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1、猎头服务协议Headhunting Service ContractBetween And Shanghai 【】 Shi Ye Co., Ltd. xx【】实业有限公司 【办公地址】Tel电话: Tel电话:Contact person联系人: Contact person联系人:Referred to as “Party A” Referred to as “Party B”以下简称为“甲方” 以下简称为“乙方” Party A and Party B through consultation hereby agree upon, and shall be bound by, the fo

2、llowing terms and conditions: 甲乙各方经友好协商, 同意并签订以下条款:1. Service 服务Party A commissions Party B with the responsibilities of searching for, selecting and then recommending the suitable candidates according to the requirements of the various positions甲方委托乙方依照甲方不同的职位要求,检索、筛选合适的人选推荐给甲方。Party A will provide

3、 materials including company background, investment scale, establishing time, business scope, organization structure, and company culture, etc.甲方将向乙方提供关于资料文件资料,如公司背景,投资规模,设立时间,业务范围,组织架构,企业文化等等。Party A will give detailed job description of each position, in which each requirement shall be as specifie

4、d as possible, as well as salary package and welfare equivalent to the position.甲方将向乙方提供详细的职位描述,且每一个职位要求必须尽可能详细,包括相关的薪资福利。Detailed reference checks on candidates are made by Party B upon party As request. Party B can only provide the reference check after candidates get offer from Party A.乙方应根据甲方的要求

5、对候选人的背景做专业的调查。但背景调查需在候选人被甲方成功聘用之后进行。Party A shall send Party B a copy of the offer letter within 5 working days after it is signed by Party A and the candidate recommended by Party B.甲方应在乙方推荐人员正式上班后五个工作日内书面通知乙方。 HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) 解析2. Service Fee 服务费Position职位Service fee服务费Alll Position所有

6、职位% of total annual remuneration年薪的%The minimum charge for each position will be RMB最低收费标准:【】元人民币Notes:A, The “successfully employed” in this contract means that Party A and the candidate recommended by Party B have signed a formal labour contract and the latter has started working for Party A (prob

7、ation period included).B, The “total annual remuneration” in this contract includes the gross annual salary plus guaranteed bonuses, sign-on bonus, commission, job-related allowances including meal, accommodation and transport allowance, etc.(the amount of “total annual remuneration” is determined b

8、y the labour contract signed by Party A and the candidate recommended by Party B).注:A, 本协议所称的成功聘用是指甲方与乙方推荐的候选人签订了聘用协议并且该被聘用人员已正式在甲方工作(试用期也视为正式工作期间)B. 年薪总额指税前一年的总收入年薪总额= 基本工资 + 餐贴+ 车贴+ 住房补贴 + 年度各种可确定的奖金(以甲方与乙方推荐的候选人签订的劳动协议确定的金额为准)协议价款及支付期限、方式条款是服务协议的重要条款,协议各方可对此进行自由协商,明确的商定能保障受托方收取足额的报酬,也能避免受托方要求委托方支

9、付额外的报酬而给委托方造成不必要的损失。对于协议价款的支付方式,协议当事方可根据实际情况选择一次性支付或者分期支付。需要注意的是,此类依据项目实施进程商定协议价款支付时间的协议,应在协议中明确商定项目实施的不同阶段,且对于每一阶段的履行标准,各方都应达成一致建议或意见,避免各方在服务提供过程中造成或产生费用纠纷。 HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) 解析3 Time Limit and Method of Payment 付款期限及方式Party B will send an invoice for the Service Fee to Party A within 5

10、days after the successful candidate is on board. 乙方将在候选人开始工作之日起五日内,向甲方开具发票。Party Bs fee structure is based on prompt payment, which means that Party A shall pay for the service fee within _ (_) days from the date of invoice; otherwise the terms of Clause 5 and 6 will not be applicable. 甲方需及时支付服务费用,即

11、从甲方收到发票之日起_天内,甲方必须支付相应的服务费用;否则,条款5将不再适用。Bank of Deposit:Account: Shanghai【】Co. Ltd.Account number:开户银行:户名:xx【】有限公司银行帐号:4 Other fees 其他费用Out of pocket such as the interview travel expense will be charged to Party A, but need to be approved by Party A in advance.如有面试差旅费发生,在事先取得甲方书面同意情况下,由甲方承担。5. Servi

12、ce Guarantee 服务保证If the employment is terminated within the first three (3) months by either employee or employer due to dissatisfaction, Party B will undertake a replacement search without additional charge. Or, upon Party As decision, Party B provides free service for another position at the same

13、level. If a candidate is not successfully employed, Party B shall refund _% of the Service Fee prepaid by Party A.由乙方推荐给甲方并由甲方聘用的人员,自其开始在甲方工作之日起三个月之内,如发生聘用终止,乙方应为甲方免费提供一次相同职位的人才服务,或由甲方决定由乙方免费提供同等级另一职位的人才服务并使其成功被聘用。如未被成功聘用,乙方将向甲方返还甲方已经支付的费用的_%。This replacement guarantee is not applicable when the can

14、didate is impacted due to a downturn in business, closure of business, company takeover, reorganisation or other circumstances, which seriously changes the nature of the position that the candidate is originally hired for. This includes changes to the offer or job profile.替代候选人推荐服务在以下情况下不适用:因甲方公司业务低

15、迷,关闭,被收购,重组或者其他因素致使原来职位性质发生改变的情况发生,使得候选人受到影响。同时还包括聘用书或职位描述的变更。 HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) 解析6. Service Limit 服务限制Party B will not offer any other employment opportunities to successful candidates once he/ she has accepted employment with Party A under this assignment.乙方推荐的候选人被甲方成功聘用后,乙方将不再向该候选人提供其

16、他工作机会。Party B will not approach Party As staff in China for outside employment opportunity within the contract. In the event Party A and Party B agree in writing to terminate the contract prematurely, the above condition shall not apply.在协议期内,乙方不会主动联系甲方的雇员并为其提供外部工作机会,但甲乙各方在协议期内书面同意终止协议,则不在此例。All Par

17、ty Bs employees have contracted not to divulge confidential information about Party A.所有乙方雇员商定对甲方秘密信息进行保密。 HYPERLINK javascript:void(0) 解析7. Candidate Recommended by Party B 乙方推荐人员Any candidates introduced by Party B to Party A (either in person or by resume or in other ways) will be deemed Party Bs

18、 candidates for a period of 12 months from the initial introduction. For any candidates subsequently employed by Party A in any capacity within this period,Party A shall pay Service Fee to Party B according to the Article 2 of this contract.任何由乙方向甲方所推荐的人员(无论是通过当面介绍,简历或者其他途径),在自推荐之日起十二个月内,前述人员均被视为乙方推

19、荐人员。在此期限内,如甲方与乙方推荐人员发生聘用与被聘用关系,甲方均应按本协议第2条之规定向乙方支付相应费用。If Party A finds the candidate referred by Party B is a duplicate presented by other resources earlier, Party A should advise Party B in writing within 1 days from receiving Party Bs candidate report, otherwise the candidate shall be deemed as b

20、eing referred by Party B.若乙方所推荐的候选人与甲方从其他途径收到的相关候选人的资料文件资料有所重复,甲方将在收到乙方推荐人员报告后的一天内通知乙方,否则,所推荐的候选人视为乙方推荐。8. Contract Term 协议期限This agreement becomes valid on the date stated once both parties have signed. It shall be valid for a period of 12 months and shall be renewed automatically each year subsequ

21、ently unless terminated by either party.此协议自各方签订之日起生效。除非经各方协商终止,否则有效期为12个月。且除非一方提出终止,则将来每年自动更新生效。However, if any following situation occurs, Party A shall unilaterally terminate this contract:但发生如下情形时,甲方可以单方面解除本协议:a) Party B is declared to be bankrupt, or applies to dissolve, or is written off by th

22、e industrial and commercial authority;a) 乙方被宣告破产、或申请解散、被xx机关注销的,或不具备、丧失从事本协议所必需的经营范围的;b) Due to the change of the market conditions, Party B fails to completely fulfil contractual obligations;b) 因市场情况发生变化,致使乙方无法完全履行协议义务的;c) Due to Party Bs breach of contact including but not limited taking the initi

23、ative to contact Party As employees and to provide outside opportunities for them or any other behaviour, which will lead to that Party A fails to achieve the target of this contract, then Party A shall have the right to terminate this contract and require Party B to return the relevant fees paid by

24、 Party A, and to require Party B to bear the responsibilities for breach of contract;c) 乙方有违约行为包括但不限于主动联系甲方的雇员并为其提供外部工作机会或有其他行为致使甲方未能实现本协议目的的,甲方有权解除本协议,并有权要求乙方返还甲方已经支付的全部费用并赔偿损失;d) During this contract Party B definitely expresses or shows that it would not perform the rights and obligations agreed

25、in this contract through its conducts to lead to Party As failure for the contractual purpose, Party A shall have the right to terminated this contract and require Party B to return the relevant fees paid by Party A, and to require Party B to bear the responsibilities for breach of contract;d) 在本协议期

26、限内,乙方明确表示或者以自己的行为表示其不履行本协议商定的权利义务的,致使甲方未能实现协议目的的,甲方有权解除本协议,并有权要求乙方返还甲方已经支付的费用,并要求乙方赔偿损失;e) In case of any Party B breach of contract, Party A shall interpellate Party B to correct, if after 7 working days on the date of Party As interpellation Party B fails to correct, Party A shall have the right t

27、o terminate this contract and require Party B to return the relevant fees paid by Party A, and to require Party B to bear the responsibilities for breach of contract;e) 乙方有其他违约行为,经甲方催告纠正,在收到甲方催告后7个工作日内不纠正的,甲方有权解除本协议,并有权要求乙方返还甲方已经支付的费用,并要求乙方承担违约责任;f) other situations stipulated by laws and regulation

28、s.f) 法律法规规定的其他情形。9. Responsibilities for Breach of Contract 违约责任Where Party B disobeys any terms and conditions of this contract, Party A shall have the right to require Party B to correct it, and Party B shall correct it in a swift manner.乙方违反本协议任何条款的,甲方有权要求乙方予以更正,乙方应当立即更正。Where Party B breaks any

29、provision of this contract, Party B shall compensated the liquidated damages with the total of RMB 【】. Due to Party Bs breach of contract the losses incurred by Party A exceed this liquidated damages, and Party B shall compensate Party A the excess part.乙方违反本协议的商定,需向甲方支付违约金为人民币【】元(RMB【】)。因乙方违反本协议致使甲

30、方遭受的损失超过该违约金的,乙方还应向甲方赔偿超过部分的损失。10. Settlement of Dispute 争议的解决Any dispute arising from or in connection with the interpretation or implementation of this Contract shall be settled by both parties through amicable negotiation.协议各方就本协议或本协议项下条款的说明或履行发生争议时,应以善意通过协商解决。This agreement is subject to the law

31、s of China.本协议遵从中华人民共和国法律。After 7 working days since the beginning of the consultation agreed by the preceding paragraph the dispute still fails to be resolved, it shall through Shanghai Arbitration Commission be settled according to the present arbitration rules of the commission. The arbitral awar

32、d shall be binding and final upon any party hereto.前款规定的协商开始之后经过七个工作日仍未能解决争议时,应通过xx仲裁委员会依照该委员会的现行仲裁规则进行。仲裁裁决是终局的,对任何一方当事人均有约束力。The costs related to the arbitration, including arbitration fees, the lawyer fees, shall be borne by the losing party. And except as otherwise provided in the arbitral award

33、, other expense shall be borne by the party hereto who respectively paid the fees.与仲裁相关而发生的费用包括仲裁费、律师费,应由败诉方负担。除仲裁裁决另有规定外,当事人各自支出的其他费用,由进行该支出的当事人负担。11. Force Majeure 不可抗力Due to the earthquake, storm, flood, terrorist acts, fire disasters, the change, modification and termination of the relevant gove

34、rnment decrees, or other force majeure that could not foresee, evade or overcome, the party or both parties fail to fulfil the obligations provided in this contract, except as the obligation prescribed by paragraph 2 of this clause, the party shall not bear any responsibility to the other party.由于地震

35、、暴风雨、洪水、战争、恐怖行为、火灾,关于政府法令的变更、修改或废止,或者由于其他未能预见、未能避免、未能克服的不可抗力,致使一方当事人或各方当事人无法履行本协议规定的义务时,除本条第2款规定的义务外,该当事人不向对方当事人承担任何责任。The party who fails to fulfil the obligations agreed in this contract according to the abovementioned paragraph shall through telex or fax or other efficient means give notice to th

36、e other party on the force majeure, and within 5 days after this notice by the means of the registered letter send to the other party the situations of the force majeure, the excuses for the failure of the fulfilment of this contract or the need for postponing the contract and the relevant valid doc

37、uments.依据前款规定无法履行本协议规定的义务的当事人必须立即以电传或传真号码方式或其他有效方式将不可抗力的情况通知对方当事人,并在该通知后5天以内用挂号信将不可抗力发生情况的说明及无法履行本协议或需延期履行的理由以及与此关于的有效证明资料文件送交对方当事人。In case the force majeure lasts for over 10 days, any party hereto shall terminate this contract immediately.不可抗力延续10天以上时,任何一方当事人均可立即解除本协议。12. Other 其他While Party B use

38、s their best endeavour to search and recommend suitable and capable candidates, Party B shall not assume responsibility for candidates chosen and employed by Party A. Party B will not be liable to Party A for any direct or indirect losses that may arise from appointments of referred candidates乙方需努力搜

39、寻并且推荐适合候选人给甲方,但乙方对于甲方对候选人的筛选和雇用不承担任何义务或责任。乙方也没有义务承担由推荐候选人给甲方带来的直接或者间接的损失。但由于乙方故意隐瞒或者伪造其向甲方推荐的候选人的信息而致使甲方聘用该候选人而发生的损失(包括直接损失和间接损失)的情况下,乙方应当承担违约责任。Party A shall keep the candidates materials confidential provided by Party B, and strictly limit the scope of people getting the materials. Party A shall n

40、ot use the candidates materials for any purpose other than employing its own employee. Party A shall not give the candidates materials to a third party. Similarly, Party B should undertake the obligation to keep all information confidential provided by Party A, it shall bear the liability for breach of contract.甲方应对乙方提供的人员资料文件资料保密,并严格监控内部人员知情范围,不得将乙方提供的人员资料文件资料用于任何非自己聘用内部职工或员工的目的,


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