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1、教学设计Module 9Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day?The 2st period 外研社2023课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)四年级上册四川省雅安市雨城区四小教育集团新华校区付雅兰学科英语册数四年级上册执教付雅兰课题Module 9 Unit 1 Are you going to run on sports day?课型复习课课时第二课时教材分析本节课是新标准英语三年级起点四年级上册第九模块第一单元第二课时,通过大明的学校在本月即将举行运动会,继续学习由be going to引导的一般将来时态,以询问他人准备参加什么运动项目为话题,学习由b

2、e going to引导的一般将来时态的疑问句形式及其答语: Are you going to on sports day? Yes, Im going to No, Im going to学情分析 学生已经在第八模块学习了由be going to引导的一般将来时态的陈述句形式,以外出旅行为话题,能用be going to制作简单的出行计划,也能谈论他人的外出游玩准备玩的事。第一课时中,学生已经了解了故事大意,能初步听说读单词sports day, win, month, hundred, metre,every, day, luck, good luck, come on和句型Are you

3、 going to on sports day? Yes, Im going to No, Im going to在本节课的学习中,学生将会熟练运用由be going to引导的一般将来时态的陈述句形式,以询问他人准备参加什么运动项目为话题,学生继续学习由be going to引导的一般将来时态的疑问句形式及其答语: Are you going to on sports day? Yes, Im going to No, Im going to并在以往学过的运动项目run, jump, swim, skip, play basketball/football/table tennis等的基础上

4、,熟练听说读单词和初步写单词sports day, win, month, hundred, metre,every, day, luck, good luck, come on,run the 100 metres进而扩充运动项目词汇量。学习目标1、知识与技能目标学生能熟练听说读单词和短语:sports day, win, month, hundred, metre,every, day, luck, good luck, come on.(2)学生能熟练听说读句型:Are you going to on sports day? Yes, Im going to No, Im going t

5、o(3)学生通过齐读课文,培养学生朗读能力。(4)通过完成填空练习,学生能初步写出单词:sports day, hundred, metre, every, day, good luck, come on.2、能力目标通过chant和图片,激发学生已有的运动词汇和短语储备,巩固单词sports day, win, month, hundred, metre,every, day, luck, good luck, come on,为接下来的学习做好铺垫。通过呈现运动会图片,并询问学生准备参加什么运动项目,同桌对话,学生能够回顾句型Are you going to on sports day?

6、Yes, Im going to No, Im going to 通过学生给课文配音,检测学生能否理解课文。通过布置任务:小记者活动和运动会,老师示范,学生完成任务。3、情感、策略、文化意识目标通过学习本课,学生能明白大明每天坚持练习跑步才能取得胜利的道理。在生活中,我们想要取得成功,必须每天练习,熟能生巧,一分耕耘,一分收获。学习策略本课我采用导复习单词、读获取信息、练学习语言、用体验交流、演内化产出,这一教学模式,让学生在有声、有形、有情的语言中达到听、说、读和情感交流的体验。教学重点(1)对sports day, win, month, hundred, metre, every, da

7、y, luck, good luck, come on的熟练认读; (2)对句型:Are you going to on sports day? Yes, Im going to No, Im going to的运用。(3)对课文的熟练朗读。教学难点通过布置任务:小记者活动和运动会,老师示范,学生完成任务。教具准备多媒体、单词卡片、头饰、跳绳、篮球、帽子和话筒。教学过程Step 1Warm up师生问候。Greetings.(1m)儿歌,复习动词短语。T: Do you like sports? Lets do sports now. lets chant together. Run, run

8、, Im going to run. Jump, jump, Im going to jump. Swim, swim, Im going to swim. (skip, play basketball/football/table tennis) Do you do sports every day? Wed better do sports every day. That can make us strong. Do you agree with me?(板书every day)分组。 PPT呈现运动会图片。Were going to have a sports day this mont

9、h. Well have a running race. Were going to run the 100 metres. So you are Team , Team 3 and Team Look at the blackboard. Each runner is for each team. If you are good, your team will run ahead. Team 1, Are you going to win? T1: Yes, Im going to win. Good luck for you. The same way to ask the other t

10、eams. Come on, boys and girls. Try your best to win the game.(板书并齐读sports day,month, the 100 metres,win,good luck,come on)1.关注学生的情绪。2.关注学生的说唱,关注学生的回答。3.关注学生的回答。关注学生读单词。1.师生问候。2.学生跟老师一起chant,然后回答老师问题。3.学生明确分组和评价方式,朗读单词sports day, month, hundred, meters, win, good luck, come on, 1.师生情感交流。2.老师通过chant,激

11、发学生兴趣,激活学生原有运动词汇储备。让学生回答问题,复习单词every, day.3.小学生争强好胜。老师分组,有利于增强学生竞争意识,同时也复习了单词sports day, month, hundred, meters, win, good luck, come on为接下来的学习做铺垫。教学环节教师活动及重点关注学生活动设计意图Step 2Lead in看运动会图片、同桌对话,复习句型。Lets enjoy a group of pictures about sports day. T asks: They are running. Are you going to run on spo

12、rts day?(学生回答,老师板书句型,同桌对话)Lets talk in pairs. 关注学生回答、对话。学生欣赏运动会图片,回答老师的问题。学生两人一组对话。通过欣赏运动会图片,回顾句型Are you going to on sports day? Yes, Im going to No, Im going to通过同桌对话,复习句型Are you going to on sports day? Yes, Im going to No, Im going toStep 3Presentation1.看图片,回答问题,回顾图1内容。Look at this picture. Who ar

13、e you? Why are they happy?What will the PE teacher say? 2.学生齐读课文,回答问题,回顾课文内容。Lets read the text together, then answer the three questions. (1) What are they going to do this month? (2)What is Daming going to do on sports day? (3) Who is the winner? 关注学生观察图片,回答问题。关注学生齐读课文和回答问题。1.学生观察图片,思考问题,回答问题。2.学生

14、齐读课文,思考问题和回答问题。1.通过学生观察图片和回答问题,回顾图1的内容。2.设计问题,让学生带着问题读课文,回顾课文内容。Step 4Practice给课文配音。Lets dub. There are seven people in the text. Who wants to be the PE teacher/Daming/Sam/Amy/Lingling/Damings mother and father?关注学生给课文配音。学生给课文配音。培养学生的朗读能力。Step 5Consolidation补白课文。Lets do “Fill in the blanks.” Here is

15、 a sheet on your desk. Please finish the sheet in pairs. You have 2 minutes. Then lets check together and read it aloud.关注学生能否写出单词sports day, month, run the 100 metres, every day, good luck, come on.学生做课文补白练习。检验学生能否写出单词sports day, month, run the 100 metres, every day, good luck, come on.Step 6Extens

16、ion呈现任务,分组活动Its time for teamwork. Here are two tasks for you. 1).小记者采访。Task 1: Interview. We are going to have a sports day this month. Im a sports reporter. Im going to interview my teammates. Do an example for Ss. I need 5 partners. “Hello, Im a sports reporter. Are you going toon sports day? ”2)

17、运动会。Task 2: Sports Day. Lets have a sports day. Were going to have a running race, a skipping race and a basketball race. First, the sports reporter should interview your teammates. Then group your teammates and take them to the right place. Third, have a competition. Let me do an example for you. “

18、Hello, Im a sports reporter. Were going to have a running race. Are you going to run on sports day? Yes, the players. No, the fans. The players stand here. The fans stand there. Now Im a referee. Are you going to win? Good luck. Ready? Go! Come on, Come on,. is the winner.”Rules: (1) Each team can get a task.(2) Read your task first, then choose the things you need.(3) You have 5 minutes. (4) Everybody should join it.(5) Show your work.


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