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1、Unit 4Unit 4Please read the article on pages 58-60, and answer the following questions: What is “culture shock? What about “culture fatigue”?2. What can you do to manage culture fatigue?Culture Shock/Fatigue Unit 4Culture Shock/Fatigue What is “culture shock? /“culture fatigue”?People use the term “

2、to describe what happens whenever a person encounters a culture different from his or her own.”According to scholars of intercultural communication, culture shock “describes what happens when a sojourner from culture A goes to live in culture B, and needs to adapt to life there.” Yet, many scholars

3、prefer to use “culture fatigue” to describe such experience. (Snow, 2014b, p.58) Additional NoteUnit 4Culture Shock/Fatigue What can one do to manage culture shock”/”culture fatigue”?Be aware of the culture shock problem and accept it as a normal stage of the cultural adaptation process. Make friend

4、s with the local people and seek advice from them when trying to adapt to the new culture. (Snow, 2014b, p.59-60) Unit 4Culture Shock/Fatigue Which of the followings are true about people currently experiencing culture shock/fatigue?Feel excited and fresh exploring the new cultureBegin to avoid peop

5、le from the host culture and stay in their own comfort zoneStick with those who are from the same cultural background. Feel confused, overwhelmed, and less patient with the local people in the host culture. (Snow, 2014b, p.58) Unit 4Culture Shock/Fatigue Which of the followings are reasons why “cult

6、ure shock/fatigue happens?Adapting to life in a new culture is mentally, emotionally and physically draining.There is lack of emotional support in a new environment.The sojourners are far away from familiar things and people, and its hard for them to re-energize themselves. (Snow, 2014b, p.59) Unit

7、4Culture Shock/Fatigue How does “culture shock/fatigue affect intercultural encounters?(Para.5, line2-6)“In an unfamiliar linguistic, physical and social environment, it is quite common to experience stress and confusion when confronted with new ideas and behaviours. This experience can be very upse

8、tting for sojourners (and long-term settlers) and how they respond can have a profound impact on the quality and lasting impact of their stay abroad.” (Jackson, 2014, p.190) Unit 4Culture Shock/Fatigue How does “culture shock/fatigue affect intercultural encounters?When sojourners are experiencing c

9、ulture shock, they might have negative feelings (mentioned before). Because of such negative state of mind, once they run into problems in intercultural encounters, they might not be patient enough to look at things from others perspective and might respond with a more critical attitude. (Snow, 2014

10、b, p.59) Unit 4Unit 4Discuss what you think would be hardest for Chinese living in the US to adapt to. Unit 4Unit 4List all the things a Chinese person could do to cope with culture shock living in the West.Unit 4Unit 4Unit 4Unit 4Read the situation (Snow, 2014b, p. 72)How do you think Xiao Yang fel

11、t when she saw that Ms. Merrick didnt look very happy to see her? What conclusion might Xiao Yang jump to?Why doesnt Ms. Merrick seem happy to see Xiao Yang? List as many possible explanations as you can think of, including at least one of each of the followings:An explanation based on personal fact

12、ors;An explanation based on the situation;An explanation based on culture differences.Unit 4Unit 41) Ms. Merrick is surprised, and perhaps a little annoyed, because Xiao Yang didnt let her know she was coming.2) Ms. Merrick isnt annoyed that Xiao Yang came by, although she is a little annoyed that s

13、he now has to turn Xiao Yang away. However, she has planned to do something else this evening and isnt going to change her plan just because Xiao Yang came by.3) Ms. Merricks invitations were meant to be polite more than serious, and she really didnt want Xiao Yang to visit.Unit 44) Ms. Merrick was

14、in a bad mood for reasons unrelated to Xiao Yangs visit. Perhaps she didnt feel well, or something unpleasant had happened.5) Ms. Merrick is not really unhappy to see Xiao Yang, but for some reason this was an inconvenient time and she was caught off guard. At another time she would be happy to see

15、Xiao Yang.6) Ms. Merrick doesnt have any specific plan for the evening, but was looking forward to a free evening, and was disappointed when Xiao Yang showed up. (She likes Xiao Yang, but sees Xiao Yang as a student, hence as part of her work life.)Unit 4Unit 4A little unusual. In a situation like t

16、his, it would be more likely for Westerners to make a conscious effort to appear pleased to see Xiao Yang. However, Ms. Merricks behavior is not extremely strange by Western standards.Unit 4What should Xiao Yang do? List several ways Xiao Yang could respond to the situation (either during her encoun

17、ter or after it)Unit 4Unit 4Unit 4Visiting: It is very common for Westerners to arrange a time before going to visit people. Even when Westerners decide on the spur of the moment to go visit someone with whom they have made no previous arrangements, they may call in advance to let others know that t

18、hey are coming.Unit 4Westerners also feel less obligated to host uninvited guests than would be the case in Chinese culture. This does not mean that Westerners take the obligation to be a good host lightly; in fact, most Westerners do feel that it is important to be a good host for guests. However,

19、unlike cultures where a host would have no choice but to invite an uninvited guest in, many Westerners would feel that they had a choice.Unit 4Spending time alone: Many Westerners feel it is a good thing to have some personal time, i.e. to spend some time alone doing whatever they want to. (Alone do

20、es not necessarily mean being lonely.) This time might be used for reading, writing, exercise, watching TV, working on a hobby, or almost any other activity, but to many people what is as important as the activity itself is that they can choose what to do with that time. This may be seen as a reflec

21、tion of the Western emphasis on individualism.Unit 4Scheduling: Many Westerners schedule their time quite carefully; it is not unusual for Westerners to plan schedules several days in advance. Some Westerners are quite flexible about changing their plans if something unexpected happens, such as the

22、arrival of a surprise visitor. Others tend to stick to their original plan, and might respond to unexpected visitors by asking them to come back at some later time.Unit 4Polite invitations: Among Westerners, some invitations are polite invitations, i.e. invitations that people make mainly in order t

23、o be polite in a social situation. In Western culture, the difference between polite invitations and real invitations is that polite invitations are usually very vague - no time and place are set - whereas real invitations will generally include some effort to arrange a time.Unit 4Hu, Grove and Zhua

24、ng (2010:125) write: Americans and other foreigners sometimes say things to each other - such as Lets get together soon - that are expressions of goodwill rather than genuine invitations. The Chinese rarely do this. If your Chinese acquaintances talk about getting together, in most cases they mean what they say, and they will invite you as pro


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