1、(总分:45分Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions unfinished ements. For each of them there are 4 marked A, B, C and D. You requiredtochoose the t(总分:45分Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions unfinished
2、 ements. For each of them there are 4 marked A, B, C and D. You requiredtochoose the tbestothe ement.Markthecorrespondingletter on AnswerSheetsinglelinethroughthePassage If you plan to travel to Japan, it might be helpful to know some customs publicbehavior,diningout,andgiftsbefore youWhen dining ou
3、t, before you start a meal, you will be given a basket hot towel in ck up their chopsticksbefore you used. Be sure to wait until the eople at your Youwillfindervedateverymeal.Alwaysalternateabitofrice biteofthedishes.Donteatjustonedishime;thisisconsideredrude.Drinksoupdirectlyfromthe butdontfinishyo
4、ursoupbeforeeatingotherdishes;itpanytheentireWhen it is time to pay the bill, if the erson has invited you to dinner, pay. If you wish to treat, be one to pick up the bill. Dont spend time er bill.Honesty is very important and you can t the numbers are correct.And your will not be counted out in fro
5、nt of you; it will just arrive on a tray. There is no need to leave a for isalmostunheardofinYou will t gifts are important. You should bring something when you visit, but shouldntbe tooexpensive oryourhostwillfortable.Avoidgivingfourofanything-wordfor“four”is thesimilarto thewordfor“death”.Allgifts
6、,even money,should berapped,your host will be probably not open the gift in front of you, in order to t the act of ismore ntheactualgift.Usebothhandswhenyougiveorreceivea WheneatingoutinJapan,people shouldtaketowelswithusenapkinswhilegiveatipafterthelettheeldersstartWhichofthefollowingisconsideredas
7、goodtablemannersinA.EatingonlyonedishB.EatingricetogetherwithsideC.EatingsoupD.Finishingupthesoupbeforeeatingother3.IfyouinviteafriendtodinnerinA.youshouldcheckovertheB.youshouldbe topickuptheC.youcanaskyourfriendtopaythe D.youandyourfriendcanpaythe bill4.Itwillbe consideredrudeA.tocountyourchangeB.
8、tobetopickuptheC.toleavethechangeontheD.toaskthewaiterforC.youcanaskyourfriendtopaythe D.youandyourfriendcanpaythe bill4.Itwillbe consideredrudeA.tocountyourchangeB.tobetopickuptheC.toleavethechangeontheD.toaskthewaiterfortheWhatisconsideredanimpropergiftin AninexpensiveSomethingnotrappedFouritemsin
9、Asmallsumof Passage WiththegrowthoftheInformationSuperhighway,alogicalhejobs is the electronic resume. Electronic resume can ed to ted electronic resume databases, and cut-and-o any place where you are asked for an resume.Human(人力资源,人事)directorsandbusinessownersknowwhattheylocatequalifiedjobseekersb
10、ygoingtoEmployment sites can help you tectronice your resume t it online. A+Online their database, where it can be /) will easily change your resume to HTML and add it sed 24 hours a day, 7 days k. Employers can criteria(标准)andasearchtoolwillselectpotentialcandidatesfromthousandsofPamDixon haswritte
11、na usefulresource booknamedJobSearching Online forDummies.In it you can learn what to include and what not include in your resume. Another suggestion is to lookatwhateoplengonTake advantage of this high-tech way to market yourself on ernet. Beyond help your resume, online career for job seekers incl
12、ude how to have a and how tofind the right job for you.Using ernetcan give you a competitivet setyouapartfromotherjobseekerandhelpyou reachalcareergoals.HappyInorder tofindqualifiedjobcreateawebneldirectorsandbusinessownersoftenB.earchC.visitwebtD. amDixons7.WhatcanyougetfromtheemploymentA.lyouhowto
13、prepareanelectronicresumeandsenditB.Theyprovide youwiththeaddressoftseekC.TheyinformyouofthemostfavorablejobopportunitiesyoucanD.Theygiveyousuggestionsonaerviewwiththe8.TheelectronicresumedatabaseallowsemployersA. ttheir ownresumesonB.toexaminecandidatesresumesatanytimetheyC.tosetuptimeforerviewwith
14、D.toselecttheircriteriaandtheirsearch9.AfterreadingPamDixonsbookyoumayknowA.wheretyourB.howtoachieve yourcareerC.how toeyourD.whentohave10.TheauthorseofD.toselecttheircriteriaandtheirsearch9.AfterreadingPamDixonsbookyoumayknowA.wheretyourB.howtoachieve yourcareerC.how toeyourD.whentohave10.Theauthor
15、seofwritingthepassage istohelppeople tofindtherighttohelpemployerstofinda potentialtoshowthewayaresume isD. roducetheelectronicPassage There are manyshopsinSingapore where customers stillbargain, although areshown on the goods. There is nothing out of the ordinary in haggling; some shopkeepers you t
16、o and will be surprised if you accept their y. We t the some storesarea bitnthoseinChangeAlley,butwealsottokeepa store Robinsons is by no means cheap. Besides, in such we shop in air-condition (空调comfort.ForallayalittleIt is not always true to t things in Change Alley cost less. I once bought a vaki
17、an glass butter-dish from Robinsons for a little under two dollars. I then went on to Alley and just by aw an article of the same , design and size, in one of the shops. thenaskedabout itsprice,andrprisedwhenthemandemandednfourdollarsfor“How much can you offer?” he shouted at me. I offered him exact
18、ly the same price I paid for the article and his reply was shockingly rude (粗鲁). I opened my bag, showed him my receipt, stared at him and walked out of his shop.A buyer in England expects to find the price of goods clearly shown, or, to be told what the price is. He knows this is the lowest t will
19、be accepted. If he thinks the price bargain with the shopkeeper. Even if he showed annoyance or surprise, he would expect to be tifthepricewasunacceptable,heshouldtry11.Theunderlinedword“haggling”(line2,para.hetextmostprobablymeansA.acceptingthefixingtherightcostforsomearguingaboutthepriceofpayingextrafo
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