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1、完型填一、完型填 完型填一、完型填 (1) 词汇问题。完型填空在词汇方面的测试主要包括多义词、同义词、近义词、反义(2) 搭配问题。固定搭配是完型填空的必考内容,以动词、形容词和副词、介的(3) 语法结构问题。主要测试以下方面内;。Hehasbeencalledthe “missinglink”.Half-man,Half-beast.Hepedtohighesthe .HeisknownastheAbominableSnowman.of the Snowmanhasbeenaround (B)1A.(D)。Hehasbeencalledthe “missinglink”.Half-man,H

2、alf-beast.Hepedtohighesthe .HeisknownastheAbominableSnowman.of the Snowmanhasbeenaround (B)1A.(D)2A.BtooCsomeDmany题解:1选项 A“event”(事件),选项 ),选项 D“description”( took photographs”选项 A centuries” 把时间理解过长;选项 C“some time” 则把时间理解过短。he 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side

3、 . Thenative people said they 3 this creature and called itthe“eti,and had caught Yetis on two (C)3A.heardfromB.carednone has ever been produced as evidence(Cknew of Dread about 4A.5A.题解:3选项 C“knew of”意思是“知道有,(阅读关于的文章)明显不合文意,故不用选项A“even”(甚至)加重其后的动词“caughtthough引出让选项 )PassageDirections: There 20 s in

4、 the following passage. For each there are tbestothepassageandmarkthecorrespondingletterontheANSWERSHEETsinglelinethroughtheThe history of AfricanAmericans during the past 400 years is traditionally an ongoing struggle and indifference on the part of the American mainstream, a asanupwardmovementtowa

5、rdevermore justiceand Technologyin and isfault;itsmuchtoosimpletot deragriculturalmachineryorfiberbeenthe enemyofgroupofpeople. achine is work in a certain waythe which it designed. The people whoa asanupwardmovementtowardevermore justiceand Technologyin and isfault;itsmuchtoosimpletot deragricultur

6、almachineryorfiberbeenthe enemyofgroupofpeople. achine is work in a certain waythe which it designed. The people who design the machines are ent on unleashing chaos; they usually trying a task more quickly, cleanly, or cheaply, the imperative innovationandsruledWesterntheMastery of technology is sec

7、ond money as the true measure his country, and it is very t this under-ion the technological realm, and by not questioning and examining the ve 75 blacks are to be kept out of the mainstream once again. This time, they will be 77 from the greatest cash engine of the century. Inner-city blacks partic

8、ular are in danger, and the beautiful ring the decay of Hartford, shed pastandlearntoexistontemplatingorencounteringthetragedyoftheinnerAnd blacks must change as well. The their tors through and coming to freedom have begun to loose their utility. If to survive as hissociety,theyhavetounderstandwhat

9、works61A.62A.63A.64A.65A.66A.67A.68A.69A.70A.71A.72A.73A.74A.to75A.76A.77A.78A.79A.80A.Bto have DtoCtofollow Dto has tPassage64A 65A 66C 67C 68D 70B71D74D75A 77D78B79DPassage)Directions: There are 20 s in the following passage. For each there are marked A,B,CandDYou shouldchoosethetbestothe passage.

10、 markthecorrespondingletterontheAnswerWhen an invention is made, the inventor has of action open to hecangivetheinventiontotheworldbypublishingit,keepPassage)Directions: There are 20 s in the following passage. For each there are marked A,B,CandDYou shouldchoosethetbestothe passage. markthecorrespon

11、dingletterontheAnswerWhen an invention is made, the inventor has of action open to hecangivetheinventiontotheworldbypublishingit,keepthe,orpatentpatent is the result of a n an inventor and the e, the ets a limited period of monopoly and publishes full details of his invention to public t he most exc

12、eptional softhe ofatoalterthisnormalThe longest ever 63 was to es Valensi; his 1939 patent for color receiver circuit was extended until 1971 because for most of the patents normal life there was colorTVandthus nohope forrewardfor the Because a patent remains after s terminated, library attached to

13、the office contain details of literally millions of shelves of the t are free , anyone to use and, n half a century, sometimes even re-experts often advise to avoid the high cost of conducting a search ttheonesurewayofviolationofanyotherinventorsrightistoplagiarizeaatents Likewise, because publicati

14、on of an idea in any other invalidates t idea, it is traditionally to take ideas from other areas of . Much technologicaladvanceonthesepresumptionsoflegalAnyonein patents and inventions soon t most“new”ideas are, fact, as old as the hills. It is theft reduction to l practice, either through sity ded

15、ication, or through the availability of new technology, 74 makes news and money. basic patent for the theory for magnetic recording dates back to 1886Many of the original the late nd early 20th century. Even the rearenginecaripatedbya1904patentforacart withthehorseatthe56A.Ctobestriking Cto grantDto

16、 strike DbeingD evi A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.Bto be Bwillextend 70A.72A.73A.74A.75A. tPassage56D 59B 61D 62C 65A 68D69A 70A.72A.73A.74A.75A. tPassage56D 59B 61D 62C 65A 68D69A Passage)Directions: There are 20 s in the following passage. For each there are marked A,B,CandDYou shouldchoosethetbestoth

17、e passage. markthecorrespondingletterontheAnswerFor the people who have never traveled across the the people who cross it frequently one crossing of thethe voyage is a fantasy. But is very much like another, and do not make the voyage for of erest. Most of us are quite happy when we to go to bed and

18、 pleased when the . On night this time I lly lazy and went to n usual. When my cabin, I t I was to have a companion during my trip, ade me feel a unhappy. I had expected but there was a suitcase mine the ite corner. wondered who he could be and what he would be like. Soon afterwards he came in. He w

19、as sort of man you might t he was good t made up my t we would whoever he was and did not As I expected,hedidnottalk tome eitherbut wentto bedI e I slept for several hours because when I woke up it was already the middle of night. I felt cold as well as I could and tries to go back to sleep. Then t

20、was coming from the window ite. I thought perhaps I had the door, so I got the door but found it already locked from the inside. The air was coming from the window ite. I crossed the room the moon through it on to the other there. It took me a minute or two the myself.Itmythroughtheothe61A.62A.tired

21、63A.is64A.65A.arrived66A.for67A.being69A.ineach70A.a71A.treattogetherBreached Cis overCat seeing Cbeing CsuchDenoughheDreachedat Dto seeDtobet I Btobelonely BforalltnBpasstogether Dgo bywellCgetonwell72A.himasingleCasinglewordto74A.76A. to BhimordtoBupmyself DforDbutCuptomyself Cto haveto Cin 77A. C

22、Dgo bywellCgetonwell72A.himasingleCasinglewordto74A.76A. to BhimordtoBupmyself DforDbutCuptomyself Cto haveto Cin 77A. CasIdid ngBasIdidtng 78A.Itwasnoone CIt was anyoneCremind locking80A. had to jump PassageBThere was no one DTherewasDremember lockingBwastohave Dcouldbe73D Passage大学Directions: Read

23、 the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered markthecorrespondingletteraracrossthesquarebracketonANSWERManypeople he stock marketto find the and Dell.I know al experience how difficult this really is. For n a year, I dreds and sometimes thousands of dollars a day he market. Itseemed s

24、oI dreamed my job at the end of the year, of buying a small apartment in Paris, traveling around the world. But these to a sudden and dramatic end when a ,Texas cellular period. On day, it holesaler, fell by n 75 a one ged by n $ 15 a share. There was a rumor company was sales t was when I learned h

25、ow quickly Wall street tmisrepresentIn a ,I sold all my stock in the company, margin debt with from card. Because I owned so many shares, a small half of it from money I borrowed from the brokerage company. One month, I am next,aloser.Thisonebiglosswashe My father was a stockbroker, as way my grandf

26、atherhim. (In fact, he founded one of Chicagos st brokerage firms. ) But like so many things in life, we dont learn until it for ourselves. The only way to really understand the of stock market is to invest your own hard-earned money. When all your stocks and you feel like a winner, you learn very l

27、ittle. Its when all your stocks are losing and is questioning your stock-the t you find out if you have what it takes to invest 21A.22A. C ls D s C ls D s Dfound 23A.24A. 25A.26A.27A.28A.29A.30A.31A. 32A. 33A.34A.35A.36A.37A.39A.40A.PassagePassage(200210Directions:Thereare15)hispartofthetest.Read th

28、epassagethrough.Then,back and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B,C or D for each he ar across Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen squarebracketsonyourMachine-scoringAnswerAta constant travel-time budget, geographic s and short-spersistasfundamentalfeatures

29、ofglobalmobility,ong-terminfrastructurecan one expect? e regions, North America, our picture t share of rises sharply. In d by buses and automobiles will decline as high-speed countries, the strongest increase to he for buses and later for automobiles. Globally, these 44 in bus and automobile transp

30、ort partially offsetting. In all regions, the share of low-speed rail transport will probably continue its t throughout the period 1990merican continuetodevotemostofhisorher11-hourtravel-toautomobiletravel.Thelarge 48air travel (or high-speed rail t will be manifest in only 12 minutes erson a day; a

31、 little time goes a long he air. In several regions, most in 2050will still be devoted to nonmotorized modes. Buses the primary form of motorized ion in countries for important air es, buses, automobiles low-speed trains will go on serving vital ofthe super-rich already commute and shop in aircraft,

32、 averagepeoplewillcontinuetospendmostoftheirtimeon41A. 42A.43A.Dputs outDwhether41A. 42A.43A.Dputs outDwhetherorDaswellA.A.A.A.A.worksA.A.A.DespitetheA.A.A.Passage54DPassage(20043Direction:Thereare15)hispartofthetest, readthe passagethrough,Then, go sand choose the suitable word or phrase marked A,

33、B,C or D for each hepassage. aracrossthethecorrespondingletterof the world or phraseyou have chosen bracketsonyourMachine-scoringAnswerThe s by means of which human beings arbitrarily make hings stand for thingsmanybecalledthesymbolicEverywhere we turn, we see the symbolic s at work. There things me

34、n orwanttosessorwantvenot asymbolic Almost all fashionable clothes symbolic, so is food. our to serve visible symbols of our taste, wealth, and lition. We often choose “good address. ”We houses 45 the basis of a perfectly good cars in t it“looks well”to have s not always to get better ion, but to to

35、 the tweSuch complicated and apparently 49 behavior leads philosophers to ask over and over again“why cnathuman beings 50 simply and naturally. ”Oftenthecomplexityoflife makesuslook enviously atthe of such live asdogs and cats.Simply,the t symbolic s makes sible is for wanting to a and to a cat-and-

36、dog existence. A better solution is to understand the symbolic sinsteadofbeingits,tosomeeast,43A. 45A.rCexplanation47. 48A.53A.43A. 45A.rCexplanation47. 48A.53A.ttDbyt55A.PassagePassage(2002Directions:Choosethe)tbestcompletestheOne of the basic characteristics of capitalism is the private ownership

37、of the major means productioncapital. The ownership of large amounts of capital can profits, as as economic and er. Some recent theorists, 62 have t our society moved to a new stage t they tindustrial”society.Oneimportantchange such society t the ownership amounts of capital is no longer the only or

38、 even most of profits and influence; knowledge as well capital profitsandThere are with the thesis above, not the least t capitalists can buy the experts and knowledge they need to keep their profits and influence. But this does not 69 the importance of knowledge in an advanced industrial society, a

39、s the 70 of some new industries indicates. 71 , genetic engineering and the new technology have 72 many new firms and made some scientists quits rich. In 73 criticism of tindustrial society thesis, however, it must also t those in control of huge amounts of capital (i. e. ,major corporations) to tak

40、e heseindustriesbasedonnewMoving down from the levle of er, we still find knowledge 76Many new high-tech jobs are being created at the upper-skill, ying Something like a ine is emerging centered around knowledge. Individua1 swho fall too of knowledge at a young age will find it almost sible to catch

41、 up no matter how hard they try. it-eracy in English language has been a for he United es, but we are also moving to the when computer illiteracy hindermanymorepeoplethemtoalifeoflow-skillandid61A.CAbove all 66A.CAbove all 66A.68A.69A.70A. 72A.73A.76A.tDInDabundant DBFor ex Bsettled down 77A.s78A.79

42、A.80A.PassagePassageIndustrial safety does not just happen. Companies 1 low accident rates plan their programs, work hard anize them, and continue working to keep and When the work is well done, of accident-free operations is time duetoinjuriesisa sful safety programs he emphasis placed on certain a

43、spects the program. Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe rules or other depend on an emotional appeal to worker. But, there are certain basic aretobet must be used on every program um There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a l alone,.Thefew

44、erthe,thebettertheworkmansinsurancerate.maymeanthedifference1A.2A.3A.4A.5A.6A.7A.8A.comes9A.noperating orata BturnsCpays Dholds up 10AanBaPassageDa2A 4A 9A PassageIf a farmer wishes to succeed, he must try to keep a wide gap n his consumption his production.10AanBaPassageDa2A 4A 9A PassageIf a farme

45、r wishes to succeed, he must try to keep a wide gap n his consumption his production. He must store a ty of consuming all his y. He can continue to support himself and his he a surplus. must use hree ways: as seed for sowing, as an insurance 3 the effects of bad weather and as a commodity which he m

46、ust sell in order to 4 old implements and obtain chemical fertilizers tothe soil He may also need money to construct irrigation 6 and improve his farm in other ways. If no surplus is available, a cannot . He must either sell some of his property extra he form loans. Naturally he will try to borrow m

47、oney at a erest, but loans of this kind 1A.2A.only3A.4A.5A.nBmuch as CinsteadClong Devern6A.s8A.9A.10A.Passage2A 4A Passageernment is to ban payments to witnesses by rs seeking to buy up involvedinprominent thetrialofRosemaryIn a significant 2 of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord

48、Chancellor, roduce t will e making payments to and will controltheamount tcan begiven to a atrial In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of the House of Commons media select Lord Irvine said committee report this year which sufficientt self regulation of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine c

49、aused of when he said theof privacy controls contained in European legislation would be left to to Parliament.The Lord Chancellor EuropeanConventionroduction of Bill, inBritain,laidteverybodyto privacy t public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their “Pressfreedomswillbeinsafe judg

50、es”h Witness payments became an after West was sentenced to 10 life 1995Up witnesses to have received The Lord Chancellor EuropeanConventionroduction of Bill, inBritain,laidteverybodyto privacy t public figures could go to court to protect themselves and their “Pressfreedomswillbeinsafe judges”h Wit

51、ness payments became an after West was sentenced to 10 life 1995Up witnesses to have received payments ling their trs. Concerns were witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate storiesincourtguilty1A.as2A.3A.4A.5A.6A.7A.8A.9A.10A.12A.13A.14A.15A.16A.17A.18A.19A.BforB ensifying Cin particular Dsuch a

52、s nnneD t 20A.Passage4B 6C 7D 10A 1D 2A 14A 16A PassageComparisons were drawn n the development he 20th century and of ing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened . As discussed before, it was the 19th pre-he wake of the t the r became the hlet and the book the periodical. It was durin

53、g the same t the communications beginning with transport, the railway, and through egraph, radio, and motion pictures 7 the 20th-century world of the motor car and the airplane. It t s.Itisimportantto dogenerally recognized, 9 t roduction of the computer in the early century, bytheinventionofegrated

54、circuitduringthe1960s,radicallychangeds, its impact on the media was not . As time went computers became smaller and erful, and they became al”too, as well ,with ing sharper and increasing . They were thought likepeople, generations,withthedistancengenerationsItwashe computer tthe term“information s

55、ociety”begantobecomputers became smaller and erful, and they became al”too, as well ,with ing sharper and increasing . They were thought likepeople, generations,withthedistancengenerationsItwashe computer tthe term“information society”begantobewidelyto describe within which we now live. The communic

56、ations revolution both work and leisure and how we think and feel bout place and time, but there have viewsaboutitseconomic,political,landculturalimplications. “Benefits”havees.Andgeneralizationshaveproved1A.3A. nBmethodBfollowedCmediumCstimulatedD o s5A.6A.10. 13A. 15A.bymeans16A.18A.19A.20A.Passag

57、e1A erms 4B 6A 8D 11D 14C17A PassageTeachers need to be aware of the ellectual, and physical t adults experience. And they also need to give serious to how they can be best changes. Growing bodies need movement and 3 ,but not just in t they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of and e

58、motional challenges, teenagers are lly self-conscious and need the t from achieving s and t plishments by others. the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much t it would plan activities in which therere more n losers, ,publishing newsletters manystudent-writtenbookstudentartwork,ands

59、ponsoringbookclubs. A variety of small clubs can opportunities for leadership, as well for practice in dynamics. Making friends is extremely important to and many shy students need of some kind anization supportive heIn these activities, clubs. A variety of small clubs can opportunities for leadersh

60、ip, as well for practice in dynamics. Making friends is extremely important to and many shy students need of some kind anization supportive heIn these activities, it is important to t the young teens spans. A variety of activities should participants can remain active as as they want and then go on


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