



1、SafetyHandbook目的 Intention 以人为本,安全第一的安全方针,特制订本手册。InordertomakesurepersonalsafetyandpropertysafetyofallthestaffinSIBCO,and improve our team members safety awareness, implement” people oriented,safetyfirst”safetypolicy,wespeciallymakethissafetyhandbook.Safetypolicy以人为本,安全第一PeopleOriented,SafetyFirst涵盖

2、范围 SafetyrangeOfficesafety例如在飞机上,在餐厅里onairplane,inrestaurant)员工在离开办公室时应将保密文件上锁Theconfidentialfileshouldbeputintoasafeplaceandlockedwhenstaffisoutofoffice锁The last one who leave the office is responsible for turning off all thelightsandelectricalappliances使用办公电器时,应严格遵照使用说明Please comply with the instr

3、uction when using electrical appliances inoffice保证安全通道畅通,办公区域制止吸烟Keeptheescapewayunblocked,smokinginofficeisforbidden人员If your personal property or our companys property is stolen,please call the police at onceTrafficsafety为确保出行安全,我们每个员工要自觉遵守交通规章。Every member should obey the traffic laws and regulat

4、ions consciously sothatwecanensuresafetyofourselvesWhen crossing roads, we should look left and right, take the pedestrian crossing, obey polices command, make sure “ red light stop, green lightgo”.乘坐公共交通时,要管好自己的行李,以防失窃。When taking the public transportation, we should take care of ourbaggageincaseof

5、losingorbeingstolen.外出时,要尽量避开乘坐无营业执照的交通工具或黑车。Avoidtaking the unlicensed transportation or illegal cub when we areout.Accommodationsafetyanddietetichealth住宿安全:在外留宿时,应选择安全系数比较高的酒店,比方连锁Accommodation safetywed better choose a high safetyhotel, such as chain hotel, ask the receptionist to take care of ou

6、r valuable goods, and confirmthedoorisshutbeforesleeping.身体不适或者食物中毒等事故。Dietetic health: the small street stall is not a good choice for having a meal, in order to keep our body in good condition, wed better have a mealinahealthyrestaurant.现场效劳过程安全 Safety of on site service着装:在客户现场效劳时,必需穿工作服、工作鞋,戴安全帽

7、。假设戴适宜的服装。Dressing: we must wear work clothes, work shoes & safety helmet when doing service on site, if necessary, we should wear some protectiveequipment, such as a respirator or a gas mask in case of dust or poison gas.If the site is clean room or some special environment, our dressing dependsonc

8、ustomersrequirements.2m 工具应放在稳妥的地方,防止高空落物伤人。Work aloft: it belongsto work aloft when working morethan 2 metersabove the ground, the people with heart disease or high blood pressure is not suitable for working aloft, before work aloft, its important to checkthe frame or ladder carefully,it shouldbefi

9、xed and reinforced if it hasbeen damaged or deformed, the man working aloft must tie safety belt, andallthematerialsandtoolsshouldbetakencare,its not allowed to throwsomethingupanddownincaseofinjurypeople.电气安全:Electricitysafetya 执行电气操作人员必需持有电工证,穿绝缘鞋。Theelectricaloperatormusthaveaelectricalcertificat

10、eandwearapairofinsulatedshoes.b认。然后挂好写有设备修理中,请勿合闸的安全标志,并通知现场全部操作此设备的员工。Before handling the electrical circuit, the system s power source shouldbe cut off, youdbetterreconfirmthevoltage using a multimeter, andthen label a sign with a phrase: equipment maintenance, do not switch on,atlast,weshouldinfo

11、rmallthepeoplewhooperatethissystem.c 带有电容的电路必需等电容放电完成,才能操作该电路。Thecapacitormustbedischargedcompletelybeforeoperatingthecircuit.d 没有监护人时,不得单独操作电气电路Operationthecircuitaloneisnotallowed,itsatleast2personsonsite.相沟通电的相序是否正确,全部的电气设备均保护接地,防止因设备绝缘设施破坏,而消灭的漏电现象。Before switching on the system, the power suppl

12、y should be confirmedwhether it can match the system s electrical requirements, pay attentionto the phrase sequence, all the electrical parts must be grounded so that thereisnocurrentleakagewhentheinsulationisdamaged.额定功率。Check the power supply of each electrical component step by step, andconfirmwh

13、etheritcanreachtheratedvoltageandwattage.坏电路板。Makesureyouareproperlygrounded,becausestaticelectricitycontainsthousandsofvoltsandcaneasilyburnanIntegrationchip. 的后果。Donottouchanyequipmentthatyoudonotknowhowitworks,becauseitwilloccurunimaginedaccidentifyouoperateitinawrongway.操作。You must conform the i

14、nstruction of SOP or users guide strictly whenhandlingtheequipment.c 使用较锐利的工具,比方刀子、钳子、剪刀等时,要留意安全。Please pay attention to the sharp tools, such as knife, pinchers, scissorsandsoon.伤。Please wear gloves and safety shoes when uplifting and moving the heavymachine.安装设备的脚轮时,需用千斤顶或油压车将设备完全顶住,才能操作,否则,可能会因设备

15、突然下落,而造成手脚被砸伤的后果。Mostofthemachinesneedtoinstalltheadjustablefeetfortheinitialinstallation, you know, the equipment is heavy, so when you install the adjustable feet, at least use two jacks and make sure the machine has been propped up firmly, otherwise it could damage yourhand.操作运转中的机械部件前,应先断开该局部的动力

16、源.Before handling running mechanical part, you should first disconnectitspowersupply.气压、液压以及高温Airpressure,hydraulicpressureandhightemperature才能对其进展操作。Please first release it s pressure before you operate compressed airsupplyorhydraulicsupplypart.手直接接触高温的设备,如须接触,请戴上防高温隔热手套。If you have to touch toxic

17、substance, please wear rubber gloves inadvance.Ifyouhavetotouchhightemperature equipment,pleasethermalresistedgloves.火灾的防范及逃命 Firepreventionandescape外出效劳时,如发生火灾,我们需要留意以下几点:When we are out, if there is a fire happening to us, we should do thefollowings:定风向,并在火势未集中前,朝逆风方向快速离开火灾区域。When a fire has happe

18、ned inside a building, please keep calm, dont run here and there, confirm the fires location and wind direction, we should escape the fire scene against the wind ASAP before the fire spreadwidely.烧身。If the corridor has been blocked by thick smoke during escape, firstly, weshouldclosedoorsandindoorairventsincaseofflowinginsmoke,then use damp towel to cover month and nose, water the clothes on ourbodyincaseofbeingburnt地区。Dontjumpfromthewindow,ifthebuildingisnothigh,youcanusea


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