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1、CA容量管了解决方案Wang Fei第1页每年一个数据中心浪费在多出容量上花费平均大约是$90,000,000. 足以填满一个拥有26个房间大房子平均每个数据中心容量利用率只有18%最正确实践是70%利用率第2页虚拟化蔓生(Sprawl), 泥潭(Stall)和成本平均每个数据中心只使用了18%容量最正确实践:超出70% 利用率IT仍致力于表达出虚拟化价值资源利用率过低业务方需要专用资源大部分企业10 VMs/host; 最正确实践为30+新应用过分开通业务和应用需要了解I&O 限制, 策略容量浪费造成了过高CAPEX和OPEX第3页CA容量管了解决方案概览汇报 / 详细业务分析 / 规范运行

2、汇报Performance Optimizer详细分析处理性能瓶颈详细模拟Capacity Manager决议支持容量规划, 业务透视, 成本汇报, CAPEX/OPEX分析, 决议支持服务器Data Manager容量数据库数据源支持从几乎任何源头自动搜集数据BMC PatrolHPOVPI, OVI, OVPAMicrosoftPerfmon,UNIX SARVMWare, Xen, MSFT HyperVHP LoadRunner,SAP ,Performance Mgmt ToolsSAPTivoliITM, TDWMS MOMUpTimeIR PrognosisNimSofftCus

3、tomPropreitaryVPM虚拟机放置管理放置, 平衡CCC and CCRCapacity Command Center & Capacity Command Reporter当前状态汇报, 性能趋势, 仪表盘, 优先级组件模型库(CML)第4页趋势 vs. 建模当预测非线性性能应用时线性趋势线很快显示出不足之处CA容量管了解决方案 排队网络模型和组件模型库能提供准确性能预测第5页CA容量管理原理:排队论输出输入队列服务器抵达率队列长度响应时间服务时间利用率总数成本吞吐率第6页CA组件模型库组件模型库(Component Model Library ,CML) 包含 4000+ 服务器

4、型号 (包含未被SPEC测试过型号)CA容量管理方案中共享CML资源评分优于 benchmarks其中一个原因是服务器 HML 定义就是其 Total Processing Power (TPP) 评分, 这是CA针对服务器专利技术在建模引擎中使用了专利硬件扩展算法准确服务器建模,包含chips, cores, threads (假如硬件支持超线程或同时多线程)第7页建模Data Manager容量数据库Data Adapter Capacity Manager决议支持Performance Optimizer详细分析客户业务活动事务服务 & 流程执行 & 消费报表模型当前状态

5、, 历史 & 趋势资源消耗配置架构 & 资源衡量发觉预测资源消耗 & 配置第8页容量建模 vs.性能建模容量建模关注应用 将应用视作单个复合业务单元预测服务器和网络利用率决定应用相对响应时间改变性能建模包含容量建模全部,还包含以下关注单个业务功效 (如, “T” Tests)预测业务功效响应时间限定于软件网络性能属性(flow, bytes, connectivity)第9页容量建模第10页性能建模第11页场景分析资源消耗配置客户事务基线配置衡量发觉经过率基本模型响应响应时间预测响应时间& 利用率新模型特定场景第12页优化资源消耗配置客户事务基线配置衡量发觉经过率基本模型响应响应时间优化配置发

6、觉优化配置特点目标期待响应时间&利用率第13页CA容量管理输入与输出第14页What is Workload data?Consists of:User populations (how many users are there?)User frequencies (how often do they initiate work?)User activities (what is their typical sequence of work?)Needed for:Model validationScenario analysisObtained from:Operational usage

7、statisticsInterviewsForecasts 第15页What is Infrastructure data?Consists of:Computers (what servers and/or mainframes do we have?)Networks (how are they connected?)Infrastructure details (what type are they? how are they configured? how many do we have?)Used for:Building model topologyObtained from:Ar

8、chitecture diagramsInterviewsDetective work第16页What is Flow data?Consists of:Communications and flow between tiersVisit counts to tiersMessage sizes for each communicationNeeded for:Model constructionObtained from:Architecture diagramsNetwork sniffingFor Capacity ModelingJust interested in tierstruc

9、ture第17页What is Resource data?Consists of:Resources consumed by transactions (CPU, memory, I/O,)Resources consumed by other pieces (background load)Resources consumed in transit (data sizes)Needed for:Model constructionScenario analysisObtained from:Resource monitorsDesign dataInterviews第18页19WIFR D

10、esign PhaseWorkloadUse casesBusiness functionsBusiness estimates/projectionsTarget load levels & SLAsInfrastructureInitial estimates for server/network componentsUtilize portions of current infrastructureVendor estimatesFlowApplication design documentsSMEs - Application designers & architectsResourc

11、eSMEs - Application designers & architectsBase on existing “similar” applications/business functionsDevelop bounds and/or performance budgets第19页20WIFR Test PhaseWorkloadUse casesBusiness functionsBusiness estimates/projectionsTarget load levels & SLAsT3 TestInfrastructureTest lab configurationDeplo

12、yment configurationFlowT1 TestResourceT2 TestMissing components?EstimateUtilize measurements from current system第20页21WIFR Production PhaseWorkloadApplication logs & instrumentationCurrent system measurementsBusiness tracking volumesTarget load levels & SLAsInfrastructureProduction configuration dia

13、grams/databaseInterviewMeasurement dataFlowApplication SMELimited measurement capabilitiesResourceCurrent measurement & monitoring toolsApplication instrumentation第21页CA容量管理输入值 CPU利用率存放利用率架构性能度量值应用性能度量值# 页面点击率事务数服务 & 业务度量值# 订单业务计划 & 预测配置度量值服务器模型, # 核角色和关系财务度量值硬件 & 软件成本预算服务容量管理业务容量管理设施 & 环境度量值使用电能使用空

14、间业务度量值资源利用率度量值将业务行为与资源利用率进行关联,以助于有效IT决议容量管理组件容量管理第22页容量/性能建模问题示例CP什么时候响应时间会超出需求?CP服务器配置是否会支持业务增加?CP多少服务器才能支持工作负载?P什么网络配置才能满足服务级别需求?CP规划系统容量是什么?P软件吞吐率限制是多少? CP软件怎样虚拟化才能最大化利用物理服务器?P认证机制是否支持扩展?P应用性能调优最优方案是什么?第23页预期输出标识例外和使用过分/不足组件&处理预测瓶颈预测未来容量需求关联资源利用率描述工作负载和标识行为模式&趋势归档和管理数据以支持业务活动虚拟架构优化模型放置和平衡容量管理输出支持

15、以下业务场景需求: 容量规划 基线和配置 应用选型 服务器聚合 虚拟化 云计算 Green IT 吞并和收购 硬件更新 数据中心移植服务容量管理业务容量管理容量管理组件容量管理第24页服务器网络描述架构描述应用负载运行模型运行场景验证模型系统和流程数据映射到业务单元基线预测周期分析结果处理响应时间问题处理资源利用率问题CA容量管理总体方法论以模型为中心业务决议第25页用户场景示例: 架构规模规划第26页比如:硬件变更场景非常方便经过下拉菜单项选择取硬件模型第27页硬件变更之后模型运行结果资源利用率目标满足目标要求配置第28页Data and Metrics for Performance Mo

16、delingThe four data categories - W, I, F, and R - combine to produce performance modelsWorkload determines the rate and mix of users submitting business functionsInfrastructure are the physical pieces of the system; workstations, servers, networksFlow describes sequence of steps, from tier to tier,

17、needed to process business functionResource usage describes processing requirements per business function at each tierResourceFlowInfrastructureWorkload第29页CA容量管了解决方案Performance OptimizerCapacity ManagerVirtual PlacementManager当前容量和汇报处理方案套件Data Manager 众多数据源数据搜集及归一化Capacity Command Center 仪表盘, 自动化资源

18、评分Current Capacity Reporter 消耗及利用率汇报BMCMicrosoftCAIBMHPVMwareSAPUpTimeCustomEMCCSV容量管了解决方案架构第30页策略、发展路线CA容量管理关键发展路线:继续专注于自动化、易用性、企业级扩展和性能方面基于web适于多用户使用处理方案增加专注于current state reporting处理以下.扩展存放 I/O 能力, 存放能力, 网络I/O, 事务数据, 成本数据标准自动化界面 保持开放架构 搜集 & 结果扩展对CA产品集成支持:CA eHealth Performance Manager - ( Server)

19、CA Wily APMCA CMDB第31页CA Data Manager企业容量数据仓库,支持各种类型数据自动化数据分析IT服务模拟交互式报表可与各种业界标准监控工具集成 可集成包含SAP在内几乎全部数据源集成当前状态利用率展现,各种数据源容量数据归一化自动化,定时生成容量监控和管理报表开放报表框架全部性能,容量和业务数据集中存放库第32页CA Capacity Manager收益快速决议支持向导式驱动场景分析分步布署阶梯式变更无缝支持SAP广泛虚拟化支持依据从已经有应用架构数据进行 what-if 场景分析目标用户容量规划人员平台架构师应用架构师服务管理人员Capacity Manager

20、能识别并预防应用容量问题第33页CA Performance Optimizer收益独立事件模拟引擎事务级别分析集成LoadRunner“深入挖掘” 应用建模全方面端到端建模支持Mainframe模型运行时性能监测自动性能瓶颈检测目标用户系统建模人员软件性能工程师QA / 测试教授Performance Optimizer能识别, 处理并预防应用性能问题第34页Virtual Placement ManagerVirtual Placement Manager performs large scale placement analysis with optional balancing, us

21、ing performance data and hardware configurations to determine the optimal sizing and placement of VMs onto hosts in VMware clusters. VMs are placed in such as way as tominimize the risk that the consumption of any resource will exceed its permitted consumptionbalance VM consumption across resources

22、to maximize use of resource capacity and reduce response timesright-size VMs by choosing appropriate number of vCPUs and memory for each VMright-size clusters by adding hosts when required to support the clusters workProvide for reserve capacity in order to account for potential loss of host or chip

23、set ( Cluster and VMs)第35页User role based access level and report views from Data ManagerAdministrators and power users can customize Current Capacity Reporter to let users view the type of data that they need in the appropriate formats for different situations. (Eg. By platform, business service or

24、 application) Users can customize the time period, menus, reports, and views based on their specific need/requirements. Ability to export views by generating a URL and HTML that make it available for display from an application such as Microsoft SharePoint or a Web browser. Data from the view can be

25、 exported as a CSV file that can be opened in a product such as Microsoft Excel.Current Capacity Reporter allows for scheduling of all reports that can be sent as a PDF or email. Current Capacity Reporting第36页Capacity Command Center 1.0 CA Capacity Command Center is a comprehensive suite of capabili

26、ties that enable organizations to maximize their efficient use of data centers so that they can guarantee performance and availability of their business services. The product simplifies the ongoing process of managing the capacity of your infrastructure.CA Capacity Command Center is the base environ

27、ment for the next generation of products originally created by Hyperformix and which are now part of the CA family. Capacity Command Center is a multi-user web based application that provides common components and capabilities for functions and features that were formerly found within single-user pr

28、oducts such as Capacity Manager.Capacity Command Center第37页容量规划处理方案能给您带来什么?提升已经有硬件利用率识别可整合服务器以节约成本 成本 vs.性能场景以到达最优化优化虚拟化环境 自动放置VMs 工作负载合理分布 防止虚拟化蔓生预见性规划和平台移植性能 P2V, V2P, V2V 降低CapEx & OpEx 硬件, 软件, 电能, 等等. 透视私有云和虚拟化方案绿色IT 电能、制冷能量需求 降低碳排放 数据中心效率优化性能,降低成本 实际利用率与最正确实践对比 前瞻性指导以实现连续性优化低利用率资源可考虑进行合并第38页提供IT 透明度预测和沟通业务需求对IT资源影响扩展IT资源规划维度 管理业务性能 以更多成本交付服务 预测架构性能管理风险 有效上线新业务有效应对工作负载季节性有效规划灾难恢复吞并 & 收购 规划IT资源需求有效规划以支持不停增加需


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