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1、虚拟语气的基本内容【开头引入】If如果(如果有两种可能,有可能发生的,不可能发生的。)有可能发生 If it rains tomorrow, I wi I I not go to the park.不可能发生 虚拟语气,例如,如果我是姚明,。虚拟语气表示说话人的愿望,假设,猜测或建议,而不表示客观存 在的事实。所以,凡表示与事实不符的假设,想象,愿望时,需用虚 拟语气表达。一、If引导的虚拟(一)If引导的虚拟语气,可用下表表示。从句主句与现在事实相反d i d/wereWou1d/cou1d/shou1d/mi ght do与过去事实相反Had doneWou1d/cou1d/shou1d/

2、mi ght have done与将来时间相反weredoto doWou1d/cou1d/shou1d/mi ght do例如:与现在事实相反: If I had wings, I wouId fIy over the sea.I f she were r ich, she would buy a bigger house.If there were no gravity, we would not be abIe to waIk on the earth.与过去事实相反:If You had gone to the party, You would have seen YaoMing.If

3、 you had taken my advice, you would vot have failed in the exam.与将来事实相反:If he were to tomorrow, We would have the meeting.If he should come tomorrow, We could go to the park together.If there were a heavy snow next Monday, we wouId not go skat i ng.(二)if虚拟语气条件句的省略倒装。如果虚拟条件从句中有were,had, should,可把 if

4、省略,把 如果虚拟条件从句中有were,had, shoul d提到主语前面,成为倒装结构。 had, shoul d提到主语前面,成为倒装结构。 If I were you, I wouIdaccept the chailenges.Were I you, I wouIdWere I you, I wouIdaccept the chaI Ienges If you had informed me earl ier, I wouldn,t have signed the contract.Had you informed me ear I ier, I wouldn t have signe

5、d the contract.If she should be my daughter, I wouldn,t a I I ow her to study abroad.Shou I d she be my daughter, I wouldn , t a I I ow her to study abroad.VIP Tips : Were it not for”如果要不是 Had it not beenfor”如果当时要不是”Were it not for your he I p, I wou Id never be a good boss.要不是你的帮助,我永远成不了一个好的老板。Had

6、it not been for you, I would have lost my way.当时要不是你,我就迷路了。*如果谓语动词是否定形式,不能用动词的缩略形式。3. If it weren t for the expense, I wouId go broad now.Were it not for the expense, I wouId go abroad now.Had she worked harder, she (succeed).I f the I awyer had been here I ast Saturday, he me from going, (prevent)s

7、uch a d i saster, the damage wou I d bei nca I cu I able, (occur)he today, he wou I d get there by Fr i day.(leave)If there were Iife on Mars, such I ife forms unabIe to survive on the earth, (be)一Did you remind him of the meeting-No, if I at home, I would have, (be)一John went to the hospital a I on

8、e.一If he me about it , I wouId have gone with him.A. should tel I B. tells C. told D. had to I dIf we the other road, we might have arrived here intime for the meeting.A. take B. had taken C. took D. have takenTh i s pr i nter i s of good qua I i ty. I f i t break down within the first year, we wou

9、I d repa i r it at our expense.A. wouId B. should C. couId D. mightHad I know about thi s computer program, a huge amount of time and money .A. wouId have been savedB. had been savedA. wouId have been savedB. had been savedwi I I be savedwas savedwi I I be savedwas saved二、错综时间条件句注意:考试时会出现一种情况,从句动作发生

10、的时间和主句动作发 生的时间不一致,被称为“错综时间条件句”,我们要分别根据从句 和主句的动作发生的时间对其进行虚拟。例如:If you had f o 11 owed my advice just now, you would be better now.如果你刚才听了我的建议,你现在就好多了。If you had studied hard before, you would be a co I Iege student now.如果你以前好好学习的话,你现在就是大学生了。If he were free today, we would have sent him to Bei j ing.如

11、果他今天方便的话,我们就可以把他送到北京去了。Exercises 2May be if I science, and not Iiterature then, I wouId be abIe to give you more he Ip.A. studied B. would study C had studied D. was study i ngLook! I f we had begun to do the work yesterday morn i ng, we ourseIves just I ike them.A. wouId have enjoyedB. were to enjo

12、yC. shouId enjoyD. would be enjoyingIf you had taken the medicine yesterday, you so badnow.A. wouldn t have fe 11B. don t fee IC. wouldn t be fee I i ngD. aren t fee I i ngIf the United States had built more homes for the poor in 1995, the hous i ng prob I ems now i n some parts of th i s country so

13、 ser i ous.B. won t beA. wouldn, t beB. won t bewi I I not have beenwouId not have beenwi I I not have beenwouId not have been三、含蓄条件句。有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中并不总是出现if引导的条件从 句,而是通过介词短语,副词,连词替代来代替条件从句。例如:.如果没有你的帮助,我们不可能提前完成任务。If it had not been for your help, we couldn t have f ini shedthe work ahead of time.

14、Had it not been for your he Ip, Without/ But for your help.我那天生病了,否则,我就参加运动会了。If I had not been i I I that day, I wouId have taken part in the sports meeting.I wou Id have taken part i n the sports meet ing, but I was i I I that day.I was i I I that day. Otherwise, I wouId have taken part inthe spor

15、ts meet i ng.四、特殊句式1.馒头-面条原理用于表示建议,决定,命令等词语后的that-从句用在suggest (建议),i ns i st (坚决要求),order (命令,下令), advise (劝告,忠告),propose (提议,建议),recommend (劝告,建 议)和require(法规要求,规定)等动词之后的that-宾语从句中,从 句谓语动词用(should) +动词原形。He suggested that we (should) start off ear Iy the next day.They insisted that the boy (should)

16、 go with them.He advi sed that she (should) wait for a few weeks.We proposed that someone neutraI (shouId) take the chai r.Teachers recommend parents (should) not allow thei r chi Idren under 12 to r ide bicycles to school for safety.注意:当suggest表示“暗示”,“表明”之意,insist表示“坚持 认为“,后面的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。The smile o

17、n his face suggested that he was satisfied with our work.The man insisted that he had never stole the money.用在 idea, suggest ion, advice, request, proposa I, demand, order, plan等名词之后的that-表语从句和同位语从句。从句谓语 动词用(shou I d) +动词原形。My idea is that we (should) think it over before accepting it.We a I I agree

18、d to hi s suggest i on that we (shou I d) go to Dalian for sightseeing.Your advice that she (should) wait till next week is reasonable.He ignored the neighbor s requests that he (shouId) make I ess noise.My demand is that the information referred in my report (should) be emailed to Mr. Brown without

19、 de I ay.(3) It is suggested/ strange/ important/necessary/ essential/ recommended/ natural/ a pity that +从句。从句的谓语动词用 (shouId) +动词原形。如果从句动作先发生,则用shouId have+过去分词。It is suggested that the meeting (should) be put off till next week.It is strange that he should have acted towards his parents I i ke tha

20、t.It was necessary that he (shouId) I eave immediately.It is absoIuteIy essent ia I that a I I the facts (shouId) be examined fi rst.11 is recommended that the work (should) not be started unti I a I I the preparations have been made.注意:当suggest表示“暗示,表明”之意,insist表示“坚持说, 力言”之意,后面不用虚拟语气。例如: The smile

21、on his face suggested that he was satisfied with our work.他脸上的微笑表明他对我们的工作很满意。 The man i ns i sted that he had never stoIen the money.那个人坚持他没有偷钱。常用必背:61个坚持:insist1个决定:decide个命令:order/ command个要求:demand/requi re/des i re个建议:adv i se/propose/suggest/recommendVIP Tips :虚拟语气在从句中的运用,主要在在上面这些表示建议命 令要求等的词汇后

22、面,用should+动词原形。要熟记上面的词汇,同 时要掌握这些词汇的名词形式及有的形容词的形式,在考试时题目有 时会故意省略should,自己要根据这些提示词来判断后面的虚拟语 气。Exercises 3The guard at the gate insisted that everybodythe ru I es. (obey)I don t think it advisable that Tom to the job sinee he was experienced, (assign)My suggestion is that the exper iment inanother way.

23、 (do)It is of utmost importance that you here on time.(be)It was proposed that the matter at thenext meeting, (discuss)The doctor has gi ven the order that the pat i ent abath every day. (have)It is vital that you our competitor to knowour p I an. (permit)Emphas i s is laid on the necessity that a I

24、 I the object i vesi nto account before start i ng a new project.(take)He did his homework carefuI Iy for fear that he.A. made a mistakeB. makes a mi stakeC. make a mi stakeD. wouId make a mistakeIt is decided that he for a bus to meet theguests from Bei j i ng.A. caI IB. callsC. arrangeD. arrangedw

25、ish引导的宾语从句表示一种不太可能实现的愿望,用虚拟语气。谓语动词的构成如下:表达意义宾语从句动作一wish从句谓语动词时态examp Ies与现在 事实想 法的愿 望从句动作与wish同时过去时I wish I were a bi rd and couId fly free Iy i n the sky.与过去 事实相 反的愿 望从句动作先于wish过去完成时I wish I had met that film star yesterday.将来难以实现的愿望从句动作后于wi shCouId/wo uId/mi gh t+动词原 形I wish I couId go to Brazi I

26、and watch the WorId Cup.注意:此语法规则同样适用于if only+句子:how I wish +that从would rather + 宾语从句如用虚拟语气,其构成为wou I d rather+动词过去式/过去完成时(从 句动作先发生),意为“我宁愿”She wi I I get home at dinner time, but I wouId rater she got home a IittIe ear I ier.He didn t attend the meet i ng. I wouId rather he had beenpresent.Exercises

27、 4They offered th i s expensive wine, but frank Iy I d rather they(offer) me some beer.I wish I abIe to taIk it over with him when he was here Iast n i ght. (be)Look at the terr i b Ie situation I am i n! How I wi sh I your advice, (take)Sometimes I wish I in a different time and a different pI ace.

28、 (Iive)Wouldn t you rather your child bed early (go)His wife wouId rather that they about thematter any more, (not taIk)If only the exp I os i on, those peop I e wou I d not have been killed. (happen)How I wi sh it(rain). If iti n a few days, the crops wouId be saved, (ra i n)George is going to taIk

29、 about the geography of his country, but I wouId rather he more on its culture, (focus)It is (high) time (that) 意为(现在)该,表示提议。从句前无that,谓语动词用过去式。 如果有that,用动词过去式或用should+动词原形。It is (high) time you went to schooI.It is (high) time that you went to school.It is (high) time that we should start out.if引导的从

30、句as if引导的从句谓语动词与主句谓语动词表达的动作同时发生,从 句谓语动词用过去式;先于主句谓语动词,用过去完成式;后于主句 谓语动词,用过去将来时。He Iooks as if he were an artist.He speaks Engl ish so f IuentIy as if he had studied Engl ish i n Amer i ca.He I earns Eng I i sh so hard as i f he wou I d go to the USA.Exercises 5She was sitting quietly in the garden as

31、if nothing to him. (happen)He fought as hard as if his wife in danger, (are)It s high time you him for hi s be i ng I ate. (cr iticize)Looking around the smaI I village, he fe11 as though he from an evi I dream, (wake)Dr. Bethune worked hard as if he t i red.(never fell)It is high time that such a p

32、ractice an end to. (put)Isn t it high time we responsibly, with our nation s future in mind (I ive)The tree Iooked as if it for a Iong time.(not water)The whole fami Iy greet me as if I a member of thefami I y. (be)5.在高考中,情态动词运用在虚拟语气中表示责备和批评语气。“should (ought to / couId/ may/ might) +have done ” 表示 “

33、过 去应该做而未做到”的虚拟语气。该结构的否定形式则表示“过去不该做的事情却做了”的意思,是一 种委婉的责备。语气最强的是should,语气最弱的是mighto. cou Id have done 本能够做而未做/ ought to have done本应该做而未做t have done 本不必做而做了have done 本可能做而未做rather have done 宁愿做过某事wou I d ( shou I d) like/ I ove to havedone 本想做而未做 具体讲解:.表示委婉批评cou Id/ may/ might +have done结构,常译为“本可以做得更一些”

34、You are I ate aga i n. You could have come ear Ii er.你又来晚了,你本应该早一点来的。You ve made a few mistakes. You might have been a I ittIe b it more carefuI.你犯了几个错误,你本应该更细心些。.表示强烈责备Shou I d/ ought to have done结构,常译为“本应该做的更一 些,结果”You shouId have told me ear I ier that you weren t able to come.你本应该早点告诉我你不能来的。(暗示我

35、在这里已经等了很长 时间了。)You shouldn, t have failed this time.你这次本不该失败的。(暗示对你这次失败的不满).表示本来没有必要needn t + have+过去分词 结构,常译为“做了不必要做的事 情”You needn t have told him. He has a I ready known about i t.你当时没有必要告诉他,他已经知道了。It s so near. We needn t have taken a taxi.这么近,当时我们没有必要做出租车的。VIP Tips 情态动词+ have done表示对过去动作或状态的推测时C

36、an / Gou I d +主语+ have done (疑问句)可能做过某事吗Can t / Couldn t have done(否定句)不可能做过某事may/ might + have done (肯定句) 可能做过某事must have done (肯定句) 一定做过某事高考速递(2012 浙江,19) Had they known what was comi ng next, they second thoughts.A. may haveB. couId haveC. must havehadD. might have had(2012 江苏,35) Happy birthday!

37、Thank you ! It s the best present I for.A. shouId have wishedB. must havewi shedC. may have wishedD. couId havewi shed(2012 山东,30) If we adequate preparations, theconference wouldn t have been so successfuI.A. haven? t madeB. wouldn tmakeC. must have hadD. hadn tmade(2012 安徽,31) Grace doesn, t want

38、to move to New York because she thinks if she there, she wouldn t be able tosee his parents very often.I i veswould I ivehas I i vedI i veswould I ivehas I i vedD. were to I i ve(2012,北京,35) Don t hand Ie the vase as i f it madeof steeI.A. isB. wereC. has beenD. had beenKeys: DDDDC虚拟语气练习题The guard a

39、t the gate insisted that everybody the ru I es.A. obeys B. obey C. wi I I obey D. wouId obeyI wish I you yesterday.A. seen B. d id see C. had seen D. were to see1 f he , he that food.LuckiIy he was sent to the hospitaI immediately.was warned; wouId not takehad been warned; wou Idwas warned; wouId no

40、t takehad been warned; wou Idnot have takenC. would be warned; had not taken D. wouId have been warned; had not takenWithout eIectr icity human I ife quite different today,A. is B. will be C. wouId have been D. wouId beWhen a pen i s part I y i n a glass of water, it I ooks as i f itA. breaks B. has

41、 broken C. were broken D. had been brokenYou d i d not I et me dr i ve. I f we i n return, you so t i red.A. drove; didn tB. drove; wouIdn, tC. dr i vi ng; wouIdn, t getD. had dr i ven; wouIdn, thave gotI didn, t see your unc Ie at the party. I f he, he wouId have said hello to me.wouId comehad come

42、C. cameD. did comewouId comehad comeC. cameD. did comeit for your he I p, I couldn t have made anyprogress.A. Had; not been B. Shou Id; not be C. Did; not beD. Not; beMr Smi h was bad I y ill, or he our d i nner party.A. shou I d come to B. wou I d have attended C. wou I d come to D. shouId have att

43、endedI f on I y he quietly as the doctor i nstructed, he wou I dnot suffer so much now.A. I i es B. I ay C. had laid D. shou I d I i eWhat wouId have happened A. Bob had waIked fatherB. i f Bob shouId waIk fatherC. had Bob waIked fatherD. i f Bob waIked fatherBe I I remembers everyth i ng exact I y

44、as i f i t yesterday.A. was happeni ng B. happens C. has happened D. happenedIt is a pity we can t find him. If he here, heus how to do it.A. were; to I d B. were; wou Id te I I C. had been; had toldD. had been; toldIf we 200 years old, we everything.A. were to be; couId change B. had been; changedC. were; wouId have changed D. should be; changedIf your father th is, he wouId be angry.A. knows B. knewC. had known D. would know your address, I wouId have wr itten to you.A. Did I know B. Were I to know C. Had I kno


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