



1、Unit2 Colourful Life第 2 单元 第 3 课课 题Lesson3 Tell What It Is by Feeling? 设计者吴永惠审核人课 型新授课年 级Grade 6执 教吴永惠学习目标1.学生能够掌握本课表示感觉的单词,要求发音准确、理解词义并能灵活将描述性的词语应用到日常对话中。2.能向别人询问和描述物品,并能用描述性的词表达自己的感觉。3.能够听懂歌曲大意,并进行仿编,进.步提高学生学习英语的兴趣。重、难点1.本课所有单词的正确发音和对词义的理解。2.能较熟练地应用描述性词语表达自己的感觉。3.能够通过上下文猜测生词大意。4.乐于完成游戏、演唱歌曲和手工制作。学

2、习准备点读机、卡片、PPT课件课 时 (第一课时)环节目标任务导学设计情景导入创设英语学习的氛围,复习旧知为接下来的学习热身。Step1Warm-up1.师生常规问候。T: Good morning, class. Welcome back to school! Nice to see you again!Ps: Nice to see you, too. Miss Wu! 2.复习以前所学形容词hot, cold, sweet, big, small, clever, strong指导学习1.学习并掌握描述事物的句型“The water feels warm.”“The bread smel

3、ls yummy.”“The skirt looks beautiful.”“You look happy.”并通过替换形容词练习句型。Step2 Work in pairs.1.创设情景引出句型。1)教师准备好三个水杯,分别盛热水、冷水和温水。先拿出热水和冷水。T: Please look at me, there are two cups of water. One is hot, another one is cold. Can you guess which one is hot?Ps: .T: So do you want to touch them and then tell us

4、?Ps: Yes!选几名学生上台,分别摸两杯水,说出结论。P1: The left one is hot.T: Very good! The left one is hot and the right one is cold. So we can say the water feels hot. Please read after me: The water feels hot.同样方法练习cold。教师拿出第三杯水,请学生感受水温。T: Look, this is the third one. Do you want to touch it?Ps: Yes.T: After touching

5、 it, you must tell us how you feel about this one, OK?Ps: OK.一名学生感受水温。T: P2, how do you feel it? Is it hot?P2: No.T: Is it cold?P2: No.T: Yeah. The water is not very hot, and not very cold. Its just OK. So how about the water? Its. (引导学生说出warm) Ps: Its warm.T: Good. The water is warm. And we can als

6、o say the water feels warm. (重读feels) Read after me, please. The water feels warm.Ps: . T: Just now we learned the sentence The water feels warm. Do you know the meaning of the word feel? Who would like to tell us? (可做摸书本的动作提示学生)Ps:摸。跟读两遍,快速检测。学生之间互相提问并检测。T: How about the water?Ps: The water feels h

7、ot.P: How about the water?P2: The water feels cold.2)教师出示画有面包的图片。T: Whats this?Ps: Bread. T: What do you think of it? (引导学生说出学过的单词yummy,如果学生想不起来,可以问“Is it yummy?)Ps: .T: Yes, you are so clever. We can use our nose to smell. And we can say the bread smells yummy. Read after me, please. The bread smel

8、ls yummy.Ps: .用学过的单词sweet和sour操练新的句型,可先由教师和学生示范,然后学生之间互相提问并检测。3)出示skirt的图片,引导学生说出单词beautiful, 借机教学句子:“The skirt looks beautiful.”并用单词big, small 进行替换练习。4)随机请名学生回答一个简单问题,学生答对后,教师夸奖:“You look clever.引导学生练习该句型和相关单词。2.引导学生操练句型。1)教师准备好卡片,首先带领学生复习卡片上学过的单词: warm, hot, cold, yummy, sweet, sour,帮助学生进一步了解这些描述感

9、觉的单词。2)教师左手持water 的卡片.右手出示warm的卡片,学生说出句型“The water feels warm.。教师再更换右手的卡片,引导学生说出其他句子。用同样的方法操练bread和yummy等单词。 合作交流1.学习并掌握感官类动词:taste delicious smell sweet, sound noisy, look clean/dirty,look heavy/light ,学习句型“How does it feel?”“It feels round and soft”,并通过替换练习,掌握词汇和句型。Step3 Lets learn: taste deliciou

10、s smell sweet, sound noisy, look clean/dirty,look heavy/light1.教学短语: taste delicious, smell sweet, look clean dirty, look heavy/light1)教学单词。随机请学生说出他们喜爱的食物。T: Wow! You really did a good job. Now, I want to tell you what I like to eat. (出示面包的图片,先做闻一闻的动作,引导学生说出刚才学过的smells yummy,再做尝一口的动作,告诉学生:“It tastes

11、 delicious.”) Can you guess what the meaning of“taste delicious is?T: Yes, very good. In Chinese, it means “尝起来美味可口”。Read after me, taste delicious.Ps: Taste delicious.检测学生的读音。2)教学单词sound noisy。教师播放一小段嘈杂的声音片段(如火车站、广场等)T: Whats your feeling about this? Is it quiet?Ps: No.T: Its not quiet at all, so i

12、t is noisy. Do you know the meaning of “noisy?T: Good. It means“嘈杂的”Read after me please, noisy, noisy, noisy.3)教师拿出一朵鲜花,做动作猜的方式教学单词smell,并让学生闻鲜花,引出smell sweet。4)教师利用教室里干净的窗户和装了垃圾的垃圾桶,引导学生学习look dirty/ clean.5)教师出示两张图片,一个人背者沉重的行李,外一个提着小包,用上面方法教学look heavy light.2.教师带读单词,确保发音准确。3.带人句型中练习,学生两人一组, 巩固单词

13、和句型。-How does it feel? -It feels smooth. It is a tomato.-How does it sound? -It sounds noisy. It is in a train station.Play a game.通过游戏,复习所学的描述感觉的单词,并巩固所学的描述感觉和物品的表达法,引导学生积极运用。T: Boys and girls, lets play a guessing game, OK?Ps: OK. T: Very good. Lets begin.教师把全班分成几个小组进行“猜猜看”的小组竞赛。教师准备道具,让学生用盒子将每个物品

14、包装好。然后用学过的词和句型在纸条的一面写上一些描述这些事物的句子,在另-面写出该物品的名称。游戏开始,由一名学生抽出一张纸条,根据纸条描述、猜测物品,猜对即获得该物品。Complete the table with the right words.1.教师向学生出示手、眼睛、鼻子、嘴和耳朵的图片,请学生快速说出这些单词。2.引导学生将这些单词与新学单词联系起来。3.学生完成表格的填写,再检测答案。巩固练习1.通过游戏,巩固本课所学句型和单词。Step4Play a game.通过游戏,复习所学的描述感觉的单词,并巩固所学的描述感觉和物品的表达法,引导学生积极运用。T: Boys and gi

15、rls, lets play a guessing game, OK?Ps: OK.T: Very good. Lets begin.教师把全班分成几个小组进行“猜猜看”的小组竞赛。教师准备道具,谁用盒子将每个物品包装好。然后用学过的词和句型在纸条的一面写上-些描述事物的句子,在另一面写出该物品的名称。游戏开始,由一名学生抽出一张根据纸条描述、猜测物品,猜对即获得该物品。拓展提高1.通过听录音,看图,动手做,学做水果沙拉,让学生亲身体会,着重学生综合技能的发展。 Step5Listen, make and say.1.教师打乱顺序展示教材中该部分的六幅图画,引导学生根据图片内容猜测并排序。1)

16、教师告知学生该部分主题: Making fruit salad。T: Boys and girls, do you like eating fruit salad?Ps: Yes, I like it very much.T: Do you know how to make fruit salad?Ps: No.T: Now. Lets learn how to make fruit salad.Ps: Great!2)猜测图画内容并进行排序。T: Please look at the PPT,there are six pictures. Can you guess what the little girl is doing in each picture?鼓励学生根据图画回答问题。3)听录音,检查结果。(After listening)T: After listening to the tape, are you clear about h


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