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1、PEP小学五年级英语上册知识点归纳及练习PEP小学五年级英语上册知识点归纳及练习PAGE PAGE10小学英语PEP小学五年级英语上册知识点归纳及练习五年级上册英语知识点归纳及同步练习Book 5 A Unit 1 My New Teachers句型: (1) 询问人 Whos your math teacher Miss Zhao . 你们的数学老师是谁。是赵老师。 Whos that woman She is my mother . 那个妇女是谁 她是我妈妈。 (2) 询问人的外貌特征 What s he like He s tall and strong . 他长什么样子 他很高很健壮。

2、 Is she very old No ,she is very young . Is he very short No, she isnt . She is very tall . (3) 询问人的性格特点 Is she very quiet No ,she isnt. She s very active . 她很文静吗 不,她很活跃。 Is she very strict Yes , she is . But she is very kind. 她很严厉吗 是的。 但是她很和蔼。Exercise For Unit 1(一)写出下列词的反义词 young _ quiet _ tall _ s

3、trong _ new _ long _ strict _ (二)填上适当的单词使句子完整通顺。 1 A: _ is the girl B: _ my sister .A; _ Toms father like?B: _ _ thin and quiet.A: Is your English teacher _ B: No, she _ . She is short . _ she is pretty. 4:Mr. Ma is not young .He is _.Miss Zhao is our math teacher . She is very _ .But she is very ki

4、nd . (三) 补全对话 1 A:_ B: Im fine .Thank you . A: _ B: She is my sister . A: _ B: No ,_ . She is very active . 2 A: _ B: Miss White is my English teacher . A: _ B: She is very tall and thin . A:_ B: Yes , she is very young . A: _ B: Yes ,_ .But she is very kind.(四) 根据所给的信息完成句子。 1 What is man like ( 高个

5、,瘦) _. 2 Is your English teacher very active ( 文静的) _. 3 Whos that old woman ( 校长) _ . 4 Is Tom very thin ( 强壮) _. Book 5A Unit 2 My days of the week句型: 本单单元重点学习怎样问星期及怎样回答。今天是星期几 What day is it today?今天是星期一。 Its Monday.2问星期的某天常干什么事及回答。你星期六常干什么 What do you often do on Saturday?我常做家庭作业. I often do hom

6、ework.你们星期三常上些什么课 What do you have on Wednesday?我们上语文、数学和英语. We have Chinese math and English.3 What about you? 那你呢 (用于来问别人同样的问题而又不重复前面的问句。)4. John likes Mondays and Fridays, because he likes .Exercise For Unit 2一、完成句子.Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is _. 2. A: I clean the table and chairs, wash the plat

7、es, clean the floor, make the bed B: Oh, you do much _. 3. _ is it Its eight. 4. Mike _ science on Monday. 5. _ is your . teacher Mr Black is our . teacher. 6. The first day of a week is _. 7. The day before Sunday is _. 8. The day after Wednesday is _. 二、根据上下文补充所缺的句子。 1A: B:Its nine oclock.A: What

8、do you do on Saturdays?B: A: B: We have art class and Chinese class.A: B: Today is Tuesday.A: Whats Sarahs father like?B: A: _ B: Yes, I can swim.三、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确,是则定“T”,否则定“F”。 Hello! My name is Sarah. Im an active girl. From Monday to Friday, I go to school. I like Tuesdays and Fridays, because I

9、 like . classes and art classes. We have . classes on Fridays and we have art classes on Tuesdays. I like my English teacher. She is short , but she is pretty. On Wednesday, I often play ping-pong with my classmates. Its seven oclock now. Oh, its time to do my homework.( )1、Sarah is not a quiet girl

10、.( )2、Sarah likes music classes very much.( )3、Sarah plays ping-pong with her teachers on Wednesdays.( )4、Its time to have . class.( )5、Sarah likes Tuesdays and Fridays.Book 5A Unit 3 My days of the week所涉及的重点句型: What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner (你中餐想吃什么) Id like (some) What do you hav

11、e for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner(时间) (你 吃什么) I have What does have ( 第三人称 吃什么?) He/ She has Whats your favourite food/fruit (你最喜欢的食物/水果是什么?) I like (best). Its / Theyre What about you ( 你呢? ) Do you like ( 你喜欢吗?) Does like Yes, I do. Theyre/ Its Yes, she/he does. No, I dont. Theyre/ Its No, she/ he do

12、esnt. Me too. I dont like Theyre/ ItsThat sounds good. 听起来不错Exercise For Unit 3 根据句意和首字母,填入适当的单词。P_and b_ are meat. I dont like strawberries because theyre s_. A_, b_ and o_ are fruits. What would you like for d_ I like beef, but Im heavy now. I h_ to eat v_.补全对话。Mike: _, Chen Jie Chen Jie : I like

13、bananas. They are Mike: I dont like them, but I like oranges. They are _. Chen Jie: Yes. But they are too _. _ Mike:Id like some French fries and hot dogs. Chen Jie: Id like some French fries and hot dogs. Mike: Lets go and have lunch now. 根据实际情况回答问题或根据答句写问句。 A: B: Id like some potatoes for dinner o

14、n Friday . A: _ _ B: I have fish and beef for lunch on Sunday. 3. A: _ _B: I like chicken.4. A: _ _B: My favourite fruit is bananas. 5. Are green beans your favourite food _ Does your mother like groups? What do you have for breakfast on Sundays? Are you hungry now What food do the rabbits like? 五年级

15、上册 Unit 4 What can you do? 能够灵活运用的有关句型。 1. What can you/he/I do 你/他/我能做什么 I /He/You can . 我/他/你能. 2 . Can you/I/ he 你/我/他能吗? Yes, I/you/he can. / No(sorry) , I cant . 是的,我/你/他能。/ 不,我不能。 But I d like to have a try. 但是我想试一下。语法。(Can 的用法)结构:主语+can + 动词原形。主语没有人称和数的变化。“.表示能” 如: I can sweep the floor. 我能扫地

16、。 You can sweep the floor. 你能扫地。He can sweep the floor. 他能扫地。They can sweep the floor. 他们能扫地。陈述句肯定式:主语+can + 动词原形。 如: I can cook the meals. 我会做饭。陈述句否定式:主语+can +not + 动词原形。 如: I can not / cant cook the meals. 我不会做饭。句式 一般疑问式及回答: Can + 主语 + 动词原形? 如: Can you cook the meals 你会做饭吗 Yes, I can./ No, I cant.

17、 会,我会。/不,我不会。特殊疑问式: What + can +主语+do? 如: What can you do 你会做什么Exercises for unit 4一选择填空。( )1. Can you cook supper ,Mary Sorry, I .A. can B. cant c. dont ( ) 2. can wash the window?A. Where B. Whos C. Who( ) 3. Can you the table, John? A. seat B. sit C. set( ) 4. I often do the for my mother on Satu

18、rdays. A. dishes B. dish C. fish( ) 5. Are you at home ,Kate Yes, I am. A. help B. helpful C. helping( ) 6. I cant wash the clothes. But I put away them. A. can B. cant C. am( ) 7. We do homework on Sundays.A. your B. my C. our( ) 8. Do you the trash at home? A. cook B. make C. empty 二连词成句。1can ,the

19、, do , girl, what? ?2at , home, you , John, are , helpful? ?you , do , can , housework? ?to , Id ,have , a , like , try. ?the ,away, we, clothes, can , put. ?四 按实际情况回答下列问题。1What can you do at home 2Can you use a computer? 3Can you cook the meals? 选出正确的单词填在适当的横线上。his, has , clothes ,housework , stude

20、nt , favourite, his, has , clothes ,housework , student , favourite, do , water, Friday , school, help , like Do Jack is a good .He often helps mother do at home. He can empty the trash and put away the . He can dishes and the flowers. At ,he often his classmates. His classmates him very much. Chine

21、se is his subject(科目). He Chinese from Monday to . Book 5 A Unit 5 What Can You Do 1 句型 What is your room like There are /There is I have 2 介词 On 在上, 在旁, 在时候, 关于 is a book on the desk. 桌上有一本书。2. The school is on the right. 学校在右边。3. On the 1st of October, Im going on a trip. 在十月一号,我要去旅行。4. Ill buy a

22、magazine on plant. 我要去买一本有关于植物的杂志。 ( 表示“关于” 时,相当于“about”) in 在的里面 My book is in my bag. 我的书在书包里面。 under 在下面 The football is under the chair . 足球在椅子下面。 near 在附近 The trash bin is near the desk . 垃圾桶在桌子旁边。 behind 在下面The cat is behind the door . 小猫在门后面。 over 在上面 只在某个物体的正上方,不与物体接触 (on 指在某个物体的上面,和物体接触。) T

23、he bridge (桥) is over the river . in front of 在前方 in the front of 在前部 eg: The teacher is in front of the students . 老师在学生的前面。 The teacher is in the front of the classroom . 老师在教室的前部。 There is a big tree in front of the house . 房子前面有一颗大树。Exercise For Unit 5 一填空 1 The clothes are in the c_. 2 Please p

24、ut the empty bottle (空瓶子) into the t_ _. 3 My mother is cooking dinner in the k_. 4 There is an a_ in my bedroom .Its so cool . 5 There are some c_ the window. 二 根据实际情况回答下列问题。 1 Do you have a bedroom _. 2 Is there a closet in your room _. 3 What is your bedroom like _. 4 Whats on your desk _. 5 Is t

25、here a computer in your room?_. 三 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Look at the picture .It is my bedroom. My bedroom is very nice and clean .There is a big photo on the wall ,over the bed .It is a photo of my family . My dad , my mom, my sister and I are in it .There is a desk and a chair near the bed .On the desk , y

26、ou can see a computer . I can use the computer . There is a basketball under the bed .Basketball is my favourite sport .Are there any closets No .My bedroom is small ,but I like it .( )1 .There are _ people in my family . A four B five C three ( )2 Is there a football in my bedroom A No, there isnt

27、. B Yes , there is . C No ,there is .( )3 The photo of the family if _. A near the window B on the desk C over the bed ( )4 My bedroom is very _. A nice B big C dirty ( )5 Which one is right A There is a closet in my bedroom. B I like playing basketball very much . C I dont have sisters . D I cant u

28、se the computer .四 选词填空1 There is _ ( a, an ,the) end table in my room 2 Put the books _(on, in ,under) the shelf .3 We have a new flat .Its _ (on , in , of ) the third floor.4 _ (Whats , whats ,Hows) your room like Book5 A Unit 6 In a nature park重要句型和语法点:询问在某处是否有, 用句子 Is there Are there any回答时要用 Ye

29、s/ No, there.Is there a lake in the park 公园里有个湖吗?Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. 是的, 有. / 不,没有.Are there any lakes in the park Yes, there are. / No, there arent.There be 句型与have/has 的区别. There be 表示在某地存在有某物.There is / are 其过去式为 There was/ werea /an+ 可数名词单数There is (was)+ +地点(in/on /under/ in front of .) Some/ much+ 不可数名词 There are(were) + 名词的复数形式 + 地点.have/ has 用于表达某人拥有某物.I have three pens and she has only one pen.2. some和 any 的区别.some用于肯定陈述句中. There is some dri


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