1、外观检测标准1.範圍: SCOPE 本文規範DESKTOP.手提式伺服器(SERVER)以及除了手提式產品 所使用之面板顯示器以及鍵盤等顯示功能產品以外之任何產品. This specification defines the COSMETIC requirements for DESKTOP , PORTABLE ,SERVER ANDOPTION PRODUCTS EXCLUDING DISPLAY SCC individual assembly drawing for cosmetic requirements for assemblies excluded herein.2. 参考文件
2、: PEFERENCE DOCUMENTS 2.1應用文件:下列文件為本規範的一部分.除非特別指定,否則文件以指 標或申請提案日為生效日期.APPLICAB LE DOCUMENTThe following documents form a part to this specification to the extentSpecified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the documents is of theIssue if effect on the date of invitation to bid or request for propos
3、al. 2.2.優先順序: ORDER OF PRECED 本文若與其製程管制項目相牴觸,則以製程管制項目為優先. In the event of a conflict between this document and the manufacturing process Details, The manufacturing process details shall take precedence. 本文若與其製程管制項目相牴觸,則以製程管制項目為優先. In the event of a conflict between this document, reference documents
4、 and piece Part drawings, the piece part drawings will take precedence.3.檢視方法: INSPECTION METHOD 3.1.目視檢測: 依下列規定檢測. VISUAL INSPECTION Inspection shall be conducted as follows. 3.1.1.照明:目視檢測以工廠常態照明(10020呎燭光之冷白螢照明光) 為宜. LightingVisual inspection shall be conducted under normal shop lighting (10020 Foo
5、t candles cool white fluorescent illumination). 3.1.2.位 置: position I.將待測零件置於執行檢測者面前18至24吋(約手臂長)place the assembly or piece part 18 to 24 inches (arms length) in frontof person performing the inspection . II.應以正對檢測者及垂直於表面(即45角度)兩方向進行零件組件 目視檢測. The assembly or piece part shall be viewed in two positi
6、ons, normal to Inspector and perpendicular to the surface(45 degrees). 3.2. 退貨標準 DEFINING REJECT CRITERIA 3.2.1直徑小於0.01英寸之任何瑕疵,視為看不見. Imperfections less than 0.01 inch in diameter are considered not Visible 3.2.2.必須依第3.1.2之II節所規定之兩方向都看得到才算缺點. The defect must be seen in both viewing position, see sec
7、tion 3.1.2(II) Of this document. 3.2.3.如視發現可能造成退貨之瑕疵,應參考適當等級之退貨標準. If a possible reject is fount, refer to the appropriate surface class for the rejection criteria. 3.2.4.如於目視檢測發現外觀上之可疑瑕疵,不應即冒然視為退貨拒收. Suspected rejects found while viewing outside of the established inspection parameters shall not be
8、 considered in the rejection of the part or assembly. 3.2.5如可能將缺陷加以分組歸類,以使組件為合格.側如:多而短小的刮 痕可能稍類為一處損傷,成為可同意之缺陷. Classify or group imperfections in order to make the assembly if possible if possible. Example. Multiple scratches could be classified as an abrasion and then the defect could be acceptable
9、.3.3.表面等級之定義:Definition of classes 3.3.1.第I 級面:第I級面應定義為操作人員隨時可見的區域,是外觀要求 最嚴格的區域. Class I areas Class I areas shall be defined as areas in continuous view of theOperator. Class I areas are the most critical for cosmetic requirements. 例如: Desktop 型電腦之頂及正面,手提式電腦打開時 Example: Desktop : top and front of c
10、omputer. LCD及鍵盤面板,伺服器:電腦正前,顯示器:顯示器正前面,鍵盤之頂及正面邊緣. Portable: LCD and keyboard bezel of computer in view when opened.Sever: front of computer.Monitor: front of monitor.Keyboard : top and front ad edge of keyboard. 3.3.2.第II 級面:第II級面應定義為操作人員可偶爾看見的區域,其外觀要求不如第I級面嚴格的區域.例如:Desktop型電腦之背面及側面手提式電腦蓋合時之頂、側面、底面及背
11、面不屬於前節列轝第I級面規定之所有印花紋之表面,伺服器:電腦之頂及側面,顯示器:顯示器之頂及側面,鍵盤之側面. Class II areas Class II areas shall be defined as areas occasionally in view of the operator, Class II cosmetic requirements are not as stringent as class I requirements.Example: Desktop : bark and sides of computer.Portable : top, sides, botto
12、m and back of covered in view when closed, All textured surfaces not covered by class Iexamples above.Server : top and sides of computer.Monitor :top and sides of monitor.Keyboard :sides of keyboard. 3.3.2.第III 級面:第III級面應定義為操作人員極少看見的區域,其外觀要 求不如第II級面嚴格的區域.例如:Desktop型電腦之底部及背面彎 角及下凹部分,手提式電腦各開口孔背面以及未印花紋
13、之表面,伺服 器:電腦之背面,顯示器:顯示器之背面,底面,鍵盤之背面及底面. Class III areas Class III areas shall be defined as areas seldom seen by the operatorClass III cosmetic requirements are not as stringent as class II requirements.Example: Desktop : bottom and recessed areas on back of computer.Portable : surfaces behind access
14、 doors and non textured Surfaces of computer. Server : back of Keyboard :back, and bottom of keyboard. . 3.3.4. 最不嚴格的區域.例如:Desktop電腦,顯示器及鍵盤之內面. Class IV areas Class IV surface shall be defined as areas never seen by the operator Class IV cosmetic requirements are the least critic in the this documen
15、t Example: the inside of computer, monitor and keyboard.4.金屬板片: SHEET METAL 4.1.一般規定: 4.1.1.電鍍表面:Plated surfaces A.電鍍附著力:起氣泡不同意,附著力不良以致裸露出金屬者,不同意. Plating adhesion Blisters are not acceptable. Improper adhesion which exposes baremetal is not acceptable. B.氧化:只有預鍍材料之剪力邊緣容許氧化(生紅色或白色鏽),例如: 如第4.5.1-C節規定
16、之顏色不均勻.顏色不連續(條紋、污點、斑點) 可同意. Oxidation Oxidation (rust) ,red or white, is acceptable on sheared edges of preplated materials materials only (exception :see section 4.5.1-C;color uniformity) color discontinuities (streaks, stains, blotches, etc.)are acceptable. C.彎痕:每一料件容許一直徑小於0.08英寸之折彎痕跡,表面或邊緣 脫色不同意.
17、 Arching marks One mark per part less than 0.08 inch in diameter is acceptable.Discoloration of surface or edge in not acceptable. D.沖壓痕:正常之沖壓痕跡可同意. Stamping marks.Normal stamping marks are acceptable. E.表面狀況:電鍍或轉化塗裝程序正常產生之輕微條痕或水漬可同意 Surface phenomena Light streaking or water spotting occurring as a
18、 normal part orconversion costing process is acceptable.4.1.2.清潔度:零件應無灰塵、污垢、潤滑油、機油、鉻酸或任何其他表 面沾染物,假如是搬運材料時,可吹掉或擦傷的灰塵則可同意.零件應 無任何可能陷在硬體、裂縫或彎摺處或其他凹陷處的沾染物. Cleanliness Assemblies shall be free of dirt, grime, oil and other contaminants Dust caused by shipping material is acceptable if it can be blown of
19、fwith air. Cosmetic surface shall be free of adhesive contaminants.4.1.3.烤漆面: painted surfaces . A.烤漆附著: 起氣泡不同意;附著不良以致裸露出金屬者,不同意. Paint adhesion Blisters and other signs of improper adhesion which expose bare metal are not acceptable. B.顏色均一致:烤漆面之顏色及花紋各處均一致,不同面或可容許稍有 差異,但同一面則不得有任何顏色差異. Color uniform
20、ity.The color and texture of a painted surface shall be uniform. The color and texture may vary from surface to surface. But it may vary within the same surface.4.2.第I級面: CLASS I SURFACES 4.2.1.電度表面: 不適用. Plated surfaces Not applicable. 4.2.2.烤漆面: Painted Surfaces. A.刮痕或磨損:刮痕或磨損以致裸露出金屬者,不同意.若直徑152.4
21、mm之圓範圍內,只有一個未裸露出金屬之刮痕或磨損,且未改善表面顏色,或直徑小於3.048mm者,則可同意.任何肉眼可見破壞花紋之條紋或清撕痕,均不同意Scratches or Abrasion.Scratches or abrasion are not acceptable if they expose bare metal. If the scratch or abrasion does not change the surface color, or is less than 3.048mm only one (1) scratch or visible marks that repple
22、 or tear the textured surfaces are not acceptable. B.髒污:髒污改變表面顏色,且直徑大於0.635m/m英寸者不予同意.Contamination Contamination that changes the surface color and exceeds. 0.635m/m in 如直徑小於0.254m/m之髒污,視為看不見.任二個髒污之最小距離應為50.8mm.Contamination less than 0.254m/m in diameter shall be considered notVisible. The minimum
23、 distance between any two (2) particles ofContamination shall be 50.8mm. C.雜質:直徑大於1.016m/m之雜質不予同意,在任何50.8mm之圓圈內不得有4個以上或任何二個距離小於50.8mm之雜質.Inclusions Inclusions greater than 1.016m/m in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be No more than four (4) single inclusion within any 12.00 inch diameter ci
24、rcle And no two (2) closer than 50.8mm. D.凹陷及壓痕:直徑大於2.286m/m之凹痕不予同意.任何直徑609.6mm之圓 內不得有超過一個凹陷或條紋.Dents and slug marks Dents and slug marks greater than 2.286m/m in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than one (1) dent or slug mark within 609.6mm.diameter circle. 4.3.第II級面: CLASS II SU
25、RTACES 4.3.1.電鍍表面: Plated surface A.刮傷或磨損:刮痕假如超過長50.80.508m/m不同意.組裝後,組裝工 具造成的明顯螺旋狀刮痕,不同意.磨損直徑大於9.652m/m者,不予 同意.在直徑152.4mm的圓形內,不得超過三個刮傷或一個磨損. Scratches abrasions Scratches greater than 50.8 mm long by 0.508mm wide are not acceptable. Spiral scratches caused by assembly tools are not acceptable where
26、evident after assembly. Abrasions greater than 9.652mm indiameter are not acceptable. There shall be more than three (3) scratchesor one (1) dent or slug mark in a B.凹陷及壓痕:超過直徑1.27mm 的圓形內,不得超過一個凹陷及壓痕. Dents and slug marks Dents or slug marks greater than 1.27mm in diameter are not acceptable.There s
27、hall be no more than one (1) dent or slug mark in 152.4mm diameter circle. C.顏色均一性:輕微暈狀條紋可同意.直徑152.4mm的任何圓形內的二個 包括白色氧化所造成脫色斑點,假如不超過長25.42.032mm寬或直 徑6.35mm可同意. Color uniformity (post plated parts only) The color may vary from silverto blue Light iridescent streaking is acceptable two (2) discoloratio
28、n.including those caused by white oxidation, are acceptable within any 152.4mm diameter, provided they are not greater than 25.4 mm long by 2.032mm wide or 6.35mm in diameter.D.水漬:水漬大於14總表面,或連續水漬直徑大於19.05mm者不予同意Water spots Water spots are not acceptable if the total area they occupy is greater than
29、14 the total surface area. Continuous water spots greater than 19.05mm in diameter are not acceptable E.多項料件:多項料件裝置於一組件上者,每項料件均應個別檢查其鐵屑磨傷、刮痕或磨損及水漬三項.Multiple parts Multiple parts used in an assembly (example; slot covers), will be inspected as individual items only for slug marks, scratches / abrasi
30、ons and water spots . 4.3.2.烤漆面: painted surface A.刮痕或磨損:刮痕或磨損以裸露出金屬者,不同意,如直徑152.4mm之 圓範圍內,只有不超過二個未裸露金屬之刮痕或磨損,且未改變表面顏 色,直徑小於12.7mm者,則可同意,任何肉眼可見破壞花紋之條紋或 撕痕,均不同意.例外: CPU 上蓋之後邊緣之刮痕或磨損可同意. Scratches and abrasions Scratches and abrasions are not acceptable if they expose bare metal. If the scratch or abr
31、asion does not expose bare metal, does not change the surface color or is less than 12.7mm in diameter, it is acceptable provided there are no more than two scratches or abrasion in a 152.4mm diameter circle. Any visible marks than ripple or tear the textured surface are not acceptable.Exception: sc
32、ratches or abrasions are acceptable on the rear edge of CPU hood B.髒污:髒污改變表面顏色,且直徑大於0.635mm 者不予同意.如直徑小於0.254mm之髒污,視為看不見.任二個髒污距離小於50.8mm不同意.Contamination Contamination that change the surface color and exceeds 0.635mm in diameter is not acceptable. Contamination less than 0.254mm in diametershall be
33、considered not visible. The minimum distance between any (2) particles of contamination shall be 50.8. C.雜質:直徑大於1.016mm之雜質不予同意,在任何304.8mm之圓圈內 不得有4個以上或任二個距離小於50.8mm之雜質. Inclusions Inclusions greater than 1.016mm in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than four (4) inclusions within an
34、y 304.8mm diameter circle and no closer than 50.8mm. D.凹痕及壓痕:直徑大於3.048mm凹痕或壓痕不予同意.任何609.6mm直 徑之圓內不得有超過一個凹痕或條紋. Dents and slug marks . Dents and slug marks greater than 3.048mm in diameter are not acceptable There shall be no more than one (1) dent or slug mark in any 609.6mm Diameter circle. 4.第III級
35、面: CLASS III SURFACES. 4.4.電鍍表面: Plated surfaces. A.刮痕或磨損: 刮痕如超過長152.41.016mm不同意.組裝後,組裝工具造成的明顯螺旋狀刮痕,且直徑大於15.75mm者不同意.磨損直徑大于12.7mm者不予同意.地直徑304.8mm三個磨損.Scratches Scratches greater than 152.41.016mm are not acceptable. Spiralscratches greater than 15.75mm in diameter caused by assembly tools arenot acc
36、eptable. Abrasions greater than 12.7mm in diameter are notacceptable. There shall be no more than fore (4) scratches or three (3)abrasions in any 304.8mm diameter circle. B.凹痕及壓痕:超過直徑2.54mm之凹痕或壓痕不同意.在直徑 15.75mm的圓形內,不得超過三個凹痕及壓痕.Dents and Slug MarksDents and slug marks greater than 12.7mm in diameter
37、are not acceptableThere shall be no more than three (3) dents or slug marks in any 15.75mmdiameter circle. C.顏色均一性:輕微暈狀條紋可同意.直徑76.2mm的任何圓形內的6個包 括白色氧化所造成脫色斑點,假如不超過長50.8mm寬2.03mm直徑 6.35mm可同意. Color uniformity (Post Plated Parts only) Surface color may vary from blue to gold to silver with iridescent s
38、treaking being acceptable. Six (6) discolorations , including those caused by white oxidation, are acceptable within any 76.2mm diameter circle, provided they are not greater than 50.8 mm long by 2.03mm wide or 6.35mm in diameter. D.水漬:水漬大于1/2總表面積者不予同意.Water SpotsWater spots are not acceptable if th
39、e total area they occupy is greater than 1/2 of the surface area.4.4.2烤漆面: Painted Surfaces刮痕或磨損:刮痕或磨損以致裸露出金屬者,不同意.Scratches and AbrasionsScratches and abrasion are not acceptable if they expose bare metal. 髒污: 髒污直徑大于1.27mm者不予同意.Contamination Contamination greater than 1.27mm in diameter is not acce
40、ptable.雜質:直徑大于1.52mm之雜質不予同意.在任何304.8mm之圓圈內不得有6個以上或任二個距離小于50.8mm之雜質.Inclusions Inclusions greater than 1.52mm in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than six (6) inclusions within any 304.8mm diameter circle and no two (2) closer than 50.8mm.凹痕及壓痕:直徑大于5.08mm之凹痕或壓痕不予同意. 任何304.8mm直徑之圓內不
41、得有超過三個凹痕或條紋.Dents and Slug Marks Dents and slug marks greater than 1.27mm in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than three (3) dents or slug marks in any 304.8mm diameter circle.4.5第IV級面: CLASSIVSURFACES 4.5.1電鍍表面: Plated Surfaces A.刮痕:刮痕假如超過長203.21.27mm不同意.磨損直徑大于 25.4mm者不予同意. 在直徑40
42、6.4mm的圓形內,不得超過6 個刮傷或4個磨損. Scratches Scratches greater than 203.2mm long by 1.27mm wide are not acceptable. Abrasions greater than 25.4mm in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than six (6) scratches or four (4) abrasions within any 406.4mm diameter circle. B. 凹痕及壓痕:超過直徑5.08mm之凹痕或壓痕不同
43、意.在直徑 304.8mm的形內,不得超過三個凹痕及壓痕. Dents and Slug Marks Dents and slug marks greater than 20.3mm in diameter are not acceptable. There shall be no more than three (3) within any 304.8mm diameter circle. C. 水漬: 水漬大于3/4總表面積者不予同意. Water Spots Water spots are acceptable if the area they occupy is no more tha
44、n 3/4 of the surface area. D.顏色均一性:輕微暈狀條紋包括白色氧化所成脫色斑點 皆可同意. Color Uniformity Areas of discoloration, including iridescent streaking and those caused by white oxidation are acceptable. 4.5.2烤漆面:不規定. Painted Surfaces Not Applicable. 5.塑膠: PLASTICS5.1一般要求: GENEERAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1.1清潔度:零件慶無灰塵、污垢、潤滑油或任
45、何其他沾染物. Cleanliness Parts should be free of dirt, grime, grease and other contaminants. 5.1.2毛邊:任何高于0.25mm的高度皆不予同意. Flash The maximum height of any flash shall be 0.25mm. 5.1.3一般:射料不足、燒焦、裂痕、刻痕、縫隙者不予同意. General Short shots, burns, cracks, voids are not acceptable.5.2第I級要求: CLASS I REQUIREMENTS 5.2.1
46、髒污:嵌入塑件中之異物直徑大于0.635mm者不予同意.任何髒 污粒子小于0.25mm,以及與任何其他粒子最小距離為12.7mm 者視看不見.任兩個髒污粒子最小距離慶為50.8mm. Contamination Molded in contamination greater that 0.635mm in diameter is unacceptable. Any particle less than 0.25mm and at least 12.7mm away from any other contamination shall be considered in visible. The
47、minimum distance between any two (2) particles shall be 50.8mm. 5.2.2刮痕及磨損:損及花紋之刮痕及磨損不予同意. Scratches and Abrasions Scratches and abrasions that remove texture are not acceptable. 5.2.3毛邊薄模/結合線: 不予同意. Blush/Knit Lines Not acceptable. 5.2.4.下凹:大於0.127mm深的凹陷不予同意. Sinks Sinks greater than 0.127mm deep a
48、re not acceptable. 5.3.第II級要求: CLASS II REQUIREMENTS5.3.1.髒污:嵌入塑膠件中之異物直徑大於0.635mm者不予同意,任何髒污粒子小於0.254mm,以及興任何其他粒子最小距離為12.7mm者視為看不見.任何兩個髒污粒子最小距離應為 50.8mm.ContaminationMolded in contamination greater than 0.635mm in diameter is unacceptable Any particle less than 0.254mm and at least 12.7mm away from a
49、ny othercontamination shall be considered invisible. The minimum distancebetween any two (2) particles shall be 50.8mm . 5.3.2.刮痕及磨損:損及花紋之刮痕及磨損不予同意.Scratches and abrasions A.花紋面:損及花紋之刮痕及磨損不予同意.Textured surfaces Scratches or abrasions which remove texture are not acceptable. B.素面: 超過寬0.25412.7mm或同一表面
50、兩道刮痕及磨損者不予同意.Non-textured surfaces Scratches or abrasions larger than 0.25412.7mm are not acceptable, andNo more than two (2) per surface. 5.3.3.毛邊薄模結合線:不予同意.Blushknit lines Not acceptable 5.3.4.下凹:大於0.127mm深的凹陷不予同意.Sinks Sinks greater than 0.127mm deep are not acceptable .5.4.第III級要求: CLASS III REQ
51、UIRMENTS. 5.4.1.髒污:嵌入塑膠件中之異物直徑大於1.016mm者不予同意,任何髒污 粒子小於0.254mm者視為看不見.兩個髒污粒子最小距離應為 3.048mm Contamination Molded in contamination greater than 1.016mm in diameter is unacceptable. Any particle less than 0.254mm in diameter shall be considered invisible. The minimum distance between any two (2) particle
52、 shall be 3.048mm.5.4.2.刮痕及磨損:超過76.20.7620.254mm之刮痕及磨損不予同意.同 一表面最多能有兩道刮痕及磨損. Scratches or abrasions Scratches or abrasions which are greater than 76.20.7620.254mm deep are not acceptable. The maximum number of scratches per surfaces is two (2). 5.4.3.下凹: 大於0.305mm深的凹陷不予同意. Sinks 0.305mm deep maximum
53、. 5.4.4.EMI塗裝表面:EMI Coated Surfaces A.塗裝面:塗裝造成影響附著或干涉元件組件不同意. Coating Build-up Coating Build up which affects adhesion or interferes with components in the assembly is not acceptable. Any build up of coating that flakes off is unacceptable.B.塗裝過分不足:不予同意. Oversprayunderspray Not acceptable C.刮痕:刮痕穿過塗
54、裝層以致裸露出金屬超過12.70.762mm者,不同意 未穿透塗層者容許每一表面最多有2個不超過25.41.016mm,非穿 透性刮傷. Scratches Scratches through the coating to the base material greater than 12.70.762mm wide are unacceptable. Maximum of one scratch per surface. Scratches that do not penetrate to the base material may be 12.70.762mm wide maximum.
55、The maximum number of non penetrating scratches in 2 per surface. 5.5.第IV級要求: CLASS IV REQUIREMENTS 5.5.1.髒污:嵌入塑膠件中之異物直徑大於12.7mm者不予同意. Contamination Molded in contamination greater than 12.7mm in diameter is unacceptable 5.5.2.下陷:大於0.305mm 深的凹陷不予同意. Sinks 0.305mm deep maximum 5.5.3.EMI塗裝表面: EMI Coat
56、ing surface A.塗裝面:塗裝造成影響附著或干涉元件組裝不同意,溢出塗料渣不同意 Coating Build-up Coating Build-up which affects adhesion or interferes with components in the assembly is not acceptable. Any build of coating that flacks off is unacceptable. B.塗裝過分不足:不予同意. Over sprayunder spray Not acceptableC.刮痕:刮痕穿過塗裝層以致裸露出金屬超過12.70.
57、762mm者,不同意 每一表面最多容許未穿透塗層者2個不超過25.41.016mm的刮傷. Scratches Scratches through the coating to the base material greater than 12.70.762mm wide are unacceptable. Maximum of one scratch per surface. Scratches that do not penetrate to the base material may be 12.70.762mm wide maximum. The maximum number of n
58、on penetrating scratches in 2 per surface. 6.鄰接件:銜接縫或疊接緣若超過下列標準不予同意.銜接縫為兩鄰接之空 隙,原應為0.0mm但設計或鉚合容許公差而產生空隙. PARTS CLIGNMENT Gaps or overlaps that exceed the following guidelines are not acceptable. Gaps are defined as spaces between mating parts which should be 0.0mm But, because of design or tolerance
59、 stack-ups, spaces may exist.6.1.第I級要求: CLASS I REQUIREMENTS 6.1.1.所有銜接縫隙應平行,不超過0.762mm者.All gaps are to be parallel within 0.762mm. 6.1.2.所有磁碟機疊接緣應平行,不超過0.762mm.All overlaps between drives are to be parallel within 0.762. 6.1.3.上蓋及上蓋面板銜接縫隙應不超過0.254mm者.Gap between hood and hood bezel is 0.254 maximu
60、m. 6.1.4.上蓋及後面板銜接縫隙應不超過0.762mm者.Gap between hood and rear bezel is 0.762 maximum. 6.1.5.磁碟機面板及上蓋面板間隙應為0.0mm者.(此圖面所見之垂直縫隙)Gap between drive bezel and hood bezel is 0.0mm (vertically as seen in the from view) 6.1.6.頂磁碟機面板及上蓋面板銜接縫隙應為3.048mm者.(此圖面所見 之水平縫隙) Gap between drive bezel and hood bezel is 3.048
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