



1、期末测试一Find out the Chinese phrase and its mark which match the meaning of English phrase, and fill in the mark into the bracketing (25%)()1 net priceA、竞争价格()2、time draftB、财政状况()3、force majeureC、享有盛誉()4 sailing dateD、主要市场()5、counter offerE、售后服务()6、packing listF、支付条件()7、paying bankG.、保兑信用证()8、bid price

2、H、佣金代理商()9、regular customerI、运费预付()10、whole salerJ、交货期()11 sample cuttingK、老顾客()12、shipping markL、需求增长()13、trial orderM、试定单()14、competitive priceN、净价()I5 keen competition0、激烈的竞争()16、service after sellingP、还盘()17、freight prepaidQ、装船标志()18、growing demandR、剪样()19、delivery dateS、批发商()20 commission agent

3、T、递盘价格()21、confirmed L/CU、支付银行()22、terms of paymentV、装箱单()23、leading marketW、开航日期()24 enjoy greet popularityx不可抗力()25、financial standingY、远期汇票二、Put the following sentences into English (25%)1、我公司经营机械设备进出口业务多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉。2、如果贵方能订购5000打或以上,我们将给予10%的折扣。3、请报贵方最优惠的上海到岸价,包括我方3%佣金。4、我们正在执行贵方第678号定单,请相信

4、我方定将在贵方所规定的期限内安 排装运。5、请速 告知贵方9月15日前能否发货,倘假设不能,我方不得不撤消定单。三、Put the following into Chinese(30%)1、China Council for the Promotion and International Trade in Beijing has referee1 your letter of 15th May to our head office in Beijing, who has instructed us to contact you in the hope of establishing busin

5、ess relations.2、On the recommendation of ABC Co. Ltd., we have learned with pleasure the name of your firm and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you.3、Enclosed please find samples of our grade A 3.5 Microfloppy disks. If you are able to supply us with 5,000 packs, each pack contain

6、s 10, wc would be pleased to have you quote the lowest price CIF Shanghai.4、We wish to extend the sale of our products to your market and are now sending you our Quotation No. 123 in the hope that you will recommend them to prospective buyers. The prices quoted include 5% commission for you provided

7、 your order be not less than USD 50,000 in value.5、We are an exclusive exporter of parts and components of various types of motorcycles in this district and would take the liberty to send a quotation sheet covering our current range of this line for your reference. We hope you will find it interesti

8、ng.6、As business has been done extensively in your market at this price, we regret (hat we can not accept your counter-offer. It is our hope that you would reconsider the matter and let us know your decision as quickly as possible.7、in view of your urgent need of the goods and the good relationship

9、between our two parties, we have decided to accept your order in spile of the current light supply position, but we can do so only by putting off our supply to another customer,8、Since your order covers so big a quantity, we are unable to meet your requirements for the moment, but we will do our utm

10、ost to secure supply for you, and whenever the position improves we will not fail to let you know.9、We have today instructed our Bank, the Bank of China in Beijing, to open in your favor a irrevocable L/C with partial shipment and transshipment allowed clause, available by draft at sight, against su

11、rrendering the full set of shipping documents to the negotiating bank.10、Please see to it that the above mentioned goods are be shipped before the 15lh May and (he goods are be covered for 150% of invoice value against All Risks. We know that according to your usual practice, you insure the goods on

12、ly for 10% above invoice value, therefore the extra premium will be for our account.四、Write a English letter to a foreign company for establishing business relationscovering the following contents。).The source of your information.Your intention.Your business scope.Thc reference as to your firms fina

13、ncial standidng.Your expectation五、Write a English letter of claim to the supplier covering the following contents(10%)1、第123号定单项下32()箱家用器皿货物收到;2、其中6只箱子破裂,内装器皿损坏;3、检验报告证明损坏系由于不良包装所致;要求赔偿货物损失费及检验费用合计1,200美元期末测试一答案一、填空题(每空1分,共25分)12345678910NYXWPVUTKS11121314151617181920RQMA0EILJH2122232425GFDCB二、汉译英(每

14、题5分,共25分)1 译文: Our company imported and exported machines and equipments for many years, our products enjoy greet popularity in many countries.2、译文:We will allow you 10% of discount if you order 5,000 dozens or more.3、译文:Please offer at favorable price on the basic of CIF Shanghai including 3% of ou

15、r commission.4、译文: We are caring out your order No.678, and please trust that we will arrange the shipment within the time you stipulated.5、译文:Please inform us by fax of that if you can make shipment before 151,1 Sept., otherwise, we will have to cancel our order.三、英译汉(每题3分,共30分)1、译文:北京中国国际贸易促进委员会已将

16、贵方5月15 口来函转交给我方北京总公司,我 方总公司指示我方与贵方联系,以期建立业务关系。2、译文:承蒙ABC的介绍得知贵公司名称,我们非常愿意与贵方建立贸易关系。 3、译文:随函附上A级3.5型微软软盘样品,如果能供货5000盒,每盒10张,请报CIF 上海最低价。4、译文:我们希望能在贵方市场上扩大我方产品的销售,现随函附上第123号报价单,希 望我方能向潜在的买主推荐。如果贵方的定单在价值不少于5万美元,所报价格包括贵方 5%的佣金。5、译文:我们是本地区各种型号摩托车零部件的独家出口商,现冒昧地寄上有关我方现供 这一类产品的报价单供参考,希望贵方感兴趣。6、译文:由于按照该价格在贵方市场上做了大量交易,我方谦难接受贵方还盘.希望贵方 重新考虑此事,并尽快告知贵方的决定。7、译文:鉴贵方急需此货,以及贵我双方的友好关系,尽管目前供货紧张,我我方还是 决定接受贵方定单,然而,我方之所以能够这样做,是因为推迟另一客户的交货期。8、译文:因为定单数量很大,我们目前不能满足贵方的需求,但是我们将尽最大努力为贵 方寻求货源,一


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