The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in the obstruction of airstream.As there is no obstruction of air in the production of vowels, the description of the consonants and vowels cannot be done along the same lines.第40页音系学定义:study of how speech sounds in a language form p
20、atterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. 音系学主要概念: phone音子,phoneme音位 (音系研究基本单位)supra-segmental features超音段特征第41页Phone(音子):a phonetic unit; the speech sounds we hear and produce during communication are all phones 举例: too 和 tea 中 /t/发too中/t/时, 舌位更靠近口腔前部发tea中
21、/t/时,舌位更靠近口腔后部所以too 和 tea 中 /t/两个不一样音子第42页 Phoneme(音位): phonological and abstract unit, a unit of distinctive value; the smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two words. 举例: tea 和 sea, /t/和/s/是两个不一样音位morpheme第43页What is the point of departure of phonology?A. phone B. sound C. vo
22、ice D. phoneme 第44页What is the point of departure of phonology?A. phone B. sound C. voice D. phoneme(音位) 第45页What is the point of departure of phonetics?A. phone B. sound C. voice D. phoneme 第46页What is the point of departure of phonetics?A. phone B. sound C. voice D. phoneme 第47页Suprasegmental feat
23、ures (超音段特征)Suprasegmental features: phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments . The principal suprasegmentals are: 第48页Supra-segmental features (超音段特征): stress (重音)举例: perfect (adj) 和 perfect (v)tone (声调)/pitch (音高): 定义: sound feature which are caused by the differing rate of vib
24、ration of the vocal folds.举例: m妈, m麻, m马, m骂比较:英语单词,如me第49页intonation (语气):pitch, stress, and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation. 举例: 第50页 Morphology 形态学1. 学科定义2. 语素定义和分类3. 词分类(classification of words)第51页形态学研究基本单位1. morpheme(语素). The most basic element of meanin
25、g in language,an element that cannot be further divided into smaller units without altering its meaning.举例:ball football balls第52页Morpheme语素Free morpheme自由语素定义:constitute words by themselves举例:girl, book, dogBound morpheme粘附语素Derivational morpheme派生语素定义:change lexical meaning举例:Dis-, co-, -ful, -enI
26、nflectional morpheme屈折语素定义:change grammatical meaning举例: -s, -ed, -ing,er, est定义: not occur by themselves 第53页 Types of MorphemesFree morphemes vs. Bound morphemes(自由语素和黏着语素): Free morphemes: those that may constitute words by themselves, eg boy, girl, table, nation.Bound morphemes: those that canno
27、t occur alone, eg -s, -ed, dis-, un-.第54页Types of Bound MorphemeInflectional morpheme (屈折语素)=inflectional affix(屈折词缀):change the grammatical meaning (number, aspect, case, tense) Derivational morpheme(派生语素)=inflectional affix (派生词缀): change the lexical meaning 第55页dis+like+s derivational free inflec
28、tional morpheme 第56页light+en+ed free derivational inflectional morpheme 第57页Derivational morpheme(改变词义): 改变词义:dis-, un-, multi-, micro-改变词性:en-, -full, -mentInflectional morpheme(改变语法含义):改变名称性,数,格:-ess, -s,改变动词时, 态,体: -ing, -ed, 改变形容词级:-er, -est第58页词分类-按构词法分wordSimple word简单词Compound word合成词Derivati
29、onal word派生词第59页怎样区分配生词(derivational word)和 合成词(compound word) : 拆开后看各个组成语素能否都单独成词,假如能够,就是合成词,假如不能就是派生词。Businessman: business + manPlayboy: play + boy Mouthful: mouth + fulLighten: light + en第60页词分类-按词义分wordGrammatical word 语法词 (function word 功能词)定义:表达语法意义,连接举例:prep介词,conj连词,art冠词,pronoun代词Lexical w
30、ord词汇词 (content word 实义词)定义:表达实际意义(物质,动作和性质)的词举例:n名词,v动词,adj形容词,adv副词第61页词分类-按开放性分wordOpen class word开放词类定义:不断有新词进入举例:noun, adj, verb, advClosed-class word封闭词类定义:基本没有新词进入举例: preposition, conjunction, article, pronoun第62页词分类-按在句子主要性分词类Major part of speechNoun名词Verb动词Adjective形容词adverb副词preposition介词M
31、inor part of speechArticle冠词Conjunction连词Auxiliary助动词第63页 分类方法 按构词法分简单词: dislike, light派生词: dislike, lighten合成词: cat-like, light-weight按词义分语法词 : 冠, 介,代,连词词汇词: 名,动,形,副按开放性分开放词:名,动,形,副封闭词:冠, 介,代,连词按在句中主要性分主要词类:名,动,形,副, 介次要词类:冠,代,连词第64页 Syntax 句法考点1. 定义2. 句法范围3. 句子类型第65页1. Syntax定义:: studies internal s
32、tructure of sentence and rules of sentence-formation第66页Category(范围): a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as sentence, a noun phrase or a verb (起相同作用一类语言单位)Syntactical category(句法范围): a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same
33、 or similar functions in sentence-formation. (在句子组成中起相同作用一类语言单位)第67页Syntactical category(句法范围)Word-lexical categoryPhrase-phrasal categoryClause-clausal categorySentence第68页Lexical Category 词法范围=Parts of Speech 词类Lexical categoryMajor part of speechNoun名词Verb动词Adjective形容词adverb副词preposition介词Minor
34、part of speechArticle冠词Conjunction连词Auxiliary助动词第69页 分类方法 按构词法分简单词: dislike, light派生词: dislike, lighten合成词: cat-like, light-weight按词义分语法词 : 冠, 介,代,连词词汇词: 名,动,形,副按开放性分开放词:名,动,形,副封闭词:冠, 介,代,连词按在句中主要性分主要词类/范围:名,动,形,副, 介次要词类/范围:冠,代,连词第70页 phrase specifier head complement a car five meters away 第71页72Sen
35、tence Types(句子类型)simple Sentence complexnon-simple compound第72页4. 句子分类:Simple sentence 简单句Coordinate sentence 并列句Complex sentence 复杂句第73页simple sentence 简单句定义:also called independent clause, contains a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought. 第74页练习:Jim and Mike play football every a
36、fternoon. (simple sentence) Mary goes to the library and studies every day. (coordinate sentence)第75页coordinate sentence并列句: contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator(并列连词) such as and, or, but etc. Coordinators are often preceded by a comma. 例句: I tried to speak Spanish, and my frien
37、d tried to speak English. Lily went to play football, but Maria went shopping.第76页You have to do it one way or the other.Simple sentenceThe workers were cheerful, or at least they appeared to be cheerful.Coordinate sentence第77页complex sentence 定义:A complex sentence has an independent clause joined w
38、ith one or more dependent clauses by one or more subordinators(隶属连词) such as if, when, because, althoug. 第78页As he is growing old, he seldom goes out.He is growing old, whereas he becomes healthier.怎样区分并列和复杂句-看连词表示关系 并列,选择和转折关系-并列句时间,条件,原因和让步关系-复杂句 第79页Semantics考点:1. 定义:study of meaning2. 两种基本意义:ref
39、erence指称和sense涵义3. 五种词语语义关系第80页Ludwig Wittgenstein: The meaning of a word is its use in the language. Meaning is studied by making detailed analyses of the way words and sentences are used in specific contexts.Reference(指称): how language refers to the real physical world (语言指代外部物质世界)Sense(涵义): inher
40、ent meaning of the linguistic form. It is abstract and the meaning dictionary compilers are interested in. (语言形式内在意义) 第81页 conceptsymbolizes refers tosymbol referent(word) stands for (object)第82页 dogSense:a domesticated canine mammal Reference: 第83页Synonymy 同义Synonymy 同义: sameness or similarity of m
41、eaning. Words that are close in meaning are called synonyms. 第84页同义分类举例dialectical synonym地域同义词:举例: fall and autumn, flat and apartment stylistic synonym格调同义词:举例: cop and police, kid and offspringcollocational synonym搭配同义词:举例: accuse of, charge with, rebuke forSemantically different synonym语义稍有不一样同义
42、词: 举例: surprise and astound, blame and rebuke第85页Antonymy 反义Antonymy 反义: oppositeness of meaning. Words that are opposite in meaning are called antonyms. Antonymy 反义关系分类:gradable antonymy 等级反义complementary antonymy互补反义converse antonymy反向反义第86页Gradable antonymy等级反义young -middle-aged- oldbig -middle-s
43、ized- smallgood-average-bad第87页 Complementary antonymy互补反义alive : deadmale : femalepresent : absentinnocent : guiltyodd : evenpass : failboy : girlhit : miss第88页 Converse antonymy反向反义 buy : selllend : borrowgive : receiveparent : childhusband : wifeteacher : studentabove : belowbefore : afterhost :
44、guestemployer : employee第89页 Hyponymy 上下义关系Hyponymy上下义: refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word.Superordinate/hypernym上义词: the more general termHyponym下义词: the more specific term第90页举例:hypernym上义词: animal Hyponym下义词: bird, fish, tiger, cat怎样记
45、忆:hyper-向上 hype 炒作 hypo-向下 hypothesis 假设第91页 Animalbird fish insect animal human animal tiger lion elephant .第92页Polysemy 一词多义Polysemy: the same one word has more than one meaning. Such a word is called polysemic word.举例:Fish:1. 鱼2. 鱼肉3. 水生动物4. 打鱼5. 寻找第93页Homonymy同音/同形异义词 : words having different me
46、anings have the same form, different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.Identical in sound: homophones 同音词Identical in spelling: homograph 同形词Identical in both: complete homonyms 同音同形词第94页homophones 同音词:举例: knight and night, piece and peace homograph 同形词举例: tear (v) and tear (n), l
47、ead (v) and lead (n)complete homonyms 同音同形词: fast (adj) and fast (n) 第95页怎样区分同音同形和一词多义现象: beauty, fish, ball, scalebeauty: 漂亮;美女fish: 鱼;鱼肉;水生动物;打鱼;寻找ball: 球;舞会scale: 规模;鱼鳞 看其多个意义之间是否相关联,假如有就是一词多义,没有就是同音同形词第96页Pragmatics 语用学 考点:定义和与语义学区分:study of meaning in context or in use言语行为理论(两位理论家和三种行为)会话标准 第97
48、页2. Speech Act TheoryJohn Austin (1911-1960)How to Do Things with Words (1962)Main Idea: things can be done with words第98页Constatives(叙事句) vs. performatives(施为句)Constatives(叙事句): utterances which roughly serves to state a fact, report that something is the case, or describe what something is, eg: I
49、go to the park every Sunday.I teach English. 第99页Performatives(施为句): utterances which are used to perform acts, do not describe or report anything at all; the uttering of the sentence is the doing of an action; they cannot be said to be true or false.Performative verbs: name, bet, etc.第100页Three Spe
50、ech Acts (三种言语行为)A locutionary act (言内行为): the act of uttering words, phrase, sentences. It is an act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology. An illocutionary act(言外行为): an act of expression speakers intention; it is an act performed in saying something.A perlocutiona
51、ry act(言后行为): the act preformed by or as a result of saying, the effects on the hearer.第101页三种话语行为-举例老师对学生说: You have left the door open.Locutionary act(言内行为): the act of uttering the words of “you”, “have”, “left”, “the”, “door”, “open”Illocutinary act(言外行为): the act of expressing the teachers inte
52、ntion of asking the student to close the door.Perlocutionary act(言后行为): the effect of the utterance: student goes to close the door第102页103 Illocutionary Act Theory美国哲学家John Searle (约翰-塞尔, 1932-)在Austin理论基础上把言外行为深入分为5类:陈说(assertives),指示(directives),承诺(commissives),表示(expressives),宣告(declaratives)第10
53、3页 Conversational Implicature(会话含义理论)Theorist:英国语言学家Herbert Paul Grice (格莱斯,1913-1988)Main Idea: People do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them.第104页The Cooperative Principle (CP,合作标准)Maxim of Quality(数量准则)Maxim of Quantity(质量准则)Maxim of Relation(关系准则)Maxim of Manner(方式准则)第105页The
54、Cooperative Principle (CP,合作标准)Maxim of Quality(数量准则)Do not say what you believe to be false.Do not say something if you lack adequate evidence;Maxim of Quantity(质量准则)Maxim of Relation(关系准则)Maxim of Manner(方式准则)第106页Maxim of Quality(数量准则)Maxim of Quantity(质量准则):Make your contribution as informative
55、as required (for the current purposes of the exchange).Do not make your contribution more informative than required. Maxim of Relation(关系准则)Maxim of Manner(方式准则)第107页Maxim of Quality(数量准则)Maxim of Quantity(质量准则)Maxim of Relation(关系准则):Be relative.Maxim of Manner(方式准则)第108页Maxim of Quality(数量准则)Maxim
56、 of Quantity(质量准则)Maxim of Relation(关系准则)Maxim of Manner(方式准则): Be perspicuous.Avoid obscurity of expression.Avoid ambiguity.Be brief.Be orderly.第109页Macro-Linguistics宏观语言学第110页Sociolinguistics 社会语言学1.定义2.语言变体 language variety3.双语 第111页Sociolinguistics 社会语言学1定义:The sub-field of linguistics that stud
57、ies the relation between language and society, between the uses of language and the social structures in which the users of language live.Speech语言变体双语第112页Sociolinguistics 社会语言学定义Speech variety/language variety 语言变体: refer to any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker or a group of speaker
58、s.双语第113页speakerregionageracegendersocial classsituation第114页Language variety 语言变体regionRegional dialect地域方言Social classSociolect社会方言genderGender dialect性别方言ageAge dialect年龄方言raceEthnic dialect种族方言situationRegister/situational dialect语域第115页Idiolect个人方言Regional dialectSociolectAge dialectGender dial
59、ectEthnic dialect第116页Pidgin(洋泾浜语/皮钦语):a special language variety that mixes or blends languages and it is used by people who speaks different languages for restricted purposes such as trading. 上海洋泾浜 第117页上海话中洋泾浜英语“蹩脚”(BILGE,船底污水,引申为肮脏、下三滥、劣质)“瘪三”(BEG SIR,乞丐先生,用来形容叫花子、难民、逃荒者等各式穷人,后引申为最广泛骂人用语之一。“赤佬”是
60、英语“CHEAT”(坑骗)和汉字“佬”混生词语,一个鲁迅时代最流行洋泾浜俚语(隐语)。第118页119From pidgin to creoles(克里奥语):Pidgin has become the primary language as a result of intermarriage, it is spoken at home and learned by children as a mother tongue.举例. French-based Haitian Creole, English based jamaica Creole第119页Sociolinguistics 社会语言
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