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1、第八段一、He or she must be able to embrace ambiguity and stick his or her neck out to drive to a conclusion.embrace vt. 1、 拥抱 He embraced his daughter. 2、(欣然)接受 to embrace an idea/the new information age accept new ideas 3、(乐意)采取,利用,抓住 to embrace an opportunity seize/grasp the opportunity 4、 开始从事 to emb

2、race a new profession take up a new profession 5、 信奉、皈依 to embrace Buddhism to believe in God 6、 环绕 an island embraced by the sea an island surrounded by the seavi. 互相拥抱 Two lovers embraced . Two lovers hug each other n. 拥抱;怀抱 warm embrace 短语:1、embrace emotion 拥抱感情2、embrace tomorrow 拥抱明天 a promise f

3、or tomorrow3、embrace life 拥抱生活4、spinal embrace 脊柱强直hug 1、(有感情地)拥抱 They warmly hugged me to show their e .2、坚持(的偏见、观点等)to hug ones opinion stick to ones opinion stand ones ground 3、靠近 to hug to the coast to close to the coast短语:1、hug oneself 庆幸 She hugged herself for never thinking of losing weight.2

4、、give sb a big hug 紧紧抱住某人 She give her husband a big hug after the earthquake.enfold vt. 1、裹住,封,包住 to enfold sb in a cloak2、拥抱,紧抱 He enfolded her in his arms.3、连累,牵涉 to enfold oneself in many griefs to involve oneself 短语:Let happiness enfold you 区别:除上述固定搭配不同外,hug 比embrace 指的拥抱程度更深,抱得更紧。ambiguity n.1

5、、歧义 This wording is likely to lead to ambiguity.This wording is likely to lead to different meanings. 2、含糊 There is considerable ambiguity about what this part of the agreement actually means.There is considerable uncertain factors about what this part of the agreement actually means.vagueness n. 1、

6、含糊 Vagueness makes it difficult to understand the meaning of the idea .Many were equivocal about the idea.2、暧昧 The singer,Wangfei,has a song named Vagueness.stick ones neck out 1、露出破绽The interviewer tried to trip me up with his questions.show ones slip2、冒风险 If you find yourself avoiding new opportun

7、ities,its time to take a chance.take/run a risk 英译英:He or she must be able to embrace ambiguity and stick his or her neck out to drive to a conclusion.Hugging the uncertain factors and taking a risk to drew a conclusion is the ability that he or she must have.二、Putting your neck on the line like thi

8、s is a skill set that all employers look for in their best people.put ones neck on the line 冒险e.g.Ive already put my neck on the line for you once and Im not going to do it again.结构相似词组1:put ones shoulder to the wheel 努力工作;经受磨难e.g.The way to put ones shoulder to the wheel is to add ones own strong a

9、nd optimistic intention.The way to working hard at your job is to add ones own strong and optimistic intention.结构相似词组2:put ones back into 奋发做某事e.g.The high school students will put their back into studying.结构相似词组3:put ones finger in anothers pie 多管闲事stick ones neck out 冒风险e.g.If you find yourself av

10、oiding new opportunities,its time to stick your neck out.take a chance 冒险e.g.Sometimes you just have to take a chance and correct your mistake.run a risk 冒险e.g.He was not afraid to run a risk.skill set 技能集,e.g.The managers wish the individual to round out their skill set.round out 完成,完善;使丰满,使变圆e.g.1

11、、He is rounding out nicely now.2、The only way to round out your education is by going deep into the realities of life.set 1、放置,摆 to set a magazine on the desk to put/place it on the desk2、集合 the field of set theory collective noun3、电器装置 Children spend so much time in front of television set. Turn of

12、f all electrical appliances4、决定,确定 A date will be set for a future meeting. Think about it very carefully before you decide.5、(太阳)落下 They watched the sun set. The sun already gone down.词组:1、set off 出发,动身 The next morning,we set off. It was raining when we set out.2、set down 写下 Old Walter is setting

13、down his memories of village life. He write down his address.3、set about 开始做,着手I set out reading the book for 2 hours. He will take up a new job.4、television set 电视机5、set up 建立,开业to set up an organization to build up the family business6、a set of 一套,一组 a complete set of equipment. a suit of clothesl

14、ook for 1、寻找 He began to look for a new job after he was fired. search for new water sources2、期待 We never looked for such a surprising result. Jack and Mary expect their second son.3、招惹Youre looking for trouble if you dont pay your taxes. To stick ones neck out 招惹祸事 I am not easily provoked,but his

15、behavior is intolerable.结构相似的词组:1、look after 照顾I love looking after the children.2、look ahead to 向前看 look ahead to the future3、look a gift horse in the mouth 对礼物吹毛求疵 Do not look a gift horse in the mouth.受礼勿问价 hypercritical吹毛求疵的 hyperactive 活动过度的 hypertension 高血压 hypotension 低血压英译英:Putting your neck

16、 on the line like this is a skill set that all employers look for in their best people.What all employers search for in their best people is a set of skill that people can run a risk like this.第十一段:Scientists spend their lives accumulating knowledge and developing technical acumen.accumulate 积累e.g.L

17、ead can accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached.How had he amassed his fortune?fortune 1、财富 the value and fortune wealth of the society 2、命运Investors are starting to wonder how long their good fortune can last. Fate brought us together.acumen 敏锐,聪明e.g.Acumen is the ability to make good

18、 judgments and quick elligent 1、聪明的Susans a very intelligent women2、智能的Intelligent computers will soon be an good assistant for every doctor. smart network bright 1、鲜艳的a bright red dress vivid blue2、明亮的a bright October day a lightful room3、聪明的He is brighter than average.clever 聪明的e.g.He

19、is a clever man.英译英Scientists spend their lives accumulating knowledge and developing technical acumen.Scientist take time to increase knowledge and training a sense of acute about technology .第十一段:The scientist who is transitioning into the business would must prioritize his or her relationship ass

20、ets above their technical assets.transition 1、转变You have to make the transition. change ones stand shift ones ground social transformation2、过渡How and when do you hope to make the transition? interim government in transit 在运输中prioritize 1、优先考虑Prioritizing your own wants rather than thinking about oth

21、ers.I prefer to think of peace not war.2、确定(任务)优先顺序Make lists of what to do and prioritize your task.词组:prioritize education 教育优先prioritize over 相对His intelligence is comparatively favorable with that of his brother.asset1、资本Our creativity in the field of technology is our greatest asset.Companies a

22、re having difficulty in raising capital.2、资产By the end of 2015 the group had assets of $3billion.real properties 不动产英译英The scientist who is transitioning into the business would must prioritize his or her relationship assets above their technical assets.If the scientist want to change from scientifi

23、c community to business circles,he or she must treat relationship assets as more important than their technical assets.第十二段:Indeed,the key players Ive met who work at the bench in industry have succeeded in great measure because theyve been able to work with a broad variety of personalities,up and d

24、own the organization. at the bench 基层 基础e.g.We should build the Party well at the bench.Go down to the grass roots units 深入基层The primary courts 基层法院It is closer to basic level.in great measure 很大程度上e.g.They can protect the interest of athletes in great measure.They depend on the consumers to a great extent.They depend on the consumers largely.So much of


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