



1、Module 5 Unit 2 I can speak French.教学设计科目版本小学英语(三年级起点)外研版六年级上册章节Module 5 Unit 2课名I can speak French.学习目标知识与技能:1. 能够听懂、会说,并初步运用词汇:French, age, story, candy。2. 能够听懂、会说、认读句型“I can speak French.”和“I like.”, 并能在实际情境中表达能力与喜好。过程与方法:任务教学法交流法直观教学情感态度与价值观:学生通过本课时的学习,敢于根据自己的兴趣爱好去交笔友、网友。重难点教学重点:能够听懂、会说、认读句型“I c

2、an speak French.”和“I like.”教学难点:熟悉并掌握句型“I can .”以及“.are my hobbies .”教学环节/步骤学生活动教师活动设计意图ReviewLead in Look and say.学生看图,谈论图片。 Watch and answer.Show some photos to students and ask them to fill the blanks .1. Read the dialogue in activity 1 .Lets look at the picture, what can you see?Guess what they

3、are talking about.引导学生谈论图片。.2. Read and answer.What they are talking about ?What language can Tom and Amy speak?教授新单词:FrenchWhat does Tom want?回答问题。理解phone friend。就知回顾,唤醒学生对相关知识的意识,为课课时的开展奠定基础。导入情境:Sam和Amy一起讨论笔友的事。通过阅读,回答问题.学生理解课文内容,并引出新单词French和phone friend 的学习。New text New words Before new textLis

4、ten to teacher 听老师阅读activity 2整体感知课文内容。Group work .Answer the questions about picture 1 .Students show their group work to us .Show some pictures and teach the new words .Ask students some questions : Whats your name ? How old are you ? Where are you from ? What are your hobbies ? Read the text to s

5、tudents .Show some questions and ask students to work them out in group .Who are they?How old are they?Where are they from?What are their hobbies ? Ask students to show their group work to us .( explain the difficult points to students )阅读课文,让学生整体感知课文内容。回答细节问题,学生理解课文内容。能够理解人物的能力和喜好课文细节,并学习新单词。Practi

6、ce Homework BlackboardDesignTeachingreflection 1. Lets read.Retell and fill the blanks .Students take notes 本课时学生参与度高,按预期目标完成了教学任务,学生基本掌握本课时的重难点。但是在本课时学生活动安排较少,为更好提升学生学习兴趣应更多设计学生游戏活动环节。Module 5 unit 2 本课时学生参与度高,按预期目标完成了教学任务,学生基本掌握本课时的重难点。但是在本课时学生活动安排较少,为更好提升学生学习兴趣应更多设计学生游戏活动环节。Module 5 unit 2 I can speak French I love story ,-stories Whats his/her name ?Age : How old are you ?What are his/ her hobbies ?Lets read.Read the passage to your classmate .According to your memory to fill the blanks Make a ID card


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