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1、丘吉尔二战著名演讲:热血、汗水和眼泪1940年5月8日,由于前首相张伯伦遭到不信任质疑动议,被迫辞职。5月10日下午6时,国王召见丘吉尔,令其组阁;一小时后丘 吉尔会见工党领袖艾德礼,邀请工党加入内阁并获得支持。3天后丘 吉尔首次以首相身份出席下议院会议,发表了著名的讲话: 我没有 别的,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水献给大家你们问:我们的目 的是什么?我可以用一个词来答复:胜利,不惜一切代价去争取胜利, 无论多么恐怖也要争取胜利,无论道路多么遥远艰难,也要争取胜利, 因为没有胜利就无法生存。下议院最终以381票对0票的绝对优势 表明了对丘吉尔政府的支持。演讲全文:On Friday evenin

2、g last I received from His Majesty themissi on to form a new admi nistrati on.上星期五晚上,我奉陛下之命,组织新的一届政府。It was the evide nt will of Par liame nt and the n ati on that this should be con ceived on the br oadest possible basis and that it should in clude all par ties 按国会和国民的意愿,新政府显然应该考虑建立在尽可能广泛的基础 上,应该兼容

3、所有的党派。I have air eady completed the most importa nt part of this task A war cab inet has bee n for med of five members, repr ese nting, with the Lab or, Oppositi on and Libe rals, the un ity of the n ati on.我已经完成了这项任务的最主要的部分。战时内阁已由五人组成,包 括工党、反对党和自由党,这体现了举国团结一致。It was n ecessa ry that this should be

4、done in one sin gle day on acco unt of the ext reme urgency and rigor of eve nts. Othe r key positi ons were filled yeste rday. I am submitt ing a furthe r list to the King toni ght I hope to complete the appo in tme nt of prin cipal Min iste rs during tomorrow 由于事态的极端紧急和严峻,新阁政府须于一天之内组成,其他的关 键岗位也于昨日

5、安排就绪。今晚还要向国王呈报一份名单。我希望明 天就能完成几位主要大臣的任命。The appo in tme nt of othe r Mini ste rs usually takes a little longer. I tr ust when Par liame nt meets aga in this part of my task will be completed and that the adm inistr ati on will be complete in all r espects 其余大臣们的任命照例得晚一些。我相信,在国会下一次召开时,任 命将告完成,臻于完善。I c

6、on side red it in the public inter est to suggest to the Speake r that the House should be summ oned toda y. At the end of todays pr oceed in gs, the adjo urnment of the House will be pr oposed un til May 21 with pr ovisi on for ear lie r meeti ng if n eed be. Bus in ess for that will be no tified t

7、o M P. s at the ear liest opp ortunity.为公众利益着想,我建议议长今天就召开国会。今天的议程结束时,建议休会到5月21日,并准备在必要时提前开会。有关事项当会及早通知各位议员。I now invite the House by a resolution to record its approval of the steps take n and decla re its con fide nce in the new gove rnment. The r esoluti on:现在我请求国会作出决议,批准我所采取的各项步骤,启示记录在案,并且声明信任新政府

8、。决议如下:That this House welcomes the for mati on of a gove rnment repr ese nting the un ited and in flexible r esolve of the n ati on to pr osecute the war with Germany to a vict or ious con clusi on.本国会欢迎新政府的组成,她体现了举国一致的坚定不移的决心: 对德作战,直到最后胜利。” To form an admi nist rati on of this scale and complexity

9、is a serious un dertak ing in itself But we are in the pr elim inary Phase of one of the gr eatest battles in history We are in acti on at any othe r points-in Nor way and in Holla nd-a nd we have to be pr epa red in the Medite rranean. The air battle is con ti nuing, and many pr epa rati ons have t

10、o be made here at home 组织如此规模和如此复杂的政府原本是一项重大的任务。但是我们正 处于历史上罕见的一场大战的初始阶段。我们在其他许多地点作战 在挪威,在荷兰,我们还必须在地中海做好准备。空战正在继续, 而且在本土也必须做好许多准备工作。In this crisis I think I may be pardoned if I do not add ress the House at any len gth today, and I hope that any of my frie nds and colleagues or for mer colleagues who

11、 are affected by the political reconstr ucti on will make all allowa nces for any lack of ceremony with which it has bee n n ecessary to act 值此危急关头,我想,即使我今天向国会的报告过于简略,也当能见 谅。我还希望所有在这次改组中受到影响的朋友、同僚和旧日的同僚 们对必要的礼仪方面的任何不周之处能毫不介意。I say to the House as I said to Min isters who have joined this gove rnment

12、, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tea rs and sweat We have before us an or deal of the most gr ievous kind. We have before us many, many mon ths of str uggle and sufferi ng.我向国会表明,一如我向入阁的大臣们所表明的,我所能奉献的唯有 热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水我们所面临的将是一场极其严酷的考验,将 是旷日持久的斗争和苦难。You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to

13、wage war by land, sea and air. War with all our might and with all the stren gth God has give n us, and to wage war aga inst a monstrous tyranny n eve r sur passed in the dark and lame ntable catalogue of huma n crime That is our polic y.若问我们的政策是什么?我的回答是:在陆上、海上、空中作战。尽 我们的全力,尽上帝赋予我们的全部力量去作战,对人类黑暗、可悲

14、的罪恶史上空前凶残的暴政作战。这就是我们的政策。You ask, what is our aim? I can an swe r in one word, It is victory Vict ory at all costs-victory in spite of all terror s-victory, howeve r long and hard the r oad may be, for without victory the re is no sur vival.若问我们的目标是什么?我可以用一个词来回答,那就是胜利。不惜一切代价,去夺取胜利一一不惧一切恐怖,去夺取胜利一一不论前路

15、 如何漫长、如何艰苦,去夺取胜利。因为没有胜利就不能生存。Let that be r ealized No sur vival for the Br itish Empire, no survival for all that the Br itish Empire has stood for, no survival for the ur ge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward towa rd his goal.我们务必认识到,没有胜利就不复有大英帝国,没有胜利就不复有大 英帝国所象征的一切,没有胜利就不复有多

16、少世纪以来的强烈要求和 冲动:人类应当向自己的目标迈进。I take up my task in buoya ncy and hope I feel sure that our cause will not be suffe red to fail among men.我精神振奋、满怀信心地承担起我的任务。我确信,大家联合起来, 我们的事业就不会遭到挫败。I feel en titled at this juncture, at this time, to claim the aid of all and to say, Come the n, let us go forward togeth

17、e r with our un ited stren gth 在此时此刻的危急关头,我觉得我有权要求各方面的支持。我要说:来吧,让我们群策群力,并肩前进!史上最狂妄的演讲甲骨文公司总裁Larry Ellison在耶鲁大学的演讲Graduates of Yale University, I apologize if you have endured this type of pro logue before, but I want you to do something for me Please, take a good look around you. Look at the classma

18、te on your left. Look at the classmate on your right Now, con side r this: five yea rs from now, 10 yea rs from now, eve n thir ty yea rs from now, odds are the person on your left is going to be a lose r. The person on your right, mea nwhile, will also be a lose r. And you, i n the middle? What can

19、 you expect? Lose r. Lose rhood Lose r Cum Laude In fact, as I look out befo re me today, I dont see a thousa nd hopes for a bright tom orrow. I dont see a thousa nd fut ure leade rs in a thousa nd in dustries I see a thousa nd lose rs. You re upset Thats under sta ndable Afte r all, how canI,Law re

20、nce La rry Ellis on, college dr opout, have the audacity to spout such her esy to the gr aduat ing class of one of the n ati ons most pr estigious in stituti ons?Ill tell you why. Because I, Law rence La rry Ellis on, sec ond richest man on the pla net, am college dr opout, and you are not. Because

21、Bill Gates, richest man on the pla net-f or now anyway-is a college dr opout, and you are not. Because Paul Alle n, the third richest man on the pla net, dr opped out of college, and you did not. And for good meas ure, because Michael Dell, No.9 on the list and mov ing up fast, is a college dr opout

22、, and you, yet aga in, are not.Hmm youre very upset Thats under sta ndable So let me str oke your Egos for a mome nt by poin ti ng out, quite sincerely, that your diplomas were not attained in vain. Most of you, I imag ine, have spe nt four to five yea rs here, and in many ways what youve lea rned a

23、nd endured will serve you well in the yea rs ahead Youve established good work habits Youve established a n etw ork of people that will help you dow n the r oad And youve established what will be lifel ong r elati on ships with the word the rapy All that of is good For in tr uth, you will n eed that

24、 n etw ork. You will n eed those strong work habits You will need that therapy. You will n eed them because you did nt drop out, and so you will n eve r be among the richest people in the world. Oh sure, you may, per haps, work your way up to N10 or N911, like Steve Ballme r. But the n, I dont have

25、to tell you who he r eally works for, do I? And for the record, he dr opped out of grad school. Bit of a late bloome r.Fin ally, I r ealize that many of you, and hopefully by now most of you, Are won deri ng, Is the re anything I can do? Is there any hope for me at all? Actually, no. Its too late Yo

26、uve abs or bed too much, think you know too much Youre not 9 anymore. You have a built-in cap,a nd Im not referring to the morta rboards on your heads Hmm youre really very upset Thats under sta ndable So per haps this Could be a good time to bring up the silve r lining. Not for you, Class of 00 You

27、 are a wr ite-off, so Ill let you slink off to your pathetic $200,000-a-year jobs, where your cheques will be signed by former classmates who dr opped out two yea rs ago. In stead, I want to give hope to any under classme n here toda y. I say to you, and I cant str ess this eno ugh: leave Pack your

28、things and your ideas and dont come back Drop out Sta rt up. For I can tell you that a cap and gown will keep you down just as surely as these security guards dragging me off this stage are keep ing me dow n.(At this point The Oracle CEO was ushe red off stage )耶鲁的毕业生们,我很抱歉-如果你们不喜欢这样的开场白。我想 请你们为我做一件

29、事。请你好好看一看周围,看一看站在你左边 的同学,看一看站在你右边的同学。请你设想这样的情况:从现在起5年之后,10年之后,或30 年之后,今天站在你左边的这个人会是一个失败者;右边的这个人, 同样,也是个失败者。而你,站在中间的家伙,你以为会怎样? 一样 是失败者。失败的经历。失败的优等生。说实话,今天我站在这里,并没有看到一千个毕业生的灿烂未来。 我没有看到一千个行业的一千名卓越领导者,我只看到了一千个失败 者。你们感到沮丧,这是可以理解的。为什么,我,埃里森,一个退 学生,竟然在美国最具声望的学府里这样厚颜地散布异端?我来告诉你原因。因为,我,埃里森,这个行星上第二富有的 人,是个退学生

30、,而你不是。因为比尔盖茨,这个行星上最富有的人 就目前而言是个退学 生,而你不是。因为艾伦,这个行星上 第三富有的人,也退了学,而你没有。再来一点证据吧,因为戴尔, 这个行星上第九富有的人-他的排位还在不断上升,也是个退学 生。而你,不是。你们非常沮丧,这是可以理解的。你们将来需要这些有用的工作习惯。你将来需要这种治疗”。 你需要它们,因为你没辍学,所以你永远不会成为世界上最富有的人。 哦,当然,你可以,也许,以你的方式进步到第10位,第11 位, 就像Steve。不过,我没有告诉你他在为谁工作,是吧?根据记载, 他是研究生时辍的学,开化得稍晚了些。现在,我猜想你们中间很多人,也许是绝大多数人

31、,正在琢磨, 能做什么?我究竟有没有前途?当然没有。太晚了,你们已经吸收 了太多东西,以为自己懂得太多。你们再也不是19岁了。你们有了 内置 的帽子,哦,我指的可不是你们脑袋上的学位帽。嗯你们已经非常沮丧啦。这是可以理解的。所以,现在可 能是讨论实质的时候啦-绝不是为了你们,2000年毕业生。你们已 经被报销,不予考虑了。我想,你们就偷偷摸摸去干那年薪20万的 可怜工作吧,在那里,工资单是由你两年前辍学的同班同学签字开出 来的。事实上,我是寄希望于眼下还没有毕业 的同学。我要对他们 说,离开这里。收拾好你的东西,带着你的点子,别再回来。退学吧, 开始行动。我要告诉你,一顶帽子一套学位服必然要让

32、你沦落就像这些保安马上要把我从这个讲台上撵走一样必然(此时,拉里埃里森被带离了讲台)I have bee n to the moun tai ntop马丁路德金:Tha nk you very kin dly, my frie nds. As I liste ned to Ralph Abern athy and his eloque nt and generous intr oducti on and the n thought about myself, I wondered who he was talk ing about Its always good to have your cl

33、osest friend and associate to say something good about you. And Ralph Abe rn athy is the best frie nd that I have in the world. Im delighted to see each of you here toni ght in spite of a storm warning. You reveal that you are determined to go on anyhow Something is happening in Memphis; something i

34、s happe ning in our world And you kno w, if I were sta nding at the beg inning of time, with the possibility of tak ing a kind of general and panor amic view of the whole of huma n hist ory up to now, and the Almighty said to me, Martin Luthe r King, which age would you like to live in? I would take

35、 my men tal flight by Egypt and I would watch Gods children in their mag nifice nt trek from the dark dungeons of Egypt thro ugh, or r athe r acr oss the Red Sea, thro ugh the wilde rn ess ontowa rd the pr omised land. And in spite of its mag nifice nee,I would nt stop there I would move on by Gr ee

36、ce and take my mi nd to MountOlympus And I would see Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Euripides and Ar istopha nes assembled around the Par the non. And I would watch them around the Par the non as they discussed the gr eat and ete rnal issues of r ealit y. But I would nt stop there I would go on, eve n

37、to the gr eat heyday of the Roma n Emp ire. And I would see developme nts around the re, thro ugh var ious empe rors and leade rs. But I would nt stop there.I would eve n come up to the day of the Ren aissa nee, and get a quick pict ure of all that the Ren aissa nee did for the cult ural and aesthet

38、ic life of man. But I would nt stop the re.I would eve n go by the way that the man for whom I am n amed had his habitat And I would watch Martin Luthe r as he tacked his nin ety-five theses on the door at the church of Witte nberg. But I would nt stop the re.I would come on up eve n to 1863, and wa

39、tch a vacillati ng Pr eside nt by the n ame of Abr aham Lincoln fin ally come to the con clusi on that he had to sig n the Ema ncipati on Pr oclamati on. But I would nt stop the re.I would eve n come up to the early thirties, and see a man gr appli ng with the pro blems of the bankr uptcy of his n a

40、ti on. And come with an eloque nt cry that we have nothing to fea r but fea r itself. But I would nt stop the re.Stran gely eno ugh, I would turn to the Almighty, and say, If you allow me to live just a few yea rs in the sec ond half of the 20th century, I will be happ y. Now thats a strange stateme

41、 nt to make, because the world is all messed up. The n ati on is sick Trou ble is in the land; conf usi on all around. Thats a strange stateme nt But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark eno ugh can you see the sta rs. And I see God working in this period of the twentieth century in a way that

42、 men, in some strange way, are r esp onding.Someth ing is happe ning in our world The masses of people are rising up. And wherever they are assembled today, whethe r they are in Joha nn esb urg, South Africa; Nairo bi, Kenya; Accra, Ghana; New York City; Atlanta, Georgia;Jacks on, Mississippi; or Me

43、mphis, Te nn essee - the cry is always the same: We want to be free And ano the r r eas on that Im happy to live in this period is that we have bee n for ced to a point where we are going to have to grapple with the problems that men have been trying to gr apple with thro ugh history, but the dema n

44、ds did nt force them to do it. Survival dema nds that we gr apple with them Men, for yea rs now, have bee n talk ing about war and peace But now, no longer can they just talk about it. It is no longer a choice betwee n viole nee and non viole nee in this wor ld; its non viole nee or non existe nee.

45、That is whe re we are toda y.And also in the huma n rights r evoluti on, if someth ing isnt done, and done in a hurry, to bring the colored peoples of the world out of the ir long yea rs of poverty, the ir long yea rs of hurt and n eglect, the whole world is doomed Now, Im just happy that God has al

46、lowed me to live in this period to see what is unf old ing. And Im happy that Hes allowed me to be in Memphis I can r emembe r - I can r emembe r whe n Neg roes we re just going around as Ralph has said, so ofte n, scr atch ing where they did nt itch, and laugh ing when they were not tickled But tha

47、t day is all ove r. We mea n bus in ess now, and we are dete rmined to gain our rightful place in Gods world.And thats all this whole thing is about We arent engaged in any negative protest and in any negative ar gume nts with any bod y. We are say ing that we are dete rmined to be me n. We are dete

48、 rmined to be people We are say ing - We are say ing that we are Gods children. And that we are Gods child ren, we dont have to live like we are for ced to live Now, what does all of this mea n in this gr eat pe riod of history? It mea ns that weve got to stay togethe r. Weve got to stay togethe r a

49、nd maintain unity. You know, whe neve r Pha raoh wan ted to prolong the pe riod of slave ry in Egypt, he had a favorite, favorite formula for doing it. What was that? He kept the slaves fighti ng among themselves But when eve r the slaves get togethe r, someth ing happe ns in Pha raohs court, and he

50、 cannot hold the slaves in slavery Whe n the slaves get togethe r, thats the beg inning of getti ng out of slavery Now let us maintain unity.Sec on dly, let us keep the issues where they are. The issue is in justice The issue is the r efusal of Memphis to be fair and hon est in its deali ngs with it

51、s public serva nts, who happe n to be san itati on workers. Now, weve got to keep attention on that Thats always the problem with a little viole nee. You know what happe ned the othe r day, and the press dealt only with the window-breaking. I read the articles They very seldom got around to mentioni

52、ng the fact that one thousa nd, three hundred san itati on workers are on str ike, and that Memphis is not being fair to them, and that May or Loeb is in dire n eed of a doct or. They did nt get around to that Now we re going to march aga in, and weve got to march aga in, in order to put the issue w

53、he re it is supposed to be -and for ce everybody to see that the re are thir tee n hundred of Gods child ren here sufferi ng, sometimes going hun gry, going thro ugh dark and dreary ni ghts wondering how this thi ng is going to come out. Thats the issue And weve got to say to the n ati on: We know h

54、ow its com ing out. For whe n people get caught up with that which is right and they are willi ng to sacrifice for it, the re is no stopp ing point short of victoryWe arent going to let any mace stop us. We are masters in our nonviolent movement in disarming police for ces; they dont know what to do

55、. Ive see n them so ofte n. I r emembe r in Bi rmin gham, Alabama, whe n we were in that majestic str uggle the re, we would move out of the 16th Str eet Baptist Church day afte r day; by the hundr eds we would move out. And Bull Connor would tell them to send the dogs forth, and they did come; but

56、we just went before the dogs singing, Ai nt gonna let no body turn me around. Bull Connor n ext would say, T urn the fire hoses on. And as I said to you the othe r ni ght, Bull Connor did nt know history. He knew a kind of physics that somehow did nt r elate to the tran sphysics that we knew about A

57、nd that was the fact that the re was a certa in kind of fire that no wate r could put out. And we went befo re the fire hoses; we had known water. If we were Baptist or some other denominations, we had been immersed If we were Methodist, and some othe rs, we had bee n sprin kled, but we kn ew wate r

58、. That could nt stop us.And we just went on befo re the dogs and we would look at them; and wed go on before the wate r hoses and we would look at it, and wed just go on singing Ove r my head I see freedom in the air. And the n we would be thrown in the paddy wagons, and sometimes we were stacked in

59、 the re like sardines in a can. And they would throw us in, and old Bull would say, Take em off, and they did; and we would just go in the paddy wagon singin g, We Shall Over come And every now and the n wed get in jail, and wed see the jaile rs look ing thro ugh the win dows being moved by our pr a

60、ye rs, and being moved by our words and our songs. And the re was a powe r the re which Bull Connor could nt adjust to; and so we en ded up transforming Bull into a stee r, and we won our struggle in Birmin gham Now weve got to go on in Memphis just like that I call upon you to be with us whe n we g


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