1、The ( 第课时)原创不易,为有更动力,【关注、关、关注谢谢!新竹高旧竹枝,全老干为持。出自郑的新原创不易,为有更动力,【关注、关、关注谢谢!令公桃满天下,何堂前更花。出自白易的和令公绿野种花 原创不易,为有更动力,【关注、关、关注谢谢!新竹高旧竹枝,全老干为持。出自郑的新Part B Let learn Let s play 教学内容与标课时教学内容 课时教学目标Lets learnLets play 教学重点能够听、说、认读单词“nice, pretty, cheap, expensive能够在语境中熟练运用上述单词描述商品的品质及价格能够将人名衣物名称以及价格填写在表格中再运用句“Sa
2、rah has a pretty dress. Its 50 yuan. Its very nice.”进行描述能够听、说、认读并熟练运用单词“nice, pretty, cheap, expensive 教学难点能够综合运用本课时所学单词和句型。 教学准备预习状元课堂中本时的关内容2. PPT 课件、课文录音、视频、卡片等。 教学过程Step Warm-up Revision Lead-in 1. Greetings.2. the song much is that doggie in window?(出示课件) 3. Sharp purpose再次播放本单元歌曲, 营造英语学习氛围。利用课
3、 件出示图片,帮助学生复习 相关词汇和句型,为后面的 学习做好铺垫。Show the pictures of clothes.(出示课件)Ask students to look at the pictures and find out the right pictures. Lead students to review the words of clothes.4. Look and say.Show the pictures on the PPT. 课件出示:各种服装及其价 格图) Let students ask and answer the questionsin pairs.A:
4、How much is/are?B: Its/Theyre5.Led-in.Show the picture of “Lets learn”. (出示课件)T: Sarahs is coming. mum wants to new clothes for her. They come to a clothes shop. They want to buy a pretty skirt. But itstoo So theyre going to another clothes shp. Let see.Write down the topic “Shopping” on the blackbo
5、ar. Step Presentation 1. Teach the new “pretty”.Show the picture of “Lets learn”. (出示课件)T: Look at that pink dress. Why doe Sara like it? Let s listen. (课件出示:Lets learn 音频)Ss: Its petty.T: Yes, its pretty!Write down the word “pretty” o the blackboard. Stuents read fter the recording.Show some pictur
6、eson the PPT Students practice the word. (出示课件)2. Teach thenew words cheap and “expensive Show a picture on the PPT. (出示课件)T: Look at tht dress. s ¥450. s expensive. And look at hat shirt. Its ¥15. Its cheap. purpose分步教学新单词,充分 利用教材图片和 教新 单词 , 在句型中操练新单 词。 Write down the words “xpensive” and “cheap” o
7、n the blackboard. Students read after the recording.Show some pictures on the (课件出示:标有价格高 低不同的衣物) Students look and say “Its/Theyre cheap/expensive.”3. Teach the new word “nice”.Show the picture of “Lets learn”. (出示课件)T:Look at that green shirt. How much is it?S:Its ¥15. Its very cheap.T:Yes, its ve
8、ry cheap. But its very nice.Write down the word “nice” on the blackboard. Lead students to compare the word with “ice”. Then students read after the recording.Show some pictures on the PPT. Students look at the pictures and practice the word. (示课件)Step Practice1.Look and say. Show some pictures on t
9、he 出示课件)Students look at the pictures and describe them with the adjectives“pretty, cheap, expensive, nice2.Let play.(1) Talk about the pictures.T: Look at the about them and answer the questions. (课件出示:s play 图片)Q1: Who is he/she?Q2: What does she/he have?Q3: How much is it?(2) Fill in the chart.St
10、udents fill in the chart by themselves.(3) Check the answers. 看图说一说帮助学生 在句型中运用新单词。 学生先看图说一说再 填写表格对照表格和图片 说一说在句型中练习新单 词。 给出几张相似图片请 学生说一说后学生就 自己的某件物品说一说Students in groups teacher and students check the answers together.(4) Try to say.Show more pictures on the PPT. Students try to say. 出 示课件)(5)Lets sa
11、y.T: What do you have? Can you say? Lets say.Step Consolidation & Extension designer ”1. Create a situation.T: Suppose youre designer. Make an clothes you designed. (课件出示:自制广告设计模板2. Make a demonstration.T:Look at my dress. Its ¥520. Its very pretty. Look at my shoes. re ¥100. Theyre very cheapbut ni
12、ce.3. Draw and say.Students design their clothes and make an ad. Then they work in groups to talk about the clothes.4. Show time.Students show their ads to the class. purpose通过创设自然真实的 情境鼓励学生自己设计衣 物并制作小海报介绍衣物, 培养学生的创造力和综合 语言运用能力。 板书设计 作业设计1. Introduce the clothes you designed to your family.2. Do the
13、 exercises. (见“”系列书对应课作业 ) 教学反思1.提前播放本单元歌曲营造英语学习氛围, 并充分利用课件帮助学生复习相关词汇和句型, 为后面的学习做好铺垫。2.注重学生读的能力的培养,充分利用多媒体进行示范教学,引导学生模仿正确的语音和语 调。3.充分利用网络资源服务于课堂教学。利用生动形象的图片、视频及课件来辅助教学,激发 学生的学习兴趣。4.操练活动符合学生的认知规律,学生先看图说一说,再填写表格,对照表格和图片说一说, 在句型中练习新单词。教师给出几张相似图片请学生说一说,然后请学生就自己的某件物品说一 说,充分增加了学生的语言实践机会,且操练活动注重梯度性,层层递进。5.
14、通过创设自然真实的情境,鼓励学生自己设计衣物并制作小海报介绍衣物,培养学生的创 造力和综合语言运用能力。 Teaching Contents Teaching Lets learnBe to and read “nice, ”. Be able to describe the quality and the price of goods by using the words above.Lets play Be able to fill in the chart. Describe the four pictures by using the sentence structures “Sara
15、h hasa pretty dress. Its 50 yuan. Its very nice.” Teaching Priorities Be able to listen, say, read and use the new words “nice, pretty, cheap, expensive Teaching DifficultiesBe able to use the words and the sentence structures comprehensively. Teaching ProceduresTeachingStagesWarm-up&Revision&Lead-i
16、nTeacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching 1. Greetings. 1. Greetings. Cultivate students 2. Play the songHow 2. Enjoy the song and learning interest. much is that in try to sing it. Help students review the window? 3. Look the the words and the3. Sharp eyes. and find the right sentence stru
17、ctures Show the pictures of pictures. they have clothes.4. Look and say.Review the words of in the new lesson. clothes.Show the pictures on 4. Look at thethe PPT.5. Lead-in.pictures. Ask andanswer the questionsin pairs.1. Teach the new word Look at the pictures. “pretty Listen and repeat. Show the p
18、ictures. Learn and practice the Talk with students. new word.2. Teach the new wordsLead in the new word properly. Use thepictures to helpstudents practice theword in sentences.Presentation“cheap” and“expensiveShow some onthe PPT to helpstudents practicethe words.Look at the pictures. Use pictures to
19、 help Understand, learn and students learn and practice the words practice the words in through some pictures. sentences.3. Learn new word“nice”.Show the picture and Understand the word. lead in the new word. Try to read the word byLead students tocompare the word“nice” with thecomparing it with the
20、 Lead students to learn word “ice” and read and practice the word. after the recording.word “ice Then let Then practice the word. students read afterthe recording.1. Look and say.Show some Practice the look at the picturesand describe them.Look at the picturesandpractice the words“pretty,cheap, expe
21、nsive,nice”.Use the pictures tohelp students practicethe words (续表)TeachingStagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching 2. Lets play.(1) Talk about thepictures.Look at and the pictures. Then Use some activities fill in the chart and to practice the words say the sentences in step by step inPractice(2) Fill
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