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1、 名 词考情分析预测简单句考点20212020201920182017疑问句65题(单词拼写)感叹句祈使句63题(单词拼写)62题(单词拼写)倒装句【中考要求】1.正确使用三种疑问句。2.熟练运用祈使句及其否定形式。3.掌握感叹句。考点1:特殊疑问句 主要考查疑问代词/副词、how词组的辨析,此类试题的解答主要看答句的内容。杭州中考常考疑问词(组)总结如下:考点探究突破A)“wh-”疑问词小结考点探究突破疑问代词what什么(询问事物、职业、身份、日期、天气) which哪一个(询问特定的人或物) who谁(询问身份) whose谁的(询问所属物归属) 疑问副词when什么时候(询问时间) w

2、here哪里(询问地点、位置) why为什么(询问原因) 考点探究突破B)how词组小结how怎样(询问方式)how long多长时间(提问时间段) how often多久一次(对频率提问) how soon多久以后(对in短语提问) how many多少(提问可数名词的数量) how much多少(提问不可数名词的数量);多少钱(提问价格) how怎样(询问方式)how far多远(提问距离) how heavy多重 how wide多宽how tall/high多高 how old多大(提问年龄)考点探究突破考点2:一般疑问句一般疑问句是用yes或no来回答的疑问句,它一般有三种形式:1.

3、be主语其他?如:Is she from England?她来自英格兰吗?2.情态动词主语动词原形其他?如:Must I finish the report today?我今天必须完成报告吗?3.助动词主语动词原形/过去分词其他?如:Did she like dancing when she was young?她小时候喜欢跳舞吗?Has he watered the flowers?他已经浇花了吗?考点探究突破考点3:选择疑问句结构是“一般疑问句or另一个选择成分”或“特殊疑问句选择项or选择项”,不能用yes或no来回答,而要选择其一。如:Do you like classical mus

4、ic or pop music?你喜欢古典音乐还是流行音乐?I like classical music/pop music.我喜欢古典音乐/流行音乐。根据句意用what,how,why,how often或how long 填空。1._ do you help your mother do the housework?Every day. I think its my duty to do it.2._did you celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival this year, Tom?By making zongzi with my Chinese frien

5、ds.3._is your plan for the next weekend?Im going to a farm to help pick apples.How often How What 4._do people wear facial masks in public places?To stop the virus from spreading around.5._ is the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge?Its 55 kilometers long.Why How long考点探究突破考点4:祈使句 杭州中考近5年对“祈使句”的考查较少,从选项设置

6、的角度出发,对此类试题的考查应特别注意区分开的是考查“非谓语动词”还是“祈使句”。若句子缺少谓语动词,则考查的是祈使句;若句子不缺少谓语动词,则考查的是非谓语动词。由于祈使句的句型比较固定,考生应重点熟记以下两种形式:考点探究突破A)肯定形式结构例句动词原形其他Stand up!Sit down,please!Beadj.Be careful!Be quiet,please!Let sb.动词原形Lets go to school!考点探究突破B)否定形式结构例句Dont动词原形Dont let them play with fire.Let sb.not动词原形Lets not make n

7、oise here.Let Mary not come here.No名词/v.-ingNo photos!No smoking!(常用于公共场合的提示语中)Never动词原形Never be late for school!考点探究突破注意:“祈使句and/or结果状语”结构,可以转换成由if引导的条件状语从句。如:Hurry up,or you will miss the train.快点,否则你要错过火车了。If you hurry up,you wont miss the train.如果你快点,你就不会错过火车了。If you dont hurry up,you will miss

8、the train.如果你不快点,你就会错过火车了。先悟后练根据汉语提示完成句子。每空一词。6._ _ _ _ (放下你的手机), and read for at least 30 minutes every day. As it is known, reading makes a full man.7._(不要) always copy what others do. _ _ _ (动动脑筋), please.8._ _ _ (尽量微笑) at your life when you are in trouble, and you will be happy soon.9.Arbor Day(

9、植树节) is coming. _ _ _ _(让我们种一些树) near the river.Put down your phoneDontUse your headTry to smileLets plant some trees先悟后练10.Dont smoke here. Look at the sign. It says “_ _”(禁止吸烟).11._ _(友善) to the people around us, and we will make the world a nicer place to live in.12.Mary, dont order more food tha

10、n you can eat in a restaurant. Everyone should save food.OK._ _(我不会那样做了),Dad.No smokingBekindI wont考点探究突破考点6:感叹句 通过分析杭州市近5年中考真题可知,对感叹句没有考查。但对该命题点的复习也应该重视起来。由于感叹句通常由what和how引导,考生需分别重点记忆。考点探究突破A)What引导的感叹句(what“多么”,修饰名词,作定语)What名词短语主语谓语!如:What a beautiful flowerit is!What lovely birds they are!What co

11、ld weather it is!考点探究突破B)How引导的感叹句(how“多么”,修饰形容词和副词,作状语)1.How形容词/副词(主语谓语)!如:How beautiful the girl is!那位姑娘多漂亮呀!How fast he runs!他跑得多快呀!2.How主语谓语!如:How time flies!时间过得真快!考点探究突破先悟后练13._bad weather! It seems it is going to rain. Why not take an umbrella with you?Thank you! But I dont think its necessar

12、y. I will try to come back before it starts to rain.14._beautiful the flower looks!15.Jane won first prize in the English speech competition._ great progress she has made! Her English used to be pretty bad.16.Mom, do you like my picture? _beautiful! Its the nicest picture _I have ever seen.17._ special class we had today! We learned about kung fu.What How What How that What a先悟后练18._ pale you look! Are you feeling all right?Im not feeling well. Ive got toothache.19._ happily the children are flying kites!20._ terrible weather! We have to put off the sports meeting.21.Yang Qian wo


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