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1、人教版八年级下册Units 6-71. _ v. 射击; 发射 _(过去式) _ (过去分词)2. _ adj. 虚弱的; 无力的 _ n. 虚弱; 衰弱; 软弱3. _ adj. 愚蠢的; 不明事理的 _ (同义词) _ (反义词 )weaksillyweaknessstupidshotshotclevershoot4. _ v. 隐藏; 隐蔽 _(过去式) _ (过去分词)5. _ adj. 有魔力的; 有神奇力量的 _ n. 魔术师6. _ v. 使激动; 使兴奋 _ adj. 激动的; 兴奋的 _ adj. 令人激动的;使人兴奋的 _ n. 激动; 兴奋; 刺激hide magicex

2、citehid magicianexcitedexcitinghidden excitement7. _ n./adj./adv. 西方; 西部 _ adj.西方(国家)的8. _ v. 适合; 合身 adj. 健康的; 健壮的 _ n. 健壮; 健康9. _ v. 结婚 _(过去式) _ (过去分词)westWesternfitfitnessmarrymarriedmarried10. _ n. 妻子; 太太 _ (复数)11. _ v. 发光; 照耀 _ (过去式) _ (过去分词)12. _ v. 带路; 领路 _ (过去式) _ (过去分词)shonewifewives shine s

3、hone lead ledled13. _ adj. 深的; 纵身的 _ adv. 很, 非常; 深刻地, 强烈地 _ n. 深度 14. _ n. 亚洲 _ adj. 亚洲的 n. 亚洲人15. _ n. & v. 旅行; 旅游 _ n. 旅行者; 观光者16. _ v. 保护; 防护 _ n. 保护; 防卫 deepdepth deeplyAsiaAsiantourtouristprotectprotection17. _ adj. 宽的; 宽阔的 _ adv. 普遍地; 广泛地18. _ v. 包括; 包含 _ prep. 包括; 包含19. _ v. 实现目标; 成功 _ n. 成功;

4、 成功的人或事 _ adj. 成功的 20. _ v. 达到; 完成; 成功 _ n. 成就; 成绩 widewidelyincludeincludingsuccesssucceed successfulachieveachievement21. _ v. 重量是; 称的重量 _ n. 重量22. _ v. 保持; 遵守; 贮藏; 照管 _ n. 饲养员; 保管人23. _ v. 结冰; 冷冻; 凝固 _ adj. 极冷的; 冰冻的weighweightkeepkeeperfreezefreezing1. _实现某人的梦想 2. _有点儿;稍微 3. _就我所知 4. _出生时 5. _出现;

5、出版 6. _继续做某事 achieve ones dream a littlebit as far as I know at birth come out continue to do / doing sth. 7. _ 砍倒 8. _ 死于 9. _ 即使;虽然 10. _爱上; 喜欢上 11. _ 绊倒 12. _ (可以)随便(做某事) cut down die from even though/if fall overfeel free (to do sth.) fall in love with . 13. _ 第一次 14. _ 结婚15. _代替;反而 for the firs

6、t time get married instead of 16. _面对(问题、困难等)17. _在月光下 18. _ 计划做某事 19. _ 从前 20. _ 大约 in the face of in the moonlight make a plan to do sth.once upon a time or so21. _使某人想起 22. _ 跑上前去;跑过去 23. _解决问题remind sb. of sth. / that+从句 run over solve the problem 24. _成功做某事 25. _吸入;吞入(体内) 26. _盐水湖 succeed in do

7、ing sth. take in the salt lake 27. _第二次 28. _将变成 29. _ 到达(某数量、程度等);至多有;30. _走路时撞着 walk intothe second time turn . into . up to 1. This is because . 这是因为2. . so . that+从句如此以至于3. . as soon as+从句 一就4. We thought .我们原想/原以为5. . +is+形容词的比较级+than + any other + 可数名词的单数形式+其他. 比其他任何一个更6. One of +the+形容词的最高级+可

8、数名词的复数形式+is . 最的之一是7. The first +名词+ to do sth. +is / are . 第一个/第一批做某事的是8.主语+spend(s)+时间+(in) doing sth. 某人花费时间做某事。1. remind v. 提醒; 使想起【归纳】 remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 remind (sb.) + that 提醒某人【语境运用】单项选择。 -What do you think of the movie Youth? -It is moving and it _ my gr

9、andma _ the life in the countryside. A. reminds; of B. lets; down C. wakes; up 2. marry v. 结婚 【归纳】 marry sb. to sb. 把某人嫁给某人marriage n. 婚姻 married adj. 已婚的 marry v. marry sb. 嫁/娶某人, 与某人结婚 be married to sb. 与某人结婚(表状态)get married to sb. 与某人结婚(表动作)【语境运用】单项选择。 - How happy the grandparents are! - Yes, the

10、y _ for fifty years. A. have been married B. have married C. have got married D. married marry 是瞬间性动词,在肯定句中不能与表示一段时间的状语连用;只有当be与married连用,表示状态时,才可和表示一段时间的状语连用。3. 辨析 whole/all定冠词数词物主代词名词所有格wholethe whole story two whole weeks+ + 定冠词数词物主代词名词所有格allall my students all the money 4. lead v. 带路; 领路 (led, l

11、ed) lead sb. to . 带领某人去 lead the way 带路; 领路【熟词生义】 lead v. 导致;造成 (lead to) e.g. A careless drive could lead to an accident. lead v. 过(某种生活) e.g. They lead a busy/normal/happy life.【语境应用】根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 工作太多、休息太少常常导致疾病。Too much work and too little rest often _ _ illness.2. 昨天那个男孩带领他们去了那家超市。The bo

12、y _ _ _ the supermarket yesterday. leads to led them to5. 辨析 sound/noise/voicesound作“声音; 响声”讲时, 指大自然的任何声音。 the sound of rushing water noise意为“噪声”, 常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。 make a noise the noise of the trafficvoice特指“嗓音”, 一般指人的嗓音或鸟的叫声。 in a low/high voice keep ones voice down【语境应用】选用noise, voice或sound填空。1. Tr

13、y not to make a _ when you go upstairs.2. I enjoy listening to the _ of running water.3. The teacher asks us to read in a loud _.4. Dont make so much _ in public.5. The girl in red has a sweet _. noise sound voice noise voice 6. population n. 人口, 人口数量 【归纳】 1) the population表示整体人口,作主语时, 谓语动词用第三人称单数形式

14、。 2) 表示人口的百分之几、几分之几, 谓语动词常用复数形式。 3) 指人口“多”用large/big, 指人口“少”用small。 4) 提问“有多少人口”用what, 而不用how many 或 how much。 【语境运用】单项选择。 The worlds population is growing _ and there is _ land and water for growing rice. A. more; less B. larger; fewer C. larger; less D. more; fewer 【拓展】询问某地有多少人口的句型有: What is the p

15、opulation of? How large is the population of? How many people are there in?7. protect v. 保护, 防护 【归纳】 protectfrom/against 保护免受的侵害 protection n. 保护,防护【语境运用1】单项选择。 (2020云南昆明中考)As common people, the medical workers choose to stand out and _ others without thinking twice. They are the most beautiful angl

16、es.A. protect B. protecting C. admireD. admiring 【语境应用2】完成句子。(1) 你需要穿暖些以免着凉。You need warm clothes to _ you _ the cold.(2) 我正在写一份有关环境保护的报告。Im writing a report about the _ _ _ _. protect from/against protection of the environment8. succeed v. 实现目标; 成功 succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 【拓展】同根词 succeed v. 成功

17、success n. 成功(U) 成功的人或事(C) successful adj. 成功的 successfully adv. 成功地 【语境应用1】根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 最后,他成功地通过了考试。At last, he _ _ _ the exam.2. 祝贺你成功了。Congratulations on your _.3. 他的实验非常成功。His experiment was very _.succeeded in passingsuccesssuccessful【语境应用2】单项选择1. She is leaving to take part in the fin

18、al poem competition. Im proud of her. I wish her a great _. (2019 湖北襄阳) speed B. method C. pressure D. success2. You need not only talent but also hard work to become a _ football player. (2019 江苏盐城) A. young B. successful C. happy D. friendlyDB3. Frederick _ entered the final competition last month

19、. His hobby has brought him _. (2019内蒙古呼和浩特) A. successful; successB. successful; successfullyC. successfully; success D. successfully; successful4. Jim, I have _ in finishing so much work. Dont worry. I can help you. (2020辽宁丹东中考) A. abilityB. success C. experienceD. difficultyCD1. instead of 代替; 而不

20、是 【辨析】instead of, instead 词条意思及用法例句instead of 介词短语, 后面常跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式We will go skating instead of playing football.instead副词,在句中作状语,它可位于句尾、句首He is tired. Let me go instead.【语境运用】单项选择。The wandering Earth (流浪地球) tells us a story about how people tried to save the earth.Yes. In the film humans chose

21、to stay with the earth _ running away from it.(2019 山东东营)A. Because of B. together withC. Such asD. instead of 2. 辨析 be made of / be made from 【拓展】 be made in 在制造 be made into 被制成be made of “由制成”, 一般指从成品中能够看出原材料, 或发生的是物理变化。be made from“由制成”, 但一般指从成品中看不出原材料, 或发生的是化学变化。【语境运用】单项选择。Do you know anything

22、about C919?Of course. Its a kind of plane which _ China. (2019 贵州铜仁)A. is made of B. is made inC. is made fromD. is made up of3. in the face of 面对(问题、困难等) 【拓展】 lose face 丢脸; 丢面子 face to face 面对面 make faces 做鬼脸【语境应用】完成句子。In the _ of danger, the policeman showed great bravery. face4. even though 即使; 虽

23、然 (和even if同义) 【拓展】 even though, even if, though, although 不能和but同时使用。【语境运用】单项选择。 _ Frank left school at 16, he still became a successful writer. A. Ever since B. In fact C. After all D. Even though5. fall over 绊倒 【拓展】 从掉下跌倒落后于falloffdownbehind【语境应用】用fall短语填空。1. An old man _ in the park yesterday. 2

24、. The boy _ the tree yesterday.3. Work hard, or youll _ others.fell down fell offfall behind 6. die from 死于 【归纳】 词条意思及用法例句 die from由于具体的外部创伤、劳累等外因死亡The horse died from overwork. 那匹马累死了。 die of由于饥饿、悲伤、疾病等内因死亡She died of cancer two years ago. 她两年前死于癌症。1. This story reminds us that you can never know w

25、hats possible unless you try to make it happen. 这个故事提醒我们, 除非你努力使它发生, 否则你永远不会知道什么事情是可能的。【归纳】 unless 除非; 如果不, 引导条件状语从句; unless=if not【注意】 在unless和if 引导的条件状语从句中常用一般现在时表示将来。【语境运用】单项选择。 The environment will be much worse _ everyone has a sense of protecting it. (2019 青海)A. unless B. if C. so that句意:除非每个人

26、都有环保意识,否则环境将变得更糟。2. Its a lot bigger than the population of the US. 它比美国的人口多得多。 【归纳】 a lot修饰形容词的比较级, 表示程度。 much, a little, still也可用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级。【语境运用】单项选择。A mobile phone with 5G can send videos much _ than the one with 4G. (2019 广东)A. fastB. faster C. fastestD. the fastest3. China is almost as big

27、as the US 中国几乎和美国一样大 【归纳】 同级比较的句型: A+ 动词(not) + as + 形容词或副词原级 + as + B。 【注意】 1) 第一个as是副词, 第二个as是连词。 2) 在否定句结构中, 第一个as可以替换为so, 意为“不如”。【语境应用】请根据汉语意思补全英语句子。(1) 我的家乡没有北京有名。 My hometown is _ Beijing.(2) 请尽快跑回家。Please try to run home _.not as/so famous asas fast as you can4. Did you know that China is one

28、 of the oldest countries in the world? 你知道中国是世界上最古老的国家之一吗? 【归纳】 one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数 最的之一【语境运用】单项选择。 (2019 四川遂宁)Shanghai is one of _ in the world.A. the biggest cities B. biggest cities C. the biggest city D. bigger cities 5. The Nile is 6,671 kilometers long. 尼罗河长6671千米。 【归纳】 在英语中, 表达长、宽、高、深等概念时,

29、 可用: 1) 数字+单位+ long / wide / high (tall) / deep 5 metres long 2) 数字+单位+in+名词(length / width / height / weight / size) 5 metres in length6. Qomolangma is higher than any other mountain in the world. 珠穆朗玛峰比世界上其他任何山峰都高。 【归纳】 比较级 + than any other + 单数可数名词 比其他任何都 此结构虽然是比较级, 但表示最高级含义。 【拓展】 若比较的双方不在同一范围内,

30、则不加other。【语境应用】单项选择。 - Everyone knows Canada is the second largest country in the world. - That is, it is larger than _ country in Asia. A. any B. any other C. other D. anotherCanada和Asia不在同一范围。unless, as soon as和so . that . (Unit 6)unless conj. 除非;如果不; 引导条件状语从句。You wont catch the bus unless you run

31、.as soon as conj. 一就, 引导时间状语从句。You may drink water as soon as you reach home.注意:如果主句是一般将来时、祈使句或含有情态动词, 那么unless和as soon as引导的从句常用一般现在时。so . that .conj. 如此以至于 引导结果状语从句 常见结构: so +形容词/副词+ that从句 so +形容词+ a(n) +可数名词单数+ that从句The man spoke so fast that we could hardly follow him.Andy is so honest a man t

32、hat we all believe him.【链接】1. so . that .常可与too . to ., . enough to .转换。She walked so quickly that we couldnt catch up with her.She walked too quickly for us to catch up with.She didnt walk slowly enough for us to catch up with.2. such . that .可与so . that .结构进行转换。 They are such clever boys that ever

33、yone likes them.The boys are so clever that everyone likes them.主从句主语不一致时,可用for 引出不定式主语。such后加名词(短语)We will never see Kobe play another basketball game, _ we will always remember him. (2020云南昆明中考) becauseB. unless C. but D. if2. She says that shell have to close the restaurant _ business improves. (

34、2020内蒙古呼和浩特) A. if B. after C. unlessD. when3. Im afraid we cant work out the math problem _the teacher helps us. (2020辽宁丹东中考) Thats true. Its too difficult. A. ifB. unless C. because D. as soon as4. What do you feel _ you are looking through the old pictures?How time flies. (2020湖北宜昌中考) A. because

35、B. though C. while D. unless5. Swimming is, of course, interesting. But _we plan to go swimming, being safe must come first. (2020山西中考)though B. when C. unless 6. President Xi encourages all Chinese people to plant trees _ our country can be greener and more beautiful. (2020海南中考)A. so that B. as lon

36、g as C. even though7. _ she is very young, she can take good care of herself. (2020辽宁铁岭葫芦岛)If B. Unless C. Since D. Although8. Vivian will take her daughter to the amusement park _ she gets the tickets. (2020上海中考)if B. until C. although D. unless9. Father is too tired today. Dont call him _ it is ne

37、cessary. (2020江苏泰州中考) A. if B. unless C. when D. whether10. _ the outbreak of COVID-19 is a terrible blow to the country, the government is trying hard to bring the situation under control. (2020湖南长沙中考) A. Although B. IfC. Unless11. The movie Nezha is_ educational _ I want to see it again. (2020湖南岳阳

38、) A. so; thatB. such; thatC. too; to一、态度(Attitudes)判断与评价(Judgement and evaluation)A: What do you think of / about the film?B: Oh, it was quite a success.A: How do you feel about your hometown?B: Its beautiful especially in spring.A: How do you like the color of my dress?B: Wonderful! I like it very

39、much.二、计量(Measurement)长度(Length)A: How long is the bridge?B: About 500 meters.宽度(Width)A: How wide is the river?B: About 80 meters.重量(Weight)A: How heavy is this fish?B: More than one kilo.A: Eric, whats your weight?B: About 60 kilos.高度(Height)A: How tall is your father / Whats your fathers height?B

40、: Hes 1.80 meters (tall).A: How tall / high is the building?B: Its 150 meters (tall / high) / It has 25 floors.故事与诗歌故事【写作任务】假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Lisa来信说她最近正在学习汉语,在学习过程中遇到“程门立雪”(Cheng Men Li Xue) 这一成语,不解其意。请你根据下面图片提示,用英语给她回信,简要叙述这个成语故事,并谈谈自己的理解和感悟。要求:1. 语言规范,语句通顺,可适当发挥;2. 字数:100词左右;开头和结尾不计入总词数。可能用到的词:idiom成语

41、 ;during the Northern Song Dynasty北宋时期 ;Cheng Yi程颐 ;have a nap小憩 ;disturb打扰 ;moved感动的 ;respect尊敬【思路点拨】1. 定基调 体裁:应用文书信;主体内容为记叙文 时态:以一般过去时为主 人称:以第一人称和第三人称为主2. 谋布局、写句子you say youre studying ChineseMany young people wanted to learn from himIt was snowing heavily We should wait outside to avoid disturbin

42、g himNow the idiom is used to describe a person who shows respect to a learned elder3.巧衔接在讲述故事时,我们常使用表示时间的词语来衔接上下文,如:during the Northern Song Dynasty, at that time, one day, after a while等,这样可使整个故事前后连贯。4.成篇章Dear Lisa,Im glad to hear from you._ Yours, Li Hua5. 化“平凡”为“非凡”When he found the two young me

43、n standing outside in heavy snow, he at once asked them to come in. He asked them to come in the moment he found the two young men being covered with snow all over.4. 成篇章Dear Lisa,Im glad to hear from you. In your letter, you say youre studying Chinese and you dont understand the meaning of the Chin

44、ese idiom “Cheng Men Li Xue”. Now let me tell you about it.During the Northern Song Dynasty, there lived a famous learned teacher called Cheng Yi. At that time, many young people wanted to learn from him. One day, two young men came to Chengs house and one of them was called Yang Shi. It was snowing

45、 heavily and Cheng was having a nap. The other young man said to Yang Shi, “Lets come in and ask the teacher for help.” But Yang Shi said, “No. The teacher is having a rest. We should wait outside to avoid disturbing him.”After a while, Cheng woke up. When he found the two young men standing outside

46、 in heavy snow, he at once asked them to come in. But Yang Shi said, “Im sorry to trouble you.”Now the idiom is used to describe a person who hopes to learn shows respect to a learned elder. Its about the idiom “Cheng Men Li Xue”. I hope it can help!Yours,Li Hua. 从方框中选择合适的单词填空,使每个句子在结构、句意和逻辑上正确。tour

47、, awake, keep, lead, excite, silk, remind, shine1. Wow! The _ feels so smooth and soft!2. A nurse took the little girls arm and _ her to a chair.3. It wasnt very warm, but at least the sun was _.4. An animal _ takes care of the animals at the zoo.silk ledshiningkeeper tour, awake, keep, lead, excite

48、, silk, remind, shine5. It was nearly three in the morning, but Jill was still _.6. Every time I saw the hat, it _ me of the trip in Yunnan.7. Every year millions of _ go to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.8. Alex jumped up and down with _ when he got a beautiful gift.awakereminded touristsexcitemen

49、t.根据语境及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词。1. The child was shy andh behind his mother.2. Tom felt sow that he could hardly get out of bed.3. Shec in this mornings test by copying from the boy in front of her.4. Betty feels lucky to be born with a beautiful singingv .hidweakcheatedvoice5. Trees should be wellp from the

50、cold during winter.6. It snowed heavily yesterday and the snow was one metert .7. Her grandfather was in hospital for six months with a seriousi .8. How much shall I pay for my breakfast?You neednt. In our hotel breakfast isi in the bill (账单).protectedthickillnessincludedIII. 完成句子句,使两句意思相同或相近。1. Ver

51、a married a Frenchman.Vera _ _ _ a Frenchman.2. Ill get there, even if I have to walk.Ill get there, _ _ I have to walk.3. We have to leave in about five minutes.We have to leave in five minutes _ _.4. Cathy didnt listen to music. Instead, she read.Cathy read _ _ _ to music.got/was married to even t

52、hough or so instead of listening 5. I realized he was a famous writer after you told me.I _ _ he was a famous writer _ you told me.6. He is the most creativestudent in the class.He is _ _ than _ _ _ in the class.7. Itwassuchadifficult problem that nobody could work it out.It was _ difficult a problem _ nobody could work it out. didnt realize before / until more creative any other student / the other studentsso thatIV. 根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 这种冰激凌对我来说有点甜。The ice-cream is _


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