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1、小学英语六年级书面作业设计样例(下学期第16周)单元名称Module 4 Things we enjoy课题 Review 4节次第一课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)1.判断下列句子的语调是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F。意图:学生已经复习过句子的升降调,本题通过判断正误,进一步巩固学生用正确的语调朗读句子。来源:自编。2. 读一读,用所给单词的正确形式填空。 意图:学生已复习过unit10的核心词汇,通过用所给单词的正确形式填空,训练学生单元核心词汇的正确运用,巩固词汇学习。 来源:自编3. 选出与下列句子相对应的图片。意图:学生已经复习过unit 10课文的核心句型

2、,本题通过看图选择句子,进一步复习巩固核心句型。来源:自编拓展性作业(选做)1. 连词成句。Alice: There are so many books in this library.Kitty: Yes! Lets go and borrow one.Alice: Which book do you want to borrow, Kitty?Kitty: Aesops Fables. Its a great book. Do you remember the two stories“The wind and the sun”and“The fox and the grapes”? The

3、yre from this book.1) (usually,from,learn something,can,these stories, we)Alice: I see. I love storybooks. So I want to borrow Grimms Fairy Tales. The Grimm brothers wrote it.2) (adults, these stories,both,like,children,and)Kitty: I read this book before.3) (stories, the Grimm brothers, a lot of,col

4、lected,well-known)Oh,you may like Andersens Fairy Tales too.4) (interesting,in it,many,there are,fairy tales)Alice:Yes.My parents gave me this book as a Childrens Day gift.I love it.意图:学生已经复习了Unit 10的内容,本题进一步在具体交际语境中巩固强化相关核心语言,培养学生交际能力和句子书写能力。来源:自编2.时文阅读。Hans AndersenThis is a statue of Hans Anderse

5、n.It is in Denmark.Andersen was a famous Danish writer.He lived from 1805 to 1875.He wrote a lot of fairy tales.These stories often have animal or magic in them.One of Andersens famous stories is The Little Mermaid.A mermaid is half-woman and half-fish,and lives under the sea.The Ugly Duckling is th

6、e story of a little duck.He does not look like the other ducks.They say he is ugly.But he grows into a beautiful swan.Thumbelina is the story of a tiny girl.She is the same size as a thumb.She talks with a fish,a butterfly,a mouse and other small animals.Children and adults all around the world enjo

7、y Hans Andersens stories.Here is another statue of him.This statue is in New York.A.Use the letters to write names of animals in the reading text.(用所给字母组成文中出现过的动物名。)1.k/l/I/d/u/g/c/n 2.t/e/y/b/u/t/r/f/l 3.o/e/u/m/s 4.a/s/w/n B.Complete the information table.(填空完成信息表。)1Name: Andersen2Born: 1805 Died:

8、 3Nationality: 4Writer of tales,including The Mermaid.C.Complete the sentences.(填空完成句子。)1.A mermaid is half-woman and half- .2.The ugly duckling becomes a beautiful .3.Thumbelina is the same size as a .意图:学生已经综合复习unit 10的内容,本题提供拓展的时文阅读,训练学生的跳读、速读等阅读技能,加强学生提炼信息的能力,通过阅读短文,训练学生的综合语言运用能力。来源:自编3. 请以“My f

9、avourite story”为题,画一画,介绍一下你最喜欢的故事。Which story do you like? When did you read the story? Who wrote it? What is the story about? Why do you like it?My favourite storyMy favourite story is .I read the story . (name)wrote the story.The story I like it because 意图:学生已经复习了如何围绕 “童话故事”完成写作,本题通过画一画、写一写,进一步激发学

10、生创造性写作的动力。提示问题可以帮助学生理清写作逻辑。来源:自编单元名称Module 4 Things we enjoy课题 Review 4节次第二课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)根据所给首字母补全单词。意图:学生已经复习过了Unit 11的核心词汇,本题通过呈现具体的语境,巩固学生对核心词汇的书写和运用。来源:自编2. 单项选择。意图:学生已经复习了Unit 11核心词汇、句型和语法,本题通过单项选择,帮助学生进一步巩固运用所学的核心表达,尤其是介词的运用。来源:自编3.请选择合适的单词填空。意图:学生已经复习了 Unit 11的核心表达;本题通过选择辨析,进一步强

11、化学生对核心词汇的运用。来源:自编拓展性作业(选做)1. 阅读短文,判断正误,正确填T ,错误填 F 。Learning languagesA good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child, and some children who live abroad with their parents seem to learn two languages almost

12、 as easily as one. In school it is not easy to learn a second language because the students have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects. Our mind is rather like a camera. When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to be s

13、hown to our friends. In the same way there is much work to do before we can keep a picture forever in our mind.( )1.Remembering what they read is the way for young kids to lean their own language.( )2.Some children live abroad learn two languages more easily.( )3.It is easier(更容易)to learn a second l

14、anguage in school.( )4.Peoples mind is like a camera which can record and reappear things.( )5.There is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to be shown.意图:本题通过拓展文本阅读,培养学生略读寻找关键信息的能力,提高学生的语言综合运用能力。来源:自编2. 选择适当的句子,完成对话。意图:本题通过完成情景对话,培养学生语言交际能力和综合运用能力。来源:自编3.一年中有很多节日,你最喜欢哪个节日?请以“My favour

15、ite festival ”为题,写一篇小短文进行介绍吧!不少于六句话。提示:What is your favourite festival? When is it? What do people usually do at the festival? Hows the festival? Why do you like it?My favourite festivalMy favourite festival is .It is on .People usually 意图:本题通过联系学生的生活实际,训练学生联系生活、观察生活,并运用语言描述节日相关信息的语言综合运用能力。来源:自编单元名称

16、Module 4 Things we enjoy课题 Review 4节次第三课时基础性作业(必做)1. 读一读,判断划线部分的读音。相同的打“”,不同的打“”。意图:学生已经复习过元音组合的发音规律,本题通过判断发音异同,进一步加强学生对语音的辨析。来源:自编2. 读一读,用所给单词的正确形式填空。意图:学生已复习过unit 12的核心词汇,通过用所给单词的正确形式填空,训练学生单元核心词汇的正确运用,巩固词汇学习。来源:自编3. 读一读,给下列图片选择合适的句子。意图:学生已经复习过unit 12课文的核心句型,本题通过看图选择句子,进一步复习巩固核心句型。来源:自编拓展性作业(选做)1.

17、 选择适当的句子,完成对话。意图:本题进一步在具体交际语境中巩固强化相关核心语言,培养学生交际能力和语言综合运用能力。来源:自编阅读理解。意图:学生已经综合复习unit 10的内容,本题提供拓展的时文阅读,训练学生的跳读、速读等阅读技能,加强学生提炼信息的能力,通过阅读短文,训练学生的综合语言运用能力。来源:自编3. unit12 课文中的五颗小豌豆命运各不相同,第五颗小豌豆说想做有意义的事,它做到了。同学们,你们想为家人、朋友、学校或社区,做哪些有意义的事情?请写一段话说一说,至少六句话。提示:What will you do for your family, friends, school

18、 and community? I will .Do something useful and meaningfulI will I will I 意图:学生已经复习了五颗豌豆的小故事,本题借助故事的教育意义,让学生联系生活写作。提供语言框架,训练学生运用单元核心词汇和句型写作的能力,强化单元核心语言的运用。来源:自编单元名称Module 4 Things we enjoy课题Review 4节次第四课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)选择合适的单词补全句子,将字母序号写在括号里。意图:学生在本模块已经学习这些核心词汇,本题利用选词填空,巩固学生对核心词汇的辨析和在具体语境

19、中的使用。来源:自编单项选择。意图:本题通过呈现具体的语境,训练对本模块核心语法的理解和运用。来源:自编3.请以单词的适当形式填空。意图:在学生掌握本模块核心词汇的基础上,巩固词汇在句子中的变形运用,训练学生词汇和语法综合能力。来源:自编拓展性作业(选做)阅读短文,判断正误,正确填T,错误填F。A tiger and a fox live in the forest. The tiger is the King of the Forest.One day,he is very hungry,so he looks for some food. He sees the fox and quickly catches him.The fox is afraid,but he has a good idea.He says,“I am the King of the Forest.You cant eat me.Follow me and youll see what I mean.”The tiger follows the fox into the forest.When the little animals see the tiger following


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