



1、Leaves of GrassBook 3. Song of Myself(42)byWalt Whitman草叶集第三卷歌唱自我(第四十二节)沃尔特惠特曼著飘在风中的人译LEAVES OF GRASS草之叶Come, said my soul,来吧,我的灵魂说道,Such verses for my Body let us write, (for we arc one,)为了我的肉体,让我们写下这些诗,(因为我们是密不可分的整体)That should I after return, 这样如果以后我将归来, Or. long, long hence, in other spheres, 也许

2、,在很久,很久以后,在另外的星体或空间,There to some group of mates the chants resuming, 在那里朝着某一群伙伴,我将把这些颂歌重新颂唱, (Tallying Earths soil, trees, winds, tumultuous waves,)(把地球的土壤、树木、风儿和汹涌波浪逐一地清点)Ever with pleasd sniile I may keep on.我会带着喜悦的微笑永不放弃,Ever and ever yet the verses owningas. first. I here and now 永永远远地把这些诗篇拥有就像

3、此时此刻的我一样,首先, Signing for Soul and Body, set to them my name.为了更魂和肉体而签下名字,把我的名字嵌在它们上面。Walt Whitman沃尔特惠特曼BOOK III第三卷Song of Myself(42) 歌唱自我(第四十二节)42A call in the midst of the crowd, 这是从人丛的中央传出一声呼唤, My own voice, orotund sweepmg and filial. 它是发自我自己的声音,宏大,横扫一切,决定了一切。Come my children, 来,我的孩子, Come my boy

4、s and girls, my women, household and mtmiates, 来,我的姑娘我的少年,我的女人,我的家人我的亲朋密友, Now the perfbnner launches his nerve, he lias passd his prelude on tlie reeds withm. 此刻这演奏者在迸发出他的力量,他已用内心的簧片把他那序曲传达。Easily written loose-fingerd chordsI feel the thrum of your climax and close.这是随意书写的自由弹拨的弦声-我感觉到了你在高潮与结尾时的轻松与

5、随意。My head slues round on my neck, 我的头颅绕着脖子摇晃摆动, Music rolls, but not fi-om the organ, 音乐翻滚,但它并不来自风琴, Folks are around me, but they are no household of mine. 亲人们在我身边,但是他们并不与我住在同一个屋顶。Ever the hard iinsunk ground, 这里总有坚固而不沉的大地, Ever the eaters and dnnkers, ever the upward and downward sun, ever the ai

6、r and the ceaseless tides这里总有咀嚼食物饮汤啜水的人们,总有朝升暮落的太阳,总有空气与不歇的潮汐,Ever myself and my neiglibors, refreshing, wicked, real,这里总有我和我的邻居,讨人喜欢、满腹诡计、真实不虚,Ever the old inexplicable queiy ever that thomd thumb, that breatli of itches and thirsts, 这里总有古老而没有答案的质疑,总有被刺扎伤的拇指,和酥痒而饥渴的呼吸, Ever the vexers hoot! hoot! t

7、ill we find where the sly one hides and bring lum forth, 这里总有侵扰人心者发出的鸣枭一样的胡特!胡特!的叫声,直到我们找到这狡猾 的家伙藏身的地方,并把他带上前来, Ever love, ever the sobbing liquid of life, 这里总有爱,总有在呜曲着流动的生命,Ever the bandage under the chin, ever the trestles of death.这里总有绷着下巴的绷带,总有承载死亡的尸床。Here and there with dunes on the eyes walkin

8、g, 一些人这里那里地走着,他们死后眼睛要盖上硬币才能合上, To feed the greed of the belly the branis liberally spooiiuig, 他们为了满足内心的贪欲把脑汁绞尽,Tickets buying, taking, sellmg, but in to the feast never once going,他们不停地购买证案 拿走证券,再贩卖证券,自己却从没看吃过盛宴大餐,Many sweating, ploughing, thrashing, and then the chaff fbr payment receiving,有很多人流汗、耕

9、耘、打场,可是收到的报酬却是麦草糠枇,A few idly owning, and they the wheat contmually claumng.而有一小伙人无所事事却富有宽裕,麦子总是归了他们。This is the city and I am one of the citizens,这就是这座城市,我是这市民中的一员,Wliatever interests the rest mterests me, politics, wars, markets, newspapers, schools,别人感兴趣的一切,都是我的兴趣所在,政治、战争、市场、报纸、学校,The mayor and c

10、oiuicils, banks, taiiffs, steamships, factones, stocks, stores, real estate and personal estate.市长和市议会、银行、税务、蒸汽船、工厂、股票、商店、房地产和私人财产。The little plentiful maniknis skippmg around in collars and taiFd coats众多的小小株儒到处蹦蹦跳跳,他们戴着硬领,身穿晚礼服.I am aware who they are, (they are positively not wonns or fleas,)我了解他们

11、是什么样的人,(他们决不是蛆虫或跳蚤,)I acknowledge the duplicates of myself, the weakest and shallowest is deathless with me,我明白他们就是复制出来的另一个我,那最虚弱的和最浅薄的也会与我在一起永生。Wliat I do and say the same waits fbr them, 我所做的和我所说的,他们同样将说将做. Every thought that floiuiders in me the same floiuiders in them. 在我脑海中扑腾的每一个想法,也同样在他们的脑海中扑腾

12、。I know perfectly well my own egotism, 我十分地了解我自己的自负与自大, Know my omnivorous Imes and must not write any less, 我理解我这内容庞杂的歌词,而且必须写得一点不拉, And would fetch you whoever you are flush with myself. 不论是谁,我都要把你找来,让我自己使你激情喷涌,Not woids of routine tins song of mine, 我的这一首歌不使用落于俗套的词语, But abruptly to question, to

13、leap beyond yet nearer bung; 而是要莽撞地提出问题,要远远地跃出,可又把一切拉得更近。 This prmted and boiuid book-but the pnnter and the printing-office boy? 这是一本印好又装订好的书-一但你是否看到了那印刷工人和印书局的小伙计? The well-taken photographsbut your wife or fiiend close and solid in your arms? 这是一些精心拍摄的照片-但你是否看到了实实在在地紧紧环抱于你臂弯中的妻 子和朋友?The black shi

14、p maild with iron, her mighty gims in her tiiiTets-but the pluck of the captam and engineers?这是一艘装上了铁甲的黑色的船,炮塔上立着威力强大的舰炮-但你是否看到了船 长和机械师表现出的勇气?In the houses the dishes and fare and fhmiture-but the host and hostess, and the look out of their eyes?这是屋子里的盘盏、饭菜和家具-但你是否看到了房子的男女主人:以及他们眼中 的神情?The sky up there_yet here or next door, or across the way?这是头顶上的天空但你是否也看到了你的脚下,你的邻居,和你的对门?The samts and


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