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1、IELTS Task 1写作宝典Bryan Zheng2. 小作文透析及派图解析2.1 小作文总体审题特点 2.10 派图介绍2.2 小作文写作必备能力 2.11 派图的写作技巧2.3 小作文考点热点 2.12 派图的重难点2.4 小作文综合预测 2.13 派图词汇基础之占据2.5 小作文注意事项 2.14 派图词汇基础之倍数2.6 小作文开头段写法 2.15 派图主语替换技巧2.7 小作文主体段要求 2.16 派图的常用句型2.8 小作文主体段顺序2.9 小作文结尾段写法2一. 图表作文写作要求时间:20分钟 字数:不少于150 (150-170)不可忽视图表作文对整体分数的影响1.客观性写

2、作:描述图表信息,不表达个人观点千万不可以出现I think我认为这些字样。2. 详尽性写作:起点,拐点,终点,变化趋势必须交代清楚二.图表作文的分类数据类: 1. table 表格图 2. line chart /line graph曲线图(线状图) 3. bar chart 柱状图 4. pie chart 饼状图非数据类:process diagram 流程图 三. 图表作文写作步骤(一)审题:1.看清图表类型2.先读题干信息,后读图表信息3.读线状图时看清横纵轴的含义4.看清楚单位,在写作的时候抄进文章(三)写作:1.开头段,主体段,结尾段缺一不可2.常用图表作文表达必须全部掌握3.使

3、用逻辑衔接词和转承短语注意时间控制:20 mins(四)检查:字数单词拼写,不要缩写单位时态 (开头段永远是一般现在时)语法错误:主谓一致,缺少或者多余谓语,没有连词等2. 急剧上升,大幅度上升:(1).Jump, shoot up, surge, soar (不加修饰语)(2).go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise / climb up + sharply / rapidly / dramatically / drastically /steeply/ significantly/ substantially 3. 小幅度上升:go up / asc

4、end / grow / increase / rise/ climb up +modestly / slightly / marginally /moderately experience a slight growth in4. 平稳上升,逐渐上升:go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise+ gradually / consistently / steadily / slowly / step by step 6. 急剧下降,大幅度下降:(1).plummet, plunge (不加修饰语)(2).下降8个+大幅度7个7. 小幅度下降:下降8个+小幅度

5、4个9.波动,(在间)起伏不定:fluctuate v.用法:fluctuate between and fluctuate over the period of fluctuate over these 24 hoursfluctuation n. 用法:rise with some fluctuations10. 保持平稳,平衡,静止不动:level off at, level out at +数字/百分比 hover at , stabilize at, reach a plateau at remain / stay/ keep stable/ unchanged at4种数字类:1.

6、倍数基础表达法:A +istimes +as+ adj.原级+as +BA +istimes+ adj.比较级+than +BA +istimes+ the size/length/height/width/depth +of + BThe size/length/height/width/depth +of+ A+ istimes of +BThe +n.+is times+ what从句这张桌子是那张桌子的三倍大。This table is 3 times as big as that one.This table is 3 times bigger than that one.This

7、table is 3 times the size of that one.The size of this table is 3 times of that one.今年的产量是2006年的3倍。The output of this year is 3 times what it was in 2006.倍数高级表达法:(1)是原来的倍:数字 + -fold (2)增长或者下降了倍: 数字-1 + -fold shows / experiences / witnesses/ undergo a three-fold increase / rise / decrease / reduction

8、 是原来的3倍 / 增加或减少了2倍 例: Between 1971 to 1975, the population was up eight-fold. 是原来的8倍,增加了7倍 2. 一半:half,50%adj. Half the apples are bad. n. Half of the apples are bad.adv. My work is not half done yet.4.比例,百分比:percentage, proportion , ratio , share成比例 be in ratio 不成比例 be out of ratio , be ill-proporti

9、oned成正比 be in direct ratio 成反比 be in reverse ratio The ratio of A to B is X to Y.The ratio of pupils to teachers is 30 to 1.学生和老师的比率是30比1.6种比较类1.大,达到最大值,达到最高点:reach the maximum / the largest part ofpeak atreach the peak at reach the highest point at3.多于more than , over, above, upwards ofupwards of 6

10、0 years oldexceed, surpass, overtake, -v.4.少于less than, fewer than under, below, within, 5. 相同和相似:相同be identical / the same with The same is true of . 也有同样情况, 也适用于In the same way, In like manner, be equal tobe a likeness, be a similarity, equally, 大体相同,相似:more or less alike, roughly the same, show great resemblance, be basically the same as6. 不同:be different = be of great difference b


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