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1、小学英语五年级书面作业设计样例(下学期第3-4周)单元名称Unit 3 In the future 课题Listen and sayLook and learn节次第1课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)读一读,根据首字母填空。Lucy and Tom do e_ every morning.Dont s_ up, Sally. Sit down, please.Im sorry, Miss Fang.Mrs Chen Likes to get up e_. She gets up atsix oclock every morning.I like helping peop

2、le. I will be a policeman in the f_ .Come and see this magic m_. You can see thehouse of the future.意图:学生通过读句子理解句意,填入关键词,帮助学生理解核心句型并加强了对核心单词的运用。来源:新编单项选择。( ) = 1 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT Kitty wants to _ about her future.knowing B. knows C. know( ) = 2 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT Will she _ long hair?be B. have

3、C. has( ) = 3 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT Ann likes singing and she can sing well. Shell be a _ in the future.doctor B. nurse C.singer( ) = 4 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT Linda _ have long hair in the future.Wont B. doesnt C.isnt( ) = 5 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT John will _ in Beijing in 15 years.work B. works C.working意图

4、:通过选择帮助学生进一步理解和巩固了本课的核心句型,掌握语法知识如want to do和will引导的一般将来时的用法。来源:新编看图读一读,写粗正确的问句或答句。_Yes, I will live in Shenzhen in the future.What will Kitty do in ten year?_ No, she wont. She will be thin.Will Bob wear glasses in the future?_意图:通过看图写出问句和答句帮助理解句意,并能正确书写和使用核心句型will表达的一般将来时。来源:新编拓展性作业(选做)选择合适的问句或答句。(

5、 ) = 1 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT Will Kitty be a teacher in the future?_Yes, she will.Yes, she is.Yes, she does.( ) = 2 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT _She will be a doctor.What will she be in 15 years?Will she be a doctor in 15 years?When will she be a doctor?( ) = 3 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT _Yes,he will.Does Peter love

6、 his job?Will Peter love his job?Does Peter wear glasses?( ) = 4 * GB3 * MERGEFORMAT Will he do exercise?_Yes, she will.Yes, he wont.No, he wont.意图:通过选择问答句,帮助学生进一步理解核心句Will.?的用法,掌握一般将来时一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的提问和回答。来源:新编用所给单词的适当形式填空。In 20 years, Kitty will _ (be) tall and thin.Jimmy _ (want) to know about his f

7、uture.You will _ (live) in Shenzhen.My mother is taking some _ (photo) for me.Will you _ (take) your umbrella?意图:通过使用单词正确的形式填空,帮助学生理解一般将来时will+do和want to do的区别。来源:新编3.观察下列图片,写出三句或以上完整的描述图片内容的句子。意图:使用第一课时所学的核心句型进行小练笔,训练了学生的综合能力。来源:新编单元名称Unit 3 In the future课题Look and read节次第2课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(

8、必做)连词成句。意图:一般将来进行时句型操练,要求学生掌握句子的正确书写形式。来源:知识与能力训练P14页选择填空。意图:通过语言情境练习本节课重点语法点。来源:知识与能力训练P14页3.选择恰当的句子,完成对话。意图:在对话语篇中训练学生的语言交际能力,掌握在真实情境中运用一般将来时提问和回答。来源:知识与能力训练P14拓展性作业(选做)读一读,判断正误。正确的写T,错误的写F。意图:通过短文阅读来训练学生的阅读理解能力和关键信息提取能力。来源:知识与能力训练P152.读一读,根据短文回答问题。Some children wish to be writers some day. They w

9、ant to write stories or books for people to read. Thats good! Its good to write something for people to read. But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they are really good writers. They should read a lot of books, instead of watching TV and spending(花费) a lot of time playi

10、ng games when they are free. There is more fun in reading, so you want to look for more books to read. Before you decide(决定)to be a good writer, youd better say to yourself, “I must read more and more(读更多的书)!”What are some children want to be some day?_What should we do first if we want to be good w

11、riters?_Do you like reading? Why?_What will you be in the future?_意图:通过短文阅读来训练学生的阅读理解能力,除了根据文章内容回答,还设置了开放性问题,让学生结合自己的实际情况根据短文内容回答,提升学生的语言运用能力。来源:新编3.你的未来是什么样?请根据提示,写一写。意图:通过写语篇给学生提供机会操练本课所学语言和复习第二单元内容。来源:知识与能力训练P15单元名称Unit 3 In the future课题Ask and answer节次第3课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)请根据图片和括号里的提示在横

12、线上写下完整的句子,注意标点符号。意图:巩固一般将来时肯定句和否定句以及一般疑问句的句型结构。来源:改编活动手册P172. 读一读,选择恰当的句子,完成对话。意图:联系已学知识,结合上下文,创设语境,练习用英语交流获取信息。来源:活动手册P173.阅读下面短文并回答问题。New Years plansToday is New Years Day. Tony and Tina are making New Years plans. Tina says, “This year Im going to save money. I wont spend it on candy. Ill keep it

13、 in a jar under my bed. Then at the end of the year, Ill have a lot of money! Ill get more exercise this year, too. Ill join a sports club. Maybe Ill try rock-climbing. And Ill keep my room neater(更整洁). Ill clean it everySaturday. These are my New Years plans.“Theyre good plans, says Tony. Tina says

14、, “What about you, Tony? What are your New Years plans?” Tony says, “This year Ill be a good student. Ill work hard at school and do all my homework. Ill get better grades than last year. Ill read for 20 minutes before I goto sleep each night. And I wont play too many computer games.” Tina says, “Ok

15、ay. Put down your console(游戏机手柄),then!”“Oh, and one more thing,” says Tony. “This year, Im going to grow. Next year, Ill be tallerthan you!”请勾选出Tony和Tina计划做的事情。PlansTonyTinaWork hard at schoolSave moneyJoin a clubClean room every weekRead every night意图:1.培养学生阅读理解能力,提取关键信息的能力;2.通过短文向学生传输良好的生活方式和制定新年计

16、划的意识。来源:新编拓展性作业(选做)_NameName:JeannieAge:12Favourite subjects: MathsFuture looking:prettyFuture city: LiverpoolFuture job: doctorFuture family:big family意图:1.巩固一般将来时和一般现在是疑问句的结构;2.结合生活,创设语境用英语进行交流。来源:新编2.阅读下面四个孩子对未来15年的计划,并回答问题。Hello. My name is Brian. I like math. Im very good withnumbers. In 15 yea

17、rs, I will be an engineer. After school, I will study engineering at college. Then I will become an engineer and Ill build roads and bridges.Hello. Im Tanya. Im good at playing the violin. I love music and I practice every day. I will practice a lot and Ill get better and better. In 15 years, I will

18、 be a musician. I will play the violin in an orchestra(管弦乐团).Hi. Im Becky. I like science. In 15 years, I will be a scientist. After school, I will study science at college. Then I will become a scientist. I will work in a laboratory. My name is Derek. I love baking. Look at my tarts! We have cookin

19、g class at school and I love it. In 15 years, I will be a pastry chef(糕点师). Ill go to a cooking school and then Ill make beautiful cakes and pastries.(2(2)Name: _Favorite subject: cookingAmbition: to become a _,and make beautiful and_(1)Name: BrianFavorite subject: MathAmbition: to become an _,and b

20、uild roads and_(4(4)Name: _Favorite subject: muskAmbition: to become a _,and play in an_(3)Name: BeckyFavorite subject: _Ambition: to become a _,and work in a_意图:1.培养学生阅读理解能力和获取信息的能力;2.提供更多未来的计划,为学生规划提供更多的视角,了解更多的职业。来源:新编Que Sera Sera (顺其自然)-_When I was just a little _I asked my _What will I beWill

21、I be _Will I be_Heres what_ said to meQue sera seraWhatever will be will beThe futures not ours to seeQue Sera Sera (顺其自然)-_When I was just a little _I asked my _What will I beWill I be _Will I be_Heres what_ said to meQue sera seraWhatever will be will beThe futures not ours to seeQue sera seraWhat

22、 will be will beWhen I _I asked my _What lies aheadWill _Day after dayHeres what my _ saidQue sera seraWhatever will be will beThe futures not ours to seeQue sera seraWhat will be will beNow I _What will I beWill I be _Will I be _I _Que sera seraWhatever will be will beThe futures not ours to seeQue

23、 sera seraWhat will be will beQue Sera SeraQue Sera Sera (顺其自然)-Doris DayWhen I was just a little girlI asked my motherWhat will I beWill I be prettyWill I be richHeres what she said to meQue sera seraWhatever will be will beThe futures not ours to seeQue sera seraWhat will be will beWhen I grew up

24、and fell in loveI asked my sweetheartWhat lies aheadWill we have rainbowsDay after dayHeres what my sweetheart saidQue sera seraWhatever will be will beThe futures not ours to seeQue sera seraWhat will be will beNow I have children of my ownThey ask their motherWhat will I beWill I be handsomeWill I

25、 be richI tell them tenderlyQue sera seraWhatever will be will beThe futures not ours to seeQue sera seraWhat will be will beQue Sera Sera意图:1.体会英文歌曲的旋律,感受英文歌曲文化,培养音乐素养;2.学以致用,从一般将来时的学习中接触哲学思想。来源:新编单元名称Unit 3 In the future课题Think and writeLearn the sounds节次第4课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)读一读,划出句子中与所给单

26、词划线部分发音相同的字母组合。意图:本单元学习了字母字母组合ee, ea, eer, ear在单词中的发音,本题旨在训练学生对单词中含有的相同音素进行归类,第1题中和peach含有相同发音的有teacher, eating, piece, beef, beach,除了ea字母组合,还有ie,ee字母组合,训练学生不要带着定势思维做题。来源:知识与能力训练P13判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。( )1. A. tree B. three( )2. A. tea B. head( )3. A. deer B. cheer( )4. A. tear B. wear(

27、 )5. A. teach B. see意图:通过辩音判断正误让学生更加牢固地掌握四个字母组合的发音。来源:新编用所给词的正确形式填空。I _ (read) English stories tomorrow.Mary _ (live) in Shanghai in 15 years.John and Sam _ (have) good jobs in the future.The old man _ (not see) a film next weekend.Kitty often _ (play) chess with her cousin.Look! The birds _ (sing)

28、in the tree.意图:本题要求学生根据句子提示准确找出其使用的时态,并用动词的正确形式填空,通过动词填空的训练帮助学生区分三种不同的时态。来源:新编拓展性作业(选做)阅读理解,根据短文回答问题。意图:本课时主要是要让学生运用第三人称来描述他人的未来生活,阅读理解的文本为第一人称,回答问题用的是第三人称,在阅读练习中实现人称描述的转换,为其后的书面表达做铺垫。来源:活动手册P18根据你同学的情况回答以下问题。Whats your classmates name? _What will he/she be like in 30 years? _What will he/she like d

29、oing then? _Where will he/she work? _What job will he/she do? _Will he/she have a family? _What will he/she do in his/her spare time? _意图:课本Think and write 部分,要求学生写一写自己的朋友未来的样貌,住在哪里和未来的职业,本题在此基础上进行了拓展,让学生尝试多角度了解自己的同学,为下一题的书面表达做好准备。来源:改编自活动手册P19根据上一题的答案,写一写一位同学的未来生活。意图:结合Think and write部分的内容,训练学生用一般将

30、来时写一写自己同学的未来生活。来源:活动手册P19单元名称Unit 3 In the future课题Revision节次第5课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)读一读,辨一辨。把下列单词划线部分与所给单词发音相同的写在相应的横线上。bread, meat, healthy, read, teach, weather, easy, hear, pear, wear, near, year, dearsea _head _ear _bear _意图:通过完成本题,帮助学生区分ea, ear两个字母组合的两种常见发音。来源:新编读一读,根据句意及开头字母补充单词。Joe is

31、lazy. He never does e_.Alice is a model student(模范学生). She always studies very h_.This cooking m_ can cook breakfast for our family.What do you want to be in the f_?Please dont s_. Come and sit here.-Shall we go to the park at 6:00? - Thats too e_. Lets go at 7:30.意图:通过完成本题,帮助学生复习巩固本课四会词,并运用于真实的语境中。

32、来源:新编用所给词的正确形式填空。There _ (be) a big shopping mall in the city next year.Kitty _ (have) two PE lessons next week.My father _ (not cook) dinner tomorrow.Tim likes _ exercise. He _ (do) exercise every day. He _ (do) exercise tomorrow morning with his friend David.Betty often _ (ride) a bike in the park

33、. Look! She _(ride) a bike. She _ (ride) a bike with her parents this Saturday morning.May _ (not have) breakfast every day.意图:目前,学生们已学习了一般现在时、现在进行时与一般将来时,动词需根据人称及时态的不同进行变化。通过完成本题,训练学生迅速抓取关键词,明确句子的时态,并对动词进行相应的变化,从而达到巩固练习的目的。来源:新编拓展性作业(选做)1.读一读,补全对话,把编号写在横线上。 A. Will you buy a new house? B. Where wil

34、l you live? C. What will you be like? D. Im drawing a picture. E. What will you be?Peter: What are you doing, Lily?Lily: (1) _ Its about me in the future.Peter: (2) _Lily: I will be tall and beautiful.Peter: (3)_Lily: I will be a dancer. I will be very famous(著名的).Peter: (4)_Lily: I will live in Sha

35、nghai.Peter: (5)_.Lily : Yes, I will live in a big new house.Peter: Thats great.意图:本题要求学生通过阅读并理解对话的大概意义后,选择正确的问句或答句进行填空。题目包含2个易混点,C,E选项的be,be like,以及4,5小题答句中均以live in作为关键信息点,需要仔细阅读,判断选择一般疑问句及特殊疑问句来提问。通过完成此题,帮助训练学生的反向思考能力以及逻辑思考能力。来源:新编Daniel收到了一封来自未来的信,请读一读,并完成短文后的练习。 A letter to myselfDear Me, I am

36、you from the year 2042. In 20 years, you will live a very happy life. Your dream of being a doctor will come true(实现). You will work very hard. Your job is difficult(困难的), but you will help and save a lot of people and families. You will be famous in your city. You will be a good swimmer, too. You w

37、ill have a strong and healthy body. You will swim like a swordfish(剑鱼) in the future. You will live in a big and nice house. There will be a beautiful garden in front of it. You will have a super-speed(超速) car too. Its awesome(棒极了). Your future is amazing and wonderful. To fulfill(实现) this, lets mak

38、e efforts(努力) now. First, you should get up early and do exercise everyday. You should swim 6 hours a week. You should study hard and learn more after class. The future is close. You can make it! Yours, Daniel请根据短文内容判断句子是否正确,并用完整句子回答问题。It is the year 2022 now. ( )Daniel will be a nurse in the future

39、. ( )Daniel will not like his job in the future. ( )In 20 years, Daniel will be a good swimmer. ( )Will Daniel live in a tall building in the future?_What should Daniel do to make his future come true?_意图:通过完成本题,训练学生的阅读理解能力、提取关键信息能力及用正确的句子回答问题的能力。同时,通过阅读短文,使学生理解到未来的美好需要今天的自己通过努力去创造。来源:改编自活动手册P96写一写。

40、同学们,未来的你是怎么样的?请你仿照拓展练习2,试试看给自己写一封信吧。Dear me,You will be _ in the year _.You will _You will also _To make your future come true. You should _Your future is close. You can make it!Yours _意图:通过仿写,巩固学生对一般将来时的掌握,训练学生的书面表达能力。同时引导学生对未来保有美好的憧憬,并愿意为之付出努力。来源:改编自活动手册P97单元名称Revision 1课题Revision 1Project 1节次第1课时作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)选出划线部分发音不同的单词。( )1. A. blue B. glue C. sure( )2. A. school B. good C. balloon( )3. A. park B. card C. skirt( )4. A. dee


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