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1、高考英语对话填空专项训练三No.1M : Customs Service, Ankeny Grand speaking. How may I help you?W : I can t believe this is happening. I called and ordered a 32-inch bag last Friday. (1) Btoday I found you sent a 24-inch (2) o. I was planning to use thatbag (3) dour vacation in Mexico but it doesn t seem (4) pany m

2、orebecause we ll take off on Saturday. It s only two days away. What am I (5)stodo?M : I m really sorry, madam. I ll check right (6)a. Would you please tell meyour order number?W: Its CA2938.M : Oh, just a minute. I do apologize, madam. There did seem to be a mistake. lIl have the correct (7) sbag s

3、ent to you by overnight mail right away. It will arrive intime for your Saturday trip. Again I apologize for any (8) i caused by ourmistake. I promise( 9) iwon t happen again.W : OK. Well, thank you.M : Thank you, madam, for (10) cLynch Mail. I hope you have a wonderfulvacation.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8

4、.6. 7. 8.1.But 2.one 3.during6. away 7.size 8. inconvenience 9. 10.4.possible 5. supposed9. it 10. choosingNo. 2W: Exercise me. We are doing a market survey on TV programs. Would you have time to answer a few questions?M: OK, (1) wnot?W: Lovely! (2) F, I d like to have something about (3) y. Whatjob

5、 do you do?M: IT engineering. I work (4) fa computer company.W: IT engineering. Fine. And would you mind me (5) aabout your salary?M: No, I don t mind. It s 40,000 pounds a year.W: OK. What would you say is your main reason for watching TV?M: Well, I d say that TV probably just (6) h me to kill time

6、 and (7)r.W: Fine. About your (8) c watching habitshow many hours a day onaverage do you watch TV?M: Not a lot, really I should say around two hours.W: At what (9) tof the day do you usually watch it?M: Well, a (10) laround breakfast time and then from ten twenty to midnight.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9

7、. 10.1. why2. First3. yourself 4. for 5.asking6. helps 7. relax 8. current 9. times 10.littleNo. 3W: Mr Lennes, may I interrupt you for a moment?M: Of course, Kate. Come in and have a (1)s.W: Thanks. I ve come to talk to you about my grade on my last biology project. I want to know (2)wI was given a

8、“D”.M: Well, Kate, your work was (3)s to that of another student in the classand I seriously doubted if you did the work yourself.W: I did work closely with my roommate, but let me (4) ewhy. I wasn tvery clear about the topic, so she agreed to help me with the project the night before. We worked (5)

9、tin order to finish it on time.M: Well, you were given a month to work on it. Wouldn t(6 )ihave beenbetter to start earlier rather than to wait until the (7)l minute? Each studentwas (8)s to prepare this project by her or himself. I m (9)athat mydecision remains the same. However, next week, we will

10、 (10)b studyingTropical Plants .If you like, you can make a presentation(介绍)in class and I will give you an extra mark based on that if you perform well.W: Thank you very much. I will try my best to finish it by Friday.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.(1) seat (2)why (3 )similar (4)explain (5) together(

11、6 )it (7)last (8)supposed (9) afraid (10)beNo. 4M: Hi, Susan, ( 1) hwas the vacation?W: Hi, Jack, it was excellent. I spent the first three days here with my friend Mary. Then, after a day s rest, I went to New York to see my sister and I stayed there for (2)athree days.M: Really?W: She had been eag

12、er to see me for a long time.M: So you were also excited about (3)sher.W: Of course! I hadn t seen my sister for four years. Besides that, it was my first time to see her boyfriend, Michael.M: Is he a student, too?W: No, he s working for a local travel agency. He s been to many places (4)lSan Franci

13、sco, Detroit, New Orleans, Atlanta. I can t remember the (5)nof allthe places. He set up a (6)pplan so I could see all of the famous places in NewYork City. I m sure I saw (7)aeverything.M: You re so(8)l! I haven t been to New York yet. TOC o 1-5 h z W: That s hard to (9)b.M: So tell me about those

14、interesting places in New York.W: OK. We (10)ta lot of photos. Let me show you some.M: OK.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.(1) how (2) another (3) seeing (4) like (5) names(6) perfect (7) almost (8) lucky (9) believe (10)tookNo. 5Albert: I come to (1) ato you, Bill.Bill:(2) Wfor?Albert: You lent me some

15、 magazinesthe other day, but I can t find (3) tnow.Bill:It doesn t (4) m. They are only some (5) omagazines.You don t have to return them to me if you can t find them.Albert: But I m really sorry. Id have to pay you.Bill:No, I won t hear anything (6) lthat. You know we are good friends.Albert: But I

16、 m really sorry for (7) bso careless.Bill: Let s talk (8) asomething else, Albert. How do you like to takesome new (9) m? Ive got some new ones in my drawer. You can choosewhatever you like. I don t want to let it happen again.1. . I don t want to let it happen again.1. _ 2. 3. _ 4.6. _ 7. 8. _ 9. _

17、1. apologize2. What3. them4. matter6. like7. being8. about9. magazinesAlbert: I guess Id better (10) n5. old10. not10.5.No. 6Jim: What s wrong, Ann? You dont look good.Ann: I m OK. I m just (1) t. I didn t sleep well last nightJim: That s too bad. (2) Wcouldn t you sleep well?Ann: Well, I had a drea

18、m. I (3) wup at three in the morning, and I couldn tget (4) bto sleep.Jim: Do you (5) rthe dream?Ann: Yes, I do. (6)F, a big lion came into my room and jumped on my bed.I thought it was going to eat me. I was really frightened.Jim: What happened next?Ann: Well, then I started talking to the lion. I

19、said, “Please don t eat me. Get off (7) mbed, and I will give you some food. Then maybe you will be happyand go away”.Jim: How did the dream end?Ann: Well, I closed my eyes and counted to one hundred. Then I (8) omyeyes, and the lion was gone. Bu t- Jim: But what?Ann: My cat, Poco, was sitting (9) o

20、my bed. He was watching me.Jim: Oh, now I understand. I think you should give Poco a lot of (10) ftonight.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.1. tired2.Why3.woke4.back5.remember6. First7.my8.opened9.on10.foodNo. 7M: Maths department, Doctor Webster s.W: Hello, Professor Webster, this is Janet Wang calling.

21、 I m living two doors down fyour teaching assistant, Ken Williams, Ken asked me to call you bhe has lost his voice and ca nt talk to you h.M: Lost his voice? Oh, what a s! Is there anything I can do for you?W: Well, Ken has a class this afternoon from two thirty to four and he won t be able to teach

22、 it, but he doesn t want to cit either.M: Want me to try to find somebody else to teach the class?W: No, not e. What he wants to do is to get someone to go in for him, just topass back the mid-term exam papers. Hes already mthem and they are on thedesk in his office. The whole thing wouldn t take mo

23、re than ten minutes.M: His class b at two thirty, eh? Well, I m afraid at that time I ll be oncanyway, so I can do it for him.W: Thank you very much, Professor Webster.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.1. speaking 2. from 3. because 4. himself 5. shame6. cancel 7. exactly 8. marked 9. begins 10. campusNo

24、. 8M: Come in, come in. What can I do for you?W: Professor Dorner, are you giving advanced geography c again nextterm?M: Yes, I m pon it.W: I w if I could enroll in it. I know it s a graduate course, and I mo a junior, but M: Aren t you a bit young? I ve allowed qualified seniors to take the course,

25、 and they usually have a hard time kup.W: I know. But the geography of the American West is my major i, andI vedone a lot of reading in the field. Last term I took Professor Berman s course, and I didn t find it nearly cenough.M: I see. You caren t one of those students ware out for easygrades.W: I

26、should say not. I really want to learn something.M: Well, I ll speak to Professor Berman ait. If he thinks you are ready,I lllet you enroll.W: Oh, thank you, Professor Dorner, that is really very nice of you.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.1. course 2. planning 3. wonder 4. only 5.keeping 6. interest 7

27、. challenging 8. certainly 9. who 10. aboutNo. 9W: Look. Here s a job that might (1)ato you.M: What is it? Are you sure? The last job interview you (2)sme to was a disaster.W: Well, look. It says they want a (3)s manager, and it looks like a big(4)icompany. That d be good. You might get to travel.M:

28、 What kind of company is it?W: Um, let s see. Yes, it s a _(5c)co_m_p_a_n_y that seems to bring in clothes from abroad. That s unusual, isn t it? What else? They say that the pay is really good. And Look! They give you a car to travel (6)a.That s not bad, is it?M: Do they say anything about (7)e?W:

29、No, they want someone young and (8)e. Oh, yes, they want (9)g, sothat s OK. You ve been to university. Now what else? Let s see.M: There must be some trick.W: No, the only thing is that you have to travel, but then that wshat the company (10)cfor. And you have to be able to get on well with other pe

30、ople.M: Um, perhaps I ll have a closer look at it.1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 1. appeal 2. sent 3. sales 4. international 5. clothing6. around 7. experience 8. energetic 9. graduates 10. caresNo. 10M: Are you free this Friday evening?W: Let me see. Friday evening. That s two days (1)f ?now, isn t itM: Yes.

31、Are you free then?W: I think so. Why?M: I was wondering if you would like to watch a new play? They re (2)pothe Shakespeare (3)T. My roommate went for it and came back (4)e. And,you see, I (5)hto be free this Friday evening.W: What s the name of the play?M: (6)TNight.W: Oh, no. I ve seen that three

32、time times.M: Sorry, I was joking just now. The name is (7)aThe Bicycle Thief.W: Well, it sounds interesting. But what is it about? I don su pptose it s one of those stories about the (8)spolice and the clever thief.M: Well, it is about the police and the thief, but quite different the usual type, w

33、ith a (9)sending. I have the (10)pstory here. You can read it if you like.W: Yes, please. I ll tell you if I m coming after reading the story, how sM: Sure.1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 101. from 2.putting 3.Theatre 4.excitedly 5.happen6.Twelfth 7.actually 8.stupid 9.surprising 10.printedNo. 11W: Hi, Jack. How w

34、as ( 1) yday?M: Hi, Linda. I ve been looking for you. Where have you been?W: I just did (2)svery interesting. I spent the (3)wday with dozens of littlechildren.M: That (4)slike fun.W: Yes, it was fun but exhausting! Kids have so much (5)e.M: Where did you meet all these kids?W: At the primary school

35、 down the street. I visited some (6)otheir classes in themorning, then (7)tthem some simple French in the afternoon.M: French must be very difficult for them.W: (8)A, they were very eager to(9)l. I was quite impressed.M: What did you teach them?W: One teacher gave me some sentences to practice. The

36、kids loved to repeat things out loud! Sometimes I shouted the sentences, and they shouted back at me. Other times I whispered, and they whispered back. They were very clever.M: Yes, I can (10)i.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.(1)your (2)something (3)whole (4)sounds (5)energy (6)of (7)taught(8)Actually

37、(9)learn (10)imagineNo. 12M: Look, Liu! I got a Christmas card (1)fmy sister.W: Its beautiful. Why is “Happy Holidays”(2)won the card? Christmas is only oneholiday. Shouldn t it be “Happy Holiday”, (3)wthe “s”?M: We don t just celebrate Christmas during this season.We also celebrate the New Year.W:

38、Oh, I (4)nthought about that (5)b. Theres more than one holiday at the(6)eof the year.M: Now that I m in China, I want to celebrate the holidays as the Chinese (7)d.What do you and your (8)fdo for Christmas?W: Actually, we don t do much on Christmas. It s not really a big family holiday. (9)Ypeople

39、in China (10)wrather spend Christmas Eve with their boyfriendsor girlfriends.M: So is it something like a date night?W: Yes, I guess you could say that. Christmas Eve is special, but we dont usually have any special plans for Christmas Day.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.(1)from(2)written (3)without (4

40、)never (5)before(6)end (7)do (8)family (9)Young (10)wouldNo. 13Jenny: I am having a few of my old classmates to my home for a reunion next Friday evening,Could you (1)jus?Diana: Jenny, thank you for the (2) i. I would enjoy (3) m thefriends you have spoken about. I will need to speak with Jack to se

41、e if he is (4) ftoday?Jenny: I ll. serve dinner at (5)a8:00 p.m. Does that time (6) syou both?Diana: 8:30 (7.) sfine. I ll speak to Jack tonight and I will call you to make (8)sof that.Jenny: thank you, Diana. I will be at home tonight from 7:30. Do you have my telephone number?Diana: Yes, I do.Jenn

42、y: If you can come on Friday night, I will give you my address and direction.Diana: Thank you, Jenny. Is the party to celebrate a (9) sevent?Jenny: The party is (10) fyou and Jack to meet a few new people.Diana: Jenny, it is very kind of you to do this.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.join 2. invitation

43、 3. meeting 4. free5. about6. suit 7. sounds 8. sure 9. special 10. forNo. 14M: Wow, your coat s very dirty. Did you fall?W: Yes, I had a terrible (1) ion the underground train when I was on the wayto work. Itell you, a man came up to me and (2) pout a knife. He pointed it tome.M: Oh, no. Are you al

44、l right? Did he (3)hyou?W: No, he didn t, but he took my handbag.M: (4) Twhat happened? What did you do?W:I caught hold of his knife and he (5) pme on the floor?M: Oh, no. Why did you catch hold of his knife? That s (6) d.W: I don t know. I didn t think.M: What did the (7) opassengers do? Did they h

45、elp you?W: Yes. Two men run (8) athe robber.M: Did the police come?W: Yes, the police were (9) cand two policemen came and took the robber tothe police station.M: (10) Wa story! Thank God you are all right.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.4. Then 5. pushed1. experience 2. 4. Then 5. pusheddangerous 7. o

46、ther 8. after 9. called 10. WhatNo.15You are lucky to be working in (1)sa big city that everything here is wonderful.I don t think so. Actually I don t have (2)iin city life.Why? City life seems to be very interesting and comfortable.Not really. They can (3)h enjoy sunshine because of tall buildings

47、 around theirhouses. They can hardly know (4)wseason it is. What s going on in nature seemsto have nothing to do with them.That s terrible. Sunshine and fresh air are quite (5)v. It seems that rural life isbetter. But working in a big city (6)mmuch more money (7)whardwork like farming, doesn t it?Ye

48、s, perhaps, but there is another problem. The cost of (8)lin the city is muchhigher than that in the countryside. (9)Speople ca tnmake ends meet these years.A; So that s how it is! I hadn t thought of that. I had wished to ask you to help (10)m_ find a job here. Now I give it up. I d rather live in

49、my village all my life.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.(1) such (2) interest (3) hardly (4) what (5) valuable(6) means (7) without (8) living (9) Sometimes (10) meNo. 16A car ran over an old lady. The driver just sneaked away. A warm-hearted witness called up the police. The police rushed to the spot (

50、1)safter the accident. And they are(2)ahim for some details. (P=policeman; W=witness)P: You have seen the (3)wthing, have nt you?W; Yes. I was just several feet away (4)wthe accident happened.P: How did the lady get run over?W: She was crossing the street when a car dashed at her. It was too late wh

51、en she (5)rthat.P: Was the (6)lgreen or red?W; Red for (7)s. So the lady didn t pay attention to the car coming towards her atall. The driver should have stopped his car or at least have warned the lady (8)bwhistling.P; Could you describe what the driver was like?W: Sorry. It happenedall in a sudden

52、. But I noticed the car plate. The (9)fseemed to beG” .P: Thank you. You ve helped greatly. Is it Ok that we would ask you again for proof or something else when (10)n?W: No PROBLEM. My name is Jim Bells. My number is 785416363.P: Thanks again. Bye!W: Bye!1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. _ 7. 8. 9. 10(2) asking(3)

53、whole(4) when(5) realized(1) soon(6) light(7) sure(8) by(9) first(10) neededNo. 17W: Hello.M: Hi, Sally. This is Mike.W: Oh, it s you, Mike. How have you been doing ?M: To tell you the (1) t , I m very worried about our final examinations next month. For one thing, I can t sleep.W: That s too bad. I

54、 went (2) t _the same thing last year.M: That s exactly (3) w _ I m calling you. Do you have (4) a _ suggestions for dealing with anxiety ? You know how I hate exams.W: Well, last year, the university (5) o _ a special course about how to get rid of anxiety at about this time. Have you been in (6) c

55、 _ with the Student Help Services ?M: No. I haven t had time.W: Funny, isn t it ? Just when students need help (7) m _ , we can t offer time to get it.M: Well, perhaps I should (8) f _ out more about this course. Things have got to get (9) b .W: I suggest you call the Help Services tomorrow. They op

56、en at nine in the morning. TOC o 1-5 h z M: Thanks, Sally. Ill let you know how it (10) g_.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.1.truth 2.through 3.why 4.any 5.offered 6.contact 7.most 8.find 9.better10.goesNo. 18M: Well, Mrs Wang. Do you have a (1) p _ in your stomach ?W: Yes, (2) p _ after meals.M: Let me

57、 see your X-ray result. Im afraid you need an operation right now.W: Is it so (3) s _ ?M: I m afraid so.W: Operation ? What (4) a _ my heart ?M: Let me (5) f _ your pulse. Have you been weak recently ?W: Yes, I get tired rather easily.M: Have you been losing any (6) w _ ?W: I suppose so. The mirror

58、tells me (7) t _ .M: Has anyone in your family (8) g _ heart trouble ?W: Well, both my parents have high blood-pressure, and my grandfather died of a heart attack.M: Y(9)_ heart is in a rather bad state.W: You mean I should have (10) a _ operation some day.M: Yes, very likely. 7. 8. 9. 1

59、0.5.feel1.pain 2.particularly 3.serious 4.about5.feel6.weight 7.that 8.got 9.Your10. anotherNo. 19M: Some of us are going to Japan (1)fthe summer vacation. Will you join them?W: I would go if I should have the chance. But I have to go home to (2)swith mymother because she is (3)bill in bed.M: That s

60、 too bad!W: Have you got a way to (4)syours?M: Yes, my aunt in Hawaii has (5)ime to spend my vacation with her.W: How (6) lyou are! Its a wonderful place, isn t it?M: Certainly. I suppose she ll (7)sme around some interesting places there. AndIll read some books about its (8) has well.W: As I know,


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