1、答案解析在题的下面选择填空题ZI一 IS it POSSible for you to WOrk OUt the PIantOnight?选择一项:ll do that.I think so.d IOVe to.l 一 We COUIcl Iet SOme Of the Staff WOrk from home.?一 Thats a good idea.选择一项:DO you have any good ideasWhat do YOU think Of itIS there anything elsefmanagers SPend most Of their time in face-to-
2、face COntaCt With OtherSZbut they SPend much Of it Obtaining and Shanng information.选择一项:NOt OnlyDO not OnIyNOt Only dof SUPerViSOrS ShOUIdtheir employees in two-way COmrnUnicatiOn SO thatUnderstanding takes place.选择项:enableengageenCOUragef It is through enthusiasm and quiet intensityWe tranSfOrrn C
3、reatiVity andViSiOn into the tech no IOgieSe选择一项:that/WhiCh解析解析:本题考核询问可能性的交际用语。常用的答语一般使用I think./I don, t think.等句型表达可能或否定。根据第T兑话人传递的信息,这是询问 能否完成任务,所以答案是BO解析:本题考核表达意见建议的交际用语。A是询问有什么好建议,B是 询问对所提建议的看法,C是询问是否还有要说明、补充的。根据答语,确定 这里是询问看法,所以答案是B, 解析:由not only. but also弓|导的结构,当not Only置于句首时,要采用倒装结构,所以答案是Co,
4、解析:短语engage SOmebOdy in COnVerSatiOn为固定搭配,意为与某人攀谈,所以答案是B。, 解析:此句为强调句It is. that.,所以答案是Ao、选择填空题, 一HOW did your meeting go yesterday?一一actually, it WaS really frustrating.选择一项:NOt SO goodVery goodNOthing SPeCialf identify the PrOblemS that have been OCCUrTing?一WellZ as you know, the PrOblemS We had Wi
5、th Gary CaUSeCI a IOt Of friction among the team.选择一项:What WOUICl youWill youAre you able tof If dema nd is rising but the firmfrom COmrn UniCatiOn failure, the nStOCkS Will fall and there WiIl be Understaffing.选择一项:has been SUfferingis going to SUfferis SUfferingf CreatiVityz especiallyWhiCh takes
6、PlaCe across departmentalboundaries, is Iikely to SUffer hugely as team Synergy slips.选择项:thatthose,5 j WhO WaSthe meeting ?选择一项:ChainngIeaClingCharging解析:本题考核消极评价的交际用语。根据句意,第二说话人要表达的是 负面评价,Very good不合题意,NOthing SPeeial所蕴含的消极程度与后面的 frustrating也不匹配,所以答案是A。解析:本题考核询问工作情况的交际用语。选项A用的疑问词不对,正确 的问句是How WOUI
7、d you;选项B不适用于询问工作情况;选项C表达了 第一说话人需要明确回答的意思,是此处较为理想的答案,所以答案是CO译文:如果需求持续増加而公司遭遇沟通失误,那么库存将下降并且出现人手 不足的情况。解析:此处使用现在迸行时用来表示变化、趋势和发展,是表示一种可能性, 而并非实际发生的或计划发生的事情,因此正确答案是CO4 , 译文:创造力,特别是那些需要跨部门完成的创造性活动,可能因团队协作能 力下降而受到很大冲击。解析:根据句意,此处需要补充一个指代前文CreatiVity的代词,those为复数 形式不匹配,另外也不能缺省不用,因此正确答案应该是AO5,译文:谁主持的会议?解析:Cha
8、ir为多义词,除用作名词外还可用作及物动词,表示主持” lead不和 meeting搭配,Charge也不适用于该语境,因此答案是A。选择填空题1 f 一 COUId I borrow your iPad for a few hours?选择项:YeSZ you CarLSUreZ here you are. EnjOy your time.It doesrt matter.,2 Z WiIl you help me arrange a meeting With Mr. BrOWr please?选择项:A inSide Of the boxOf the boxOUtSide Of the b
9、ox解析1, 解析:本题考核征求允许的交际用语。常用的答语一般有Sure0fCOUrSe/No PrObIem等表示同意。根据第一说话人传递的信息,这是征求允许, 所以答案是Bo2 , 解析:本题考核寻求帮助的交际用语。拒绝他人请求帮助的答语通常有Trn afraid./Sorry, .d be glad to, but.,所以答案是 Co译文:在高中,我既能作为团队一员舒心地工作,也能一个人自在地独立工作。解析:句中的be COmfOrtabIe ,后接名词或动名词,所以答案是BO译文:这些团队性的挑战绝大多数都是无处不在的。解析:情态动词Can表示推测,be +过去分词为被动语态。根据句意
10、,所以答 案是CO译文:我喜欢跳出固有的思维模式,常常是打破现状、应对挑战发现新出路 的那个人。解析:think OUtSide Of the box为固定搭配,暗喻跳出固有思维模式;兑框架 思考,相同的表达还有 thinking OUt Of the box Or thinking beyond the box ,所以答 案是C选择填空题,1 , 一 DO you mind if I USe VOUCherS to SPe nd in a restaura nt?选择项:Yes, PleaSeeNOt at all. GO ahead.No, thank you.2 I Wow! ThiS
11、is a fantastic project! ve never known yore SO creative.选择一项:DOrrtrnentiOn it.GreatZ I dare to Say Iama talent.ThankS for your COmPliments,3 ICIearIy COmrnUnicate With and actively IiSten to employees is essential toimprove their PerfOrmanee.选择一项:Be able toBeing ableBeing able to4 I Fifty-five Per C
12、ent Of the respOndentS Saicl that PraiSe and attention from theirSUPerViSOr WOUld make them feelthe COmPany Cared about them and theirwell-bei ng.选择一项:as ifeven ifIikef AIl the team members tried their best. We IOSt the game,选择一项:howeverthereforeSinCe1 ,解析:本题考核询问意见的交际用语,如果不介意,应该用no之类的答语回 复,如果介意,应该委婉
13、建议对方不这样做,所以答案是BO,2 ,解析:本题考核赞扬夸奖他人的交际用语。常用的答语一般使用Thank you/Thanks等句型表达赞同,但也不应该太过高调,根据第一说话人传递的信息,这是 夸奖,所以答案是CO译文:能淸楚的与员工交流并主动聆听他们是提高他们绩效的关键。解析:此句中is essential to为谓语部分,and连接两个相同的成分CIearIyCOmrTlUnicate With employees 及 actively IiSten to employees ,不定式或动名词可以做 主语,所以答案是CO4 ,译文:55%的回答问题者表示,上级的表扬与关注使他们觉得公司是
14、关心他们和他 们的幸福的。解析:as if 好像;似乎;仿佛;even if 即便,即使;Iike 像“,介词。根据 句子结构,需要一个连接从句的词语,选项为A , B ,根据句意,所以答案是A。5,译文:所有队员都尽力了,但我们还是比赛失败了。解析:therefore意思是因此,表示结果,SinCe意思是因为,表示原因,however意 思是但是,表示转折。这里是表示转折的意思,所以答案是A.阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题HOW to HandIe a Bad PerfOrmance ReVieWGetting a bad PerfOrmance review CBn make you
15、feel angryz Unappreciated, defeated, and hopeless BUt its not the end Of the WOrId Remember that the Way you respOnd to this appraisal Can make all the difference in the next one. EVen if you believe that the review is in accurate and that your boss is COmPIeteIy wrong, you Will ben efit by reacting
16、 in a mature, adult manner. Here are SOme SUggeStiOns:Stay calm. Relax. Breathe. DO not OVerreaet and be objective. ESPeCjallyZ do not Say things that WiIl IikeIy be regretted later. Besides, the PerSOngiVing the PerfOrmance review may Or may not be the One WhO has Written the bad review.What to DO
17、When ReCeiVing a Bad PerfOrmance ReVieWIt,s best to IiSten attentively. And make COmments Or remarks OnlyWhen asked for them. BeSideSZ during the PerfOrmance review, you WiIl be given the Chance to respOnd and may disagree.What to DO After ReCeiVing a Bad PerfOrmance ReVieWDOrrt be intimidated by th
18、e bad PerfOrmance review and Want to quit the job; inSteadZ Iearn from it. Also, if the OrganizatiOn allows their employees to make a Written Statement On their OWn behalf, do make one. It is important for the WOrker to ShOW Why She does not agree With the bed PerfOrmance review; for instanCeZ an em
19、ployee may express their different Understanding and, at the Same time, a WilIingness to COmPly With any conStrUctiVe SUggeStiOns.WayS to ImPrOVe a Bad PerfOrma nce ReVieWA Way to improve a bad PerfOrmance review is to Set self-reviews, that is, establish PerfOrmance Standards. AnOther Way to improv
20、e a bad review is to Iearn more about What the manager, supervisor, Or boss WantS Or expects from his/her employees. Learning What it WaS that CaUSeCl a bad PerfOrmance review helps to improve PrOfeSSiOnal growth and enCOUrageS as Well as motivates the WOrker to do better in Order to receive a good
21、review next time.What ShOUld you do When you are given a bad PerfOrmance review?回答ArgUe With your boss.Make immediate remarks.Stay Calrn and IiSten CarefUlly.What ShOUId you do after you are given a bad PerfOrmance review?回答QUit your job immediately.InSiStOn making COmmentsLearn from the review.What
22、 ShOUId you do if you do not agree With the bad PerfOrmance review?回答Tell the boss directly that you do not agree With the review.Make a Written Statement On your OWn behalf if it is allowed.DO not express your Clifferent Understanding in a Written StatementHOW do you improve a bad PerfOrmance revie
23、w?回答Understand the established PerfOrmance Standards.Learn more about What the employee WantS Or expects.Learn What the PerSOn WhO gives the review may 岀ink.Why ShOUld We Understand the CaUSe Of a bad PerfOrmance review?回答BeCaUSe it helps the employee to get PrOmOteCl immediately.BeCaUSe it enCOUrag
24、eS and motivates the WOrker to do better.BeCaUSe it PreVents the employee from PrOfeSSiOnal growth.答案:1 C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B解析:这是一道推断题。本题询问的是当你刚拿到的绩效考核结果不佳时应该做出的反 应是什么,根据文中提到的Stay calm. Relax. Breathe. DO not OVerreaCt and be objective.和It S best to IiSten attentively.表达了保持镇静和汪意聆听的意思, 所以答案是CO这是一道推断
25、题。本题询问当你拿到差的绩效考核结果后应该怎么做。根据文 中提至U Dorf t be intimidated by the bad PerfOrmance review and Want to quit the job; instead, Iearn from it.表达了从中学习的意思,所以答案是C。这是一道细节题。本题询问当你不同意业绩评价的结果时应该怎么做。此信息 又寸应文章中表述if the OrganizatiOn allows their employees to make a WrItten Statement On their OWn behalf, do make one.
26、 所以答案是 Bo这是一道细节题。本题询问如果绩效考核结果不佳Z今后应该如何改进工作。 此信息对应文童中的表述A Way to improve a bad PerfOrmanCe review is to Set selfreviews, that is, establish PerfOrmance Standardsx 所以答案是 A。这是一道判断题。本题询问为什么我们应该了解绩效考核结果不佳的原因,此 信息对应文章中的表述Learning What it WaS that CaUSeCl a bad PerfOrmance review helps to improve PrOfeSSiO
27、nal growth and enCOUrageS as WeIl as motivates the WOrker to do better in Order to receive a good review next time. 所以答案是 BO阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题HOW to AdaPt to Change in the WOrkPlaCeIf theres One WOrd that CaPtUreS the essence Of What is OCCUrring in the WOrIcl today, its /zchange. DOWnSiZingZ reorgan
28、izing, and CUtting COStSZ are now the norm for SUrViVaL NO industry is exempt. EVen the most COnSerVatiVe inStitUtiOns areUndergoing SignifiCant Change just to survive.Changemanagement has always been an issue Of debate amongst scholars: how Can employers Create SUitable COnditiOnS for a SUCCeSSfUl
29、Change process? And What Can employees do to get through it?TiPS for dealing With Change in the WOrkPlace.Make yourself aware that Change happens: it happens in PerSOnal life, it happens in your PrOfeSSiOnal life. YOU CannOt IiVe in the past, SO denying that Change COUIel OCCUr Only makes things mor
30、e COmPliCated for you.Stay alert in the WOrkPlace: know What is happening around you. When you COme across ClUeS that hint Cha nge is On the WayZ ack no WIedge them!Maintain OPen COmrnUniCatiOn Channels: DOrYt Iay back and expect things to PaSS you by SmOOthly. YOU need to get acquainted With the OC
31、CUrnng Changes Seek more CletailS from your management and PeerS to form an accurate Understanding Of the matter. Be tranSParent and honest about your fears: dealing With the UnknOWn is Often resented and daunting Make the PiCtUre as Clear as you CarLAssess yourself: Change is a time When OnWSCOnfid
32、ence about ones SkilIS and CaPabiIitieS gets shaky. ReCOgnize your Strengths and Where you COUld bring them into play. At the Same time, Stay aware Of your developmental areas and WOrk On improving those.Dont be stiff: It Will make the Change PrOCeSS much harder if you are rigid. Be flexible enoUgh
33、to IOOk at the Clifferent angles Of the Change and See Where you COUIcl apply your existing SkiIlS and knoWIedge, and What news SkilIS you need to acquire.Stay OPtimistic: KeeP a POSitiVe attitude and dont Iet yourself ClrOWn in UnCertainty InVOlVe yourself in the new process; IOCate yourself PrOPer
34、ly in the new SCenario. Adjust!You Carrt get to the top Of EVereSt by jumping UP the mountain. YOU get to the mountaintop by taking inCremental steps. SteP by step, you get to the goal Z SayS RObin SharmaZ One Of the worlds most-sought-after IeaderShiP and PerSOnal SUCCeSS experts.Enterprises Carry
35、OUt downsizing丿 reorganizing and CUtting COStS in Order to 回答CUt down On the number Of WOrkerSreshuffle the OrganizatiOnSUrViVeNo industry is exempt means 回答NO industry is an exceptiOnNO industry is an exampleNOt every industry Can be exemptedThe following questiOnS are Often discussed among SChOlar
36、S EXCEPT 回答HOW Can bosses Create favorable COnditiOnS for ChangeHOW Can PrOdUctiVity be inCreaSeClWhat Can WOrkerS do to get through ChangeHOW many SUggeStiOnS does the author PUt forward?回答 TOC o 1-5 h z 456FrOrn the PaSSageZ We know that RObin Sharma is 回答an expert On IeaderShiPZ and PerSOnal SUCC
37、eSSa great IeaderSOmeOne WhO IikeS to Play the game Of Hide and Seek答案:1 C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A解析:1这句话的意思是:为了生存(SUrViVe),企业需要裁员,重组以及降低成本。所以选 择C。乙EXemPt是免除的意思,整句意为没有那个行业可以例外,所以选择A。3.这是一道细节题。根据原文中第二段,学者们经常讨论how Can employers Create SUitable COnditiOnS for a SUCCeSSfUl Change process? And What Can emplo
38、yees do to get through it?O选项B与本句意思符合j故选BO原文中 TiPS for dealing With Change in the WOrkPlaCe 给出了六个 TiPS 即建议Z 所以选CO从原文最后一段可知RObin Sharma是全球炙手可得的研究领导和成才的专家OneOf the worlds most-sought-after IeaderShiP and PerSOnal SUCCeSS experts f 所以选 Ao选择填空题(每题10分,共5题)1 f 一 Ternbly SOrry to in terrupt, but may I USe
39、your diction ary?Yes,.选择一项:Of COUrSeit does nt matterno hurry,2 I 一 The AUtO ShOW in the City StadiUm has been CanCeleC1.一 0h, no !选择一项:What a pity!It doesrt matter!C Its not interesting at all!/,3 I Their economy is export.选择一项:OnentedOnentatingOnentation TOC o 1-5 h z 4 f What Can We expecthim?选择一
40、项:infromOnf After days OfinVeStigatior the POIiCe Werereality.选择一项:IOOking intoB approach!ngC finding,解析:本题考查交际用语。no hurry不必看急;it doesnt matter没关系;Of COUrSe当然。所以答案是A。,解析:本题考核交际用语和语境理解能力。根据Oh, no可知说话人对汽车展的 取消感到很遗憾。A选项What a Pity意为真可惜;B选项It doesnt matter意为没关系;C选项Its not interesting at all意为一点也没意思。根据语境
41、应用What a pity.作答,表示很遗憾,所以答案是AO,3译文:他们的经济是外向型的。解析:外向型经济的英语表达是export Onented ,所以答案是AO4 ,译文:我们可以指望从他那丿到什么?解析:expect Sth from sb,意为指望从某人得到某物。符合语境,所以答案是BO5,译文:经过几天的调查,警察正在接近真相。解析:IoOkintO意为调查approach意为接近汕nd意为发现,但一般 不与进行时态连用,所以答案是BOHOW DO YOU Create a CUItUre Of InnOVatiOn?HaVe you nOtiCed the COUrage bur
42、ied in the WOrel encourage? TO Create a CUltUre in WhiCh innoVatiOn flourishes takes courage. Determined innoVatOrS are always COUrageOUS enoUgh to establish a CUltUre in WhiCh innoVatiOn is greatly enCOUrageCl and rewarded. Here are three WayS to do that.PUt innoVatiOn at the heart Of StrategyZ and
43、 PerSiSt it in every message. Think Of innoVatiOn Strategy as a pyramid: big bets at the top, a few PrOjeCtS in development in the middle, and a broad base Of COntinUOUS improvements, IaSting COntributiOnSF and early-stage new ideas at the bottom.Define jobs around innoVatiOrL Make it a job PrereqUi
44、site. COnSider 3Mz S move to become One Of the first COmPanies to tell PrOfeSSiOnaIS that they COUld SPend 15 PerCent Of their time On PrOjeCtS Of their OWn ChOOSing NOW many high-tech COmPanies know that they CarVt get the best talent WithOUt PrOViding this kind Of flexibility. And SOme Of those Se
45、If-SeleCtedZ Self-Organized PrOjeCtS might even result in a blockbuster PrOdUCt Or Iine Of business. FOr 3Mz it WaS the Post-it note.ReCOgnize innoVatiOn in every Part Of the COmPany TO build a CUltUre Of CreatiVity and innoVatiOr Gillette developed an innoVatiOn fair in WhiCh every Unit COUld ShOW
46、Off its most PrOmiSing new concepts. It ShOWS that everyOne has a role to Play in a CUItUre OfinnOVatiOrLTO go from idea to SUCCeSSfUl innoVatiOn requires a great deal Of SUPPOrt and COIlabOration. When PeOPIe are SUrrOUnded by COnStant COmrnUniCation and enCOUragement, they Can find the COUrage to
47、try, fail, redo, and try again.What is necessary in Creating innoVatiOn CUItUre?回答communicatio nBxourageCimmitatio nHOW does 3M Create its innoVatiOn CUltUre?回答PUt innoVatiOn at the heart Of strategy, and PerSiSt it in every message.define jobs around innoVatiOrLReCOgnize innoVatiOn in every Part Of
48、 the COmPany.The WOrel PrereqUiSite in Make it a job PrereqUiSiten means 回答required as a PriOr COnditiOngoing afterPriOr to requestHOW does GiIlette Create its innoVatiOn CUItUre?回答PUt innoVatiOn at the heart Of StrategyZ and PerSiSt it in every message.define jobs around innoVatiOrLReCOgnize innoVa
49、tiOn in every Part Of the COmPany.The formation from idea to innoVatiOn needs 回答discussiOnand revisefailure and COUrageSUPPOrt and COOPeratiOn答案:1 B 乙 B 3. A 4. C 5. C解析:1这是一道细节题。本题询问创造一种创新文化,最必要的因素是什么?J 此题 信息对应文章第一段的第三句话 Determined innovators are always COUrageOus. Z 所 以选择BO这是一道主题句理解题。本题询问3M公司是怎么建立
50、它的创新文化的? “此题信 息对应文章第三段里主题句的例子支撑,即Define jobs around innovation.,所以 选择B3.这是一道词义判断题。本题询问prerequisite的含义,首先从构词法的角度来看, PrereqUiSite中含有前缀Pre,表示前,根据三个选项的意思,排除B(going after 随后),PnOr to request 表示之前的请求,放入句子 Make it a job PrereqUiSite , 意思不正确,所以选择A。4.这是一道主题句理解题。本题询问吉列公司是怎么建立它的创新文化的?此题 信息对应文章第四段里主题句的例子支撑,即ReC
51、OgniZe innovation in every Part Of the company.,所以选择 CO5.这是一道关键词理解题。本题询问从想法到创新的实现需要。此题信息对 应文章的结尾部分,所以选择Co、阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误WhO KiIIed Nokia?NOkia executives attempted to explain its fall from the top Of the SmartPhOne PyramiCl With three factors: 1) that NOkia WaS technically inferior to Apple, 2) th
52、at the COmPany WaS COmPlaCent and 3) that its IeaderS didnt See the disruptive iPhone coming.It has also been argued that it WaS none Of the above. NOkia IOSt the SmartPhOne battle because Of diverge nt ShareCl fears among the COmPany,s middle and top managers WhiCh Ied to COmPanywide inertia that I
53、eft it POWerleSS to respond to Apples game.BaSeCl On the findings Of an in-depth investigation and 76 interviews With top and middle managers, engineers and external experts, the researchers CliSCOVereel a CUItUre Of fear due to temperamental IeaderS and that frightened middle managers Were SCareCl
54、Of telling the truth.The fear that froze the COmPany Came from two places. FirStJ the companys top managers had a terrifying reputation. SOme members Of Nokias board and top management Were described as UeXtremely temperamental” and they regularly ShOUted at PeOPIe “at the top Of their IUngs”. It Wa
55、S Very CIiffiCUlt to tell them things they didnt Want to hear. SeCOndly, top managers Were afraid Of the external environment and not meeting their quarterly targets, WhiCh also impacted how they treated middle managers.TOP managers thus made middle managers afraid Of CliSaPPOinting them. Midclle ma
56、nagers Were told that they Were not ambitious enoUgh to meet top managers goals.Fearing the reactions Of top managers, middle managers remained Silent Or PrOVidecl OPtimiStic, filtered informatiOrL ThUS) middle managers ClireCtly Iied to top management.Worse, a CUItUre Of StatUS inside NOkia made ev
57、eryOne Want to hold OntO VeSted POWer for fear Of resources being allocated elsewhere if they delivered bad news Or ShOWed that they Were not bold Or ambitious enough to Undertake Challenging assignments.BeyOncl Verbal PreSSUre, top managers also applied PreSSUre for faster PerfOrmanCe in PerSOnnel
58、SeleCtiOn. ThiS Ied middle managers to OVer PrOmiSe and Under deliver. One middle manager told US that UyOU Can get resources by PrOmiSing SOmething earlier, Or PrOmiSing a lot. Its SaleS work.MWhiIe modest fear might be healthy for motivation, abusing it Can be Iike OVerUSing a drug, WhiCh risks ge
59、nerating harmful Side effects. TO reduce this risk, IeaderS ShOUlel COOrCIinate With the Varied emotions Of the staff. Nokias top managers ShOUlCl have encouraged Safe dialogue, internal COOrClinatiOn and feedback to UnderStand the true emotiOn in the OrganizatiOrL操作提示:正确选T,NOkia IOSt the SmartPhOne
60、 battIe because its technology is not as good as that Of Apple.回答I二INokias middle managers Vyere frank to tell the truth, but the top OneS Clidnt IiSten to them.回答3Nokias top managers Were too moody to hear any thing good but harsh.回答 勺Middle managers in NOkia delivered results more than they PrOmiS
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