1、2022 年山东高考英语作文范文今年,训练部直属示范高校将招收一批免费示范生,同学毕业后须回生源所在省份的中学校任教 10 年以上,你愿意成为一名免费示范生吗?请陈述理由;参考范文: Recently I learned From the newspaper that normal universities belonging to the Education Department would recruit some students free. As a return, the students must serve as a primary school teacher for at l
2、east 10years in his hometown. I feel that is a good news for me and I will contact the universities to get enrolld. First of all, ads a farmers child, my familys living condition is not so good, I can hardly afford the high tuition of regular universities. I am so happy to get this chance to become
3、a college student and coninue my study. Secondly, serving as a teacher is my dream since I was a child. I was brought up in a mountain village. Many of my little friends got poor education and they had to get to work as a teenager. If I become a teacher, I will devote myself to give them better educ
4、ation. Lastly, our country is in great need of teachers, especially in rural areas. After I graduate, I will return to my hometown and serve as a good teacher. 2022 年山东高考英语作文范文假设你是新华中学的同学张华,班里从外地转来一名同学李明,他一时无法融入到新的班集体中,感到很苦恼;请依据以下要点用英语 Q 吧给他写封信:1、帮他分析缘由; 2 、给他提出建议; 3 、陈述你帮忙他的具体准备;留意:词数 120 150 Dear
5、LiMing, I know you are now having trouble communicating with others, and you may often feel lonely. Thats because you are new here and people dont know about you. But I think you can make it if only you can follow the advice below. First, you should take an active part in the discussions and show yo
6、ur own opinions about the matters, and at the same time, learn to list en to other peoples views. Second, you should learn about your classmates likes and dislikes. Then you can have much in common with them. This way, you can get to know more different people and show them that you are just as frie
7、ndly.Last but not least, I m always here ready to help. we can take part in some activities together and I can introduce you to others. With time going on, people will know you better and will like to make friends with you if you can do as the above. Yours, 08 年山东卷高考英语作文及范文假设你是新华中学的同学张华,班里从外地转来一名同学李
8、明,他一时无法融入到新的班集体中,感到很苦恼;请依据以下要点用英语 Q 吧给他写封信:1、帮他分析缘由;2、给他提出建议;3、陈述你帮忙他的具体准备;留意:词数 120 150 Dear Li Ming, 亲爱的李明;I know you are now having trouble communicating with others, and you may often feel lonely. That s because you are new here and people dont know about you. But I think you can make it if only
9、 you can follow the advice below. 我知道你现在有麻烦与他人沟通,而且你可能常常感到孤独;那是由于你是新搬来的,人们不知道的关于你的事;但我认为你能做到,假如只有你能遵从这项建议如下;First, you should take an active part in the discussions and show your own opinions about the matters, and at the same time, learn to listen to other peoples views. Second, you should learn ab
10、out your classmates likes and dislikes. Then you can have much in common with them. This way, you can get to know more different people and show them that you are just as friendly. Last but not least, Im always here ready to help. we can take part in some activities together and I can introduce you
11、to others. 第一 ,你应当积极参与争论和展现你自己的看法,有关事宜 ,与此同时 ,学习倾听别人的看法; 第二,你必需明白你的同学的好恶;然后你可以与他们有很多共同之处;这种方式 ,你能结识更多的不同的人 ,向他们说明你是一样友好;最终但并非最不重要 以参与一些活动联系在一起 ,而我可以把你介绍给别人;,我总是在这里 ,预备 “我们可With time going on, people will know you better and will like to make friends with you if you can do as the above. 随着时间的推移,人们就会知
12、道 ,你得更好 ,也会想和你做伴侣吗.假如你可以做以上任何一件事情;Best regards, 问候 , Zhang Hua 张华2022 年山东高考英语作文范文假设你是李华,曾在美国学校,现现已回国;你想联系你 的美国老师 Mr.Smith. 但没有其联系方式,请依据以下几 点给你的美国同学 Tom写一封信:1 感谢 Tom对你英语学习的帮忙;2 询问 Mr. Smith 的近况并索要其联系方式;3 邀请 Tom在春节期间来中国感受中国文化;留意: 1. 词数 120-150 ;2可适当增加细节;Dear Tom, I am now back China and sound. In this
13、 letter I would like to convey my heartfelt appreciation to you for your kind assistance in my English learning when I was in New York. Additionally, your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly welcomed and transformed my first American trip into a unforgettable memory. I have been missin
14、g our English professor, Mr.Smith whose unusual cast of mind,wide and varied knowledge,together with a singular personal charm,combined to exert a strong influence on me.What about him recently. I desire to contact him for some suggestions on improving my listeningability.However,his email address i
15、s not available.So would you mind delivering it to me via the online mailbox. I am more than delighted to invite you to join us to celebrate the Spring Festival -Chinese Lunar New Year so that I can repay your friendship.You can partner with me to have a try in lion dances ,which is extremely exciti
16、ng. And the grand lantern festival parade will be bound to impress you. I assure you that you would enjoy visiting here as I did at you home. With my best regards 假设你是新华中学的同学李华,你和在上海上学的英国伴侣Tom 约好下周末去北京旅行,但你因故不能赴约;请依据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:1. 表示赔礼2. 说明缘由3. 另约时间留意: 1.词数 120-150 2.可适当增加细节Dear Tom: How are yo
17、u going. We made a plan that we would travel in Beijing together next week. While, I should apologize to you because I cannot go there on time for the reasons as follows. First, I cannot deny that it can help us broaden our horizon and deepen our mind when we travel in Beijing. However, the governme
18、nt encourages us students to go to Shanghai due to the fact that the EXPO is being held in Shanghai now. As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot. After finish my college entrance examination, I am eager to learn something about study from the EXPO to prepare for my education in college. In
19、addition, I have been busy with the preparation of the college entrance examination for about half a year and got tired. I need some time to relax instead of traveling. For the reasons that I mentioned above, I want to show my apology again. And would you please reschedule your time. Shall we travel
20、 in Beijing after two weeks. I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. Yours, Li Hua 春节作文写春节作文前,我们可以先回忆下过春节是我们参与过的活动,如贴倒福、分压岁钱、吃饺子、掸扬尘、贴年画、贴剪纸、放鞭炮、守岁、给压岁钱、挂千 千结、贴春联等, 然后挑一个我们印象深刻的上网查些资料,可以到百度搜春节 的八个习俗, 春节的由来与传奇等, 也可以上作文网作文素材频道找到相关资料 再进行介绍;作文题目可以自拟,如欢庆春节,春节游文庙,除夕之夜,漂亮的春节
21、,春 节花会开头部分:大致介绍一下春节,及春节的一些习俗,点明你所要介绍的习俗;(略写)其次部分:介绍这一习俗的来历、象征意义等,像剪纸、年画、千千结等仍 可以写写这些物品的种类、样子等;(具体)第三部分:回忆自己参与这一活动的情形;(具体)结尾结尾部分:写写自己对这一习俗的感受;每个部分举例:开头部分:大致介绍一下春节, 及春节的一些习俗, 点明你所要介绍的习俗;(略写)例:元宵节是我国的四大节日之一,元宵节一过,春节也就算过完了,所以 这一天是特别郑重和喧闹的; 过元宵节的节目丰富多彩, 有布满乐趣的看花灯猜 灯谜,有喜气洋洋的舞龙,仍有喧闹特殊的赛龙船;不过,最吸引我们小孩子的 却是那多
22、姿多彩的烟花;其次部分:介绍这一习俗的来历、象征意义等,像剪纸、年画、千千结等仍 可以写写这些物品的种类、样子等;(具体)例:春联代表着欢快祥和;在我们中国,每逢春节,无论城市仍是农村,家家户户都要精选一副大红春联贴在门上,为节日增加喜庆的气氛; 一幅幅春联不仅带来了吉利和祝愿, 仍带来了中国古老的浓浓的文化气息;瞧!“ 大地春光好,长天晓日红”、“ 岁岁皆如意, 年年尽平安”、“ 江山万里如画, 神州四时皆春”、“ 春风送春到处 * 美,喜鹊报喜家家喜事多” 幅幅春联让千家万户喜气盈门;春联的种类比较多;依据使用场所,可分为门心、框对、横批、春条、斗方等;因此,贴的位置也不同,如“ 门心”
23、贴在门板上端中心部位;“ 横批” 贴在门楣的横木上;第三部分:回忆自己参与这一活动的情形;(具体)例:记得去年元宵节的晚上爸爸妈妈带我去工人体育馆看烟花;八点整, 只 听见几声沉闷的声音, 一个个烟花带着红红的火星窜上了天空,几声脆响, 夜空 绽放出几朵漂亮的花朵; 它们的外形和颜色各不相同, 有五光十色的满天星, 金 黄色的蒲公英,紫色的牵牛花,火红的玫瑰花,粉红的月季、银色的百合,真是 绚丽多彩;随着一声声的炮响,人们在惊呼,在称赞,夜色中,人们微微扬起的 脸上也变幻着多姿的颜色,露出了幸福的笑容 结尾结尾部分:写写自己对这一习俗的感受;例:我看着那散发着传统文化芳香的中华结,似乎品尝到了
24、中华民族远古 的神奇和东方的灵秀;它的古香古色,它的千变万化,让我神往,让我遐想 春节的街头今日,是中国传统节日春节;早晨我仍没醒,就听到了鞭炮的声音;平静的社区, 今日显得喧闹特殊; 这喧闹的喧嚣, 把我的睡意一股脑的全都打撒开 来;于是,起床穿上了新衣服连早饭都来不及吃就冲到门外,看着各家各户的炮竹,烟花;接着就是跟爸爸妈妈一起去走街串巷拜年!“ 李伯伯, 新年欢快”“ 王阿姨, 工作顺了” “ 刘奶奶, 身体健康”跟全部的长辈们拜过年之后, 妈妈提议说: 一会,去街上看看, 感受下新年的气氛;一上街,街上可就更喧闹了; 人们手里有提着大袋大袋的菜,身边的孩子手上握着一大把小花炮,蹦蹦跳跳
25、地跑着;看!我左边的一位四、五岁左右的小女孩,跑到前面去; 一下子又转过头对一位满手是鼓鼓的袋子的大人喊着:“ 爸爸,快点!我要回去放炮玩呢!” ;有拿着那边超市发的小气球的,红的,黄的,绿的,仍有蓝的;也有三五成群,手挽着手说说笑笑的姑娘们,小伙子们,忙绿了 一年,辛苦了一年,我想这个时候应当是大家最放松,最兴奋的时候;你看,路灯上仍挂着两个小红灯,喜气洋洋的;就像在说,过新年” ;“ 我们也要过新年,我们也要一进菜市场, 那才更喧闹呢! 人流窜动, 一眼望去, 什么也看不见, 全是人;仍有那翠绿的黄瓜, 可真新奇哪, 你看,那金黄色的小花在太阳的照耀下显得多 么的朝气蓬勃啊;那鲫鱼,鲢鱼,
26、青鱼,草鱼等等在水里游来游去,真是印证了 我们中国的老话:年年有鱼(余)!黄的韭菜,红的番茄,黑的木耳,白的萝卜真 是要什么有什么呀; “ 哎哟!可真够挤的;” 我嘀咕了一句;跟着妈妈买了几个 我爱吃的菜,结完帐就走出了菜场;超市里的收银台前也早已排起了长龙;傍晚时分,街上,又慢慢寂静下来;店主们把店子关了,超市也比平常早了 些许关门;大家都提着东西回家过年去了;到了晚上 6 点左右,社区慢慢寂静,孩子们都回家吃团聚饭去了;吃完团聚 饭 7、8 点的样子社区又重新喧闹起来; 孩子们全都出来放花炮了; 这个放个“ 降 落伞,” 那个又放个“ 天女撒花” 各式各样的花炮全有;每放完一个都会集合好几个孩子, 他们在争论谁的花炮最漂亮,谁的花炮颜色最多, 之后又是阵阵欢乐;大人们或几个
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