Unit 11单元同步练习 学年人教新目标英语九年级(含答案)_第1页
Unit 11单元同步练习 学年人教新目标英语九年级(含答案)_第2页
Unit 11单元同步练习 学年人教新目标英语九年级(含答案)_第3页
Unit 11单元同步练习 学年人教新目标英语九年级(含答案)_第4页
Unit 11单元同步练习 学年人教新目标英语九年级(含答案)_第5页
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1、2022-2023学年人教新目标英语九年级Unit 11单元同步练习一、单项选择题(以下各题四个选项中只有一个选项符合题意)Staying in a haunted house made the child scared.A. feelB. feelingC. to feelD. feltWhat is your problem, Judy?The noise upstairs.A.drives me madlyB.drives madly me C.drives me mad D. drives mad meRather than to school by bus, he preferred

2、 a bike.A.to go; to rideB.go; ridingC.going; to rideD.go; to rideYou need someone toshare your withwhen feeling sad.A. friendshipB. methodsC. worriesD. adviceWould you like to tell me something about Yuan Longping?He helped save China the world from hunger.A. not only; but also B. either; orC. neith

3、er; nor D. not; butAll the students in our class went to the library Lin Tao. Why? Because he had a bad cold. He had to stay in bed.A. withB. besideC. exceptD. besidesHow do you like this speech?I like it very much and it can to achieve my dream.A. cheer me up B. put me upC. let me down D. take me u

4、pWhat do you think of the sports car?Not only does it have nice appearance, but it can also hold its.A. powerB. valueC. secretD. effortWhen are you going to Sanya for your holidays?I havent decided.this Sunday next Sunday is OK.A. Both; andB. Either; orD. Neither; norD. Neither; norD. Neither; norC.

5、 Not only; but alsoWhich club will you join, the tennis club or the table tennis club?D. Neither; norOh, its a hard. I need to think about it.A. methodB. courageC. abilityD. decisionIf you any necessary information, you will not get a good mark in your writing.A. lay outB. leave outC. turn outD. put

6、 out Do you know the saying Sunshine comes after the storm? It suggests that only if people experience difficulties and failure, will they get success.Yes, we should have the to face the trouble.A. courageB. resultC. fearD. confidenceMy parents have always made me about myself, even when I was twelv

7、e.A. feeling wellB. feeling goodC. feel wellD. feel goodThe young man would jump into the lake to save the girl rather than others forhelp.A. callingB. callsC. callD. to callingThey are not twins, but look similar and they have something.A. in styleB. in commonC. in generalD. in public二、完形填空Amy was

8、a little girl. She lived near a fruit shop in the village. The shop was 16 by Mr. Smith. One day Mr. Smith said to Amy, “Would you like to earn some money?” Oh, yes/ replied she, zzfor I want some new shoes, and dad has no 17 to buy them with.”“Well, Amy, said Mr. Smith, zzthere are some fine 18 in

9、Mr. Greens garden, and he said that anybody was welcome to them. I will 19 you thirteen cents a kilogram for all you will pick for me.”Amy was so 20 that she decided to go to pick the grapes as soon as possible. She ran home to get a 21 at once.Then she thought she would like to know how much money

10、she would get 22 she picked five kilograms. 23 the help of her pencil, she found out that she would get sixty- five cents.“But supposing I should pick twelve kilograms/ thought she, 24 should I earnthen? Dear me/ she said, after figuring a while, /zl should earn one dollar and 25cents/Amy then found

11、 out what Mr. Smith would pay her for fifty, a hundred, and two hundred kilograms. It took 26 some time to do this, and then it was so near lunch time that she had to 27 at home until afternoon.As soon as lunch was 28, she took her basket and 29 to the garden.Some boys had been there before lunch, a

12、nd all the fine grapes were picked.As she went home, she 30 what her teacher had often told her“Do your task atonce; then think about it/ for “one doer is worth a hundred dreamers/A. keptA. ideaA. applesA. costA. keptA. ideaA. applesA. costA. sadA. boxA. untilA. WithA. how longA. fifty-sixA. himA. p

13、ickA. overA. returnedA. talked about三、阅读理解B. foundB. energyB. bananasB. payB. worriedB. basketB. althoughB. UnderB. how oftenB. sixty-fiveB. herB. cryB. awayB. hurriedtalked withmadeC. moneyC. grapesC. spendC. interestingC. bagC. ifC. InC. how manyC. thirteenC. meC. makeC. upC. sentthought ofsoldD.

14、placeD. pearsD. takeD. happyD. bottleD. whetherD. OnD. how muchD. thirtyD. usD. stayD. offD. climbedD. thought overIf you miss out a meal, do you ever notice yourself starting to get angry or annoyed very easily? Well, this is often known as being hangry or being angry because you are very hungry.It

15、s not just a funny phrase, but is scientifically true! Scientists found this feeling of anger usually comes from having low glucose (葡萄糖)levels in the blood. Glucose is put into the body after you eat.The brain also needs this to work correctly. When the body is low in glucose, the brain sendshormon

16、es (激素)to increase the amount of glucose in the body. Brenda Bustillos, a dietitian atTexas A&M University, the US, says, Hunger leads to high stress hormones, which make it hard to manage our feelings/Amanda Salis, PhD, University of Sydney, says that we may also be able to thank our ancestors (祖先)

17、for our hanger. Salis says that long ago when there was not much food, people had to be aggressive to eat as much as they could to get enough food to live. So even now when most people have enough food to eat, there is still that aggressive feeling toward needing food.From Paragraph 1, we learn that

18、 hangry.A. is angry spelled wrongB. is the wrong word for hungryC. means that one is very hungryC. means that one is very hungryC. means that one is very hungryD. means being angry because of hungerWhich of the following is NOT true according to the passage?C. means that one is very hungryGlucose in

19、 your body comes from the food you eat.People may get angry easily because of low glucose levels.Hormones can increase the amount of glucose in the body.Hunger can cause high stress hormones in the brain.What does the underlined word aggressive in the passage mean in Chinese?A.好斗的B.A.好斗的B.提供的The pas

20、sage mainly talks aboutA. the reasons for getting angryC. the changes of brain chemicalsWhat is the best title for the passage?Why do people feel hungry?C. Where does hunger come from?C.自私的D.坚强的the science behind being hangryD. the importance of foodB. Being hungry or being angryD. Anger comes hand

21、in hand with hungernot only.but also., or, both.and., but, either.or., so, neither.nor., andA snake bit him,he went to see a doctor at once.“You cant have them both. You can choose the kite the teddy bear/said the mother.Miss another class,youll fail.Carelessness will be a disaster to doctors to pat

22、ients.Tony is only four years old,he sings very well.You can choose to watch TV at home go shopping with me.Bill, please turn down the music.Mum Dad are sleeping.Sorry, Ill do it right away.my father my mother is able to drive a car well because they are bothcareless.五、根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的

23、意思连贯、完 整。 TOC o 1-5 h z Hey Buddhi, nice to see you again. 44?I went out for lunch with my friends and we played basketball for a long time. And, yeah, I had a nice time last weekend.45?I wouldnt say that. Sometimes I play basketball in my spare time, but its not my favorite. What did you do last we

24、ekend?My weekend was all right. 46 You know, just because of the change of season.Yeah, It/s really getting a bit hot these days. And I need to buy some summer clothing as well. A:47?Oh, to be honest, Km a very summer person. And I like sea bathing and outdoor activities. How about you?I dont like s

25、ummer. 48. Not too hot, not too cold.Yeah. Spring is a nice time. Especially. I guess because youre from a spring city, and you are used to the warm weather.A: Ah, I guess, yeah. You/re right.六、书面表达在你的周围,有许多不同类型的人。有助人为乐的人,有意志坚强的人,有坚持到底 终获成功的人请以The person who has influenced me most”为题,写一篇英语短文。内 容包括:L

26、此人基本信息和品质。2.列举他/她的1-2个典型事例。3.他/她对你的影 响。字数不少于80字。The person who has influenced me most参考答案1. A2. C3.D4. C5. A6. C7. A8. B9. B10.Dll. B12. A13. D14. C15. B16. A 17. C 18. C 19. B1. A2. C3.D4. C5. A6. C7. A8. B9. B10.Dll. B12. A13. D14. C15. B16. A 17. C 18. C 19. B16. A 17. C 18. C 19. B20. D 21. B 22

27、. C 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. B 2716. A 17. C 18. C 19. B20. D 21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. B 27.D 28. A 29. B 30. C31. D 32. D 33. A 34. B31. D 32. D 33. A 34. B35. D36. 1. so 37. either or 38. and 39.31. D 32. D 33. A 34. B35. D36. 1. so 37. either or 38. and 39.36. 1. so 37. either or 38. and 39.not only butalso 40. but 41. or 42.36. 1. so 37. either or 38. and 39.not only butalso 40. but 41. or 42.also 40. but 41. or 42.Both and 43. Neither noralso 40. but 41. or 42.Both and 43. Neither nor44. What did you do last weekend/How was your wee


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