



1、山西省长治市第十五中学2023年高一英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. People can unlock the shared bikes, _are equipped with GPS and can be left anywhere in public, by simply _their smart phones.A. which; use B. which; usingC. of which; use D. of which; using参考答案:B【详解】考查非限制性定语从句和动名词,句意:仅凭自己的智能手机人们能够解锁共享单车,这些共享单车配备了全球定位系统,可以被放在公共场

2、合的任何地方。“ are equipped with GPS and can be left anywhere in public”为非限制性定语从句,先行词为the shared bikes,指物,且先行词在从句中做主语,故用which指代。第二个空位于介词by的后面,用use动名词的形式做宾语,填using。综上,选B。2. Im afraid Ill be late because all the traffic _ to avoid this part of the highway due to an accident.A. is being redirected B. had bee

3、n redirectedC. was redirectedD. has redirected参考答案:A3. Many students havent decided whether to learn literal arts or science, and some of them in my class are expected to leave _ is the most vital decision almost entirely up to luck.A. as B. that C. which D. what参考答案:D4. The boys were caught_in clas

4、s and as a punishment,they were made to clean the library.Awhisper Bto whisperCwhispered Dwhispering参考答案:Dwhisper与其逻辑主语the boys之间是主动关系,且与caught所表示的动作同时发生,故用其动词ing形式作宾语补足语。5. - I want to know if I _smoke here.-No, you _. Could you see the sign “NO SMOKING” there?A. can, neednt B. must, cant C. shall,

5、 wont D. may, mustnt参考答案:d略6. With the help of the foreign experts, they produced _ washing machines in 2003 as the year before.A. as twice many B. as twice as manyC. as many as twice D. twice as many参考答案:D考察倍数表达法。倍数表达法: 倍数 as adj(原级) as ;本题的many修饰后面的washing machine.故D正确。7. In some way, the protecti

6、ve suits can help _ the harmful rays in Japan now.A. break out B. sort out C. watch out D. block out参考答案:D略8. Every possible means _ to prevent the pollution, but the sky is still gray.A. is used B. are used C. has been used D. have been used参考答案:C9. The determined mother has devoted all she has to

7、_ her son out of trouble.A. helping B. help C. have helped D. having helped参考答案:A10. Our teacher told us not to let ourselves be _ into buying things we dont want.A. advised B. commanded C. persuaded D. put参考答案:C11. _ I have to walk all the way, Ill still go there.A. Even B. Even though C. As though

8、 D. Now that参考答案:B12. - Have you read the article on the magazine about the novel just published? - No, and _. A. Nor do I know. B. I will read it soon. C. Nor will I. D. its none of your business.参考答案:C略13. The Big6 Model is one _ to teaching information literacy skills.A. attitude B. appearance C.

9、 approach D. altitude 参考答案:C解析:attitude to / towards指“对的态度”;appearance指“出现”;approach指“方法;途径”,后常接to;altitude指“海拔;高度”。根据句意,这里指一种“教学方法”,所以用approach。注:Big6 Model 的全称是Big6 Model of Information Problem-Solving,指Big6信息问题解决模式,属于“问题解决”式的研究学习。14. - Where is the new dictionary? - - Its on the top shelf, out of

10、 _. A. reach B. orderC. sightD. touch参考答案:A15. Professor Wang has _himself in researching the wildlife protection in the recent five years.Aemployed BspentCdevoted Dconcentrated参考答案:A解析考查动词。句意:近几年王教授忙于研究野生动植物保护。employ oneself in doing sth表示“从事;忙于”。二、 填空16. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1 I think he is taking an ac

11、tive part in social work. I agree with you in _ way.2The man has already made _ (prepare) for his journey.3We were all shocked _ the news of Michael Jacksons death.4It is difficult for us to carry _ a conversation with all the noise around us.5I dont think George is the right person to carry _the pl

12、an.6Fortunately, the car was _ his control. An accident was avoided.7Ill look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _ (patient)8The open-air celebration has been put off because _ the bad weather.9_ (smoke) is a habit difficult to break.10It is bad for your health _ (drink) so much

13、 today.参考答案:1.a答句句意:在某种程度上我同意你的观点。in a way“在某种程度上”。2.preparations句意:这个人已经为他的旅途做好了准备。make preparations for“为做准备”,为固定搭配,符合题意。3.atbe shocked at sth.“因为(看到,听到)某事而震惊”。句意:听到迈克尔杰克逊去世的消息,我们都感到震惊。4.oncarry on a conversation“进行会谈”。5.out句意:我认为乔治不是执行这个计划的合适人选。carry out“执行;落实”。6.within句意:幸运的是,他控制住了那辆车,避免了交通事故的发生

14、。within ones control表示“在某人的控制下”,符合句意。7.patience句意:我会尽快调查这件事情,请耐心一点儿。patience意为“耐心”,符合句意。8.of句意:因为天气不好,露天庆祝会已经被推迟。because of“由于;因为”。9.Smoking此处指“经常性的抽烟”,故用动名词smoking。句意:抽烟是一种很难改掉的习惯。10.to drink由句中的“today”可知此处要用不定式“to drink”来表示具体的动作。句意:今天喝这么多酒对你的健康不利。三、 阅读理解17. Are you running a restaurant but cant af

15、ford to hire waiters? Well, you could learn from this Japanese restaurant that hires monkeys for the job. In order to make them look more human, the restaurant owner even masks(用面具遮掩) their faces.The restaurant is Kayabuki, which a traditional Japanese restaurant. They have hired a couple of monkeys

16、 named Yat-chan and Fuku-chan to work as waiters (or waitresses, were not sure). 16-year-old Yat-chan is the older of the two, but he moves quickly between tables as he takes the customers drink orders. Fuku-chan gives customers a hot towel and helps them clean their hands before they order their dr

17、inks, as is the custom in Japan. Believe it or not, the pair is actually certified(授予执照) by local authorities to work at the restaurant. The customers like them as well, so they give them beans as tips. One customer, Takayoshi, said, “The monkeys are actually better waiters than some really bad huma

18、n ones.”Yat-chan and Fuku-chan were once the household pets of the restaurant owner, Kaoru Otsuka. But the older one started imitating him in restaurant duties, and that was when he realized they were actually capable of working there. “Yat-chan first learned by just watching me working in the resta

19、urant,” he said. “It all started when one day I gave him a hot towel and he brought the towel to the customer.”Some customers even feel that the little monkeys are just like children, or even better. 62-year-old Shiochi Yano, a regular at Kayabuki, says, “Actually, theyre better. My son doesnt liste

20、n to me, but Yat-chan will.” Customers also say that Yat-chan is able to understand exact orders and remember them. “We called out for more beer,” said one customer, “and he just brought us some beer. Its amazing how he seems to understand human words.”5. What can we learn about Yat-chan and Fuku-ch

21、an?A. They both get beans as tips.B. Fuku-chan is older than Yat-chan.C. Yat-chan helps customers clean their hands.D. Fuku-chan takes the customers drink orders.6. According to Takayoshi, the two monkey waiters .A. can understand exact ordersB. listen to him very carefullyC. can remember the regula

22、r customersD. behave better than some human waiters7. What does the underlined word, “imitating” in the 3rd paragraph mean?A. surprise B. copyC. laugh D. frustrate8. Why did Kaoru Otsuka let the monkeys work in the restaurant?A. He couldnt afford to hire waiters.B. He thought monkeys worked better t

23、han humans.C. He found his monkeys were able to work like waiters.D. The officials encouraged him to hire the monkeys.参考答案:5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C本文介绍日本餐厅用猴子当服务员。5. A细节理解题。根据第二段中The customers like them as well, so they give them beans as tips.可知A项. They both get beans as tips.符合题意。6. D细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“The monkeys are actually better waiters than some really bad human ones.”可知两个猴子服务员比一些不好的人类服务员举止更好。故选D。7. B词义猜测题。根据第三段中的that was when he realized they were actually capable of working there. “Yat-chan first learned by just watching me working in the r


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