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1、 16/16北大经济学院部分师资通讯录 北京大学经济学院 -部分系教师 经济学专业 教师序号擅长方向联系方式 董志勇01实验经济学在制度设计中的应用 Experimental economics in the policy design 电话: 62759760 133* Email:donghttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02博弈论的扩展 An extension of Game Theory 03计量经济学专题 Econometrics Issues and Topics 04金融市场上投资者的心理和行为研

2、究 Investor psychology and behavior in the Financial markets 05数理经济学专题 Mathematical economics issues and topics 06反应过度与反应不足的实验研究 Overreaction and underaction in experimental economics 07实验经济学与拍卖实验 Experimental economics and experimental auction 08中国货币制度与传导机制研究 Chinas monetory policy and the conductio

3、n mechanism study 杜丽群01由亚当斯密“经济人”与“道德人”引发的思考 (Thinking on Adam Smiths“economic man”and “moral man”) 电话:62756431 Email:duliqunhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02马尔萨斯的人口理论与中国现实的人口问题 (Malthustheory of population and Chinas current issue on population) 03新制度经济学理论对中国经济体制改革的影响与 启示

4、(Influence and inspiration of New Institutional Economics Theory on Chinas reform of economic system) 04国际汇率理论与政策的演变和发展 (Evolution and development of the theory and policy of international exchange rate) 05货币学派在当代西方经济学中的地位与影响 (Position and influence of Monetary School in modern western economics) 06

5、凯恩斯之后西方货币金融学说的发展 (Development of western monetary and financial doctrines after Keynes) 方敏01马克思经济理论研究 Marxist Economic Theory 电话:189* Email:fmhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02古典政治经济学研究 Classical Theory of Political Economy 03经济学方法论 Methodology of Economics 04财产权理论 Theory o

6、f Property Rights 05经济转轨与制度变迁 Transitional Economy and Institution Changes 06中国的土地与住房制度改革 Reforms of Real Estate Institutions in China 郭研01中国民间金融研究 Studies on private financing in China 电话:61751289 Email::guoyanhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02中国的制度环境与金融监管 Financial regula

7、tion and institutional environment in China 03企业的融资结构与治理结构研究 Studies on Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance 04经济转轨中的企业与政府的关系 Relationship between government and enterprises in Transition Economies 05中国存款保险制度研究 Deposit Insurance in China:Implications for Baking reform. 胡涛01利率管制与高利贷 Interest Re

8、gulation and Usury 电话:82756335 Email:hutaohttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02网站相同产品之间的价格竞争 Price Competition of same products on internet 03房价收入比是一个好指标吗 Is housing price-income rate a good index 黄桂田01现代企业激励机制的理论与实践研究 Studies on Incentive Mechanism of Modern Enterprises Email

9、:huanggthttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02中国银行业的产业组织理论分析 Analysis on Industrial Organizations of Chinas Banking Sector 李绍荣01博弈论研究On Game Theory电话:62872899 Email::shaorogleehttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02经济理论研究On Economic Theory 03经济实证分析 On the P

10、ositive of Economic Analysis 萧国亮01中国经济史 Email:Email:glxiaohttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02企业理论与战略管理 夏业良01美国罢工案例分析 A Case Analysis on Strikes in U.S. 电话:82794786 139*(出门开机) 电子邮件: xiayelianghttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html buxia2002http:/./doc/961ee

11、add9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02欧洲土地制度分国别阶段分析 The Analysis on Institution of Land by Nation and Phase in Europe 03经济周期理论及其相关案例分析 The Theory of Business Cycle and Relevant Case Studies 041949-1956年中国农村土地所有制案例分析 A Case Analysis on the Ownership of Rural Land in China:1949-1956 05奥地利学派对20世纪主

12、流经济学的影响 The Impact of Austrian School on the Mainstream Economics in20th Century. 06剑桥学派的福利经济理论分析 The Analysis on Welfare theory of Cambridge School 叶静怡01社会资本与农民工经济地位研究 电话 136* yejingyihttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02人力资本与农民工收入的实证研究 03劳动合同与农民工就业和收入研究 04农民工返乡决策研究 05东北亚自由贸易

13、区建设 Building The Free Trade Area In North-East Asia 06我国农村劳动力转移中的职业培训研究 On Professional Training of Rural Chinas Migration Labor force 张延01对货币政策传导机制的研究 Studies of the Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy. 电话:82030989 Email:zy0989http:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02对货币政策效

14、力的分析 A Analysis of the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy. 03市场经济和政府干预 Market Economy and Government Intervention 04现代经济增长理论研究 Researches on the Theory of Modern Economic Growth 05从新经济理论分析中国经济增长的源泉 Using the Theory of Economic Growth and Technological Progress Analyses the Sources of Chinese Economic

15、Growth 张元鹏01公共产品供给中的“搭便车”问题的实验研究 电话:82611773 Email:zyp65http:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02竞争性市场的均衡实现的实验研究基于双向 口头拍卖的实验 03金融市场中泡沫问题的形成机制及其实验研究 04“囚徒困境”及其实验研究 周建波01先秦商业管理思想、土地管理思想 电话:84928155 Email:zhoujianbohttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html ; zhoujb512

16、http:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02秦汉商业管理思想、土地管理思想 03隋唐商业管理思想、土地管理思想 04两宋商业管理思想、土地管理思想 05明清商业管理思想、土地管理思想、金融与货币管 理思想 06近现代经济思想 07新中国经济思想 国际经济与贸易专业 教师 序号 擅长方向联系方式 孙薇01香港跨国公司在大陆的投资举措及趋势 The aspect of investment and its trends for Hong Kong transnational corporation in the marke

17、t of China 电话:82642118 Email::bdswhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02中国企业对俄罗斯能源领域投资与合作的进 展和趋势 The progress and trends of investment and cooperation for Chinese enterprise in to energy source in Russia 03俄罗斯社会保障制度改革的动向及启示 Social security in the Russia and the tendency of refo

18、rm of system enlightens 04中国与俄罗斯经贸关系研究 Research economic and trade relations between China and Russia 05CEPA的实施与港商对内地投资的机遇和前 景 The prospect of the challenge and opportunity for Hong Kong in the market of China under CEPA 06国际风险投资政策与投资新动向 The policy of International venture investment and new aspect

19、唐翔01跨国公司在国际分工与贸易体系中的作用与 地位 The Role of Multi-National Firms in the Global Production and Trade System Email::tangxiang_pkuhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02中国制造业出口的现状、前景与应对 China Manufactures Exports:Current Situation,Prospects and Policy Options 03中国制造业竞争优势的成因分析:资源禀赋 还是制度环

20、境? The Basis of Chinas Competitive Advantage in Manufacturing:Factor Endowment or Institutional Environment? 04全球化与反全球化:全球化的福利分析 Globalization and Anti-Globalization:Welfare Analysis of Globalization 05贸易与环境(自由贸易与环境保护的潜在冲 突) Trade and EnvironmentHow Trade Liberalization Undermines Environment Protec

21、tion 06全球产业转移与全球供应链 Global Industrial Transfer and the Global Supply Chain 陶涛01中国的比较优势和竞争优势分析 Email:: ttaohttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02中国行业内贸易的基础和结构分析 03中国加工贸易模式转型及其前景分析 04外向型战略与日本经济高速增长的关系分析 05外商直接投资的溢出效应分析 萧琛01迪拜危机的原因与前景 Causes and Prospects of the Crisis of Dubai 电话

22、联系136* 62753448Email::cxiaohttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02希腊危机的原因与前景 Causes and Prospects of the Crisis of Greece 03哥本哈根会议与世界“碳政治经济” Copenhagen Meeting and the World“Carbon Political Economy” 04“碳政治经济时代”的中国决策 Chinas Decision in “Carbon Political and Economic Era” 05国际金融危

23、机之后世界经济重建的任务与进程Task and Process of Rebuilding the World Economy after the International Financial Crisis 06美元中心国际储备货币地位的动摇与前景 Shaken and Prospect of Dollars Status in the International Reserve Currency System. 07世界货币供应激增与未来通货膨胀前景 Surge of the Worlds Money Supply and Outlook of the World Inflation in

24、 Future 08美国的粮食战略与世界粮食危机 The United States Food Strategy and the World Food Crisis 09美国的能源战略与国际油价波动前景 The United States Energy Strategy and the Prospects of International Oil PriceVolatility 10 “金融海啸”外需收缩对中国外贸增速恢复前景Influence of the Contraction of External Demand Recovery with “Financial Tsunami”to t

25、he Growth Rate of Chinas Trade 11“金融海啸”与中国外汇储备战略调整 “Financial Tsunami”and the Adjustment of Chinas Foreign Exchange Reserve Strategy 12中国保增长促转型的成就与问题 Achievements and Problems of Chinas Maintaining Growth and Promoting Transition 13中国政府的“国际低碳承诺”对今后经济的影响Influence on Economy of Chinese Governments “Co

26、mmitment to International Low-Crabon” 14“十二五”时期“城镇化”的内容、进程与影响Content,Process and Impact of “Urbanization”during “the 12th Five Years Plan” 15新的经济增长点与中国产业结构的调整 New Economic Growth Point and Chinas Industrial Restructuring 162010年中国股市的走势分析与前景展望 Analysis and Outlook of 2010Chinas Stock Market 17 2010年中

27、国楼市的走势分析与前景展望 Analysis and Outlook of 2010Chinas Property Market 182010年中国就业市场的缺口与应对前景 Respond to the Gaps of2010Chinas Job Market 19开放垄断投资禁地与中国民间资本的机遇 Opening of Monopoly Investment and Opportunities of Chinese Private Capital 20民间资本进场接棒的规模、速度与前景 Size,Speed and Prospects of Private Capital after En

28、tering the Chinese Capital Market 212010年以后中国的资产膨胀与通货膨胀 Chinas Asset Inflation and Inflation after2010 金融学专业 教师序号擅长方向联系方式 黄玲01估值效应对净国际投资头寸的影响 An empirical analysis of the valuation effects on NIIP Email:huanglingpkuhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02 经常项目赤字与财政赤字的关系的实证分析 Does

29、 the fiscal deficit matter for current account deficit?A multi-country analysis 03全球经济失衡与次贷危机根源global imbalance and the root of the subprime crises 04 Feldstein-Horioka之谜与资本市场开放程度的测 度 Measuring international capital mobility: Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle revisited 崔巍01金融市场中的羊群行为:理论和检验 Herd Behavior in F

30、inancial Markets:Theory and Tests 联系方式:cuiw1230http:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02 金融市场中的投资者心理和行为 Investor Psychology and Investor Behavior in Financial Markets 03资产定价理论和实证检验 Asset Pricing Theory and Empirical Tests 04资本市场的实证检验 Empirical Studies on Capital Markets 05行为公司金融研究

31、 Studies on Behavioral Corporate Finance 06 羊群行为与当前金融危机 Herd Behaviors and Current Financial Crisis 刘宇飞01银行失败与银行危机研究 Bank Failures and Banking Crisis 电话:136*; Email :yfliuhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02 次贷危机后美国金融监管改革研究 Sub-prime Crisis and Americas Financial Regulation R

32、eform 03 金融监管的制度结构与激励结构 Institutional Structures and Incentive Structures for Financial Regulation 04巴塞尔委员会新资本协议研究 Capital Adequacy Requirements in Basel II Accord 05 国内和国际最后贷款人研究 Domestic and International Lender of Last Resort 06 国际银行业发展趋势辨析 An Analysis of the Latest Trends of International Bankin

33、g Industry 07 关系型银行业务研究Relationship Banking 08转轨经济中银行业变革研究 Transformation of Banking Industry in Transitional Economies 欧阳良宜 01股票市场实证研究 Empirical Studies on China Stock Markets 电话:62752920Email::ouyanglyhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02 衍生金融工具市场Derivative Markets 01农村民间金融的

34、风险控制与监管立法研究 The Risk Control and Regulative Legislation of Rural Informal Finance 电话:139* Email::shuguanghttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02农村合作金融监管的法律框架研究 The Regulative Legislation Framework of Rural Cooperative Finance 03 农业政策性金融的机制创新与立法监管研究 The Mechanism Innovation and L

35、egislation Framework of Agricultural Policy Finance 王曙光 04农村小额信贷的风险控制与立法监管:国际比较研究 The Risk control and Regulative Legislation of Micro-credit Institutions:International Comparative Study 05从金融伦理视角看美国金融危机 Study on USA Financial Crisis from the Perspective of Financial Ethics 06中国资本市场上市公司的伦理问题研究 Study

36、 on the Ethical Problems of Listing Companies on China Capital Markets 07投资银行的金融伦理问题研究:理论和案例分析The Financial Ethical Problems of Investment Banking:Theory and Case Study 08从金融伦理视角看美国金融危机中的保险产业Study on USA Insurance Industries in Financial Crisis from the Perspective of Financial Ethics 09金融衍生品创新与美国金融

37、危机:金融伦理视角Financial Derivatives Innovation and USA Financial Crisis:Perspective of Financial Ethics 10农业保险的制度设计与创新:国际经验与中国实践The Institutional innovation of agricultural insurance: International experience and Chinas practice 赵留彦01货币政策理论或实践研究 Theoretical or empirical studies on monetary policy 电话:136*

38、 Email::zhlyhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02金融理论经验检验 Empirical tests on financial theories 03中国货币史研究 Studies on monetary history of China 04货币需求与通货膨胀研究 Studies on money demand or inflation 冯晴01试分析美国上市公司信息披露法规对于中小投资 者利益保护的作用和影响 Email:fengchhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a7

39、9563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02农业产业化下的产业链投资前景分析 03农业类/食品类上市公司并购整合分析 04中美公司债发行法规比较分析 05我国公司债市场发展缓慢对于股票市场的影响 宋芳秀01利率改革的理论和实践 Interest Rate Marketization:Theory and Practice 电话:135* Email:: Email:sfxhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02货币政策传导机制 Monetary Policy transmission mechanism

40、03 金融经济学:理论和实证分析 Financial Economics: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis 王一鸣 01 金融资产(股票、期货)定价与风险度量研究Studies of Financial Asset Pricing and its Risk Measure 电话:133*Email::wymeconhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02通货膨胀与货币政策研究Inflation and Monetary Policy 03 社会资本估计及其中小企业集群融资研究

41、Studies on Social Capital Measure and Cluster Financing of Medium Small-sized Enterprises 04信用风险评估与管理 Credit Risk Measuring and Management 05 固定收入债券理论与实证研究 The Theory and Empirical Test of Fixed-income Securities 06 资本流动与汇率经济学 Capital Mobility and Economics of Exchange rate 谢世清 01 国际金融组织(国际货币基金组织,世界

42、银行)的改革与发展 Reform and Development of International Organizations(World Bank and IMF or BIS)电话:137* Email::shiqing_xiehttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02 我国债券市场的发展与创新 The Development and Innovation of Chinas Bond Market 03我国衍生品市场的发展与产品创新The Development and Innovation of Chinas

43、 Derivatives Market 04个人投资理财策略研究 The Study on the Strategies of Personal Financial Investment Management 05国际金融危机的根源与启示 Origins and Lessons of the Global Financial Crisis 吕随起 01 制度创新对中国资本市场的影响电话:139*Email :lsqybhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02国际货币制度的演变及其启示03 人民币国际化的必要性与路径

44、选择 04超主权储备货币:历史、理想与现实 05金融危机与金融监管改革 保险学专业 教师序号擅长方向联系方式 李心愉01中国保险投资的风险与风险管理 Risk and risk management of insurance investment in China lixinyuhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 刘新立01中国农业保险制度研究 The Study of Crop Insurance in China 电子邮件: liuxinli66http:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a7

45、9563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02中国巨灾风险管理制度研究 Catastrophe Risk Management System in China 锁凌燕01医疗卫生体制改革与保险业发展 Health System Reform and Development of Insurance Industry电话:63991071 Email lingyan_suohttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02国际医疗卫生体制比较研究 Comparative Studies on International

46、 Health Systems 郑伟01中国养老保障制度改革 Chinas Pension System Reform 电话:62757100 Email:wzhenghttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02新型农村社会养老保险改革 New Rural Social Pension Reform 03养老保险仿真模拟研究 Research on Pension System Simulation 04新型农村合作医疗改革评价 Evaluation on the New Rural Cooperative Medic

47、al System Reform 05商业健康保险与医疗保障制度改革 Private Health Insurance and Health Care Reform 06中国小额保险发展模式及国际比较 Chinas Microinsurance Development Model and International Comparison 07中国保险市场发展研究 China Insurance Market Development Research 08中国保险监管研究 China Insurance Regulation Research 朱南军01中国保险公司偿付能力监管研究 Solven

48、cy Regulations of Insurance Company in China电话:1360127079 Email: zhunanjunhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 9 02保险公司股票定价研究 Stoc k Pricing of Insurance Company 03保险控股集团经营模式研究 Business Models of Insurance(Group)Company 陈凯01资产负债管理在再保险业中的发展与应用 The Development and Applications of

49、Asset Liability Management(ALM)in the Reinsurance Industry 电话:62757803 Email:chen.kaihttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02再保险资产配置的优化问题 Optimal Asset Allocation in Reinsurance 03养老金制度改革在我国的发展前景 The Development of Pension Reform in China 04全面风险管理在我国保险业的发展前景 The Development of En

50、terprise Risk Management(ERM)in Chinas Insurance Market 05巨灾保险的风险管理 Risk Management in Catastrophe Insurance 财政学专业 教师序号擅长方向联系方式 钱立 01能源、排污和环保领域的市场机制与财税政策研究 On the market mechanisms and fiscal policies in the fields of energy,pollution and environmental protection pku_qianlihttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5

51、bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02国有资本预算的内容、范围和任务 On the contents,scopes and tasks of a public capital budget 王大树01基础设施产业的垄断与竞争 monopoly and competition in infrastructure industries 电话:139* Email::dwanghttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02市政债券municipal bonds 03财政政策与人口政策 fiscal

52、 policy and population policy 04社会保障改革the reform of social security 05中国减贫问题poverty reduction in China 06城镇化问题Urbanization 07合理预期学派的经济思想及其在中国的运用 08印度税收与经济增长taxation and economic growth in India 蒋云赟01农民工基本养老保险的待遇研究 Research on Benefit Calculation of Basic Pension Insurance of Peasant Workers 电话:138*

53、Email::jiang_yunyunhttp:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02我国新型农村社会养老保险的替代率研究 Research on Replacement Rate of New Rural Social Pension Insurance in China 03我国事业单位养老保险制度改革研究 Research on Reform of the Endowment Insurance System of the Government Public Institution 04新型农村合作医疗保险的费用补偿

54、模式研究 Research on Expenditure Compensation Pattern of New Rural Cooperative Medical Care Insurance 05 我国财政转移支付制度的问题及对策研究 The Problem s and Countermeasures of Chinas Fiscal Transfer Payment 环境资源学专业 教师序号擅长方向联系方式 李虹01国际能源环境下的中国能源安全(可具体讨论石油 安全、天然气安全等具体产业的能源安全问题) Chinas energy security against the globali

55、zation background 电话136* Email:Hj07155http:/./doc/961eeadd9fc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d667.html 02中国能源贸易问题与对策分析 Chinas energy trade and Countermeasures 03中国发展低碳经济的问题与对策 Challenges in building a low-carbon economy for China 04节能减排与中国经济的低碳发展 Energy saving and emission reductions:their significance to Chinas Transition to a low-carbon economy 05中国的能源效率及国际比较 Chinas energy efficiency and the International Comparison 06国内外能源相对价格与中国的能源效率 Chinese and overseas


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