1、MBA写作内部讲义Model 1 问题解决型1贫富差距 Inccomee Gaap 2假文凭现象象 Faake Dipplomma 3人口老年化化及养老老问题 Agiing poppulaatioon pprobblemm4住房问题 Houusinng PProbblemms iin BBig Cittiess 练习一: Inccomee GaapTheree haas bbeenn a heaatedd diiscuussiion oveer tthe groowinng iincoome gapp noow. Soome peooplee hoold thaatthe ggap is na
2、tturaal bbecaausee itt reefleectss diiffeerennt cconttribbutiionss thhat diffferrentt peeoplle mmakee inn thheirr woork. IIn ttheiir vvieww, tthosse ppeopple witth hhighh inncomme wworkk haard andd loong. Beesiddes, thhesee peeoplle bbrinng hhighh effficcienncy, annd ccreaate morre wweallth. Acccorr
3、dinnglyy, ttheyy deeserrve higgh ppay. On thhe ootheer hhandd, ttherre aare alwwayss soome peooplee whho vvieww thhis gapp neegattiveely. Thhey bellievve tthatt a lott off crrimees hhapppen as a rresuult of thiis iincoome gapp. SSomee peeoplle mmakee soo liittlle ffromm thheirr woork thaat ttheyy ri
4、isk takkingg crrimiinall accts to gett riich. Inn faact, exxperrts havve llongg fooundd ouut tthatt moost casses of criime aree diirecctlyy reelatted to loww inncomme. Theere is anootheer ppoinnt tto bbackk upp a neggatiive vieew aagaiinstt inncomme ggap. Foor mmostt peeoplle, inccomee gaap mmay des
5、strooy tthe sattisffacttionn thhat theey oobtaain froom wworkk. As annythhingg haas ttwo siddes, soo haas tthe proobleem oof iincoome gapp. PPerssonaallyy, II beelieeve thaat tthiss gaap mmay mottivaate peooplee too coompeete bettterr inn joob mmarkket. Whhen thiis ggap is groowinng ttoo widde, howw
6、eveer, ourr gooverrnmeent shoouldd maake somme ppoliiciees tto gget ridd off itts nnegaativve cconssequuencces. 练习二:DDireectiionss: FFor thiis ppartt, yyou aree too wrritee wiithiin 330 mminuutess a commpossitiion of no lesss tthann 1550 wwordds uundeer tthe tittle of Youur ccompposiitioon sshouuld
7、be bassed on thee foolloowinng ooutllinee giivenn inn Chhineese. Plleasse wwritte iit ccleaarlyy onn thhe CCOMPPOSIITIOON ssheeet.The BBad Efffectts oof FFakee Diiploomass.1) Soome peooplee beelieeve thaat ffakee diiploomass arre hharmmfull too ouur ssociietyy. 22) TThe truuth is deeep aand proofouu
8、nd. 3) Ass wee knnow, thhe vvicttimss off faake dipplommas aree fiirstt off alll eemplloyeers, whho ppay higgh ssalaariees bbut do nott geet rreall taalennts. 4) Inn adddittionn, ppeopple whoo haave gennuinne ddipllomaas aare alsso hhurtt grreattly.5) Maany exaamplles cann bee fooundd too prrovee th
9、hat vicctimms oof ffakee diiploomass arre ggreaat. 6) Thee firrst exaamplle iis tthatt soome stuudennts havve hhoneestlly sspennt ffourr orr evven morre yyearrs aand greeat eneergyy woorkiing harrd iin sschooolss, bbut cannnott geet aany advvanttagee inn joob hhunttingg. 77) OOn tthe conntraary, a c
10、errtifficaate of Bacchellors DDegrree cossts aboout 2000 Yuuan, whhichh iss reeallly ccheaap ccomppareed wwithh thhe ffourr yeearss off haard worrk. 8)TTherrefoore, acctuaallyy thhis pheenommenoon mmay enccourragee peeoplle tto ccheaat iinstteadd off accquiirinng aa deegreee hhoneestlly.9) Inn orrde
11、rr too immproove thee siituaatioon, we neeed tto ttakee soome possitiive meaasurres. 100) FFor onee thiing, wee shhoulld sstopp puuttiing eveer mmoree emmphaasiss onn thhe aacaddemiic aachiieveemennt oof jjob or proomottionn caandiidattes. 111) FFor anootheer, efffectt riive meaasurres suppporrtedd
12、byy addvanncedd ITT teechnnoloogy shoouldd bee inntrooducced andd taakenn too heelp empployyerss diistiinguuishh geenuiine dipplommas froom ffakee onnes. 122) OOnlyy inn thhis wayy, ccan thee deemannd oof ffakee diiplooma dissapppearr.练习四: Howw too Taacklle tthe Houusinng PProbblemm inn Biig CCitiie
13、s?1)随着大大量人口口涌入城城市,城城市的居居住环境境越来越越拥挤;2)解决住住房问题题有哪些些不同方方案?3) 我的的看法How tto TTackkle thee Hoousiing Proobleem iin BBig Cittiess?1) Wiith thee faast devveloopmeent of moddernn inndusstryy, mmoree annd mmoree peeoplle aare flooodiing intto bbig cittiess too fiind jobbs. 2) So it is of greeat impporttancce
14、ffor us to payy atttenntioon tto tthe houusinng pprobblemm inn biig ccitiies. 3) Onn thhe oone hannd, thee poopullatiion is groowinng vveryy faast. 4) Onn thhe ootheer hhandd, tthe limmiteed uurbaan aareaa caannoot hhousse tthe inccreaasinng ppopuulattionn.5) Wee haave figgureed oout manny wwayss to
15、o soolvee thhis proobleem。 6) Fiirsttly, itt iss a goood iideaa too buuildd ssateelliite cittiess iin tthe subburbbs oof bbig cittiess soo thhat peooplee wiill be dissperrsedd inn a larrge areea. 7) Seeconndlyy, tthe govvernnmennt sshouuld buiild morre hhighh-riise buiildiingss too hoousee moore peo
16、oplee. 88)Thhirddly, thhe ggoveernmmentt shhoulld aalsoo offferr a disscouunt forr loow-iincoome ressideentss too buuy ttheiir hhousses.9) Coonsiiderringg alll tthesse, I bbeliievee thhat thee hoousiing proobleem iis vveryy coompllicaatedd. 110) Firrst of alll, iit iinvoolvees mmanyy ottherr prrobll
17、emss suuch as traanspporttatiion, uttiliitiees, etcc. 111) Furrtheermoore, buuilddingg moore houusess neeedss a larrge summ off innvesstmeent. 122) TTherrefoore, wee shhoulld mmakee fuurthher efffortts tto ttakee alll kkindds oof mmeassurees tto ttackkle thee hoousiing proobleem iin bbig cittiess.Mo
18、dell 2 积极有有利型1Innovvatoory Sppiriit2The ssignnifiicannce of Beiijinng 220088 Ollymppic Gammes3The DDeveeloppmennt oof tthe Wesst RRegiionss 4On thhe SSignnifiicannce of thee Qiing-Zanng Raiilrooad5练习一: IInnoovattoryy Sppiriit Outliine: Signiificcancce oof iinnoovattoryy sppiriit Your unddersstanndin
19、ng aabouut iit How tto cculttivaate it Innovvatoory SppiriitWith thee raapidd deevellopmmentt off scciennce andd teechnnoloogy, thee coompeetittionn wee arre bbeinng ffaceed wwithh iss beecommingg moore andd moore fieercee. TThiss reequiiress uss too poosseess innnovaatorry sspirrit whiich is nott o
20、nnly thee liifellinee off buusinnessses suubsiisteencee, bbecaausee onnly connstaant innnovaatioon ccan makke aan eenteerprrisee suuperriorr too hiis rrivaals in succh aan ccomppetiitivve mmarkket, buut aalsoo thhe ffounndattionn off a couuntrryss deevellopmmentt. IIf aa coounttry doeesnt iinnoovatt
21、e iin sscieencee annd ttechhnollogyy, ssysttem andd maanaggemeent, shhe mmustt unndouubteedlyy laag ffar behhindd ottherrs ddeveelopped couuntrriess immmeddiattelyy. As faar aas II amm coonceerneed, innnovaatorry sspirrit is sommethhingg thhat we cannnott deevellop witthouut, esppeciiallly iin hhi-t
22、techh annd iinfoormaatioon aage, beecauuse it cann noot oonlyy immproove ourr liife butt allso chaangee ouur llifee. OOf tthe manny vvaluues thaat cconssistt off ouur cciviilizzed soccietty, succh aas hhoneestyy, kkinddnesss aand so on, innnovvatoory spiiritt maay bbe tthe mosst iimpoortaant of alll
23、. WWithhoutt itt, ttherre wwilll bee noo prrogrresss, nno ccoloorfuul llifee annd uultiimattelyy noo mooderrn ssociietyy. Then, hoow sshouuld we culltivvatee thhe iinnoovattoryy sppiriit? Herre aare a ffew sugggesstioons, whhichh maay bbe oof ssomee heelp. Foor oone thiing, thhe ggoveernmmentt shhou
24、lld sset up a mmechhaniism of innnovaatioon aand enccourragee peeoplle tto iinveent andd crreatte ddariinglly. Forr annothher, thhe ffundd off riisk invvesttmennt sshouuld be proovidded by somme oorgaanizzatiionss. OOnlyy inn thhesee waays willl ppeopple carrry forrwarrd tthe innnovaatorry sspirrit
25、in eveery fieeld wheere theey aare worrkinng aand stuudyiing. ( 2230 )练习三:TThe Devveloopmeent of thee Weest Reggionns Outliine:1. Thhe ssignnifiicannce of devveloopinng wwestternn reegioons in Chiina.2. Thhe rreassonss foor ttheiir bbackkwarrdneess.3. Thhe pprosspeccts of succh aa prrojeect.The llar
26、gge-sscalle ddeveeloppmennt oof wwestternn reegioons willl pprovve tto bbe oof ggreaat ssignnifiicannce in Chiina. Thhis staate pollicyy wiill proovidde aa wiiderr sccopee off deevellopmmentt foor ccenttrall annd eeastternn reegioons, whhosee ecconoomy is supppossed to keeep oon tthe risse. Thee imm
27、porrtannt sstraateggy wwilll bee inndisspennsabble to Chiinas ooverralll ecconoomicc grrowtth. Whaat iis mmoree, tthe lonng-ttermm syysteemattic proojecct wwilll bee ann efffecctivve aapprroacch tto ddimiinisshinng tthe imbbalaancee off ecconoomicc deevellopmmentt inn thhe eeastt annd tthe wesst sso
28、 aas tto rreviitallizee ouur nnatiion.Theree arre sseveerall reeasoons whyy thhe llandd-loockeed wwestternn reegioons havve llaggged behhindd inn thheirr ecconoomicc deevellopmmentt. TThe unffavoorabble geoograaphiicall poosittionns ttherre ggreaatlyy liimitt thheirr deevellopmmentt, aand manny rreg
29、iionss inn thhe wwestt reemaiin ccompparaativvelyy unnderrdevveloopedd. TThe gapps bbetwweenn thhe wwestt annd tthe easst hhavee beeen widdeneed ssincce CChinnass reeforrm, forr Chhineese opeeninng uup ppoliiciees eenabbledd thhe eeastt too atttraact morre fforeeignn caapittal andd maake a ffanttast
30、tic spuur iin iits devveloopmeent, Iff leeft uncchanngedd, tthe undderddeveeloppmennt iin tthe wesst wwilll grreattly afffectt ovveraall proospeeritty aand eveen ssociial staabillityy. Thereeforre, thee weesteern reggionn deevellopmmentt iss a majjor conncerrn oof CChinna aat ppressentt. IIts chiief
31、 objjecttivee iss too buuildd Weest Chiina intto aa laand of ecoonommic proospeeritty, socciall prrogrresss, ppoliiticcal staabillityy annd bbeauutifful lanndsccapee. IIts succcesss ddepeendss onn thhe jjoinnt eeffoortss off thhe wwholle nnatiion andd off seeverral genneraatioons. Ass a cittizeen, I
32、 ffirmmly bellievve tthatt thheree wiill be a bbrigght futturee waailiing forr thhe wwestt. ( 2233 ) 练习四:DDireectiionss: Youu arre tto wwritte iin nno llesss thhan 1200 woordss abboutt thhe ttopiic On thee Siigniificcancce oof tthe Qinng-ZZangg RRaillroaad. Yoour commpossitiion shoouldd bee baasedd
33、onn thhe CChinnesee clluess giivenn beeloww. 青青藏铁路路于今年年7月11日通车车。请简简单地谈谈谈青藏藏铁路建建成和通通车的重重大意义义,如经经济、文文化、旅旅游等方方面。注:西藏:Tibbet;西藏的的、西藏藏人、藏藏语:TTibeetannOn thhe SSignnifiicannce of thee Qiing-Zanng RaiilrooadIt iss inn Qiinghhai on Jully 11 thhat thee Qiing-Zanng RRaillroaad wwas commpleetedd annd oopenn to
34、o trrafffic offficiiallly. Andd inn thhe ssamee daay, ourr Prresiidennt HHu JJinggtaoo cuut tthe ribbbonn peersoonallly at thee oppeniing cerremoony. Thhis greeat eveent madde eeverry CChinnesee alll ooverr thhe wworlld eextrremeely cheeerfful. Ass a maiin aarteery to Tibbet andd weesteern reggionns
35、, thee Qiing-Zhaang Raiilrooad is of greeat siggnifficaancee too Chhinaa annd CChinnesee peeoplle. Undouubteedlyy thhe ssignnifiicannce of thee Qiing-Zanng RRaillroaad ccan be cleearlly sseenn noot oonlyy inn ecconoomy andd cuultuure butt allso in touurissm. To beggin witth, thee Qiing-Zanng RRaillr
36、oaad wwilll drrivee thhe eeconnomiic ddeveeloppmennt oof tthe wessterrn ppartt off Chhinaa annd aattrractt moore andd moore invvesttorss too innvesst iin tthesse aareaas. In addditiion, thhe QQingg-Zaang Raiilrooad willl ffostter thee cuultuurall annd ttourristt deevellopmmentt off Qiinghhai andd Ti
37、ibett. AAn iincrreassingg nuumbeer oof ppeopple froom aall oveer tthe worrld willl ccomee too Tiibett annd QQingghaii foor ttravveliing, whhichh wiill proovidde aa goood chaancee foor tthe peooplee inn thhe wworlld tto kknoww Tiibett annd QQingghaii. As shhownn inn ouur pprevviouus ddisccusssionn, w
38、we mmay reaasonnablly ccomee too thhe cconcclussionn thhat thee Qiing-Zanng RRaillroaad wwilll brringg Chhinaa hiistooricc annd rreallisttic siggnifficaancee. OOf ccourrse, wee shhoulld nnot negglecct tthe envviroonmeentaal aand ecoologgicaal pprottecttionn whhilee maakinng ffulll usse oof tthe Qinn
39、g-ZZangg Raailrroadd. Modell 3 利弊分分析型1On Sttudyyingg Abbroaad2Trafffic Jamms iin MMostt Ciitiees3Opporrtunnitiies andd chhalllengges witth tthe commingg off Gllobaalizzatiion4Is Sttresss aa Baad TThinng oor GGoodd Thhingg练习一: On Stuudyiing Abrroadd Outllinee:1. Addvanntagges of Stuudyiing abrroadd 2
40、2. Dissadvvanttagees oof sstuddyinng aabrooad 33. Youur oopinnionnsOn Sttudyyingg AbbroaadWith thee raapidd deevellopmmentt off Chhineese ecoonommy aand impprovvemeent of Chiinesse ppeopples lliviing staandaard, ann inncreeasiing nummberr off Chhineese stuudennts chooosee too sttudyy abbroaad. Howwe
41、veer, thee oppiniionss coonceerniing it varry ffromm inndivviduual to inddiviiduaal. Somme oof tthe stuudennts aree inn faavorr off sttudyyingg abbroaad, whiile othherss arre aagaiinstt suuch chooicee. Thosee whho aare in favvor of stuudyiing abrroadd beelieeve thaat sstuddyinng aabrooad hass foollo
42、owinng aadvaantaagess. TTo bbegiin wwithh, ttheyy caan llearrn mmoree addvanncedd scciennce andd teechnnoloogy in somme ddeveelopped couuntrriess. TThiss caan nnot onlly ssavee ouur rreseearcch ttimee buut aalsoo sppeedd upp ouur ccounntryys connstrructtionn. IIn aaddiitioon, stuudyiing abrroadd prr
43、omoote thee laanguuagee annd ccultturaal eexchhangge bbetwweenn Chhinaa annd ootheer ccounntriies.Howevver, juust as eveerytthinng hhas twoo siidess, ssomee ottherr sttudeentss arrguee thhat stuudyiing abrroadd allso hass maany dissadvvanttagees. Firrst of alll, tthe tuiitioon iis sso hhighh thhat m
44、osst CChinnesee faamilly ccan afffordd itt. FFinaanciial proobleem oofteen ccausse ooverrseaas sstuddentts ggreaat ppsycchollogiicall prresssuree. AAnd morre tthann thhat, soome stuudennts oftten donnt wannt tto ccomee baack aftter graaduaatioon aand thiis wwilll bee a greeat losss tto ttheiir mmoth
45、herllandd. Weighhingg upp thhe ppross annd tthe conns oof sstuddyinng aabrooad, I am incclinned to bellievve tthatt thhe aadvaantaagess off sttudyyingg abbroaad ccarrry mmoree weeighht tthann itts ddisaadvaantaagess. TTherrefoore we shoouldd enncouuragge mmoree sttudeentss too sttudyy abbroaad aand
46、mannagee too maake fulll uuse of thee beeneffitss off sttudyyingg abbroaad. By thee waay, witth tthe forrthccomiing of a pprossperrouss annd ppoweerfuul CChinna, we cann deefinniteely avooid andd ovverccomee thhe pprobblemms wwhicch mmay go aloong witth tthe stuudyiing abrroadd. AAn ooverrwheelmiing
47、 majjoriity of oveerseeas stuudennts willl ccomee baack to serrve theeir mottherrlannd. ( 2265 )练习二:DDireectiionss: In thiis ssecttionn, yyou aree reequiiredd too wrritee a commpossitiion enttitlled “Trrafffic Jamms iin MMostt Ciitiees” Youu shhoulld wwritte mmoree thhan 1500 woordss neeatlly oon AA
48、NSWWER SHEEET 2. Situaatioons: Traaffiic jjamss arre nnow a mmajoor pprobblemm inn moost cittes. Hoowevver, itt seeemss thhat peooplee arre nnot preeparred to givve uup ttheiir ccarss annd uuse othher forrms of traanspportt. Requiiremmentts: Disscusss tthe reaasonns ffor theese twoo siituaatioons an
49、dd suuggeest howw thhe ssituuatiion migght be impprovved or ressolvved. Trafffic Jamms iin MMostt CiitieesWith thee suubsttanttiall deevellopmmentt off soociaal eeconnomyy annd tthe impprovvemeent of peooplees livvingg sttanddardd, tthe nummberr off prrivaate carrs hhas beeen iincrreassingg drramaat
50、iccallly. Howweveer, thee prrobllem of traaffiic jjamss inn maany cittiess iss diisreegarrdedd whhilee peeoplle eenjooy tthe connvenniennce of thee caars, annd eevenn woorsee itt seeemss thhat peooplee arre nnot preeparred to givve uup ttheiir ccarss annd uuse othher forrms of traanspportt. (63 )As
51、wee knnow, thhe pprobblemms oof ttraffficc jaams in cittes cann bee shhownn cllearrly in thee foolloowinng aaspeectss. FFirsst oof aall, peeoplle aare oftten dellayeed oone or twoo hoourss byy thhe ttraffficc jaam, andd a lott off tiime hass too bee waasteed oon tthe citty rroadds. Whaatss moore, th
52、he llargge qquanntitty oof hharmmfull gaas pprodduceed dduriing thee trrafffic jamms ddamaagess thhe ccityy ennvirronmmentt seerioouslly aand hass neegattivee innfluuencce oon ppeopples hheallth. Evven so, peeoplle aare nott liikelly tto ggivee upp thheirr caars andd usse ootheer fformms oof ttranns
53、poort. Thhe rreasson is nott onnly thaat tthe carrs eenabble peooplee fuullyy ennjoyy thhe ffreeedomm off liife, annd ggo aanywwherre ttheyy waant to go, buut aalsoo thhat thee caars symmbollizee thhe wweallth andd sttatuus oof tthe ownnerss.( 1244 )Basedd onn whhat hass beeen disscusssedd soo faar,
54、iit ffolllowss thhat somme ssoluutioons shoouldd bee fooundd too puut aan eend to thee prrobllem of traaffiic jjamss inn maany cittiess. TTo bbegiin wwithh, ppubllic traanspportt shhoulld bbe iimprroveed iin oordeer tto pprovvidee ciitizzenss wiith bettterr seerviicess soo thhat theey aare willlinng
55、 tto uuse theeir carrs llesss frrequuenttly. Annothher wayy iss too inntrooducce rreleevannt ppoliiciees aand lawws tto rresttricct ccar usee, ssuchh ass tiime resstriictiionss, rroadd liimittatiionss annd tthe raiisinng oof ooil priice etcc. OOnlyy thhrouugh theese wayys ccan we gett ouut oof tthis
56、s diilemmma efffecttiveely andd suucceessffullly. ( 993 ) ( 2800 ) 练习三: Oppporttuniitiees aand chaalleengees wwithh thhe ccomiing of GlooballizaatioonWhen it commes to thee gllobaalizzatiion, diiffeerennt ppeopple havve ddifffereent atttituudess toowarrds it. Soome peooplee beelieeve thaat tthe comm
57、ingg off gllobaalizzatiion willl bbrinng uus aa loot oof ooppoortuunittiess, wwhille ootheers arggue thaat iit wwilll immplyy maany chaalleengees tto uus aas wwelll. TTherre iis pprobbablly ssomee trruthh inn booth staatemmentts. To soome peooplee, tthe oppporttuniitiees wwithh thhe ccomiing of gloo
58、ballizaatioon ccan be seeen ffromm thhe ffolllowiing asppectts. Firrst of alll, gglobbaliizattionn ennhannce ourr coounttry to commmunnicaate andd cooopeeratte wwithh ottherr coounttriees iin tthe worrld nott onnly in sciiencce aand tecchnoologgy bbut alsso iin eeconnomyy annd ccultturee. WWhatts mo
59、rre, glooballizaatioon wwilll suurelly aacceelerratee ouur ccounntryys refformm annd ddeveeloppmennt aand impprovve tthe livvingg sttanddardd off Chhineese peooplee. AAnd mosst iimpoortaant of alll, gglobbaliizattionn ennablles Chiina to gett innvollvedd wiith thee woorldd annd tthe worrld knoow mmo
60、ree abboutt Chhinaa. Howevver, juust as eveerytthinng hhas twoo siidess, gglobbaliizattionn unndouubteedlyy brringg abboutt soome chaalleengees aalonng wwithh oppporrtunnitiies. Too beeginn wiith, wiith thee coominng oof gglobbaliizattionn, wwe hhavee too bee faacedd wiith morre sseveere commpettiti
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