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2、一切显得那么明快,而我的记忆力更是出奇的好。那种收获知识时的喜悦,更成为一种激励我进取的力量。被阳光照得闪亮的窗里,传来琅琅的读书声,多么像一组组跳跃的音符,奏出了我们跨世纪一代的心声。勤奋博学、进取争先,成为我们青口一中每一个学生的追求。我们的学校是一个欢乐、幸福的大家庭。学校领导和老师们给予了我们亲人般的关怀、爱护,同学之间亲如兄弟姐妹,这一切都感动着我,温暖着我,使我对学Enjoy a video1. What is this video about?2. Whats the advertising slogan?3. How do you understand it? 中学生毕业讲话稿

3、我爱我校Enjoy a video1. ads ads Why do people make ads? make their products stand out catch peoples eyeWhy do people make ads? make tuse samples use samples Lesson 29How to Push a Product?try to sellLesson 29How to Push a ProductA.The importance of An ad.B.The useful ways to push a product.C. Good quali

4、ty is very important.The passage mainly talks about _A.The importance of An ad.The Read Para. 3、4、 5 and write down the topic sentences.Create an ad.Go to trade shows and present your productPush your product using samples and good dealsRead Para. 3、4、 5 Create an Read and do the following tasks.1.

5、To make your product _ _, you should tell people what is special about it.2.Try to Find ways to _, when creating an ad.3.What may people do on trade shows?4. What will get you more customers?5. With a good quality product and excellent advertising, you will surely succeed. (translate)stand outcatch

6、their eyePeole can have an interest in similar products,then they can experience your product,enjoy it and even come to love it.Offering samples and deals will get you more customers.拥有好的产品质量和出色的广告,你将一定获胜。Read and do the following taskCan you do it ? It s not easy to make your product succeed. Becau

7、se there are always _ products on the market.You should work hard.You should choose specific_ ,then create a perfect ad to _. When they buy your product, you _ them good service. Remember , Excellent advertising will make your product_. offer stand out similar catch ones eye customersimilar customer

8、s catch their eye offer stand outCan you do it ? 冀教英语八下Lesson-29-How-to-Push-a-Product(共25张PPT) Enjoy the wonderful ads ! Enjoy the wonderful ads !手机腾讯投票小程序学习投票 手机腾讯投票小程序学习投票 Time is what you make of it. Enjoy the wonderful ads !Time is what you make of it. Made in China, loved by the world! Enjoy t

9、he wonderful ads !Made in China, loved by the woWe lead, Others copy. Enjoy the wonderful ads !We lead, Others copy. EnjDiscussionDo you know other ways of pushing products?What are the important factors (因素) for pushing the products?DiscussionDo you know other wa Enjoy some creative ideas. 冀教英语八下Le

10、sson-29-How-to-Push-a-Product(共25张PPT)冀教英语八下Lesson-29-How-to-Push-a-Product(共25张PPT)冀教英语八下Lesson-29-How-to-Push-a-Product(共25张PPT)Group work Task: There will be a charity sale in our school to help a sick girl in Grade 7. Challenge yourselves to push your products in groups.Tips: What is your produc

11、t?what are the fuctions of it? / How special is it?How do you push your product?Group work Task: There will beShow Time of pushingShow Time Which product are you interested in ?Which group is the best group?Which product are you interesPush your products by showing it out! Make yourselves stand out by showing yourselves!Push your products by showing HomeworkDo exercise L29Listen and Read, Papa. You must doYou can choose to doF


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