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1、高考倒装句型M8 U4 完全倒装 :部分倒装:倒装句的分类谓语的全部放在主语之前只将助动词、情态动词或连系动词等谓语的一部分放到主语之前e.g. Seldom does he go to the cinema.e.g.1. In front of the house lies a big dog. 2. Out rushed the children.1. _shortly after it stopped raining.A.There appeared a colorful rainbow in the sky B.In the sky did a colorful rainbow app

2、ear C.There a colorful rainbow appeared in the sky D.There in the sky a colorful rainbow appeared There引导的“存在句”,常用的动词有: be,lie, come,happen,appear,seem,stand,go,exist,remain 2. Look! There_the bus!A.will come B.comesC.has come D.is coming 以here, now, there,then等副词开头的句子里Then _ a new development that

3、had far reaching effects.A. come B. coming C. came D. had come完全倒装3. The child tiptoed quietly to the bird._into the forest when he was about to catch it. A.Flew it away B.Away flew it C.Away it flew D.Flew away it 方位副词out,off,in,over,away,up,down作状语放在句首,句子用完全倒装4. Between the two mounts_and they dec

4、ide to build a ropeway(索道). A.lies a very deep valley B.does a very deep valley lie C.a very deep valley lies D.a very deep valley lays表示地点的介词短语位于句首常完全倒装。5.表语位于句首构成“形容词/过去分词/介词短语+系动词+主语结构”e.g. (1). Such is life.(2).Gone are the days when they could do what they liked.(3).Among the goods are Christma

5、s trees,flowers.2._that we couldnt catch up with him. A.So fast he ran B.So fast did he run C.So fast ran he D.Such fast did he run 含有否定意义的连接词置于句首时,用部分倒装。如:not until, neither nor , no sooner than ,hardly when ,not only but also 当so/such that结构中的so/such+adj./n.位于句首时,句子谓语用部分倒装Not until he came back di

6、d he realize how serious the matter is.1. Not until the bell rang _ in. A.do they come B.came they C.did they come D.they cameHe ran so fast that we couldnt catch up with himin the next room could hear him. 部分倒装Nowhere can you enjoy such a wonderful film.After the patients went into the office,_was

7、working. A.only a doctor did they see B.only a doctor saw theyC.only a doctor they saw D.only a doctor had they seen 3. Only since they gave up that good chance, _ to show their invention again. A.have they had no chance B.they have had no chanceC.they have no chance D.have they no chance Only后接状语(副

8、词、介词短语、状语从句)位于句首时用部分倒装Only in this way can you do it well. Only by working hard can you succeed. Only yesterday did he return me the money. Only after the accident did he have his car inspected.4. She didnt come to the party last Sunday. _,she must have made the party more exciting. A.If she came B.

9、Would she come C.Had she come D.Did she come虚拟条件句中,if有时可省略,这时语序要改为倒装语序(if虚拟条件句中有were, should或had)5. Many a time has John given me good advice. Often do we make the mistake. 以 often, many a time, well, now and again 等方式或频度副词开头的句子,要用部分倒装结构。 其他倒装情况1. You can see a large signal on the wall: _! A.Long li

10、ves the PRC B.Long live the PRC C.Long does the PRC live D.Long do the PRC live 在某些表示祝愿的感叹句中,常用部分倒装。Good luck to you, and _ all your wishes come true!A. can B. may C. must D. shouldmay置于句首可表示祝愿May you succeed.May God bless you.May you have a very happy married life.so(表示肯定),neither,nor置于句首,表示前面所说的情况

11、也适应于后者,这时常用部分倒装2. He didnt like the house and _ his wife.The first one wasnt good and _ the second.neither didnor was3. Little Tom is an orphan. _,he has to make a living by himself. A.A child as he is B.Child as he is C.Child as is he D.A child though he isas/though引导的让步状语从句,当从句中的名词、形容词、副词、动词提至句首,构成倒装Young as he is, he knows a lot.Try as he would, he couldnt do it well.Hard as he studies, he cannot pass the examination. whatever, however 跟形容词


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