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1、如何投稿读者对象/Audience声誉/Prestige Factor关注点/Focus发行量/Circulation选定合适的期刊期刊投稿的注意点切勿一稿多投尊重学术研究的严肃性,杜绝不道德学术行为注意中英文稿件的处理方法增强版权意识SCI论文写法攻略 一、想、写和做 4. 继续去看文献,去想;想不清楚就做还不如不做! 5. 要想这样做,就得先看文献!要知道如何把文章架起来、要知道别人是如何讨论的、要知道自己的数据是不是说明了与别人不同的事情或别人没有做过这个过程就是阅读文献及思考的过程,这些搞清楚了,写就简单了! SCI论文写法攻略 二、如何科学选题 1. 课题要有可发展性,课题可发展性对

2、高水平论文的持续产出具有极大作用。2. 借助工具选题: 查阅有关领域的检索工具 了解SCI收录期刊所反映的科技动态。利用ISI提供的选题工具帮助。利用网上数据库了解国际学术研究动态及有关资料。SCI论文写法攻略 三、如何获得好的idea 无论是应用还是基础科研,最关键的是idea,idea的出台决定了科研水平和档次。高水平的科学家一听你的科研课题和方向,就能判断你科研水平。因此,获得好的idea是至关重要的。 优秀科学家要具备敏锐的科研嗅觉,而这种敏锐性是经过长期的思考和实践获得的。SCI论文写法攻略 三、如何获得好的idea 获得idea的两种途径:传统途径就是先阅读大量科研论文,弄清目前的

3、研究现状和要解决的问题等;非传统的途径是自己先冥思苦想一段时间,有了自己的idea后再去查文献。SCI论文写法攻略 三、如何获得好的idea 3. 获得良好idea的基础前提: 拿到一篇研究性论文,先看标题,立即停住,问自己几个问题:(1)想想别人这文章是怎么做的(可参考材料方法)?会做哪些内容来说明其标题?(2)明白他为什么要做这个吗?SCI论文写法攻略 三、如何获得好的idea 3. 获得良好idea的基础前提: 一般来说,SCI-3分以下的文章只可能做了一部分机理,下面肯定有东西可做,关键是你自己要思考,去发现。 什么是cover letter? 是投稿信 ,应该简述所投稿件的核心内容、

4、主要发现和意义,拟投期刊,对稿件处理有无特殊要求等(如“not to review” list)。请附上主要作者的中文姓名、通讯地址、电话、传真和e-mail地址。什么是Cover letter? 有的杂志要求推荐几位审稿人及其联系方式。以及谁已经阅读过该文(当然是牛人)。Cover letter要求说明论文研究的意义,以及与这个杂志的相关性,另外还有的可能要写明你没有一搞多投等。 什么是cover letter? Cover letter的内容主要需要想编辑详细的介绍你的文章的主要内容。突出文章的创新性,价值,为什么要发表这篇文章,可以简要指出目前该领域的发展方向,最好你的文章就是朝向这个方

5、向的。其他就是常规要求了,用语恰当,格式规范等。 如何写cover letter?各个杂志的具体要求是不一样的。在杂志的guide for authors一般会有要求。如果没有具体的要求,大家可按照通用要求处理。 Cover letter的常用模板 Dear Dr. 主编name:We submit our manuscript entitled 文章title to 杂志名for publication.接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易过多,但要突出新意和关键点。All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit

6、to your journal. Thank you very much for your attention and consideration. Sincerely yours, 通讯作者Cover letter的常用模板 Dear Dr. *,Enclosed here with please find 3 copies of a MS by: *. * and * entitled: “*”, which we would like to submit for publication in the *.Looking forward to your decision,With kind

7、 personal regards,Sincerely yours,*Professor of *Cover letter的常用模板 Dear Prof. Gil:This is a manuscript by*and *entitled “.”. It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “.” in your journal. This paper is new. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has be

8、en accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal.We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it .Correspondence should be addressed to *at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address:.Thanks very much for your attention

9、 to our paper. Sincerely yours,*Enclosed are three copies of a manuscript by Rose N Dipaola,Donna AGallo,and Tom NRoberts titled “Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Long-Term Transfusion Patients”It is submitted to be considered for publication as a “Original Article” in your journalThis paper is neithe

10、r the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere It is not being submitted to any other journal We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal because the study it reports stated the HCV infection rate among long-term

11、 transfusion patients is higher than that of the general population and of short-term transfusion patientsCorrespondence and phone calls about the paper should be directed to Rose NDipaola at the following address,phone and fax number,and e-mail address:Rose N Dipaola,MDInstitute of Internal Medicin

12、eCleveland Clinic Foundation9500 Euclid AveCleveland,OH44195,USATel:1-216-444-5360Fax:1-216-444-9580E-mail:dipaocesmtp. ccf. OrgThanks very much for your attention to our paperSincerely yours,Rose NDipaolaWhat Is Plagiarism?BooksClick the items above that you think are covered by plagiarism.Then cli

13、ck HERE for the correct answer.The following is a list of various types of intellectual property. Can you identify the items that the rules of plagiarism cover?All publicly distributed material is subject to the same rules of plagiarism.Electronic MediaMagazinesPhotos, Charts, and TablesConference P

14、roceedingsJournals and TransactionsMultimedia PresentationsHow Can I Avoid Plagiarizing?If Author A would like to use text, charts, photographs, or other graphics from Author Bs original material, then Author A must do two important things: Clearly indicate the reused material by using quotation mar

15、ks or indentations and provide a full reference to the original material (publication title, author name, article title, etc.) Obtain written permission from the publisher or, if the reused material has not been published, obtain written permission from the original author.Two Important Factors土木工程S

16、CI期刊总结混凝土材料类(6)Magazine of Concrete Research (ICE, UK),IF:0.50,投稿周期:1.5-4个月。中稿难度:3星 (4区)(7)Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ACI, USA),IF:0.733,投稿周期:4-6个月。中稿难度:3星到4星 (4区)(8)ACI Materials journal (ASCE, USA),IF:0.803,投稿周期:2-4个月。中稿难度:2星半到4星 (4区)(9)Material and Design (Elsevier); IF:2.2, 投稿周期:

17、6周到10周。中稿难度:3星到3星半 (3区)土木工程SCI期刊总结偏结构类(含钢筋混凝土,FRP-concrete,桥梁,刚结构,钢管混凝土):(1)Journal of Structure Engineering (Elsevier);IF:1.08,投稿周期:3-8个月。中稿难度:4星半到5星 (4区)(2)Engineering Structure (Elsevier);IF:1.32,投稿周期:2-4个月。中稿难度:4星到5星 (3区)(3)Materials and structures (见上面)(4)Advances in Structural Engineering (Hon

18、gkong);IF:0.32,投稿周期:3-6个月。中稿难度:2星到3星 (4区)土木工程SCI期刊总结结构类(含钢筋混凝土,FRP-concrete,桥梁,刚结构,钢管混凝土):(6)Steel and composite structure (Korea);IF:0.468,投稿周期:2-4个月。中稿难度:2星到3星 (4区)(7)Journal of construction steel research (Elsevier);IF:1.0258,投稿周期:2-4个月。中稿难度:3星半到4星半 (4区)(8)Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE, USA

19、);IF:0.623,投稿周期:3-6个月。中稿难度:3星 (4区)(9)ACI Structural journal (ACI, USA);IF:0.677,投稿周期:3-12个月。中稿难度:5星 (4区)土木工程SCI期刊总结检测类:(1)Structural Control and Health Monitoring (WILEY);IF:1.578,投稿周期:3-6个月。中稿难度:4星半到5星 (3区)(2)Structural Health Monitoring (SAGE);IF:1.578,投稿周期:3-6个月。中稿难度:4星到4星半 (3区)(3)NDT & E International -Independent Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (Elsevier);IF:1.477,投稿周期:2-5个月。中稿难度:4星到5星 (4区)(4)Nondestructi


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